def get_event_geo_location(global_config, event_key=None): session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']) DataModel.setEventsGeoLocation(session, event_key) session.remove()
def process_files(global_config, attr_definitions, input_dir, recursive=True): start_time = # Initialize the database session connection db_name = global_config['db_name'] session = DbSession.open_db_session(db_name) some_files_processed = False # The following regular expression will select all files that conform to # the file naming format Team*.txt. Build a list of all datafiles that match # the naming format within the directory passed in via command line # arguments. file_regex = re.compile('Team[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.txt') files = get_files(global_config, session, db_name, input_dir, file_regex, recursive) print 'files retrieved, elapsed time - %s' % (str( # Process data files for data_filename in files: try: process_file( global_config, session, attr_definitions, data_filename) except Exception, e: # log the exception but continue processing other files log_exception(global_config['logger'], e) # add the file to the set of processed files so that we don't process it again. Do it outside the # try/except block so that we don't try to process a bogus file over and over again. DataModel.addProcessedFile(session, data_filename) some_files_processed = True # Commit all updates to the database session.commit()
def set_team_geo_location(global_config, team_key=None): session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']) DataModel.setTeamGeoLocation(session, team_key) session.remove()
def load_event_info(global_config, year_str): session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']) if year_str.lower() == 'all': # get all events since the beginning of time year = 1992 done = False while not done: url_str = '/api/v2/events/%d' % year events_data = TbaIntf.get_from_tba_parsed(url_str) if len(events_data) == 0: done = True else: for event_data in events_data: #print 'Event: %s' % event_data['key'] DataModel.addOrUpdateEventInfo(session, event_data) year += 1 else: url_str = '/api/v2/events/%s' % year_str events_data = TbaIntf.get_from_tba_parsed(url_str) for event_data in events_data: print 'Event: %s' % event_data['key'] DataModel.addOrUpdateEventInfo(session, event_data) session.commit() session.remove()
def get_team_list_json(global_config, comp): global team_info_dict global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team List For Competition %s', comp ) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name']) web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') result = [] result.append('{ "teams" : [\n') team_list = DataModel.getTeamsInNumericOrder(session, comp) for team in team_list: team_info = None # TODO - Remove this hardcoded number for the valid team number. This check prevents # requesting information for invalid team numbers, which has been known to happen when # tablet operators enter bogus team numbers by mistake if < 10000: team_info = DataModel.getTeamInfo(session, int( if team_info: result.append(' { "team_number": "%s", "nickname": "%s" }' % (,team_info.nickname)) result.append(',\n') if len(team_list) > 0: result = result[:-1] result.append(' ] }\n') return ''.join(result) else: return get_team_list_json_from_tba(global_config, comp)
def returnCheckerBoardFunction(self, Ndata: int, nx: int, ny: int, delta: float): """initCheckerBoardFunction Generates two classes similar to a chekerBoard table. One classe would be in the same position as the black part of the board and the second in the white one Parameters: INPUT: Ndata: number of instance of each quadrant nx: number of quadrants in x ny: number of quadrants in y delta: scramble factor, a lower delta means more entangled classes OUTPUT: cls1, cls2 : objects from classData with encapsulates all data from a given sub-class. Example: import LoadData import matplotlib.pyplot as plt myData = LoadData.clsWorkingData() cls1, cls2 = myData.initCheckerBoardFunction(50,2,2,0.5) plt.plot([:,0],[:,1],'g*') plt.plot([:,0],[:,1],'rd'), Modified: (LEO) : 17/01/2016 Version: v0.1 """ cls1 = DataModel.clsData(1, 1, 0) cls2 = DataModel.clsData(0, 1, 0) data1 = [] data2 = [] i1 = 0 i2 = 0 for k in range(0, Ndata): for i in range(0, nx): for j in range(0, ny): if divmod(i + j, 2)[1] == 1: dx = -delta + 2.0 * delta * random.random() dy = -delta + 2 * delta * random.random() data1.append([i + dx, j + dy]) i1 += 1 else: dx = -delta + 2.0 * delta * random.random() dy = -delta + 2.0 * delta * random.random() data2.append([i + dx, j + dy]) i2 += 1 data1 = np.matrix(data1) data2 = np.matrix(data2) cls1.setData(data1) cls2.setData(data2) return cls1, cls2
def compareImplementations2(): (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv") y = y.astype(int) (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y) x_sub = x_train[:500,:] y_sub = y_train[:500] s_my = SimpleNN2.NeuralNetConfig(784, 70, 10) s_t = NN_1HL.NN_1HL(reg_lambda = 10, opti_method = 'CG') np.random.seed(123) thetas = [s_t.rand_init(784,70), s_t.rand_init(70, 10)] # Check costs cost_t = s_t.function(s_t.pack_thetas(thetas[0].copy(), thetas[1].copy()), 784, 70, 10, x_sub, y_sub, 10) print("Cost test: ", cost_t) cost_my = SimpleNN2.computeCost(s_my, thetas[0], thetas[1], x_sub, y_sub, 10) print("Cost my: ", cost_my) # Check gradients grad_t = s_t.function_prime(s_t.pack_thetas(thetas[0].copy(), thetas[1].copy()), 784, 70, 10, x_sub, y_sub, 10) print("Grad sum test: ", np.sum(grad_t)) grad_my1, grad_my2 = SimpleNN2.computeGrad(s_my, thetas[0], thetas[1], x_sub, y_sub, 10) print("Grad sum my: ", np.sum(grad_my1) + np.sum(grad_my2))
