Esempio n. 1
    def setupPatchNames(self):
        print('Populating createPatchDict to update BC names')
        settings = self.settings
        settings['createPatches'] = {}
        settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'] = {}
        bc_group = self.bc_group

        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
            bcType = bc_obj.BoundaryType
            bcSubType = bc_obj.BoundarySubType
            patchType = CfdTools.getPatchType(bcType, bcSubType)
            settings['createPatches'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                'PatchNamesList': '"patch_'+str(bc_id+1)+'_.*"',
                'PatchType': patchType

            if bcType == 'baffle' and self.mesh_obj.MeshUtility == 'snappyHexMesh':
                settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles'] = True
                settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                    'PatchNamesList': '"'+bc_obj.Name+'_.*"',
                    'PatchNamesListSlave': '"'+bc_obj.Name+'_.*_slave"'}

        # Add default faces
        settings['createPatches']['defaultFaces'] = {
            'PatchNamesList': '"patch_0_.*"',
            'PatchType': "patch"
Esempio n. 2
    def setupPatchNames(self):
        print('Populating createPatchDict to update BC names')
        import CfdMeshTools
        # Init in case not meshed yet
        settings = self.settings
        settings['createPatches'] = {}
        bc_group = self.bc_group
        mobj = self.mesh_obj

        # Make list of list of all boundary references for their corresponding boundary
        boundary_ref_lists = []
        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):

        # Match them up with faces in the meshed part
        matched_faces = CfdTools.matchFacesToTargetShape(
            boundary_ref_lists, mobj.Part.Shape)

        bc_lists = []
        for bc in bc_group:
        for i in range(len(matched_faces)):
            if matched_faces[i]:
                nb, bref = matched_faces[i][0]
                for k in range(len(matched_faces[i]) - 1):
                    nb2, bref2 = matched_faces[i][k + 1]
                    if nb2 != nb:
                            "Boundary '{}' reference {}:{} also assigned as "
                            "boundary '{}' reference {}:{}\n".format(
                                bc_group[nb].Label, bref[0], bref[1],
                                bc_group[nb2].Label, bref2[0], bref2[1]))

        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
            bcType = bc_obj.BoundaryType
            bcSubType = bc_obj.BoundarySubType
            patchType = CfdTools.getPatchType(bcType, bcSubType)
            settings['createPatches'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                      ),  # Tuple used so that case writer outputs as an array
                'PatchType': patchType

        if self.mesh_obj.MeshUtility == 'snappyHexMesh':
            for regionObj in CfdTools.getMeshRefinementObjs(self.mesh_obj):
                if regionObj.Baffle:
                    settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles'] = True

        if settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles']:
            settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'] = {}
            # TODO Still need to include an error checker in the event that
            # an internal baffle is created using snappy but is not linked up
            # with a baffle boundary condition (as in there is no baffle boundary condition which
            # corresponds. Currently openfoam will throw a contextually
            # confusing error (only that the boundary does not exist). The primary difficulty with such a checker is
            # that it is possible to define a boundary face as a baffle, which will be overridden
            # by the actual boundary name and therefore won't exist anymore.
            for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
                bcType = bc_obj.BoundaryType
                if bcType == "baffle":
                    tempBaffleList = []
                    tempBaffleListSlave = []
                    for regionObj in self.mesh_obj.Group:
                        if hasattr(regionObj, "Proxy") and \
                                isinstance(regionObj.Proxy, CfdMeshRefinement._CfdMeshRefinement):
                            # print regionObj.Name
                            if regionObj.Baffle:
                                for sub in regionObj.References:
                                    # print sub[0].Name
                                    elems = sub[1]
                                    elt = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(
                                    if elt.ShapeType == 'Face':
                                        bcFacesList = bc_obj.Shape.Faces
                                        for bf in bcFacesList:
                                            isSameGeo = CfdTools.isSameGeometry(
                                                bf, elt)
                                            if isSameGeo:
                                                    regionObj.Name + sub[0] +
                                                    regionObj.Name + sub[0] +
                                                    elems + "_slave")
                    settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                        "PatchNamesList": tuple(tempBaffleList),
                        "PatchNamesListSlave": tuple(tempBaffleListSlave)

