Esempio n. 1
def fix_objact(s, fd, handle, set, **kwargs):
    ask_flag = kwargs.get('Ask',True)
    if not check_fd_sel(fd, set):
    for obj_act in set['ObjAct']:
        if not obj_act['Action']:

        if Match.parse(obj_act['Criteria'], fd):
            if obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'SetOwner':
                nu = DCC.prop_get(s, obj_act['Action']['Owner'], InfoSet = 'User')
                print('??? Change Owner from [', fd['owner-userid'], ',', fd['owner-username'], '] to [', 
                                        nu['owner-userid'], ',', nu['owner-username'], ']', sep = '', end = '') 
                if ask_flag == False or MyUtil.get_yn(': (Y/N)? '):
                    DCC.change_owner(s, handle, obj_act['Action']['Owner'])
            elif obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'AddKeyword':
                print('??? Add Keyword "', obj_act['Action']['Keyword'], '" to "', fd['keywords'].strip(), '"', sep = '', end = '') 
                if ask_flag == False or MyUtil.get_yn(': (Y/N)? '):
                    kw = obj_act['Action']['Keyword'] + fd['keywords'].strip(' ')
                    DCC.set_metadata(s, handle, Keywords = kw)

            elif obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'DelKeyword':
                print('??? Remove Keyword "', obj_act['Action']['Keyword'], '" from "', fd['keywords'], '"', sep = '', end = '') 
                if ask_flag == False or MyUtil.get_yn(': (Y/N)? '):
                    kw = fd['keywords'].strip(' ').replace(obj_act['Action']['Keyword'], '')
                    DCC.set_metadata(s, handle, Keywords = kw)
            elif obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'RepTitle':
                print('??? Change Title to "', obj_act['Action']['Title'], '" from "', fd['title'], '"', sep = '', end = '') 
                if ask_flag == False or MyUtil.get_yn(': (Y/N)? '):
                    DCC.set_metadata(s, handle, Title = obj_act['Action']['Title'])

            elif obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'RepTmtNum':
                print('??? Change TmtNum to "', obj_act['Action']['TmtNum'], '" from "', fd['tmtnum'], '"', sep = '', end = '') 
                if ask_flag == False or MyUtil.get_yn(': (Y/N)? '):
                    DCC.set_metadata(s, handle, Summary = obj_act['Action']['TmtNum'])
            elif obj_act['Action']['Action'] == 'Message':
                print('Error in PERM.fix_objact: ObjAct Action not recognized:', obj_act['Action']['Action'])