def load_team_info( global_config, name=None): session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']) if name is None: global_config['logger'].debug( 'Loading Team Info For All FRC Teams' ) page = 0 done = False while not done: url_str = '/api/v2/teams/%d' % (page) teams_data = TbaIntf.get_from_tba_parsed(url_str) if len(teams_data) == 0: done = True else: for team_data in teams_data: DataModel.setTeamInfoFromTba(session, team_data) page += 1 else: global_config['logger'].debug( 'Loading Team Info For FRC Team %s' % name ) ''' url_str = '/api/v2/team/frc%s/%s' % (team_str,query_str) for page in range(0,14): teams_data = TbaIntf.get_from_tba_parsed(url_str) for team_data in teams_data: setTeamInfoFromTba(session, team_data) ''' session.remove()
def init_main_table(): university_list, college_list, company_list, facility_list, normal_list = [], [], [], [], [] model_list: list = DBConnector.cnki_query_all() for model in model_list: model: DataModel.CNKIContent if '大学' in model.Organ: university_index = model.Organ.index('大学') organ = model.Organ[0:university_index + 2] # if '实验室' in organ: # organ = organ[0:organ.index('实验室') + 3] university_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() university_model.Organ = organ university_model.ori_sid = model.sid university_list.append(university_model) continue if '学院' in model.Organ: organ = model.Organ[0:model.Organ.index('学院') + 2] college_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() college_model.ori_sid = model.sid college_model.Organ = organ college_list.append(college_model) continue normal_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() normal_model.ori_sid = model.sid normal_model.Organ = model.Organ normal_list.append(normal_model) DBConnector.db_list_writer(university_list) DBConnector.db_list_writer(college_list) DBConnector.db_list_writer(normal_list)
def process_form(global_config, form): global_config['logger'].debug( 'Process Attribute Modify Form' ) season = form[attr_modify_season_label].value comp = form[attr_modify_comp_label].value team = form[attr_modify_team_number_label].value attr_name = form[attr_modify_attribute_name_label].value old_value = form[attr_modify_old_value_label].value new_value = form[attr_modify_new_value_label].value # Initialize the database session connection db_name = global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season'] session = DbSession.open_db_session(db_name) attrdef_filename = WebCommonUtils.get_attrdef_filename(short_comp=comp) if attrdef_filename is not None: attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions(global_config) attr_definitions.parse(attrdef_filename) attr_def = attr_definitions.get_definition(attr_name) try: DataModel.modifyAttributeValue(session, team, comp+season, attr_name, old_value, new_value, attr_def) result = 'Attribute %s Modified From %s to %s For Team %s' % (attr_name,old_value,new_value,team) session.commit() except ValueError as reason: result = 'Error Modifying Scouting Addribute %s For Team %s: %s' % (attr_name,team,reason) session.remove() return result
def process_files(global_config, attr_definitions, input_dir, recursive=True): start_time = # Initialize the database session connection db_name = global_config["db_name"] + global_config["this_season"] session = DbSession.open_db_session(db_name) some_files_processed = False # read the ignore file list config each time through the loop. Any files # in the ignore list will be skipped ignore_filelist = read_ignore_filelist_cfg(input_dir + "IgnoreFiles.txt") # The following regular expression will select all files that conform to # the file naming format Team*.txt. Build a list of all datafiles that match # the naming format within the directory passed in via command line # arguments. file_regex = re.compile("Team[a-zA-Z0-9_]+.txt") files = get_files(global_config, session, db_name, input_dir, file_regex, recursive) if len(files) > 0: log_msg = "files retrieved, elapsed time - %s" % (str( - start_time)) print log_msg global_config["logger"].debug("%s - %s" % (process_files.__name__, log_msg)) global_config["logger"].debug("%s - %d Files to be processed" % (process_files.__name__, len(files))) # Process data files for data_filename in files: # If the file is on the ignore list (quarantined), then skip it if data_filename.split("/")[-1] in ignore_filelist: global_config["logger"].debug("%s - Ignoring file: %s" % (process_files.__name__, data_filename)) continue # Make sure that the data file has not already been processed. We have seen cases # where the data file gets inserted into the list of files to be processed more than # once. file_processed = isFileProcessed(global_config, session, db_name, data_filename) if not file_processed: try: global_config["logger"].debug("%s - Processing file: %s" % (process_files.__name__, data_filename)) process_file(global_config, session, attr_definitions, data_filename) except Exception, e: global_config["logger"].debug( "%s - Error processing file: %s" % (process_files.__name__, data_filename) ) # log the exception but continue processing other files log_exception(global_config["logger"], e) # add the file to the set of processed files so that we don't process it again. Do it outside the # try/except block so that we don't try to process a bogus file over and over again. DataModel.addProcessedFile(session, data_filename) some_files_processed = True else: global_config["logger"].debug( "%s - Skipping file: %s, already processed" % (process_files.__name__, data_filename) ) # Commit all updates to the database session.commit()
