def insert_update_user(id, username, password, type, update): try: user = (id, username, password, type) user2 = (username, password, type, id) conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() if not update: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO User (userId, username," + " password, type) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)", user) conn.conn.commit() else: cursor.execute( "UPDATE User SET username = %s, password = %s, type = %s WHERE userId = %s", user2) conn.conn.commit() except Error as e: ret = AdmReturn() print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret.result = None ret.msg = "An error occurred while searching user" return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_user(userId): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE userId = %s ", (userId, )) result = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = result ret.msg = "" return ret except Error as e: ret = AdmReturn() print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret.result = None ret.msg = "An error occurred while searching user" return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_professor(idProf): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE idProf= %s", (idProf, )) prof = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if prof is not None: ret.result = prof ret.msg = "" return ret else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor not found." return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) return "An error occurred while searching" finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_course(code): ret = ProfReturn() try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() if code is not None: cursor.execute( "SELECT courseName FROM Course WHERE courseCode= %s", (code, )) course = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM Student WHERE courseCodeStd= %s", (code, )) std = cursor.fetchone() if course is not None: ret.std = std ret.course = course return ret else: ret.msg = "Course not found" return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret.msg = "Course not found" return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_student(idStd): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE idStudents= %s", (idStd, )) std = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if std is not None: ret.result = std ret.msg = "" return ret else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Student not found." return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) return "An error occurred while searching" finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def delete_course(code): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM Student WHERE courseCodeStd= %s", (code, )) student = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if student is None: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Course WHERE courseCode = %s", (code, )) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Course successfully deleted!" else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "This course can't be deleted! Students have been graded." return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "An error occurred while deleting" conn.conn.rollback() return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def save(stdId, grade, course): ret = ProfReturn() data = (grade, stdId, course) try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() if stdId and grade and course: cursor.execute( "UPDATE Student SET grade = %s WHERE profIdStd = %s AND courseCodeStd = %s", data) conn.conn.commit() ret.msg = "Grade updated" return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret.msg = "Error while updating" return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def get_std_grades_by_user_id(userId, login_main): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE userIdStd = %s", (userId, )) result = cursor.fetchall() from GUI import StudentGUI as std # close parent before open adm login_main.withdraw() win = tkinter.Toplevel(login_main) std.StudentGUI(win, result) return result except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def delete_professor(idProf, codeCourse): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM Student WHERE courseCodeStd= %s", (codeCourse, )) student = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if student is not None: cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE courseCodeProf= %s and idProf = %s", (codeCourse, idProf)) prof = cursor.fetchone() if prof is None: cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM Professor WHERE idProf = %s and courseCodeProf= %s", (idProf, codeCourse)) # delete User cursor.execute("DELETE FROM User WHERE userId = %s", (idProf, )) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor successfully deleted!" else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Can't be deleted! This professor is linked to a grade student." else: cursor.execute( "DELETE FROM Professor WHERE idProf = %s and courseCodeProf= %s", (idProf, codeCourse)) #delete User cursor.execute("DELETE FROM User WHERE userId = %s", (idProf, )) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor successfully deleted!" return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "An error occurred while deleting" conn.conn.rollback() return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def save_student(idStudents, studentName, courseCodeStd, grade, userIdStd, username, password, type, profId): try: if not grade: grade = None data = (idStudents, studentName, courseCodeStd, grade, userIdStd, profId) data2 = (studentName, courseCodeStd, grade, profId, idStudents) conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE idStudents= %s", (idStudents, )) student = cursor.fetchone() if student is None: # create user insert_update_user(idStudents, username, password, type, False) # create student cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Student (idStudents, studentName, courseCodeStd," + " grade, userIdStd, profIdStd) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", data) conn.conn.commit() return "Student saved." else: if student[3] is None or student[3] == "": # update user insert_update_user(idStudents, username, password, type, True) # update student cursor.execute( "UPDATE Student SET studentName = %s, " + "courseCodeStd = %s, grade = %s, profIdStd = %s " + "WHERE idStudents = %s", data2) conn.conn.commit() return "Student