def states_to_lightcurve(times, obs_vecs, sun_vecs, attitudes, spacecraft_geometry, quats = False): lightcurve = [] iters = len(times) count = 0 for time, obs_vec, sun_vec, attitude in zip(times, obs_vecs, sun_vecs, attitudes): #now = utc0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds = time) #sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(now) if quats: eta = attitude[0] eps = attitude[1:4] dcm_body2eci = CF.quat2dcm(eta, eps) else: dcm_body2eci = CF.euler2dcm(ROTATION, attitude) sun_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T@sun_vec obs_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T@obs_vec power = spacecraft_geometry.calc_reflected_power(obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body) lightcurve.append(power) count += 1 loading_bar(count/iters, 'Simulating Lightcurve') lightcurve = hstack(lightcurve) return lightcurve
def AJISAI(self): ajisai_file = open('AJISAI_coords', 'rb') coords = pickle.load(ajisai_file) ajisai_file.close() Radius = 1.075 facets = [] for lat in coords.keys(): for lon in coords[lat]: rlat = lat / 180 * pi rlon = lon / 180 * pi facet2body = CF.Cz(rlon).T @ CF.Cy(pi / 2 - rlat) position = CF.Cz(rlon) @ CF.Cy(rlat) @ array([1, 0, 0]) facet = Facet(15 / 100, 15 / 100, position, facet2body=facet2body, specular_coef=0.002) facets.append(facet) AJISAI = Spacecraft_Geometry(facets, sample_dim=1) for facet in AJISAI.facets: AJISAI.obscuring_facets[facet] = [] return AJISAI
def states_to_lightcurve(obs_vecs, sun_vecs, attitudes, spacecraft_geometry, Exposure_Time): ''' @param times list of dates at which each observation was taken @param obs_vecs array of vectors from the observer to the spacecraft @param sun_vecs array of vectors from the sun to the spacecraft @param attitudes array of modified rodriguez parameters describing the spacecraft attitude @param spacecraft_geometry a Spacecraft Geometry object describing the spacecraft geometry ''' lightcurve = [] iters = len(obs_vecs) count = 0 for obs_vec, sun_vec, attitude in zip(obs_vecs, sun_vecs, attitudes): dcm_body2eci = CF.mrp2dcm(attitude) sun_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T @ sun_vec obs_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T @ obs_vec power = spacecraft_geometry.calc_reflected_power( obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body, Exposure_Time) lightcurve.append(power) count += 1 loading_bar(count / iters, 'Simulating Lightcurve') lightcurve = hstack(lightcurve) return lightcurve
def propagate_mrps(t, state, true_inertia): mrps = state[0:3] omega = state[3:6] d_mrps = CF.mrp_derivative(mrps, omega) d_omega = inv(true_inertia)@(-cross(omega, true_inertia@omega)) return hstack([d_mrps, d_omega])
def propagate_mrps_inertia(t, state): mrps = state[0:3] omega = state[3:6] est_inertia = diag([1, abs(state[6]), abs(state[7])]) d_mrps = CF.mrp_derivative(mrps, omega) d_omega = inv(est_inertia)@(-cross(omega, est_inertia@omega)) return hstack([d_mrps, d_omega, 0, 0])
def generate_image(spacecraft_geometry, obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body, exposure_time, win_dim=(2, 2), dpm=50, load_bar=False): """ Debugging tool, used to make animations. Generates a 2D array of grayscale pixels representing an image of A Spacecraft Geometry Object. This assumes no FOV effects. Parameters: Spacecraft_Geometry = The SpacecraftGeometry object whose image will be generated. obs_vec_body = unit vector in body frame representing the direction the spacecraft is being VIEWED from. sun_vec_body = unit vector in body frame representing the direction the spacecraft is being ILLUMINATED from. exposure_time = float representing the ammount of time the CCD was exposed for in seconds. Keyword Parameters: win_dim = A tuple representing the dimensions of the projected area of the image in meters. dpm = INteger representing how many pixels per meter to generate. Larger numbers lead to signifnicant slower run times. load_bar = True if the user wants a loading bar to appear when generating an image. """ win_pix = (win_dim[0] * dpm, win_dim[1] * dpm) image = zeros(win_pix) perspective_distance = 5 obs_vec_body = obs_vec_body / norm(obs_vec_body) camera_pos = obs_vec_body * 5 ray_direction = -obs_vec_body camera_angle = arccos(dot(ray_direction, array([0, 0, 1]))) camera_rotation = CF.axis_angle2dcm(cross(array([0, 0, 1]), ray_direction), camera_angle) for y, row in enumerate(image): if load_bar: loading_bar(y / len(image), text='Recticulating Splines') for x, pix in enumerate(row): x_pos = (x - win_pix[0] / 2) / dpm y_pos = (win_pix[1] / 2 - y) / dpm pix_pos = camera_rotation @ array([x_pos, y_pos, 0]) + camera_pos image[x, y] = spacecraft_geometry.trace_ray(pix_pos, ray_direction, sun_vec_body, exposure_time) m = amax(image) # if m == 0: # print('m = 0',obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body) if m != 0: image = image / m return image
