def create_connectivity(self, conn_type):
        This function (re-) creates the network connectivity.

        # distribute the cell ids among involved processes
        (n_src, n_tgt, self.tp_src, self.tp_tgt) = utils.resolve_src_tgt_with_tp(conn_type, self.params)

        print 'Connect anisotropic %s - %s' % (conn_type[0].capitalize(), conn_type[1].capitalize())

        gid_tgt_min, gid_tgt_max = utils.distribute_n(n_tgt, self.n_proc, self.pc_id)
        print 'Process %d deals with target GIDS %d - %d' % (self.pc_id, gid_tgt_min, gid_tgt_max)
        gid_src_min, gid_src_max = utils.distribute_n(n_src, self.n_proc, self.pc_id)
        print 'Process %d deals with source GIDS %d - %d' % (self.pc_id, gid_src_min, gid_src_max)
        n_my_tgts = gid_tgt_max - gid_tgt_min

        # data structure for connection storage
        self.target_adj_list = [ [] for i in xrange(n_my_tgts)]

        n_src_cells_per_neuron = int(round(self.params['p_%s' % conn_type] * n_src))

        # compute all pairwise connection probabilities
        for i_, tgt in enumerate(range(gid_tgt_min, gid_tgt_max)):
            if (i_ % 20) == 0:
                print '%.2f percent complete' % (i_ / float(n_my_tgts) * 100.)
            p = np.zeros(n_src)
            latency = np.zeros(n_src)
            for src in xrange(n_src):
                if conn_type[0] == conn_type[1]: # no self-connection
                    if (src != tgt):
                        p[src], latency[src] = CC.get_p_conn(self.tp_src[src, :], self.tp_tgt[tgt, :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v'], params['connectivity_radius'])
                else: # different populations --> same indices mean different cells, no check for src != tgt
                    p[src], latency[src] = CC.get_p_conn(self.tp_src[src, :], self.tp_tgt[tgt, :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v'], params['connectivity_radius'])
            # sort connection probabilities and select remaining connections
            sorted_indices = np.argsort(p)
            if conn_type[0] == 'e':
                sources = sorted_indices[-n_src_cells_per_neuron:]
                if conn_type == 'ii':
                    sources = sorted_indices[1:n_src_cells_per_neuron+1]  # shift indices to avoid self-connection, because p_ii = .0
                    sources = sorted_indices[:n_src_cells_per_neuron]
            w = (self.params['w_tgt_in_per_cell_%s' % conn_type] / p[sources].sum()) * p[sources]
            for i in xrange(len(sources)):
                if w[i] > self.params['w_thresh_connection']:
                    delay = min(max(latency[sources[i]] * self.params['delay_scale'], self.params['delay_range'][0]), self.params['delay_range'][1])  # map the delay into the valid range
                    # create adjacency list for all local cells and store connection in class container

        # communicate the resulting target_adj_list to the root process
Esempio n. 2
    def connect_anisotropic(self, conn_type):
        if self.pc_id == 0:
            print 'Connect anisotropic %s - %s' % (conn_type[0].capitalize(), conn_type[1].capitalize())

        (n_src, n_tgt, src_pop, tgt_pop, tp_src, tp_tgt, tgt_cells, syn_type) = self.resolve_src_tgt(conn_type)

        if self.debug_connectivity:
            conn_list_fn = self.params['conn_list_%s_fn_base' % conn_type] + '%d.dat' % (self.pc_id)
            conn_file = open(conn_list_fn, 'w')
            output = ''

        n_src_cells_per_neuron = int(round(self.params['p_%s' % conn_type] * n_src))
        (delay_min, delay_max) = self.params['delay_range']
        for tgt in tgt_cells:
            p = np.zeros(n_src)
            latency = np.zeros(n_src)
            for src in xrange(n_src):
                if conn_type[0] == conn_type[1]: # no self-connection
                    if (src != tgt):
                        p[src], latency[src] = CC.get_p_conn(tp_src[src, :], tp_tgt[tgt, :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v']) #                            print 'debug pc_id src tgt ', self.pc_id, src, tgt#, int(ID) < self.params['n_exc']
                else: # different populations --> same indices mean different cells, no check for src != tgt
                    p[src], latency[src] = CC.get_p_conn(tp_src[src, :], tp_tgt[tgt, :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v']) #                            print 'debug pc_id src tgt ', self.pc_id, src, tgt#, int(ID) < self.params['n_exc']