def readDataModel(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: versionNumber = struct.unpack('!H','!H')))[0] if versionNumber != 1: raise ValueError( 'This file was not created with the correct version of the hydrology script.' ) coordinateType = struct.unpack('!B','!B')))[0] rasterResolution = struct.unpack('!f','!f')))[0] edgeLength = struct.unpack('!f','!f')))[0] shore = DataModel.ShoreModel(rasterResolution, binaryFile=file) hydrology = DataModel.HydrologyNetwork(binaryFile=file) cells = DataModel.TerrainHoneycomb(resolution=rasterResolution, edgeLength=edgeLength, shore=shore, hydrology=hydrology, binaryFile=file) terrain = DataModel.Terrain(binaryFile=file) file.close() return (rasterResolution, edgeLength, shore, hydrology, cells, terrain)
def compareImplementations(): (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv") y = y.astype(int) (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y) x_sub = x_train[:500,:] y_sub = y_train[:500] s_my = SimpleNN.SimpleNN([784, 70, 10]) s_t = NN_1HL.NN_1HL(reg_lambda = 1, opti_method = 'CG') np.random.seed(123) thetas = [s_t.rand_init(784,70), s_t.rand_init(70, 10)] cost_t = s_t.function(s_t.pack_thetas(thetas[0].copy(), thetas[1].copy()), 784, 70, 10, x_sub, y_sub, 10) grad_t = s_t.function_prime(s_t.pack_thetas(thetas[0], thetas[1]), 784, 70, 10, x_sub, y_sub, 10) print(cost_t, np.sum(grad_t)); cost_my = s_my.computeCost(s_my.combineTheta(thetas.copy()), x_sub, y_sub, 10) grad_my = s_my.computeGrad(s_my.combineTheta(thetas), x_sub, y_sub, 10) print(cost_my, np.sum(grad_my))
def process_delete_attr_form(global_config, form): global_config['logger'].debug( 'Process Attribute Delete Form' ) season = form[attr_delete_season_label].value comp = form[attr_delete_comp_label].value team = form[attr_delete_team_number_label].value attr_name = form[attr_delete_attribute_name_label].value old_value = form[attr_delete_old_value_label].value # Initialize the database session connection db_name = global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season'] session = DbSession.open_db_session(db_name) attrdef_filename = WebCommonUtils.get_attrdef_filename(short_comp=comp) if attrdef_filename is not None: attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions(global_config) attr_definitions.parse(attrdef_filename) attr_def = attr_definitions.get_definition(attr_name) try: DataModel.deleteAttributeValue(session, team, comp+season, attr_name, old_value, attr_def) result = 'Scouting Data Attribute Value %s Successfully Removed From %s' % (old_value,attr_name) session.commit() except ValueError as reason: result = 'Error Removing Scouting Data Attribute Value %s From %s: %s' % (old_value,attr_name,reason) session.remove() return result
def makeTeamFromDict(d): if type(d) != dict: print(d) team = DataModel.Team(**d) if 'calculatedData' in d.keys(): team.calculatedData = DataModel.CalculatedTeamData( **d['calculatedData']) return team
def test_create(self): table_name = 'password_db' table_model = DataModel(table_name, PasswordData) table_model.new_table() vo = PasswordData("your", "your_password") res = table_model.create(vo) self.assertEqual(res, 1) os.remove("./password_db.db")
def test_new_table(self): table_name = 'password_db' table_model = DataModel(table_name, PasswordData) res = table_model.new_table() self.assertTrue(res) res = table_model.new_table() self.assertFalse(res) os.remove("./password_db.db")
def test1(): (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv") (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y) x_sub = x_train[:500,:] y_sub = y_train[:500] s = SimpleNN.SimpleNN([784, 70, 10]) #s = Train.trainGradientDescent(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5) s = Train.trainSciPy(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5) acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [s.predictClass(w) for w in x_cv]) print("Accuracy on CV set: {0}", acc_cv)
def test2(): (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv") y = y.astype(int) (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y) x_sub = x_train[:500,:] y_sub = y_train[:500] s = NN_1HL.NN_1HL(reg_lambda = 1, opti_method = 'CG'), y_sub) acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [s.predict(w) for w in x_cv]) print("Accuracy on CV set: {0}", acc_cv)
def get_city_and_organ_location_by_google(start_sid): models = DBConnector.cnki_location_query_all_min_sid(start_sid) api_key = 'AIzaSyBuyQu2l_H3nCgGo84W26VwEVhFTNnm99g' for model in models: model: DataModel.CNKILocationContent if model.City is None: continue url = '{0}&key={1}'.format( model.City, api_key) proxy = { 'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://' } web = requests.get(url=url, proxies=proxy) response = json.loads(web.text) if response['status'] != 'OK': continue print(response['results'][0]['formatted_address']) location = response['results'][0]['geometry']['location'] print(location) response_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() response_model.City_Longitude = location['lng'] response_model.City_Latitude = location['lat'] DBConnector.update_cnki_location_city_location(model.sid, response_model)
def get_team_comp_list(this_comp, team): my_config = ScoutingAppMainWebServer.global_config complist = list() if this_comp == None: this_comp = my_config["this_competition"] + my_config["this_season"] season = my_config["this_season"] else: season = map_comp_to_season(this_comp) complist.append(this_comp) team_complist = WebTeamData.get_team_event_list_from_tba(my_config, team, season) if not team_complist: session = DbSession.open_db_session(my_config["db_name"] + my_config["this_season"]) team_scores = DataModel.getTeamScore(session, team) for score in team_scores: comp = score.competition.upper() # currently, the competition season is stored in the database # as part of the competition. So, we need to add it for the comparison, # but not as we define the complist itself if comp != this_comp.upper(): complist.append(comp) else: for comp in team_complist: if comp.upper() != this_comp.upper(): complist.append(comp) return complist