def propagate_mrps(t, state, inertia): mrps = state[0:3] omega = state[3:6] #inertia = diag([1, state[6], state[7]]) #dcm_eci2body = CF.mrp2dcm(mrps).T d_mrps = CF.mrp_derivative(mrps, omega) d_omega = inv(inertia) @ (-cross(omega, inertia @ omega)) #print(d_mrps, d_omega) return hstack([d_mrps, d_omega])
def mrp_measurement_function(state, obsvec, sunvec, exposure_time, Geometry): mrps = state[0:3] dcm_body2eci = CF.mrp2dcm(mrps) obs_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T @ obsvec sun_vec_body = dcm_body2eci.T @ sunvec return array([ Geometry.calc_reflected_power(obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body, exposure_time) ])
def generate_image(spacecraft_geometry, obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body, exposure_time, win_dim=(2, 2), dpm=50, load_bar=False): """ camera_axis is the direction that the camera is pointing sun axis is the direction that the light is moving (sun to spacecraft) """ win_pix = (win_dim[0] * dpm, win_dim[1] * dpm) image = zeros(win_pix) perspective_distance = 5 obs_vec_body = obs_vec_body / norm(obs_vec_body) camera_pos = obs_vec_body * 5 ray_direction = -obs_vec_body camera_angle = arccos(dot(ray_direction, array([0, 0, 1]))) camera_rotation = CF.axis_angle2dcm(cross(array([0, 0, 1]), ray_direction), camera_angle) for y, row in enumerate(image): if load_bar: loading_bar(y / len(image), text='Recticulating Splines') for x, pix in enumerate(row): x_pos = (x - win_pix[0] / 2) / dpm y_pos = (win_pix[1] / 2 - y) / dpm pix_pos = camera_rotation @ array([x_pos, y_pos, 0]) + camera_pos image[x, y] = spacecraft_geometry.trace_ray(pix_pos, ray_direction, sun_vec_body, exposure_time) m = amax(image) # if m == 0: # print('m = 0',obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body) if m != 0: image = image / m return image
obs_vecs = load(truth_dir + '/obsvec.npy')[::50] sun_vecs = load(truth_dir + '/sunvec.npy')[::50] attitudes = load(truth_dir + '/mrps' + result_num + '.npy')[::50] Exposure_Time = Simulation_Configuration['Exposure Time'] num_frames = len(obs_vecs) START_INDEX = -5000 frames = [] count = 0 max_val = 0 for mrps, obs_vec, sun_vec in zip(attitudes[START_INDEX:], obs_vecs[START_INDEX:], sun_vecs[START_INDEX:]): dcm_eci2body = CF.mrp2dcm(mrps).T #dcm_eci2body = CF.mrp2dcm(mrps).T image = RF.generate_image(Geometry, dcm_eci2body @ obs_vec, dcm_eci2body @ sun_vec, Exposure_Time, win_dim=(6, 6), dpm=20) im_max = amax(image) if im_max > max_val: max_val = im_max frames.append(image) count += 1 loading_bar(count / num_frames, 'Rendering gif') frames = [frame / max_val for frame in frames]
true_lightcurve = load(os.path.join(passfile, 'lightcurve'+run_number+'.npy')) true_mrps = load(os.path.join(passfile, 'mrps'+run_number+'.npy')) true_rates = load(os.path.join(passfile, 'angular_rate'+run_number+'.npy')) obs_vecs = load(os.path.join(passfile, 'obsvec.npy')) sun_vecs = load(os.path.join(passfile, 'sunvec.npy')) est_lightcurve = load(os.path.join(result_dir, 'results'+run_number+'_estimated_curve.npy')) means = load(os.path.join(result_dir, 'results'+run_number+'_raw_means.npy')) covariances = load(os.path.join(result_dir, 'results'+run_number+'_raw_covariance.npy')) residuals = load(os.path.join(result_dir, 'results'+run_number+'_raw_residuals.npy')) stp = int(floor(1/DT)) eci_rate_true = vstack(list([CF.mrp2dcm(m)@rate for m, rate in zip(true_mrps, true_rates)])) eci_rate_ests = [] for est, tru in zip(means, eci_rate_true): eci_rate_est = CF.mrp2dcm(est[0:3])@est[3:6] a = norm(eci_rate_est - tru) b = norm(-eci_rate_est - tru) if b < a: eci_rate_ests.append(-eci_rate_est) else: eci_rate_ests.append(eci_rate_est) eci_rate_ests = vstack(eci_rate_ests) obs_frame_true_rate = [] obs_frame_est_rate = [] for obs, sun, truth, est in zip(obs_vecs, sun_vecs, eci_rate_true, eci_rate_ests):