updated." else: return "Can't be updated. This student was graded." except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) return "An error occurred while saving" finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_course(code): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() if code is not None: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM COURSE WHERE courseCode= %s", (code, )) course = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if course is not None: ret.result = course ret.msg = "" return ret else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Course not found" return ret else: cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM COURSE") course = cursor.fetchall() courses = [] ret = AdmReturn() if course is not None: for cor in course: courses.append(cor[0]) ret.result = courses ret.msg = "" return ret else: ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Course not found" return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Course not found" return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def login(username, password, type, login_main): try: data = (username, password, type) conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE username = %s " + "AND password = %s " + "AND type = %s", data) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is not None: types = enum.UserTypes if result[3] == "ADM": from GUI import AdminGUI as adm # close parent before open adm login_main.withdraw() win = tkinter.Toplevel(login_main) adm.AdminGUI(win) elif result[3] == stdService.get_std_grades_by_user_id(result[0], login_main) return else: from GUI import ProfessorGUI as prof # close parent before open adm login_main.withdraw() win = tkinter.Toplevel(login_main) prof.ProfessorGUI(win, result[0]) else: return "User not found" except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def find_student(idStd, profId): ret = ProfReturn() try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE idStudents= %s and profIdStd = %s", (idStd, profId)) std = cursor.fetchall() if std.__len__() > 0: courseList = [] for c in std: courseList.append(c[2]) param = ','.join(['%s'] * len(courseList)) sql = """SELECT * FROM Course WHERE courseCode IN (%s)""" cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Course WHERE courseCode IN (%s)" % param, tuple(courseList)) courses = cursor.fetchall() ret.std = std[0] ret.course = courses ret.msg = "" return ret else: ret.std = "" ret.course = "" ret.msg = "Student not found." return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret.result = "" ret.msg = "An error occurred while searching" return finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def save_course(code, name): try: data = (code, name) data2 = (code, name, code) conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM STUDENT WHERE courseCodeStd= %s", (code, )) student = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM COURSE WHERE courseCode= %s", (code, )) course = cursor.fetchone() if course is not None: if student is None: cursor.execute( "UPDATE Course SET courseCode = %s, courseName = %s WHERE courseCode = %s", data2) conn.conn.commit() return "Course updated" else: return "This course cannot be updated because is linked to a student grade." else: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Course (courseCode, courseName) VALUES(%s,%s)", data) conn.conn.commit() return "Course saved" except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) return "An error occurred while saving" finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def delete_student(id): try: conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM Student WHERE idStudents= %s", (id, )) student = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if student[0] is None: cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Student WHERE idStudents = %s", (id, )) # delete user cursor.execute("DELETE FROM User WHERE userId = %s", (id, )) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Student successfully deleted!" else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Can't be deleted! This student was already graded." return ret except Error as e: print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) ret = AdmReturn() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "An error occurred while deleting" conn.conn.rollback() return ret finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")
def save_professor(idProf, nameProf, courseCodeProf, usename, password, type): try: data_prof = (idProf, nameProf, courseCodeProf, idProf) data_prof2 = (nameProf, courseCodeProf, idProf) conn = db.connect() cursor = conn.conn.cursor() # verify professor cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM Professor WHERE idProf= %s and courseCodeProf = %s", (idProf, courseCodeProf)) professor = cursor.fetchone() ret = AdmReturn() if professor is None: # create user insert_update_user(idProf, usename, password, type, False) # create professor cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO Professor (idProf, nameProf, courseCodeProf," + " userIdProf) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)", data_prof) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor saved" return ret else: # verify if has graded student with that course linked to the teacher cursor.execute("SELECT grade FROM Student WHERE courseCodeStd= %s", (courseCodeProf, )) student = cursor.fetchone() if student is not None: # Verify if the course is given by the professor if professor[1] != courseCodeProf: # update user insert_update_user(idProf, usename, password, type, True) # update professor cursor.execute( "UPDATE Professor SET nameProf = %s, " + "courseCodeProf = %s" + "WHERE idProf = %s", data_prof2) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor updated" return ret else: ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Can't be updated. This professor is linked with a student grade." return ret else: # update user insert_update_user(idProf, usename, password, type, True) cursor.execute( "UPDATE Professor SET nameProf = %s, " + "courseCodeProf = %s" + "WHERE idProf = %s", data_prof2) conn.conn.commit() ret.result = "" ret.msg = "Professor updated" return ret except Error as e: conn.conn.rollback() print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e) return "An error occurred while saving" finally: if conn.conn.is_connected(): cursor.close() conn.conn.close() print("Connection is closed")