Esempio n. 1
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # if KNN training was not successful
        print "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"               # show error message
        return                                                          # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("1.png")               # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:                            # if image was not read successfully
        print "\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"      # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")                                  # pause so user can see error message
        return                                              # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(listOfPossiblePlates)        # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:                          # if no plates were found
        print "\nno license plates were detected\n"             # inform user no plates were found
    else:                                                       # else
                # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

                # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
        listOfPossiblePlates.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)

                # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)           # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:                     # if no chars were found in the plate
            print "\nno characters were detected\n\n"       # show message
            return                                          # and exit program
        # end if

        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)             # draw red rectangle around plate

        print "\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"       # write license plate text to std out
        print "----------------------------------------"

        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)           # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)                # re-show scene image

        cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)           # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)					# hold windows open until user presses a key

def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # treniranje KNN-a

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # Ukoliko nije uspesno izvrseno treniranje vraca se poruka o tome
        print ("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")

    imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("6.png")               # otvaranje slike

    if imgOriginalScene is None:                            # ukoliko slika nije uspesno otvorena vraca se poruka o tome
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n")

    possiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detektovanje samih tablica

    possiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(possiblePlates)        # detektovanje karaktera na tablicama

    cv2.imshow("Original image", imgOriginalScene)

    if len(possiblePlates) == 0:
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n")
        possiblePlates.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)

        licPlate = possiblePlates[0]

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")
        # end if

        Draw.drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n")

        Draw.writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        cv2.imshow("Result", imgOriginalScene)

        cv2.imwrite("result.png", imgOriginalScene)


Esempio n. 3
def findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh):
    listOfPossibleChars = []                 

    intCountOfPossibleChars = 0

    imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.copy()

    imgContours, contours, npaHierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgThreshCopy, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)    

    height, width = imgThresh.shape
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    for i in range(0, len(contours)):                      

        if Main.showSteps == True:  
            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, i, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)

        possibleChar = PossibleChar.PossibleChar(contours[i])

        if DetectChars.checkIfPossibleChar(possibleChar):                  
            intCountOfPossibleChars = intCountOfPossibleChars + 1          

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "\nstep 2 - len(contours) = " + str(len(contours))                       
        print "step 2 - intCountOfPossibleChars = " + str(intCountOfPossibleChars)        
        cv2.imshow("2a", imgContours)

    return listOfPossibleChars
Esempio n. 4
def findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh):
    listOfPossibleChars = []                # this will be the return value

    intCountOfPossibleChars = 0

    imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.copy()

    imgContours, contours, npaHierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgThreshCopy, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)   # find all contours

    height, width = imgThresh.shape
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    for i in range(0, len(contours)):                       # for each contour

        if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps ###################################################
            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, i, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        # end if # show steps #####################################################################

        possibleChar = PossibleChar.PossibleChar(contours[i])

        if DetectChars.checkIfPossibleChar(possibleChar):                   # if contour is a possible char, note this does not compare to other chars (yet) . . .
            intCountOfPossibleChars = intCountOfPossibleChars + 1           # increment count of possible chars
            listOfPossibleChars.append(possibleChar)                        # and add to list of possible chars
        # end if
    # end for

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "\nstep 2 - len(contours) = " + str(len(contours))                       # 2362 with MCLRNF1 image
        print "step 2 - intCountOfPossibleChars = " + str(intCountOfPossibleChars)       # 131 with MCLRNF1 image
        cv2.imshow("2a", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossibleChars
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    possiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    possibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(possibleCharsInScene)

    for matchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, matchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    print "\n" + str(len(possiblePlates)) + " possible plates found"

    return possiblePlates
Esempio n. 6
def findPlate(imgOriginalScene):

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # if KNN training was not successful
        print "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"               # show error message
        return                                                          # and exit program
    # end if

    if imgOriginalScene is None:                            # if image was not read successfully
        print "\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"      # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")                                  # pause so user can see error message
        return                                              # and exit program
    # end if

    plateList = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detect plates

    plateList = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(plateList)        # detect chars in plates

    if len(plateList) == 0:                          # if no plates were found
        return            # inform user no plates were found
    else:                                                       # else
        plateList.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)

        plateNo = plateList[0]

        if len(plateNo.strChars) == 0:                     # if no chars were found in the plate
            return                                          # and exit program
        # end if

        stringArray = []
        return plateNo
Esempio n. 7
def extractPlate(imgOriginal, listOfMatchingChars):
    possiblePlate = PossiblePlate.PossiblePlate()           # this will be the return value

    listOfMatchingChars.sort(key = lambda matchingChar: matchingChar.intCenterX)        # sort chars from left to right based on x position

