Esempio n. 1
# =================================================================================================
# Example code: how to measure the angle-averaged two-point correlation function, i.e. the monopole
# =================================================================================================

### import Python modules for scientific computing ###

import os
import numpy as np

### import the CosmoBolognaLib modules ###

import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl

### define the cosmological model, with default parameters ###

cosmology = cbl.Cosmology()

### Input/Output files and directories ###

file_catalogue = ("../input/cat.dat", )
dir_output = "../output/"
dir_pairs = dir_output + "pairs/"
dir_random_cat = dir_output

os.system("mkdir -p " + dir_output + " " + dir_pairs)

### read the input galaxy catalogue (with polar coordinates: RA, Dec, redshift) ###

print("I'm reading the input catalogue...")

catalogue = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.EnumTypes._Galaxy_,
Esempio n. 2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import the CosmoBolognaLib #
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import DoubleVector as dv

# set the CosmoBolognaLib and the current directories
cbl.SetDirs("../../", "./")

# set the cosmological model, with default parameters
cosmology = cbl.Cosmology()

# compute the dark matter power spectrum
kk = np.logspace(-4, 2, 200)
Pk = [cosmology.Pk(kk[i], "CAMB", False, 0) for i in range(len(kk))]

# get correlation function from fftlog: dir is the transformation
# direction, mu is the order of the Bessel function (see the
# documentation for other options)
dir = 1
mu = 0
rr = np.linspace(1., 200, 100)
xi = np.array(cbl.transform_FFTlog(dv(rr), dir, dv(kk), dv(Pk), mu))

# plot results
plt.plot(rr, xi * rr * rr)
plt.xlabel(r"$s$ $[$Mpc$h^{-1}]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\xi(s)\cdot s^2$ $[$Mpc$^2h^{-2}]$")
plt.plot(rr, xi * rr * rr, '-')
Esempio n. 3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl

xmin = -10.
xmax = 10.
mean = -1.
sigma = 0.1

prior = cbl.PriorDistribution(cbl.DistributionType__Gaussian_, [mean, sigma],
                              xmin, xmax)

nExtr = 2000
sample = np.array([prior.sample(i) for i in range(nExtr)])
psample = np.array([prior(ss) for ss in sample])

plt.hist(sample, 20, normed=True)
plt.plot(sample, psample, '.')
Esempio n. 4
# input/output data #

HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
file_data = HOME + "/Input/data.dat"
file_catalogue = HOME + "/Input/clusterCatalog.dat"
dir_output = HOME + "/Output/"


# define the cosmological model #

cosmology = cbl.Cosmology()


# detect clusters #

#cbl.detectClusters(file_data, file_catalogue) [to be implemented/included]


# read the cluster catalogue #
Esempio n. 5
    plt.plot(gal_elgs['coords'][:, 0],
             gal_elgs['coords'][:, 1],
             label='ELG candidates')
    plt.savefig('footprint.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

    # In[27]:

    # In[1]:

    cosmology = cbl.Cosmology()
    ran['redshift'] = np.ones(len(ran['coords'][:, 0]))
    gal_elgs['redshift'] = np.ones(len(gal_elgs['coords'][:, 0]))

    cat_objs = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.EnumTypes._Galaxy_,
                             gal_elgs['coords'][:, 0], gal_elgs['coords'][:,
                             gal_elgs['redshift'], cosmology)
    ran_objs = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.EnumTypes._RandomObject_,
                             ran['coords'][:, 0], ran['coords'][:, 1],
                             ran['redshift'], cosmology)

    angMin = 0.01  #// minimum angular separation
    angMax = 3.  #// maximum angular separation
Esempio n. 6
# =======================================================================
# Example code: how to compute the three-point correlation function model
# =======================================================================

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import DoubleVector as dv
import os