def __init__(self, frame): self.model = dm.DataModel() self.frame = frame self.buttons = list() self.spacing = 15 self.declareButtons() self.popUp = list()
def get_city_and_organ_location_by_tencent(start_sid): models = DBConnector.cnki_location_query_all() api_key = 'PFSBZ-GTOKP-JWHD3-VWKIL-KI4BQ-4YFQP' count = 0 for model in models: model: DataModel.CNKILocationContent if model.sid < start_sid: continue url = '{0}&key={1}'.format( model.Organ, api_key) web = requests.get(url) time.sleep(0.3) response = json.loads(web.text) print(response) if response['status'] != 0: continue response_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() response_model.Province = response['result']['address_components'][ 'province'] response_model.City = response['result']['address_components']['city'] response_model.District = response['result']['address_components'][ 'district'] response_model.Organ_Longitude = response['result']['location']['lng'] response_model.Organ_Latitude = response['result']['location']['lat'] DBConnector.update_cnki_location_city(model.sid, response_model) count = count + 1 if count == 5000: break
def get_team_attr_rankings_page(global_config, comp, attr_name): global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team Attribute Rankings' ) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name']) attrdef_filename = './config/' + global_config['attr_definitions'] attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions() attr_definitions.parse(attrdef_filename) attr = attr_definitions.get_definition(attr_name) try: stat_type = attr['Statistic_Type'] except: stat_type = 'Total' web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') result = [] result.append('{ "rankings": [\n') team_rankings = DataModel.getTeamAttributesInRankOrder(session, comp, attr_name, False) for team in team_rankings: if stat_type == 'Average': value = int(team.cumulative_value/team.num_occurs) else: value = int(team.cumulative_value) data_str = '{ "team": %d, "value": %d }' % (,value) result.append(data_str) result.append(',\n') if len(team_rankings) > 0: result = result[:-1] result.append('\n') result.append(']}') return ''.join(result)
def doFirstCalculationsForTeam(self, team): if if not team.calculatedData = DataModel.CalculatedTeamData() t = team.calculatedData firstCalculationDict(team, self) print('> Completed first calcs for ' + str(team.number))
def TIMDCalcDict(timd, calc): if (not timd.calculatedData = DataModel.CalculatedTeamInMatchData() team = match = c = timd.calculatedData c.numGearsPlacedAuto = calc.getTotalValueForValueDict( timd.gearsPlacedByLiftAuto) c.numGearsPlacedTele = calc.getTotalValueForValueDict( timd.gearsPlacedByLiftTele) c.avgKeyShotTime = calc.getAvgKeyShotTimeForTIMD(timd, 'Key') c.avgHopperShotTime = calc.getAvgKeyShotTimeForTIMD(timd, 'Hopper') c.numHighShotsTele = calc.weightFuelShotsForDataPoint( timd, match, 'teleopFuelHigh', timd.highShotTimesForBoilerTele) c.numHighShotsAuto = calc.weightFuelShotsForDataPoint( timd, match, 'autoFuelHigh', timd.highShotTimesForBoilerAuto) c.numLowShotsTele = calc.weightFuelShotsForDataPoint( timd, match, 'teleopFuelLow', timd.lowShotTimesForBoilerTele) c.numLowShotsAuto = calc.weightFuelShotsForDataPoint( timd, match, 'autoFuelLow', timd.lowShotTimesForBoilerAuto) c.liftoffAbility = calc.liftoffAbilityForTIMD(timd) c.wasDisfunctional = utils.convertFirebaseBoolean( timd.didStartDisabled + utils.convertFirebaseBoolean(timd.didBecomeIncapacitated)) c.disfunctionalPercentage = utils.convertFirebaseBoolean( timd.didStartDisabled) + 0.5 * utils.convertFirebaseBoolean( timd.didBecomeIncapacitated) c.numRPs = calc.RPsGainedFromMatchForAlliance( team.number in match.redAllianceTeamNumbers, match)
def get_team_scouting_notes_json(global_config, comp, name, store_json_file=False): global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team %s Scouting Notes For Competition %s', name, comp ) season = WebCommonUtils.map_comp_to_season(comp) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + season) result = [] result.append('{ "competition" : "%s", "team" : "%s",\n' % (comp,name)) result.append(' "scouting_notes" : [\n') team_notes = DataModel.getTeamNotes(session, name, comp) for note in team_notes: result.append(' { "tag": "%s", "note": "%s" }' % (note.tag, result.append(',\n') if len(team_notes) > 0: result = result[:-1] result.append(' ] }\n') json_str = ''.join(result) if store_json_file is True: try: FileSync.put( global_config, '%s/EventData/TeamData/team%s_scouting_notes.json' % (comp,name), 'text', json_str) except: raise session.remove() return json_str
def _fixup_seq_numbers(data, update_seq_array, size_update_seq, update_seq, bytes_per_sector): log = Helper.logger() size_in_bytes = data.getDataSize() ## apply fixup k = 0 i = 0 fixup_array = DataModel.BufferDataModel(update_seq_array, 'fixup') while k < size_in_bytes: if i >= size_update_seq: break k += bytes_per_sector seq = data.getWORD(k - 2) fixup = fixup_array.getWORD(i * 2) log.debug( '\tlast two bytes of sector: {:04x}, fixup {:04x}'.format( seq, fixup)) if seq != update_seq: log.debug( '\tupdate sequence check failed, image may be corrupt, continue anyway' ) fixup_s = fixup_array.getStream(i * 2, i * 2 + 2) data.getData()[k - 2:k] = fixup_s i += 1
def _fetch_vcn(self, vcn, data_run, datamodel): log = Helper.logger() file_record = self.file_record (n, lcn), rel_vcn = data_run log.debug('\t\tVCN relative to data-run: {}'.format(rel_vcn)) bytes_per_cluster = file_record.sectors_per_cluster * file_record.bytes_per_sector file_offset = ( lcn + rel_vcn ) * self.file_record.sectors_per_cluster * self.file_record.bytes_per_sector #size_in_bytes = n * self.file_record.sectors_per_cluster * self.file_record.bytes_per_sector # only one vcn # is it possible to have more than one cluster/entry ? !TODO size_in_bytes = 1 * self.file_record.sectors_per_cluster * self.file_record.bytes_per_sector clusters = datamodel.getStream(file_offset, file_offset + size_in_bytes) log.debug( '\t\tINDX: 0x{:04x} clusters @ LCN 0x{:04x}, @ f_offset 0x{:x}, size_in_bytes {}' .format(n, lcn, file_offset, size_in_bytes)) # buffered data model data = DataModel.BufferDataModel(clusters, 'lcn') return data