            # calculate the center point of the plate
    fltPlateCenterX = (listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterX + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterX) / 2.0
    fltPlateCenterY = (listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY) / 2.0

    ptPlateCenter = fltPlateCenterX, fltPlateCenterY

            # calculate plate width and height
    intPlateWidth = int((listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectX + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectWidth - listOfMatchingChars[0].intBoundingRectX) * PLATE_WIDTH_PADDING_FACTOR)

    intTotalOfCharHeights = 0

    for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
        intTotalOfCharHeights = intTotalOfCharHeights + matchingChar.intBoundingRectHeight
    # end for

    fltAverageCharHeight = intTotalOfCharHeights / len(listOfMatchingChars)

    intPlateHeight = int(fltAverageCharHeight * PLATE_HEIGHT_PADDING_FACTOR)

            # calculate correction angle of plate region
    fltOpposite = listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY - listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY
    fltHypotenuse = DetectChars.distanceBetweenChars(listOfMatchingChars[0], listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1])
    fltCorrectionAngleInRad = math.asin(fltOpposite / fltHypotenuse)
    fltCorrectionAngleInDeg = fltCorrectionAngleInRad * (180.0 / math.pi)

            # pack plate region center point, width and height, and correction angle into rotated rect member variable of plate
    possiblePlate.rrLocationOfPlateInScene = ( tuple(ptPlateCenter), (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight), fltCorrectionAngleInDeg )

            # final steps are to perform the actual rotation

            # get the rotation matrix for our calculated correction angle
    rotationMatrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(ptPlateCenter), fltCorrectionAngleInDeg, 1.0)

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape      # unpack original image width and height

    imgRotated = cv2.warpAffine(imgOriginal, rotationMatrix, (width, height))       # rotate the entire image

    imgCropped = cv2.getRectSubPix(imgRotated, (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight), tuple(ptPlateCenter))

    possiblePlate.imgPlate = imgCropped         # copy the cropped plate image into the applicable member variable of the possible plate

    return possiblePlate
Esempio n. 8
def extractPlate(imgOriginal, listOfMatchingChars):
    possiblePlate = PossiblePlate.PossiblePlate()          

    listOfMatchingChars.sort(key = lambda matchingChar: matchingChar.intCenterX)      

    fltPlateCenterX = (listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterX + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterX) / 2.0
    fltPlateCenterY = (listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY) / 2.0

    ptPlateCenter = fltPlateCenterX, fltPlateCenterY

    intPlateWidth = int((listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectX + listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectWidth - listOfMatchingChars[0].intBoundingRectX) * PLATE_WIDTH_PADDING_FACTOR)

    intTotalOfCharHeights = 0

    for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
        intTotalOfCharHeights = intTotalOfCharHeights + matchingChar.intBoundingRectHeight

    fltAverageCharHeight = intTotalOfCharHeights / len(listOfMatchingChars)

    intPlateHeight = int(fltAverageCharHeight * PLATE_HEIGHT_PADDING_FACTOR)

    fltOpposite = listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY - listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY
    fltHypotenuse = DetectChars.distanceBetweenChars(listOfMatchingChars[0], listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1])
    fltCorrectionAngleInRad = math.asin(fltOpposite / fltHypotenuse)
    fltCorrectionAngleInDeg = fltCorrectionAngleInRad * (180.0 / math.pi)

    possiblePlate.rrLocationOfPlateInScene = ( tuple(ptPlateCenter), (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight), fltCorrectionAngleInDeg )

    rotationMatrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(ptPlateCenter), fltCorrectionAngleInDeg, 1.0)