# set the CosmoBolognaLib and the current directories
cbl.SetDirs("../../../", "./")
''' Define the cosmology '''
cosmo = cbl.Cosmology(cbl.CosmologicalModel__Planck15_)
''' Compute Pk '''
redshift = 1
kk = np.logspace(-4, 2, 200)
Pk_DM = np.array([cosmo.Pk(_kk, "CAMB", False, redshift) for _kk in kk])
''' Parameters for 3pt signal '''
rr = dv(np.linspace(1., 300, 200))
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
r1, r2 = 20, 40
''' Slepian model '''
zeta_DM_s = np.array(cosmo.zeta_DM(r1, r2, theta, "Slepian", kk, Pk_DM))
q_DM_s = np.array(cosmo.Q_DM(r1, r2, theta, "Slepian", kk, Pk_DM))
''' Barriga-Gatzagnaga model '''
zeta_DM_bg = np.array(
    cosmo.zeta_DM(r1, r2, theta, "BarrigaGatzanaga", kk, Pk_DM))
q_DM_bg = np.array(cosmo.Q_DM(r1, r2, theta, "BarrigaGatzanaga", kk, Pk_DM))
'''Plot the results'''
Esempio n. 7
# ==========================================================================
# Example code: how to compute the theoretical size function of cosmic voids
# ==========================================================================

# to ensure compatibility in Python versions 2.x and 3.x
from __future__ import print_function

# import the CosmoBolognaLib #
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
import numpy as np

# set the CosmoBolognaLib and the current directories
cbl.SetDirs("../../../", "./")

# define a cosmological model, using default parameters #
cosm = cbl.Cosmology()

# Minimum and maximum of effective void radii
R_min = 1.
R_max = 30.

# number of radii at which the size function is computed
n_val = 10

# list of effective void radii with logarithmic binning
RR = np.logspace(np.log10(R_min), np.log10(R_max), n_val, endpoint=True)

# redshift of the sample
zz = 0.

# effective bias of the mass tracers
from CosmoBolognaLib import ErrorCBL

# import timer
import time

# just remember that parameter files do have a purpose

if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
    print("Usage: /path/to/ /path/to/parameter_file.ini")

if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    print(" Loading parameters from", filename)
    param = cbl.ReadParameters(filename)

    print(" Using default parameters")

# Coordinates type selection

if param.findBool('comovingCoordinates'):
    coordinates = cbl.CoordinateType__comoving_
    coordinates = cbl.CoordinateType__observed_

# define a cosmological model, using parameters from file #
Esempio n. 9
# ===================================================================
# Example code: how to construct a catalogue of extragalactic objects
# ===================================================================

### import the CosmoBolognaLib ###
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import EnumTypes as et
from CosmoBolognaLib import StringVector as sv

### define a vector of input files (in this case with dim=1) ###
file_cat = "cat.dat"
file_cat_vec = sv(1, file_cat)

### create a catalogue of galaxies, retrieving their comoving coordinates from an input file ###
catalogue = cbl.Catalogue(et._Galaxy_, et._comovingCoordinates_, file_cat_vec)
catalogue2 = cbl.Catalogue(catalogue)

### print the coordinates of the first object ###
print "The coordinates of the first galaxy in the catalogue are:", catalogue[0].xx(), catalogue[0].yy(), catalogue[0].zz()
Esempio n. 10
# =================================================================================================
# Example code: how to measure the angle-averaged two-point correlation function, i.e. the monopole
# =================================================================================================

# to ensure compatibility in Python versions 2.x and 3.x
from __future__ import print_function

# import Python modules for scientific computing
import os
import numpy as np

# import the CosmoBolognaLib modules
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl

# define the cosmological model, with default parameters
cosmology = cbl.Cosmology(cbl.CosmologicalModel__Planck15_)

# Input/Output files and directories
file_catalogue = ("../input/cat.dat", )
dir_output = "../output/"
dir_pairs = dir_output + "pairs/"
dir_random_cat = dir_output
os.system("mkdir -p " + dir_output + " " + dir_pairs)

# read the input galaxy catalogue (with polar coordinates: RA, Dec, redshift)
print("I'm reading the input catalogue...")
catalogue = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.ObjectType__Galaxy_,
                          cbl.CoordinateType__observed_, file_catalogue,

# construct the random catalogue (with cubic geometry)
Esempio n. 11
# =================================================================
# Example code: how to measure the three-point correlation function
# =================================================================

# to ensure compatibility in Python versions 2.x and 3.x
from __future__ import print_function

# import Python modules for scientific computing
import os
import numpy as np

# import the CosmoBolognaLib modules
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl

# define the cosmological model, with default parameters
cosmology = cbl.Cosmology(cbl.CosmologicalModel__Planck15_)

# Input/Output files and directories
HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
file_catalogue = (HOME +
                  "/CosmoBolognaLib/Examples/clustering/input/cat.dat", )
dir_output = HOME + "/CosmoBolognaLib/Examples/clustering/output/"
dir_triplets = dir_output + "triplets/"
dir_random_cat = dir_output
os.system("mkdir -p " + dir_output + " " + dir_triplets)