            sorted_indices = np.argsort(p)
            if conn_type[0] == 'e':
                sources = sorted_indices[-n_src_cells_per_neuron:] 
                if conn_type == 'ii':
                    sources = sorted_indices[1:n_src_cells_per_neuron+1]  # shift indices to avoid self-connection, because p_ii = .0
                    sources = sorted_indices[:n_src_cells_per_neuron] 
            w = (self.params['w_tgt_in_per_cell_%s' % conn_type] / p[sources].sum()) * p[sources]
            for i in xrange(len(sources)):
                if w[i] > self.params['w_thresh_connection']:
#                        w[i] = max(self.params['w_min'], min(w[i], self.params['w_max']))
                    delay = min(max(latency[sources[i]] * self.params['t_stimulus'], delay_min), delay_max)  # map the delay into the valid range
    #                print 'debug ', delay , ' latency', latency[sources[i]]
    #                delay = min(max(latency[sources[i]] * self.params['delay_scale'], delay_min), delay_max)  # map the delay into the valid range
                    connect(src_pop[sources[i]], tgt_pop[tgt], w[i], delay=delay, synapse_type=syn_type)
                    if self.debug_connectivity:
                        output += '%d\t%d\t%.2e\t%.2e\n' % (sources[i], tgt, w[i], delay) #                    output += '%d\t%d\t%.2e\t%.2e\t%.2e\n' % (sources[i], tgt, w[i], latency[sources[i]], p[sources[i]])

        if self.debug_connectivity:
            if self.pc_id == 0:
                print 'DEBUG writing to file:', conn_list_fn
    def connect_ee_random(self):
            # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
            #     C O N N E C T    E X C - E X C    R A N D O M   #
            # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

        if self.pc_id == 0:
            print "Drawing random connections"
        sigma_x, sigma_v = self.params["w_sigma_x"], self.params["w_sigma_v"]
        (delay_min, delay_max) = self.params["delay_range"]
        if self.debug_connectivity:
            conn_list_fn = self.params["conn_list_ee_fn_base"] + "%d.dat" % (self.pc_id)
            conn_file = open(conn_list_fn, "w")
            output = ""
        for tgt in self.local_idx_exc:
            p = np.zeros(self.params["n_exc"], dtype="float32")
            latency = np.zeros(self.params["n_exc"], dtype="float32")
            for src in xrange(self.params["n_exc"]):
                if src != tgt:
                    p[src], latency[src] = CC.get_p_conn(
                        self.tuning_prop_exc[src, :],
                        self.tuning_prop_exc[tgt, :],
                    )  #                            print 'debug pc_id src tgt ', self.pc_id, src, tgt#, int(ID) < self.params['n_exc']
            sources = random.sample(xrange(self.params["n_exc"]), int(self.params["n_src_cells_per_neuron"]))
            idx = p[sources] > 0
            non_zero_idx = np.nonzero(idx)[0]
            p_ = p[sources][non_zero_idx]
            l_ = latency[sources][non_zero_idx] * self.params["delay_scale"]

            w = utils.linear_transformation(p_, self.params["w_min"], self.params["w_max"])
            for i in xrange(len(p_)):
                #                        w[i] = max(self.params['w_min'], min(w[i], self.params['w_max']))
                delay = min(max(l_[i], delay_min), delay_max)  # map the delay into the valid range
                connect(self.exc_pop[non_zero_idx[i]], self.exc_pop[tgt], w[i], delay=delay, synapse_type="excitatory")
                if self.debug_connectivity:
                    output += "%d\t%d\t%.2e\t%.2e\n" % (
                    )  #                    output += '%d\t%d\t%.2e\t%.2e\t%.2e\n' % (sources[i], tgt, w[i], latency[sources[i]], p[sources[i]])