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape       

    imgRotated = cv2.warpAffine(imgOriginal, rotationMatrix, (width, height))      

    imgCropped = cv2.getRectSubPix(imgRotated, (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight), tuple(ptPlateCenter))

    possiblePlate.imgPlate = imgCropped          

    return possiblePlate
def findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh):
    possibleChars = []

    possibleCharsCount = 0

    imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.copy()

    imgContours, contours, npaHierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgThreshCopy, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    height, width = imgThresh.shape
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    for i in range(0, len(contours)):

        possibleChar = PossibleChar.PossibleChar(contours[i])

        if DetectChars.checkIfPossibleChar(possibleChar):
            possibleCharsCount = possibleCharsCount + 1

    return possibleChars
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene, location):
    listOfRawPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene.sort(key=lambda Char: Char.intCenterX)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        # picture 2a - list of all contours
        # list of possible chars
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate
            possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    listOfPossiblePlates = groupPossiblePlates(imgOriginalScene,
    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    if == True:
        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            # save plate
            fileName = location.split("/")[-1].split(".")
            plateFolder = "outputs/" + fileName[0]

            if not os.path.isdir(plateFolder):
            extractedPlateName = fileName[0] + "/plate_" + str(
                i) + "." + fileName[1]
            resized_plate = cv2.resize(listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate,
            cv2.imwrite("outputs/" + extractedPlateName, resized_plate)

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    def fire():
        import pyrebase
        config = {
            "apiKey": "AIzaSyBRHhL6vH-qNeOjXyiPiJ3p5JkyNz1KdlU",
            "authDomain": "",
            "databaseURL": "",
            "projectId:": "registrationuser-2f9aa",
            "storageBucket": "",
            "messagingSenderId": "280469289706"

        firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)
        vechile_number = []
        db = firebase.database()
        a = 0
        while (1):

            users = db.child("carin").get()
            temp = dict(users.val())
            key_data = list(users.val())

            if (len(key_data) != a):

                for i in range(len(key_data)):
                    vechile_number.insert(i, temp[key_data[i]]['carvechile'])

                for j in range(len(key_data)):
                a = len(key_data)
            if (x in vechile_number):
                car_driver = input("Driver name:")
                car_mobile = input("Mobile number:")
                car_vechile = x
                data = {
                    'cardriver': car_driver,
                    'carmobile': car_mobile,
                    'carvechile': car_vechile
                print("edit successfully")

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")
    # end if

##    imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("10.png")
#(grabbed, imgOriginalScene) =
##    camera.capture('/home/pi/Desktop/clone/imgOriginalScene')
##    camera.stop_preview()
# res=urllib.request.urlopen('')
# data=np.array(bytearray(,dtype=np.uint8)

# imgOriginalScene=cv2.imdecode(data,-1)
    for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture,
        image = frame.array

    if imgOriginalScene is None:
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n")
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n")
    else:  # else

            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")
        # end if

        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        #        vechile_number = [ ]
        x = licPlate.strChars
        print("license plate is" + x + "\n")


        #print ("\nlicense plate read from image to data is = " + x + "\n")
        #  print ("----------------------------------------")

        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

        cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)

    # end if else


def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
        print "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread("2.png")  # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print "\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print "\nno license plates were detected\n"  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print "\nno characters were detected\n\n"  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print "\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"  # write license plate text to std out
        print "----------------------------------------"

        nplate = licPlate.strChars
        import mysql.connector

        config = {
            'user': '******',  #create your own user id and password
            'password': '******',
            'host': 'localhost',  #choose your own localhost
            'database': 'alprs',
            'raise_on_warnings': True,

        cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)

        cursor = cnx.cursor()

        #add_numberplate = ("INSERT INTO numberplates "
        #       "(numberplate) "
        #       "VALUES (%s)")

        # Insert new employee
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO nplates (numberplate) VALUES (%s)",
                       (nplate, ))

        # Make sure data is committed to the database


        #print numberplate
        #con = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='', host='localhost', database='alpr')
        #cur = con.cursor()
        #cur.execute("insert into alprdetails" "(numberplate)" "values (%s)")

        print "-------------added into database---------------------------"

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

def main(car_image):

    CnnClassifier = DetectChars.loadCNNClassifier()  # attempt KNN training
    response = str(input('Do you want to see the Intermediate images: '))
    if response == 'Y' or response == 'y':
        showSteps = True
        showSteps = False

    if CnnClassifier == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: CNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(car_image)  # open image
    h, w = imgOriginalScene.shape[:2]

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.resize(imgOriginalScene, (0, 0),

    #imgOriginalScene = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(imgOriginalScene,None,10,10,7,21)

    #imgOriginal = imgOriginalScene.copy()

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates. We get a list of
    # combinations of contours that may be a plate.