def get_team_info_json(global_config, comp, name, store_json_file=False): global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team %s Info', name ) season = WebCommonUtils.map_comp_to_season(comp) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + season) team_info = DataModel.getTeamInfo(session, int(name)) if team_info is None: json_str = '' else: result = [] result.append('{ "team": "%s", "team_data" : [\n' % name) result.append(' { "name": "%s", "value": "%s" }' % ('nickname', team_info.nickname)) result.append(',\n') result.append(' { "name": "%s", "value": "%s" }' % ('affiliation', team_info.fullname)) result.append(',\n') result.append(' { "name": "%s", "value": "%s" }' % ('location', team_info.location)) result.append(',\n') result.append(' { "name": "%s", "value": "%s" }' % ('rookie_season', team_info.rookie_season)) result.append(',\n') result.append(' { "name": "%s", "value": "%s" }' % ('website', result.append('\n') result.append(' ] }\n') json_str = ''.join(result) if store_json_file is True: try: FileSync.put( global_config, '%s/EventData/TeamData/team%s_teaminfo.json' % (comp,name), 'text', json_str) except: raise return json_str
def file_db_writer(): files = os.listdir('new_vec') for filename in files: reader = open('new_vec/{0}'.format(filename), 'r', encoding='gbk', errors='ignore') print('正在处理文件{0}......'.format(filename)) model_list = [] list_count = 0 while True: line = reader.readline() if not line: break model = DataModel.WeiboWord2Vec() try: weibo_sid = int(line.split(':')[0]) if weibo_sid <= 9808: continue model.weibo_sid = weibo_sid model.word = line.split(':')[1] model.vector = line.split(':')[2] except IndexError: model.vector = None print(line) continue except ValueError: print(line) continue model_list.append(model) list_count = list_count + 1 if list_count == 10000: DBConnector.db_list_writer(model_list) model_list.clear() list_count = 0
def update_team_data_files( global_config, year, event, directory, team=None ): global_config['logger'].debug( 'Updating Team DataFiles' ) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + year) comp = event+year result = False team_list = [] if team == None or team == '': team_list = DataModel.getTeamsInNumericOrder(session, comp) else: team_list.append(team) # for now, we only support updating files in the TeamData directory, so only continue if that's the # directory that was specified. if directory.upper() == 'TEAMDATA' or directory.upper() == 'EVENTDATA': for team_entry in team_list: # TODO: added a special test here to skip teams with a number greater than 10000. Some data # was erroneously entered with team numbers really high... if < 10000: get_team_info_json(global_config, comp,, store_json_file=True) get_team_score_json(global_config,, comp, store_json_file=True) get_team_score_breakdown_json(global_config,, comp, store_json_file=True) get_team_scouting_notes_json(global_config, comp,, store_json_file=True) get_team_scouting_mediafiles_json(global_config, comp, str(, store_json_file=True) get_team_scouting_datafiles_json(global_config, comp, str(, store_json_file=True) get_team_scouting_data_summary_json(global_config, comp,, attr_filter=[], filter_name=None, store_json_file=True) result = True session.remove() return result
def get_team_score_json(global_config, name, comp, store_json_file=False): global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team %s Score For Competition %s', name, comp ) season = WebCommonUtils.map_comp_to_season(comp) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + season) result = [] result.append('{ "competition" : "%s", "team" : "%s", ' % (comp,name)) team_scores = DataModel.getTeamScore(session, name, comp) if len(team_scores)==1: result.append('"score": "%s" }' % team_scores[0].score) else: result.append(' "score": [') for score in team_scores: result.append(score.json()) result.append(',\n') if len(team_scores) > 0: result = result[:-1] result.append(']}') json_str = ''.join(result) if store_json_file is True: try: FileSync.put( global_config, '%s/EventData/TeamData/team%s_scouting_score.json' % (comp,name), 'text', json_str) except: raise session.remove() return json_str
def returnBananaDataset(self, N: (int, int), p: (float, float), r: float, s: float): """initCheckerBoardFunction Generates two classes similar to two bananas - semi-circle classes. One classe is mirrowed and shifted related to another. Parameters: INPUT: N: (int,int) tuple, indicating the number of instances of each class p: (float,float) a tuple responsible for shifting the center of each class r: the ray of the "bananas" s: scramble factor, a higher s means more entangled classes OUTPUT: cls1, cls2 : objects from classData with encapsulates all data from a given sub-class. Example: import LoadData import matplotlib.pyplot as plt myData = LoadData.clsWorkingData() cls1, cls2 = myData.returnBananaDataset((200,200), (1.0,1.0), 1.7, 0.2) plt.plot([:,0],[:,1],'g*') plt.plot([:,0],[:,1],'rd'), Modified: (LEO) : 17/01/2016 Version: v0.1 """ cls1 = DataModel.clsData(1, 1, 0) cls2 = DataModel.clsData(0, 1, 0) domaina = np.array(0.125 * np.pi + np.random.rand(N[0], 1) * 1.25 * np.pi) data1 = np.matrix(np.column_stack((r * np.sin(domaina), r * np.cos(domaina)))) + np.matrix( np.random.rand(N[0], 2) ) cls1.setData(data1) domainb = np.array(0.375 * np.pi - np.random.rand(N[0], 1) * 1.25 * np.pi) data2 = np.matrix(np.column_stack((r * np.sin(domainb) - p[0], r * np.cos(domainb) - p[1]))) + np.matrix( np.random.rand(N[0], 2) ) cls2.setData(data2) return cls1, cls2
