def RECEIPT() :
        Billno = Book.Bill_No()

        cur.execute(f"""insert into purchase values({BookID.get()} , '{iDate.get()}');""")
        cur.execute(f"""update stock
                    set book_stock = book_stock - 1
                    where book_id = {BookID.get()}""")

        messagebox.showinfo('Stock Details' , 'Books Sold Successfully!!! Now Printing...')
        data = txtReceipt.get(4.0 , 'end-320c')

        SubTotal = str(Tot.get())
        index_deci = SubTotal.find('.') + 1
        if len(SubTotal[index_deci:]) == 1 : SubTotal += '0'
        NoS_SubTotal = 12 - len(SubTotal[-3::-1])

        roundoff = eval(SubTotal[index_deci:])
        NoS_roundoff = 18 - (len(str(roundoff)) + 7)

        TotalAmt = str(eval(SubTotal) - eval("0." + str(roundoff))) + "0"
        Total = Book.Ind_System(TotalAmt)
        NoS_Total = 12 - len(Total[-3::-1])

        Total_words = Book.no_to_words(Total)
        filename = mktemp('.txt')
        file = open(filename , 'w')
        file = open("Receipt.txt" , 'w')
        file.write("\t\t\t\tSainik Book Shop\n\n")
        file.write("\t\t\tAmaravathinagar, Tiruppur; PIN => 642102\n\n\n")
        file.write(f"Bill No.: {Billno}\t\t\t\t\t\t     Date : {Book.date_mod()}\n\n")
        file.write(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n'))
        file.write("PARTICULARS\t\t\t\t\tQuantity      Rate        Net\n")
        file.write("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Amount\n")
        file.write(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n\n'))
        file.write(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n'))
        file.write((" " * 50) + "Sub Total : " + " " * NoS_SubTotal + f"Rs. {SubTotal}\n")
        file.write((" " * 50) + "Round Off : " + " " * NoS_roundoff + f"-Rs. 0.{roundoff}\n")
        file.write(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n\n'))
        file.write((" " * 54) + "Total : " + " " * NoS_Total + f"Rs. {Total}\n\n")
        file.write(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n\n'))
        file.write(f"Amount in Words : {Total_words}\n")
        file.write(18 * " " + "_" * (len(Total_words)) + '\n\n')
        file.write("\t\t\tThank You, Have a Nice Day!!!")
        doc = dc.Document()

        doc.add_paragraph("\t\t\t\tSainik Book Shop\n\n")
        doc.add_paragraph("\t\t\tAmaravathinagar, Tiruppur; PIN => 642102\n\n\n")
        doc.add_paragraph("Bill No.: {}\t\t\t\t\t\tDate : {}\n\n".format(Billno , Book.date_mod()))
        doc.add_paragraph(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n'))
        doc.add_paragraph("PARTICULARS\t\t\t\t\tQuantity      Rate        Net\n")
        doc.add_paragraph("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Amount\n")
        doc.add_paragraph(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n\n'))
        doc.add_paragraph(('-'.center(80 , '-') + '\n'))
        doc.add_paragraph((" " * NoS_Total) + "Total : Rs. {}\n\n".format(Total))
        doc.add_paragraph(NoS_Total_Words * " " + "Amount in Words : {}\n\n".format(Total_words))
        doc.add_paragraph("\t\t\tThank You, Have a Nice Day!!!")"Receipt.docx")
        #startfile(filename , 'print')

        txtReceipt.insert('end' , "PARTICLULARS\t\t\t\tQuantity      Rate        Net\n")
        txtReceipt.insert('end' , "\t\t\t\t\t\t     Amount\n")
        txtReceipt.insert('end' , ('-'.center(316 , '-') + '\n\n\n'))
        txtReceipt.insert('end' , ('-'.center(316 , '-') + '\n\n\n'))