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    if showSteps == True:
        Image.fromarray(imgOriginalScene, 'RGB').show()  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
        response = ' '
        return response, imgOriginalScene
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        if showSteps == True:
            )  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return ' ', imgOriginalScene  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate
		# Uncomment this if want to check for individual plate
        print("\nlicense plate read from ", image," :",licPlate.strChars,"\n")
        if showSteps == True:
                licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

            Image.fromarray(imgOriginalScene).show()  # re-show scene image

                        imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file
            input('Press any key to continue...'
                  )  # hold windows open until user presses a key

    return licPlate.strChars, licPlate.imgPlate
Esempio n. 14
def main():
	# argument for input video/image/calibration
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument("-v", "--video",
        help = "path to video file")

    ap.add_argument("-i", "--image",
        help = "Path to the image")

    ap.add_argument("-c", "--calibration",
        help = "image or video or camera")
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    if args.get("calibration", True):
        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(args["calibration"])
        if imgOriginalScene is None:
    		print("   Please check again the path of image or argument !")

        imgOriginalScene  = imutils.resize(imgOriginalScene, width = 720)

    if args.get("video", True):
        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(args["video"])
        if camera is None:
    		print("   Please check again the path of video or argument !")
        loop = True

    elif args.get("image", True):
        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(args["image"])
        if imgOriginalScene is None:
    		print("   Please check again the path of image or argument !")
        loop = False
        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        loop = True

    # add knn library for detect chars
    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()             # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                                       # if KNN training was not successful
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")                      # show error message
    count = 0
    # not very important, just iterating for license array haha
    license = []
    VER = np.zeros(VERIF)
    for x in VER:
    numlicense = ""
    knn = 0

    # Looping for Video
    while (loop):
        # grab the current frame
        (grabbed, frame) =
        if args.get("video") and not grabbed:
        # resize the frame and convert it to grayscale
        imgOriginalScene  = imutils.resize(frame, width = 620)
        imgGrayscale, imgThresh = pp.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)
        cv2.imshow("threshold", imgThresh)
        imgOriginalScene = imutils.transform (imgOriginalScene)
        imgOriginalScene, licenses = searching(imgOriginalScene,loop)

        # only save 5 same license each time
        license[count+1] = licenses
        if (license[count] == license[count+1]):
            count = count + 1
        elif (license[count] != license[count+1]):
            coba = license[count+1]
            count = 0
            license[count] = coba
        if count == (VERIF-1):
            if (license[VERIF-1] == ""):
                print("no characters were detected\n")
                #if number license same, not be saved
                if numlicense == license[VERIF-1]:
                    print("still = " + numlicense + "\n")
                    numlicense = license[VERIF-1]
                    print("A new license plate read from image = " + license[VERIF-1] + "\n")
                    cv2.imshow(license[VERIF-1], imgOriginalScene)
                    namefile = "hasil/"+ license[VERIF-1] + ".png"
                    cv2.imwrite(namefile, imgOriginalScene)
            count = 0
        # re-show scene image
        #imgOriginalScene = cv2.blur(imgOriginalScene,(12,12))
        cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene,"Press 's' to save frame to be 'save.png', for calibrating",(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(255,255,255),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
        #drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, imgOriginalScene)

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)
        #cv2.imshow("ori", frame)

        key = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
        if key == ord('s'):
            knn = str(knn)
            savefileimg = "calib_knn/img_"+ knn +".png"
            savefileThr = "calib_knn/Thr_"+ knn +".png"
            #cv2.saveimage("save.png", imgOriginalScene)
            cv2.imwrite(savefileimg, frame)
            cv2.imwrite(savefileThr, imgThresh)
            print("image save !")
            knn = int(knn)
            knn = knn + 1
        if key == 27: # if the 'q' key is pressed, stop the loop
            camera.release() # cleanup the camera and close any open windows

    # For image only
    if (loop == False):
        imgOriginalScene  = imutils.resize(imgOriginalScene, width = 720)
        imgGrayscale, imgThresh = pp.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)
        imgOriginalScene = imutils.transform (imgOriginalScene)
        imgOriginalScene,license = searching(imgOriginalScene,loop)
        #imgOriginalScene = imutils.detransform(imgOriginalScene)

Esempio n. 15
def extractPlate(imgOriginal, listOfMatchingChars):
    possiblePlate = PossiblePlate.PossiblePlate(
    )  # this will be the return value

        key=lambda matchingChar: matchingChar.intCenterX
    )  # sort chars from left to right based on x position

