Esempio n. 1
 def triangulateImages(self, scene_file=None, projections_file=None, silent=False):
     Triangulates all image matches and outputs triangulates and projections
     self.matchPairs(KNN=True, filter=True)
     lastIdxCorrespondences = []
     # find corresponding lists of matched image coordinates in images i and i+1
     # also find what indices those coordinates have in their image's keypoint list
     # recover the pose between those two cameras
     for i in range(len(self.imageList)-1):
         if not silent:
             print "Triangulating " + self.imageList[i].fname + " and " + self.imageList[i+1].fname + "..."
         points1, points2 = self.getPointCorrespondences(i, i+1)
         indices1, indices2 = self.getIndexCorrespondences(i, i+1)
         K = self.imageList[i].K
         E, mask = CVFuncs.findEssentialMat(points1, points2, K)
         pts, r, t, newMask = CVFuncs.recoverPose(E, points1, points2, K)
         if i == 0:
             # if it's the first image pair, then there's no reprojection error to minimize. Keep these triangulated points
             self.triangulatedPoints[i].extend(CVFuncs.discreteTriangulate(points1, points2, K.matrix, r, t))
             if projections_file:
                 self.projectedPoints[i].extend(draw.getProjections(points1, points2, K.matrix, r, t))
             # find a list of (a,b) tuples, overlap, where:
             #   a is the index in self.triangulatedPoints[i-1] of a triangulated point between image i-1 and i
             # make corresponding lists of triangulated points where oldPoints[j] and newPoints[j] both come from the same feature in image i
             # find the r and t that minimize reprojection error, and save all the new triangulations in self.triangulatedPoints[i]
             lastR = self.RTList[i-1][0]
             lastT = self.RTList[i-1][1]
             overlap = getOverlapIndices(lastIdxCorrespondences, indices1)
             oldTriangulatedPoints = []
             newImagePoints1, newImagePoints2 = [], []
             for pair in overlap:
             minimumErrorT = CVFuncs.minimizeError(oldTriangulatedPoints, newImagePoints1, newImagePoints2, K.matrix, lastR, lastT, r, t)
             newTriangulations = CVFuncs.discreteTriangulateWithTwoRT(points1, points2, K.matrix, lastR, lastT, r, minimumErrorT)
             self.RTList.append([r, minimumErrorT])
             if projections_file:
                 self.projectedPoints[i].extend(draw.getProjectionsWithTwoRT(points1, points2, K.matrix, lastR, lastT, r, minimumErrorT))
         lastIdxCorrespondences = indices2
     if scene_file:
         for i in range(len(self.imageList)-1):
             scenePly = PlyFile()
   , str(i)+"-"+str(i+1)), "w"))
     if projections_file:
         for i in range(len(self.imageList)-1):
             projPly = PlyFile()
   , str(i)+"-"+str(i+1)), "w"))