def test3(): (x, y) = DataModel.loadData("..\\train.csv") (x_train, x_cv, y_train, y_cv) = DataModel.splitData(x, y) x_sub = x_train[:20000,:] y_sub = y_train[:20000] s = SimpleNN2.NeuralNetConfig(784, 70, 10) regLambda = 6.84 #s = Train.trainGradientDescent(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5) th1, th2 = Train.trainSciPy2(s, x_sub, y_sub, regLambda) #th1, th2 = Train.trainGradientDescent2(s, x_sub, y_sub, 5) acc_cv = accuracy_score(y_cv, [SimpleNN2.predictClass(s, th1, th2, w) for w in x_cv]) print("Accuracy on CV set: {0}".format(acc_cv))
def isFileProcessed(global_config, session, db_name, filepath): if db_name == (global_config["db_name"] + global_config["this_season"]): is_processed = DataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) elif db_name == (global_config["issues_db_name"] + global_config["this_season"]): is_processed = IssueTrackerDataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) elif db_name == (global_config["debriefs_db_name"] + global_config["this_season"]): is_processed = DebriefDataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) return is_processed
def __init__(self, set_id = 0, in_collision = 0, breaks = 0, data = [], obj_data = DataModel.clsData()): if len( DataModel.clsData.__init__(self,set_id,in_collision,breaks,data) else: DataModel.clsData.__init__(self,obj_data.set_id,obj_data.in_collision,obj_data.breaks, self.projections = Projections.clsProjectionOverAxis(,self.word_ref_center,self.pi)
def isFileProcessed(session, db_name, filepath): if db_name == global_config['db_name']: is_processed = DataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) elif db_name == global_config['issues_db_name']: is_processed = IssueTrackerDataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) elif db_name == global_config['debriefs_db_name']: is_processed = DebriefDataModel.isFileProcessed(session, filepath) return is_processed
def returnLineSegmentDataset(self, p: (float, float), r: float): """initCheckerBoardFunction v0.1 """ cls1 = DataModel.clsData(1, 1, 0) cls2 = DataModel.clsData(0, 1, 0) x = np.array(np.arange(p[0], p[1], r)).transpose() n = x.shape[0] y = np.array(x) + np.random.rand(1, n) * r data = np.vstack((x, y)) cls1.setData(data.transpose()) return cls1
def process_attr_def_form(global_config, form): global_config['logger'].debug( 'Process Attribute Definitions Form' ) attrdef_filename = WebCommonUtils.get_attrdef_filename(global_config['this_competition']) if attrdef_filename is not None: attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions(global_config) attr_definitions.parse(attrdef_filename) attr_dict = attr_definitions.get_definitions() for key, attr_def in sorted(attr_dict.items()): attr_def['Weight'] = form[key].value attr_definitions.write_attr_overrides(); competition = global_config['this_competition'] + global_config['this_season'] if competition == None: raise Exception( 'Competition Not Specified!') DataModel.recalculate_scoring(global_config, competition, attr_definitions)
def setDataForMatch(match): m = DataModel.Match() f = lambda key: [ match["alliances"]["red"][key], match["alliances"]["blue"][key] ] m.number, m.redAllianceTeamNumbers, m.blueAllianceTeamNumbers = int( match["match_number"]), f("teams")[0], f("teams")[1] m.redScore, m.blueScore, m.TIMDs = 0, 0, [] return m
def cnki_read_from_file(filename, is_test=True): reader = open( r'C:\Users\macha\iCloudDrive\Documents\DataSource\核心期刊数据\汇总\{0}'. format(filename), errors='ignore', encoding='gbk') model_list = [] while True: line = reader.readline() if not line: break items = line.split('\t') # SrcDatabase Title Author Organ Source Keyword Summary PubTime FirstDuty Fund Year Period Volume Period # PageCount if items[2] == '': continue if items[0] == 'SrcDatabase-来源库': continue if is_test: model = DataModel.CNKIContent() else: model = DataModel.CNKIMainContent() model.SrcDatabase = items[0] model.Title = items[1] model.Author = process_author_list(items[2]) organ = process_organ(items[0], items[3]) organ_list = [] for item in organ.split(';'): if'\d\d\d\d\d\d', item): continue organ_list.append(item) model.Organ = ';'.join(organ_list) model.Source = items[4] model.Keyword = process_keyword(items[0], items[5]) model.Summary = process_summary(items[6]) model.PubTime = items[7] model.FirstDuty = items[8] model.Fund = items[9] if items[10] != '': model.Year = int(items[10]) model_list.append(model) print('已加载{0}条数据'.format(str(len(model_list)))) DBConnector.db_list_writer(model_list) print('{0}已完成导入,共{1}条记录!'.format(filename, str(len(model_list))))
def get_team_attributes_page(global_config): global_config['logger'].debug( 'GET Team Attributes' ) session = DbSession.open_db_session(global_config['db_name'] + global_config['this_season']) comp = global_config['this_competition'] + global_config['this_season'] attrdef_filename = WebCommonUtils.get_attrdef_filename(comp=comp) attr_definitions = AttributeDefinitions.AttrDefinitions(global_config) attr_definitions.parse(attrdef_filename) web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json') result = [] result.append('{ "attributes": [\n') team_rankings = DataModel.getTeamsInRankOrder(session, comp) for team_entry in team_rankings: result.append("{ 'Team': " + str( result.append(", 'Score': " + '%.2f' % team_entry.score ) team_attributes = DataModel.getTeamAttributesInOrder(session,, comp) for attribute in team_attributes: attr_def = attr_definitions.get_definition( attribute.attr_name ) if attr_def: weight = int(float(attr_def['Weight'])) if weight != 0: result.append( ", '" + attribute.attr_name + "': ") if ( attr_def['Statistic_Type'] == 'Total'): #result.append( str(attribute.cumulative_value) ) result.append( DataModel.mapValueToString(attribute.cumulative_value, attribute.all_values, attr_def, True) ) elif ( attr_def['Statistic_Type'] == 'Average'): #result.append( str(attribute.avg_value) ) result.append( DataModel.mapValueToString(attribute.avg_value, attribute.all_values, attr_def, True) ) else: #result.append( str(attribute.attr_value) ) result.append( DataModel.mapValueToString(attribute.attr_value, attribute.all_values, attr_def, True) ) result.append(' }') result.append(',\n') if len(team_rankings) > 0: result = result[:-1] result.append('\n') result.append(']}') session.remove() return ''.join(result)