states = load('true_states.npy') sc_positions = load('sc_pos.npy') tel_positions = load('tel_pos.npy') sun_positions = load('sun_pos.npy') print(len(states)) frames = [] for state, sc_pos, tel_pos, sun_pos, i in zip(states, sc_positions, tel_positions, sun_positions, range(len(states))): eta = state[0] eps = state[1:4] C_eci2body = CF.quat2dcm(eps, eta).T obs_vec_eci = sc_pos - tel_pos obs_vec_eci = obs_vec_eci / norm(obs_vec_eci) sun_vec_eci = sc_pos - sun_pos sun_vec_eci = sun_vec_eci / norm(sun_vec_eci) obs_vec_body = C_eci2body @ obs_vec_eci sun_vec_body = C_eci2body @ sun_vec_eci image = generate_image(facets, obs_vec_body, sun_vec_body, dpm=10) frames.append(image.astype(uint8)) print(str(i) + '/' + str(len(states)), end='\r') print('') fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes()
outfile = open('AJISAI_coords', 'wb') pickle.dump(Ms, outfile) outfile.close() print('File saved') # fig = plt.figure() # ax = Axes3D(fig) Radius = 1.075 facets = [] for lat in Ms.keys(): for lon in Ms[lat]: rlat = lat / 180 * pi rlon = lon / 180 * pi facet2body = CF.Cz(rlon).T @ CF.Cy(pi / 2 - rlat) position = CF.Cz(rlon) @ CF.Cy(rlat) @ array([1, 0, 0]) facet = RF.Facet(15 / 100, 15 / 100, position, facet2body=facet2body) facets.append(facet) AJISAI = RF.Spacecraft_Geometry(facets, sample_dim=1) for facet in AJISAI.facets: AJISAI.obscuring_facets[facet] = [] image = RF.generate_image(AJISAI, array([1, 0, 0]), array([1, 1, 1]), .01, win_dim=(3, 3), dpm=100, load_bar=True)
'results' + run_number + '_estimated_curve.npy')) means = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_means.npy')) covariances = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_covariance.npy')) residuals = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_residuals.npy')) stp = int(floor(1 / DT)) eci_rate_true = vstack( list([ CF.mrp2dcm(true_mrps[0]) @ true_rates[0] for m, rate in zip(true_mrps, true_rates) ])) eci_rate_ests = [] for est, tru in zip(means, eci_rate_true): eci_rate_est = CF.mrp2dcm(est[0:3]) @ est[3:6] a = norm(eci_rate_est - tru) b = norm(-eci_rate_est - tru) if b < a: eci_rate_ests.append(-eci_rate_est) else: eci_rate_ests.append(eci_rate_est) eci_rate_ests = vstack(eci_rate_ests) obs_frame_true_rate = [] obs_frame_est_rate = []
def __init__(self): pZ = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, .5]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, -.5]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(1, 1, array([.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(1, 1, array([-.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(1, 1, array([0, .5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(1, 1, array([0, -.5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') wingnX = Facet(1, .5, array([-1, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-X wing', double_sided=True) wingpX = Facet(1, .5, array([1, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='+X wing', double_sided=True) self.BOX_WING = Spacecraft_Geometry( [pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ, wingnX, wingpX], sample_dim=.1) self.BOX = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.1) plate = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, 0]), facet2body=identity(3), name='plate', double_sided=True) self.PLATE = Spacecraft_Geometry([plate]) segments = 20 angle = 2 * pi / segments radius = 1.5 side_length = radius * sin(angle / 2) * radius lenght = 9 cylinder_facets = [] for theta in linspace(0, 2 * pi, segments)[:-1]: pos = CF.Cz(theta) @ array([1, 0, 0]) facet2body = CF.Cz(theta) @ CF.Cy(pi / 2) cylinder_facets.append( Facet(lenght, side_length, pos, facet2body=facet2body, name='cylinder')) pZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, lenght / 2]), name='+Z', facet2body=identity(3)) pZ.area = pi * radius**2 nZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, -lenght / 2]), name='-Z', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi)) nZ.area = pi * radius**2 cylinder_facets.append(pZ) cylinder_facets.append(nZ) self.CYLINDER = Spacecraft_Geometry(cylinder_facets, sample_dim=.5) spec_coef = 0 diffuse_coef = .002 segments = 20 angle = 2 * pi / segments radius = 1.3 side_length = radius * sin(angle / 2) * 2 lenght = 11.6 cylinder_facets = [] for theta in linspace(0, 2 * pi, segments)[:-1]: pos = CF.Cz(theta) @ array([radius, 0, 0]) facet2body = CF.Cz(theta) @ CF.Cy(pi / 2) cylinder_facets.append( Facet(lenght, side_length, pos, facet2body=facet2body, name='cylinder', specular_coef=spec_coef, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef)) pZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, lenght / 