Esempio n. 1
def init(data):
    data.mode = "beginning"
    data.y = data.height / 4 * 3.3
    data.x1 = data.width * .098
    data.x2 = data.width * .3629
    data.x3 = data.width / 20 * 12.6
    data.x4 = data.width / 19 * 17
    data.r = data.width / 17
    data.margin = int(data.width / 31)
    data.mainBoard = CB.Board(data.width, data.height)
    data.player = "White"
    data.timerFiredCount = 0
    data.origRow = None
    data.origCol = None
    data.newRow = None
    data.newCol = None
    data.moved = False
    data.hover = None
    data.checkMate = None
    data.instructImage = "./MoveImages/MovePawn.png" = "On"
        return data.other.ID
    except: = Person(data.mainBoard)
        data.other = Person(data.mainBoard)
Esempio n. 2
def main(window, clock, versusPlayer):
    if versusPlayer:
        pyg.display.set_caption('vs Player')
        pyg.display.set_caption('vs AI')
    game = ChessBoard.Board() # creating the 2D list representation of the chess board
    validMoves = game.getValidMoves()
    moveMade = False # Boolean when a move is made so validMoves does not prematurely makes the appropriate moves
    running = True
    squareSelected = () # Will keep track of the last click of the user
    playerClicks = [] # Keep track of player clicks in (row, col) format i.e. [(1, 2), (1, 4)]
    gameOver = False
    while running:
        for event in pyg.event.get():
            if event.type == pyg.QUIT:
                running = False
            elif event.type == pyg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if not gameOver:
                    location = pyg.mouse.get_pos()
                    col = location[0] // SQUARE_SIZE
                    row = location[1] // SQUARE_SIZE
                    if squareSelected == (row, col): # If user clicked same square twice, reset 
                        squareSelected = () 
                        playerClicks = [] 
                    else: # Add it to player clicks if a different square was clicked
                        squareSelected = (row, col)
                    if len(playerClicks) == 2: # Player clicked two different squares
                        move = ChessBoard.Move(playerClicks[0], playerClicks[1], game.board)
                        # print(move.getChessNotation())
                        for i in range(len(validMoves)):
                            if move == validMoves[i]:
                                # game.computeScore()
                                moveMade = True
                                squareSelected = ()
                                playerClicks = []
                        if not moveMade: # Invalid second click/Move i.e (second click on friendly piece)
                            playerClicks = [squareSelected]
            elif event.type == pyg.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pyg.K_u: # Undo when u is pressed
                    moveMade = True
                if event.key == pyg.K_r: # Reset game when r is pressed 
                    game = ChessBoard.Board()
                    validMoves = game.getValidMoves()
                    squareSelected = ()
                    playerClicks = []
                    moveMade = False
                if event.key == pyg.K_ESCAPE:
                    running = False

        if moveMade:
            validMoves = game.getValidMoves()
            moveMade = False

        if not gameOver:
            draw_game(window, game, validMoves, squareSelected, game.movesLog)

        if game.checkMate:
            gameOver = True
            if game.whitesMove:
                draw_text(window, 'Black Wins By Checkmate')
                draw_text(window, 'White Wins By Checkmate')
        elif game.staleMate:
            gameOver = True
            draw_text(window, 'Stalemate')

        if not versusPlayer and not game.whitesMove:
            moveMade = True