        # Add default faces
        flagName = False
        def_bc_list = []
        for i in range(len(matched_faces)):
            if not matched_faces[i]:
                flagName = True
        if flagName:
            settings['createPatches']['defaultFaces'] = {
                'PatchNamesList': tuple(def_bc_list),
                'PatchType': "patch"
Esempio n. 3
    def setupPatchNames(self):
        print('Populating createPatchDict to update BC names')
        import CfdCartTools
        # Init in case not meshed yet
        settings = self.settings
        settings['createPatches'] = {}
        bc_group = self.bc_group
        mobj = self.mesh_obj
        bc_allocated = []
        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
            bc_list = []
            meshFaceList = mobj.Part.Shape.Faces
            for (i, mf) in enumerate(meshFaceList):
                bc_refs = bc_obj.References
                for br in bc_refs:
                    bf = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(
                    isSameGeo = CfdTools.isSameGeometry(bf, mf)
                    if isSameGeo:
                        if mobj.ShapeFaceNames[i] in bc_allocated:
                            print('Error: {} has been assigned twice'.format(

            bcDict = bc_obj.BoundarySettings
            bcType = bcDict["BoundaryType"]
            bcSubType = bcDict["BoundarySubtype"]
            patchType = CfdTools.getPatchType(bcType, bcSubType)
            settings['createPatches'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                      ),  # Tuple used so that case writer outputs as an array
                'PatchType': patchType
            # if bcType != "baffle":
            #     bcSubType = bcDict["BoundarySubtype"]
            #     patchType = CfdTools.getPatchType(bcType, bcSubType)
            #     settings['createPatches'][bc_obj.Label] = {
            #         'PatchNamesList': bc_list,
            #         'PatchType': patchType
            #     }

            # In almost all cases the number of faces associated with a bc is going to be less than the number of
            # external or mesh faces.
            # if not (len(bc_list) == len(meshFaceList)):
            #     raise Exception('Mismatch between boundary faces and mesh faces')

        if self.mesh_obj.MeshRegionList:
            for regionObj in self.mesh_obj.MeshRegionList:
                if regionObj.Baffle:
                    settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles'] = True

        if settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles']:
            settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'] = {}
            # TODO Still need to include an error checker in the event that
            # an internal baffle is created using snappy but is not linked up
            # with a baffle boundary condition (as in there is no baffle boundary condition which
            # corresponds. Currently openfoam will throw a contextually
            # confusing error (only that the boundary does not exist). The primary difficulty with such a checker is
            # that it is possible to define a boundary face as a baffle, which will be overriden
            # by the actual boundary name and therefore won't exist anymore.
            for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
                bcDict = bc_obj.BoundarySettings
                bcType = bcDict["BoundaryType"]
                if bcType == "baffle":
                    tempBaffleList = []
                    tempBaffleListSlave = []
                    if self.mesh_obj.MeshRegionList:  # Can this if statement not be lumped with previous?
                        for regionObj in self.mesh_obj.MeshRegionList:
                            # print regionObj.Name
                            if regionObj.Baffle:
                                for sub in regionObj.References:
                                    # print sub[0].Name
                                    for elems in sub[1]:
                                        elt = sub[0].Shape.getElement(elems)
                                        if elt.ShapeType == 'Face':
                                            bcFacesList = bc_obj.Shape.Faces
                                            for bf in bcFacesList:
                                                isSameGeo = CfdTools.isSameGeometry(
                                                    bf, elt)
                                                if isSameGeo:
                                                        regionObj.Name +
                                                        sub[0].Name + elems)
                                                        regionObj.Name +
                                                        sub[0].Name + elems +
                    settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                        "PatchNamesList": tuple(tempBaffleList),
                        "PatchNamesListSlave": tuple(tempBaffleListSlave)

        # Add default faces
        flagName = False
        def_bc_list = []
        for name in mobj.ShapeFaceNames:
            if not name in bc_allocated:
                flagName = True
        if flagName:
            settings['createPatches']['defaultFaces'] = {
                'PatchNamesList': tuple(def_bc_list),
                'PatchType': "patch"
Esempio n. 4
    def setupPatchNames(self):
        print('Populating createPatchDict to update BC names')
        import CfdMeshTools
        # Init in case not meshed yet
        settings = self.settings
        settings['createPatches'] = {}
        bc_group = self.bc_group
        mobj = self.mesh_obj