        if self.debug_connectivity:
            if self.pc_id == 0:
                print "DEBUG writing to file:", conn_list_fn
Esempio n. 4
import numpy as np
import CreateConnections as CC
import utils
import simulation_parameters
ps = simulation_parameters.parameter_storage()
params = ps.params

tp = np.loadtxt(params['tuning_prop_means_fn'])
tgt_gid = 0
srcs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
tp_src = tp[srcs, :]
tp_tgt = tp[tgt_gid, :]
#d_ij = utils.torus_distance2D_vec(tp_src[:, 0], tp_tgt[0] * np.ones(n_src), tp_src[:, 1], tp_tgt[1] * np.ones(n_src), w=np.ones(n_src), h=np.ones(n_src))
print 'tp_src', tp_src
print 'tp_tgt', tp_tgt
#print 'd_ij', d_ij

w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v = .1, .1
v_src = np.array((tp_src[:, 2], tp_src[:, 3]))
v_src = v_src.transpose()
print 'v_src', v_src.shape
p, l = CC.get_p_conn_vec(tp[srcs, :], tp[tgt_gid, :], w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v)
print 'p', p
print 'l', l

for src in xrange(len(srcs)):
    p_, l_ = CC.get_p_conn(tp_src[src, :], tp_tgt, w_sigma_x, w_sigma_v)
    print 'src p l', src, p_, p[src], l_, l[src]
#print p
Esempio n. 5
mans_set = set(mans)
good_gids = set(indices)
print mans_set.intersection(good_gids)

# sort them according to their x-pos
x_sorted_indices = np.argsort(tp[indices, 0])
sorted_gids = indices[x_sorted_indices]

print '\nConnection probabilities between the cells with \'good\' tuning properies:'
conn_probs = []
latencies = []
for i in xrange(n):
    src = sorted_gids[i]
    for tgt in sorted_gids:
        p, latency = CC.get_p_conn(tp[src, :], tp[tgt, :], sigma_x, sigma_v)
#        print "p(%d, %d):\t %.3e\tlatency: %.3e\t" % (src, tgt, p, latency)
#    print '\n'

conn_probs = np.array(conn_probs)
latencies = np.array(latencies)
print "Average connection probability between neurons with \'good\' tuning_prop", np.mean(conn_probs), '\t std:', np.std(conn_probs)
print "Min max and median connection probability between neurons with \'good\' tuning_prop", np.min(conn_probs), np.max(conn_probs), np.median(conn_probs)
print "Average latencies between neurons with \'good\' tuning_prop", np.mean(latencies), '\t std:', np.std(latencies)
print "Min and max latencies between neurons with \'good\' tuning_prop", np.min(latencies), np.max(latencies)

print "\nCompare to cells connected via strong weights"
all_weights = conn_mat.flatten()
sorted_weight_indices = list(all_weights.argsort())
Esempio n. 6
    connect(ssa, exc_pop[tgt], params['w_input_exc'], synapse_type='excitatory')

    # connect cells
#    for src, src_gid in enumerate(gids):
#        if src_gid != tgt_gid:
#            p, latency = CC.get_p_conn(tuning_prop[src_gid, :], tuning_prop[tgt_gid, :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v']) 
#            print 'p', p
#            p = np.array([1e-6, p])
#            w = utils.linear_transformation(p, params['w_min'], params['w_max'])
#            w = w[1]
#            print "src tgt w", src_gid, tgt_gid, w
#            delay = min(max(latency * params['delay_scale'], delay_min), delay_max)  # map the delay into the valid range
#            connect(exc_pop[src], exc_pop[tgt], w, delay=delay, synapse_type='excitatory')

#delay = 30
p, latency = CC.get_p_conn(tuning_prop[gids[1], :], tuning_prop[gids[0], :], params['w_sigma_x'], params['w_sigma_v']) 
delay = latency * params['t_stimulus'] * 0.4
#delay = min(max(latency * params['delay_scale'], delay_min), delay_max)  # map the delay into the valid range
print 'latency %.3e\tdelay %.2e' % (latency, delay)

delay = 1
w = 0.5e-2
connect(exc_pop[1], exc_pop[0], w, delay=delay, synapse_type='excitatory')


folder_name = 'BarcelonaData/'
exc_pop.printSpikes(folder_name + 'spikes.ras')