2]), name='+Z', facet2body=identity(3), specular_coef=spec_coef, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef) pZ.area = pi * radius**2 nZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, -lenght / 2]), name='-Z', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi), specular_coef=spec_coef, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef) nZ.area = pi * radius**2 cylinder_facets.append(pZ) cylinder_facets.append(nZ) # #data from second stage self.ARIANE40 = Spacecraft_Geometry(cylinder_facets, sample_dim=.5) diffuse_coef = .0002 segments = 20 angle = 2 * pi / segments radius = 1.2 side_length = radius * sin(angle / 2) * 2 lenght = 6.5 cylinder_facets = [] for theta in linspace(0, 2 * pi, segments)[:-1]: pos = CF.Cz(theta) @ array([radius, 0, 0]) facet2body = CF.Cz(theta) @ CF.Cy(pi / 2) cylinder_facets.append( Facet(lenght, side_length, pos, facet2body=facet2body, specular_coef=0, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef, name='cylinder')) pZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, lenght / 2]), name='+Z', facet2body=identity(3), specular_coef=0, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef) pZ.area = pi * radius**2 nZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, -lenght / 2]), name='-Z', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi), specular_coef=0, diffuse_coef=diffuse_coef) nZ.area = pi * radius**2 cylinder_facets.append(pZ) cylinder_facets.append(nZ) self.SL8 = Spacecraft_Geometry(cylinder_facets, sample_dim=.5) pZ = Facet(3.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, 1.0]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(3.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, -1.0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([1.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([-1.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(3.0, 2.0, array([0, .5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(3.0, 2.0, array([0, -.5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') self.RECTANGLE = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.1) pZ = Facet(5.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, 1.0]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(5.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, -1.0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([2.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([-2.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(5.0, 2.0, array([0, .5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(5.0, 2.0, array([0, -.5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') self.LONG_RECTANGLE = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.1) xdim = .1 ydim = .1 zdim = .3 pZ = Facet(xdim, ydim, array([0, 0, zdim / 2]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(xdim, ydim, array([0, 0, -zdim / 2]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(zdim, ydim, array([xdim / 2, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(zdim, ydim, array([-xdim / 2, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(xdim, zdim, array([0, ydim / 2, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(xdim, zdim, array([0, -ydim / 2, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') self.EXOCUBE = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.01) spec_coef = .002 segments = 20 angle = 2 * pi / segments radius = 1.5 / 2 side_length = 2 * sin(angle / 2) * radius lenght = 7.9 cylinder_facets = [] for theta in linspace(0, 2 * pi, segments)[:-1]: pos = CF.Cz(theta) @ array([radius, 0, 0]) facet2body = CF.Cz(theta) @ CF.Cy(pi / 2) outer_facet = Facet(lenght, side_length, pos, facet2body=facet2body, name='cylinder', specular_coef=spec_coef) cylinder_facets.append(outer_facet) pZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, lenght / 2]), name='+Z', facet2body=identity(3), specular_coef=spec_coef) pZ.area = pi * radius**2 nZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, -lenght / 2]), name='-Z', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi), specular_coef=spec_coef) nZ.area = pi * radius**2 cylinder_facets.append(pZ) cylinder_facets.append(nZ) pX_panel = Facet(6, 1.5, array([6 / 2 + radius, 0, lenght / 2 - 1.5 / 2]), name='+X Panel', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), double_sided=True, specular_coef=spec_coef) nX_panel = Facet(6, 1.5, array([-6 / 2 - radius, 0, lenght / 2 - 1.5 / 2]), name='-X Panel', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), double_sided=True, specular_coef=spec_coef) cylinder_facets.append(pX_panel) cylinder_facets.append(nX_panel) dumypanel = Facet(lenght, radius / 2, array([0, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='Fake Shadow', specular_coef=0) self.SERT2 = Spacecraft_Geometry(cylinder_facets, sample_dim=.1) self.SERT2.obscuring_facets[pX_panel] = [dumypanel] self.SERT2.obscuring_facets[nX_panel] = [dumypanel]