def reset_data(self): self.data_model = DataModel.DataModel() self.data_model.logger = Logger self.img = None self.texture = None self.texture_stars = None self.focal_length = 0 self.crop_factor = 0 self.img_list = None self.output_name = "aligned.tif" gc.collect()
def companyList2Db(self): if not self.fundCompanyList: return for k, company in enumerate(self.fundCompanyList): item = DataModel.FundCompany(code=company[0], name=company[1]) self.session.add(item) logger.debug("%d company records is saved." % (k + 1)) try: self.session.commit() except Exception as e: logger.error(e.msg) self.session.rollback()
def init_location_table(): models: [DataModel.CNKIMainContent ] = DBConnector.query_all(DataModel.CNKIMainContent) organ_model_list = [] for model in models: if not model.Organ: continue for organ in model.Organ.split(';'): organ_model = DataModel.CNKILocationContent() organ_model.organ_full_name = organ organ_model.ori_sid = model.sid organ_model_list.append(organ_model) DBConnector.db_list_writer(organ_model_list)
def __init__(self, competition): super(Calculator, self).__init__() warnings.simplefilter('error', RuntimeWarning) self.comp = competition self.TBAC = TBACommunicator.TBACommunicator() self.TBAC.eventCode = self.comp.code self.ourTeamNum = 1678 self.monteCarloIterations = 100 = SchemaUtils(self.comp, self) self.cachedTeamDatas = {} self.averageTeam = DataModel.Team() self.averageTeam.number = -1 self.reportedTIMDs = [] = 'Average Team' self.surrogateTIMDs = [] self.writtenMatches = [] self.teleGearIncrements = [0, 2, 6, 12] self.autoGearIncrements = [1, 3, 7, 13] self.gearsPerRotor = [1, 2, 4, 6] self.gearRangesAuto = [ range(1, 3), range(3, 7), range(7, 13), range(13, 14) ] self.gearRangesTele = [ range(2), range(2, 6), range(6, 12), range(12, 13) ] # self.lifts = ['lift1', 'lift2', 'lift3'] self.lifts = ['allianceWall', 'hpStation', 'boiler'] self.shotKeys = { 'autoFuelLow': 'avgLowShotsAuto', 'autoFuelHigh': 'avgHighShotsAuto', 'teleopFuelLow': 'avgLowShotsTele', 'teleopFuelHigh': 'avgHighShotsTele' } self.boilerKeys = { 'autoFuelLow': 'lowShotTimesForBoilerAuto', 'autoFuelHigh': 'highShotTimesForBoilerAuto', 'teleopFuelLow': 'lowShotTimesForBoilerTele', 'teleopFuelHigh': 'highShotTimesForBoilerTele' } self.cachedTeamDatas = {} self.cachedComp = cache.CachedCompetitionData() self.cachedTeamDatas[self.averageTeam.number] = cache.CachedTeamData( **{'teamNumber': self.averageTeam.number}) for t in self.comp.teams: self.cachedTeamDatas[t.number] = cache.CachedTeamData( **{'teamNumber': t.number})
def fundList2Db(self): if not self.fundList: return for k, fund in enumerate(self.fundList): item = DataModel.FundBasic(code=fund[0], name=fund[2], type_name=fund[3], pinyin_name=fund[4], pinyin_brief=fund[1]) self.session.add(item) logger.debug("%d records is saved." % (k + 1)) try: self.session.commit() except: self.session.rollback()
def insert_data_info(self, file_info, folder_level1, extension, date_str, url, area_result, dict_category, source_result, local_dir): """ 封装实体 :param file_info: :param extension: :param date_str: :param location: :param url: :return: """ # # 4.1 [to-do]得到对应的海区ID(暂时均为默认海区) # area_result = self.dao.find_by_name(DataArea, 'China Sea') # # 4.2 [to-do]得到数据源的ID(暂时均为中国) # source_result = self.dao.find_by_name(DataSource, 'China') # # 4.3 [to-do]得到数据类型的ID(暂时均为中国) # category_result = self.dao.find_by_name(DataCategory, folder_level1) datainfoModel = DataModel.DataDataInfo() info = DataModel.DataDataInfo() info.is_delete = 0 info.gmt_create = info.gmt_modified = = file_info info.extensions = extension # [to-do]暂时没有备注 # 使用date类型传入MySQL数据库 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') info.area_id = info.category_id = dict_category.get(folder_level1) info.source_id = info.url = url # [to-do]暂时没有FTP文件的最新修改日期 info.size = os.path.getsize(local_dir) info.location = extension self.dao.insert_one(info)
def getData(): ''' Gets the data from the csv file Returns a list of Schools ''' f_open = open(FILENAME, 'r') #Ignore labels f_open.readline() f_open.readline() schools = [] for line in f_open.readlines(): try: schools.append(DataModel.School(line)) except: print "Could not parse", line return schools
def __init__(self): ## Configuration self.settings = configparser.ConfigParser() self.settings['settings'] = {} self.settings['hardware'] = { 'type': 'none' } self.settings['view'] = { 'startFreq': '1000000', 'stopFreq': '10000000', 'showMarker': 'True', 'colorScheme': '1', 'colorScheme': '1', 'dBDivIndex': '4', 'numSamplesIndex': '2', 'refLevel': '10' } self.model = DataModel.DataModel()
def write_zhihu_csv(): for i in range(1, 2834): result_list = get_top_tf_idf_word_zhihu(30, i) model = DataModel.ZhihuCut() model.sid = i word_list = [] for item in result_list: word = item[1] word_list.append(word) model.top_word_cut = '\t'.join(word_list) zhihu_sid = DBConnector.get_zhihu_sid_by_cut_sid(i) vector_result = ZhihuProcess.vector_merge(zhihu_sid) if vector_result == 'empty': continue model.top_words_vector = vector_result DBConnector.update_zhihu_top_cut(model) print('完成zhihu_cut_sid={0}'.format(str(i)))