# read the input galaxy catalogue (with polar coordinates: RA, Dec, redshift)
print("I'm reading the input catalogue...")
catalogue = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.ObjectType__Galaxy_,
                          cbl.CoordinateType__observed_, file_catalogue,
Esempio n. 12
# ===================================================================
# Example code: how to construct a catalogue of extragalactic objects
# ===================================================================

# to ensure compatibility in Python versions 2.x and 3.x
from __future__ import print_function

# import the CosmoBolognaLib
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import StringVector as sv

# define a std::vector of input files (in this case with dim=1)
file_cat = "cat.dat"
file_cat_vec = sv(1, file_cat)

# create a catalogue of galaxies, retrieving their comoving coordinates from an input file
catalogue = cbl.Catalogue(cbl.ObjectType__Galaxy_,
                          cbl.CoordinateType__comoving_, file_cat_vec)
catalogue2 = cbl.Catalogue(catalogue)

# print the coordinates of the first object
print("The coordinates of the first galaxy in the catalogue are:",
      catalogue[0].xx(), catalogue[0].yy(), catalogue[0].zz())
Esempio n. 13
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import DoubleVector as dv

# set the cosmological model, with default parameters
cosmology = cbl.Cosmology()

# compute the dark matter power spectrum
kk = np.logspace(-4, 2, 200)
Pk = [cosmology.Pk(kk[i], "CAMB", False, 0) for i in range(len(kk))]

# get correlation function from fftlog: dir is the transformation
# direction, mu is the order of the Bessel function (see the
# documentation for other options)
dir = 1
mu = 0
rr = np.linspace(1., 200, 100)
xi = np.array(cbl.transform_FFTlog(dv(rr), dir, dv(kk), dv(Pk), mu))

# plot results
plt.plot(rr, xi*rr*rr)
plt.xlabel(r"$s$ $[$Mpc$h^{-1}]$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\xi(s)\cdot s^2$ $[$Mpc$^2h^{-2}]$")
plt.plot(rr, xi*rr*rr, '-')
Esempio n. 14
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl
from CosmoBolognaLib import DoubleVector as dv
from CosmoBolognaLib import EnumTypes as et
import os

print os.path.abspath(cbl.__file__)
''' Define cosmology '''
cosmo = cbl.Cosmology()
''' Compute Pk '''
redshift = 1
kk = np.logspace(-4, 2, 200)
Pk_DM = np.array([cosmo.Pk(_kk, "CAMB", False, redshift) for _kk in kk])
''' Parameters for 3pt signal '''
rr = dv(np.linspace(1., 300, 200))
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
r1, r2 = 20, 40
''' Slepian model '''
zeta_DM_s = np.array(cosmo.zeta_DM(r1, r2, theta, "Slepian", kk, Pk_DM))
q_DM_s = np.array(cosmo.Q_DM(r1, r2, theta, "Slepian", kk, Pk_DM))
''' Barriga-Gatzagnaga model '''
zeta_DM_bg = np.array(
    cosmo.zeta_DM(r1, r2, theta, "BarrigaGatzanaga", kk, Pk_DM))
q_DM_bg = np.array(cosmo.Q_DM(r1, r2, theta, "BarrigaGatzanaga", kk, Pk_DM))
'''Plotting results'''
plt.ylabel(r"$\zeta(r1, r2, \theta)$")
plt.plot(theta / np.pi, zeta_DM_s, '-k', label=r"Slepian et al 2016")
plt.plot(theta / np.pi, zeta_DM_bg, '--r', label=r"Barriga-Gaztanaga 2002")
Esempio n. 15
# ==============================================================
# Example code: how to convert redshifts into comoving distances
# ==============================================================

# to ensure compatibility in Python versions 2.x and 3.x
from __future__ import print_function

# import the CosmoBolognaLib
import CosmoBolognaLib as cbl

# define a cosmological model, using default parameters
cosm = cbl.Cosmology(cbl.CosmologicalModel__Planck15_)

# compute the comoving distance at z=1
dc = cosm.D_C(1)
print('the comoving distance at z=1 is', '%.2f' % dc, 'Mpc/h')