        # Make list of all boundary references
        boundary_face_list = []
        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
            for ref in bc_obj.References:
                obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(ref[0])
                if not obj:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Referenced object '{}' not found - object may "
                        "have been deleted".format(ref[0]))
                    bf = obj.Shape.getElement(ref[1])
                except Part.OCCError:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Referenced face '{}:{}' not found - face may "
                        "have been deleted".format(ref[0], ref[1]))
                boundary_face_list.append((bf, (bc_id, ref)))

        # Make list of all faces in meshed shape with original index
        mesh_face_list = list(
            zip(mobj.Part.Shape.Faces, range(len(mobj.Part.Shape.Faces))))

        # Match them up
        matched_faces = CfdTools.matchFaces(boundary_face_list, mesh_face_list)

        # Check for and filter duplicates
        match_per_shape_face = [-1] * len(mesh_face_list)
        for k in range(len(matched_faces)):
            match = matched_faces[k][1]
            prev_k = match_per_shape_face[match]
            if prev_k >= 0:
                nb, bref = matched_faces[k][0]
                nb2, bref2 = matched_faces[prev_k][0]
                    "Boundary '{}' reference {}:{} also assigned as "
                    "boundary '{}' reference {}:{} - ignoring duplicate\n".
                    format(bc_group[nb].Label, bref[0], bref[1],
                           bc_group[nb2].Label, bref2[0], bref2[1]))
                match_per_shape_face[match] = k

        bc_lists = [[] for g in bc_group]
        for i in range(len(match_per_shape_face)):
            k = match_per_shape_face[i]
            if k >= 0:
                nb, bref = matched_faces[k][0]

        for bc_id, bc_obj in enumerate(bc_group):
            bcType = bc_obj.BoundaryType
            bcSubType = bc_obj.BoundarySubType
            patchType = CfdTools.getPatchType(bcType, bcSubType)
            settings['createPatches'][bc_obj.Label] = {
                      ),  # Tuple used so that case writer outputs as an array
                'PatchType': patchType

        if self.mesh_obj.MeshUtility == 'snappyHexMesh':
            for regionObj in CfdTools.getMeshRefinementObjs(self.mesh_obj):
                if regionObj.Baffle:
                    settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles'] = True

        if settings['createPatchesFromSnappyBaffles']:
            settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'] = {}
            baffle_geoms = []
            for regionObj in self.mesh_obj.Group:
                if hasattr(regionObj, "Proxy") and isinstance(
                        regionObj.Proxy, CfdMeshRefinement._CfdMeshRefinement):
                    if regionObj.Baffle:
                        for sub in regionObj.References:
                            elems = sub[1]
                            elt = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(
                            if elt.ShapeType == 'Face':
                                    (elt, (regionObj.Name + sub[0] + elems,

            matched_baffle_faces = CfdTools.matchFaces(boundary_face_list,

            # Check for duplicates
            match_per_baffle_face = [-1] * len(baffle_geoms)
            for matchi, mf in enumerate(matched_baffle_faces):
                if match_per_baffle_face[mf[1][1]] > -1:
                    cfdMessage("Baffle face matches to boundary " + mf[0][1] +
                               " and " + matched_baffle_faces[
                                   match_per_baffle_face[mf[1][1]]][0][1] +
                               " - discarding duplicate")
                    match_per_baffle_face[mf[1][1]] = matchi

            for bfi, mi in enumerate(match_per_baffle_face):
                if mi > -1:
                    mf = matched_baffle_faces[mi]
                    bc_label = bc_group[mf[0][0]].Label
                    settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_label] = \
                        settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'].get(bc_label, {})
                    settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_label]['PatchNamesList'] = \
                        settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_label].get('PatchNamesList', ()) + \
                    settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_label]['PatchNamesListSlave'] = \
                        settings['createPatchesSnappyBaffles'][bc_label].get('PatchNamesListSlave', ()) + \
                        "No boundary condition specified for baffle face " +

        # Add default faces
        flagName = False
        def_bc_list = []
        for i in range(len(match_per_shape_face)):
            if match_per_shape_face[i] < 0:
                flagName = True
        if flagName:
            settings['createPatches']['defaultFaces'] = {
                'PatchNamesList': tuple(def_bc_list),
                'PatchType': "patch"