def get_location_by_organ_city(organ, city): r = redis.Redis(host='', port=8173, db=1, encoding='gbk', decode_responses=True) if r.exists(organ): return True params = { 'address': organ, 'city': city, 'key': 'f60f13bfa6f8ebc1952e6d21b72ccd11' } url = ''.format(organ) web = requests.get(url, params=params) response = json.loads(web.text) print(response) response_model = DataModel.UniversityLocation() response_model.university_name = organ if response['status'] == '0' or response['count'] == '0': DBConnector.db_writer(response_model) return False response_model.province = response['geocodes'][0]['province'] city = response['geocodes'][0]['city'] if type(city) is str: = city else: = None district = response['geocodes'][0]['district'] if type(district) is str: response_model.district = district else: response_model.district = None response_model.longitude = float( response['geocodes'][0]['location'].split(',')[0]) response_model.latitude = float( response['geocodes'][0]['location'].split(',')[1]) location_dict = dict(province=response_model.province,, district=response_model.district, longitude=response_model.longitude, latitude=response_model.latitude) r.hmset(organ, location_dict) print('已添加{0}位置信息'.format(organ)) return True
def assemble_model(): model = DataModel.Zhihu() model.url = text_list[0] = text_list[1] model.question = text_list[2] model.post_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d') model.like_num = int(like) model.comment_num = int(comment) index = answer_ori.rfind('编辑于') if index == -1: index = answer_ori.rfind('发布于') answer = answer_ori[:index] result, count = re.subn('<.*?>', '', answer) if count == 0: model.answer = answer else: model.answer = result return model
def delete_small_weibo_cut(): db_session: sessionmaker = create_db_session(DBName.MySQL) new_session = db_session() models = new_session.query(DataModel.WeiboCut).all() new_session.close() model_list = [] for model in models: model: DataModel.WeiboCut if model.words_vector is None: continue if len(model.word_cut.split('\t')) < 3: continue new_model = DataModel.WeiboCutNoShort() new_model.weibo_sid = model.weibo_sid new_model.weibo_content = model.weibo_content new_model.word_cut = model.word_cut new_model.words_vector = model.words_vector model_list.append(new_model) db_list_writer(model_list)
def __init__(self): super(RaspberryController, self).__init__() self.instance = None self.setupUi(self) self.setup_actions() self.setup_openmic_controller() self.data_model = DataModel.DataModel(self.agentsComboBox, self.tasksComboBox, self.showTaskAgentsComboBox) self.initialize_ui()
def zhihu_word_cut(): models = DBConnector.query_all(DataModel.ZhihuClean) cutter = WordCutter.WordCut(stop_word_list='stoplist_最终使用版.txt') cut_model_list = [] for model in models: model: DataModel.ZhihuClean result_code, result, result_json = cutter.word_cut_baiduyun(model.answer) if result_code != 0: print(model.sid) print(result) continue cut_model = DataModel.ZhihuCut() cut_line = result cut_model.zhihu_sid = model.sid cut_model.zhihu_answer = model.answer cut_model.answer_word_cut = cut_line print(cut_line) cut_model_list.append(cut_model) DBConnector.db_list_writer(cut_model_list)
def __init__( self, n=100000, border_value=1.5, input_parameters_below_border=(1,), input_parameters_above_border=(0.5,), output_parameters_below_border=(0.5,), output_parameters_above_border=(1,), input_intensity=(0.5,), output_intensity=(1,), input_distribution="exponential", output_distribution="exponential", input_time_distribution="exponential", output_time_distribution="exponential", ): # distribution law of volumes of receipt of the resource self._input_distribution = input_distribution # distribution law of volumes of resource loss self._output_distribution = output_distribution # distribution law of lengths of time intervals self._input_time_distribution = input_time_distribution self._output_time_distribution = output_time_distribution # parameters of distribution law of volumes of receipt of the resource (below and above S-border) self._input_parameters_below_border = input_parameters_below_border self._input_parameters_above_border = input_parameters_above_border # parameters of distribution law of volumes of resource loss (below and above S-border) self._output_parameters_below_border = output_parameters_below_border self._output_parameters_above_border = output_parameters_above_border # parameters of distribution law of lengths of time intervals self._input_intensity = input_intensity self._output_intensity = output_intensity # number of iterations self._n = n self._border_value = border_value self._data = DataModel.DataModel(n)
def sel_inventory(text_widget): inventory = [] pp = DP.InventoryProcessor('Python210FinalDB.db') sql = pp.build_sel_code() for row in pp.execute_sql_code(sql): inventory.append(DM.Inventory(row[0], row[1])) pp.db_con.commit() pp.db_con.close() text_widget['state'] = 'normal' text_widget.delete(1.0, tk.END) if inventory is None: text_widget.insert("No data available") if inventory is not None: text_widget.insert(tk.END, "InventoryID | InventoryDate\n") for row in inventory: text_widget.insert(tk.END, str(row) + "\n") text_widget['state'] = 'disabled'
def get_nedd_author(): models = DBConnector.query_all(DataModel.NEDDContent) for model in models: model: DataModel.NEDDContent author_models = [] for author in' and'): author_model = DataModel.NEDDAuthorContent() try: if author[0] == ' ': author = author[1:] if author[-1] == ' ': author = author[:-1] except IndexError: continue = author author_model.unique_id = model.unique_id author_model.nedd_sid = model.sid author_models.append(author_model) DBConnector.db_list_writer(author_models) print('Finish sid = {0}'.format(model.sid))