print(,, facet.unit_normal) num_frames = len(obs_vecs) print(num_frames) # obs_body = array([ 0.67027951, -0.02873575, -0.74155218]) # sun_body = array([-0.01285413, -0.99098831, 0.13332702]) # image = generate_image(SC, obs_body, sun_body, win_dim = (4,4), dpm = 5) # plt.imshow(image, cmap = 'Greys') # frames = [] count = 0 max_val = 0 for quat, obs_vec, sun_vec in zip(attitudes, obs_vecs, sun_vecs): dcm_eci2body = CF.quat2dcm(quat[0], quat[1:4]).T image = generate_image(SC, dcm_eci2body @ obs_vec, dcm_eci2body @ sun_vec, win_dim=(4, 4), dpm=5) im_max = amax(image) if im_max > max_val: max_val = im_max frames.append(image) count += 1 loading_bar(count / num_frames, 'Rendering gif') frames = [frame / max_val for frame in frames] imageio.mimsave('./boxwing_vis.gif', frames, fps=10)
def __init__(self): pZ = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, .5]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, -.5]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(1, 1, array([.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(1, 1, array([-.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(1, 1, array([0, .5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(1, 1, array([0, -.5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') wingnX = Facet(1, .5, array([-1, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-X wing', double_sided=True) wingpX = Facet(1, .5, array([1, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='+X wing', double_sided=True) self.BOX_WING = Spacecraft_Geometry( [pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ, wingnX, wingpX], sample_dim=.1) self.BOX = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.1) plate = Facet(1, 1, array([0, 0, 0]), facet2body=identity(3), name='plate', double_sided=True) self.PLATE = Spacecraft_Geometry([plate]) segments = 20 angle = 2 * pi / segments radius = 1.5 side_length = 1.8 * sin(angle / 2) * radius lenght = 9 cylinder_facets = [] for theta in linspace(0, 2 * pi, segments)[:-1]: pos = CF.Cz(theta) @ array([1, 0, 0]) facet2body = CF.Cz(theta) @ CF.Cy(pi / 2) cylinder_facets.append( Facet(lenght, side_length, pos, facet2body=facet2body, name='cylinder')) pZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, lenght / 2]), name='+Z', facet2body=identity(3)) nZ = Facet(1.4 / sqrt(2), 1.4 / sqrt(2), array([0, 0, -lenght / 2]), name='-Z', facet2body=CF.Cx(pi)) cylinder_facets.append(pZ) cylinder_facets.append(nZ) self.CYLINDER = Spacecraft_Geometry(cylinder_facets, sample_dim=.5) pZ = Facet(3.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, 1.0]), facet2body=identity(3), name='+Z') nZ = Facet(3.0, 1.0, array([0, 0, -1.0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi), name='-Z') pX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([1.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(pi / 2), name='+X') nX = Facet(2.0, 1.0, array([-1.5, 0, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cy(-pi / 2), name='-X') pY = Facet(3.0, 2.0, array([0, .5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(-pi / 2), name='+Y') nY = Facet(3.0, 2.0, array([0, -.5, 0]), facet2body=CF.Cx(pi / 2), name='-Y') self.RECTANGLE = Spacecraft_Geometry([pX, nX, pY, nY, pZ, nZ], sample_dim=.1)
est_lightcurve = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_estimated_curve.npy')) means = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_means.npy')) covariances = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_covariance.npy')) residuals = load( os.path.join(result_dir, 'results' + run_number + '_raw_residuals.npy')) eci_rate_ests = [] for est in means: eci_rate_est = CF.mrp2dcm(est[0:3]) @ est[3:6] eci_rate_ests.append(eci_rate_est) eci_rate_ests = vstack(eci_rate_ests) obs_frame_est_rate = [] for obs, sun, est in zip(obs_vecs, sun_vecs, eci_rate_ests): x = obs / norm(obs) z = cross(sun, obs) / norm(cross(sun, obs)) y = cross(z, x) eci2obs = vstack([x, y, z]) obs_frame_est_rate.append(eci2obs @ est) obs_frame_est_rate = vstack(obs_frame_est_rate)