    # calculate the center point of the plate
    fltPlateCenterX = (
        listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterX +
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterX) / 2.0
    fltPlateCenterY = (
        listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY +
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY) / 2.0

    ptPlateCenter = fltPlateCenterX, fltPlateCenterY

    # calculate plate width and height
    intPlateWidth = int(
        (listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectX +
         listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectWidth
         - listOfMatchingChars[0].intBoundingRectX) *

    intTotalOfCharHeights = 0

    for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
        intTotalOfCharHeights = intTotalOfCharHeights + matchingChar.intBoundingRectHeight
    # end for

    fltAverageCharHeight = intTotalOfCharHeights / len(listOfMatchingChars)

    intPlateHeight = int(fltAverageCharHeight * PLATE_HEIGHT_PADDING_FACTOR)

    # calculate correction angle of plate region
    fltOpposite = listOfMatchingChars[
        len(listOfMatchingChars) -
        1].intCenterY - listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY
    fltHypotenuse = DetectChars.distanceBetweenChars(
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1])
    fltCorrectionAngleInRad = math.asin(fltOpposite / fltHypotenuse)
    fltCorrectionAngleInDeg = fltCorrectionAngleInRad * (180.0 / math.pi)

    # pack plate region center point, width and height, and correction angle into rotated rect member variable of plate
    possiblePlate.rrLocationOfPlateInScene = (tuple(ptPlateCenter),
                                              (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight),

    # final steps are to perform the actual rotation

    # get the rotation matrix for our calculated correction angle
    rotationMatrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(ptPlateCenter),
                                             fltCorrectionAngleInDeg, 1.0)

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape  # unpack original image width and height

    imgRotated = cv2.warpAffine(imgOriginal, rotationMatrix,
                                (width, height))  # rotate the entire image

    imgCropped = cv2.getRectSubPix(imgRotated, (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight),

    possiblePlate.imgPlate = imgCropped  # copy the cropped plate image into the applicable member variable of the possible plate

    return possiblePlate
Esempio n. 16
def main():
    file = open('testfile.txt', 'r')
    global s
    s = file.readline()

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(s)  # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

def main():
    # Recupera valores do treinamento de KNN
    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()

    # Verifica se o treinamento falhou
    if not blnKNNTrainingSuccessful:
        print "\nErro: Ocorreu um erro no treinamento de KNN\n"

    # Abre a imagem
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread("images/placas07.jpg")

    # Verifica se a imagem original foi encontrada
    if imgOriginalScene is None:
        print "\nErro: Não foi possível ler a imagem de entrada \n\n"

    # Detecta placas
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)

    # Detecta caracteres na placa
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(listOfPossiblePlates)

    # Mostra imagem original
    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

    # Verifica se foram encontradas placas
    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:
        print "\nNenhuma placa encontrada\n"
        # Ordena a lista de possiveis placas em ordem decrescente (Mais caracteres para menos caracteres)
        listOfPossiblePlates.sort(key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse=True)

        # Inicia com a primeira placa
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        # Mostra a placa e sua versao binarisada
        cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)
        #cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        # Verifica se existem caracteres nas placas
        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:
            print "\nNão foram encontrados caracteres\n\n"

        # Desenha um retangulo ao redor da placa
        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        # Printa o texto da placa
        print "\nPlaca lida da imagem = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"
        print "----------------------------------------"

        # Escreve texto da placa na imagem
        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        # Exibe a imagem original novamente
        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

        # Escreve a imagem num arquivo de saida
        cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)

        # Espera interacao do usuario

def main(image):

    CnnClassifier = DetectChars.loadCNNClassifier()  # attempt KNN training
    #response  = str(input('Do you want to see the Intermediate images: '))

    if response == 'Y' or response == 'y':
        showSteps = True
        showSteps = False'''

    if CnnClassifier == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: CNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(image)  # open image
    h, w = imgOriginalScene.shape[:2]
    # As the image may be blurr so we sharpen the image.
    #kernel_shapening4 = np.array([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,9,-1],[-1,-1,-1]])
    #imgOriginalScene = cv2.filter2D(imgOriginalScene,-1,kernel_shapening4)

    #imgOriginalScene = cv2.resize(imgOriginalScene,(1000,600),interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.resize(imgOriginalScene, (0, 0),

    #imgOriginalScene = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(imgOriginalScene,None,10,10,7,21)

    #imgOriginal = imgOriginalScene.copy()

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates. We get a list of
    # combinations of contours that may be a plate.

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    if showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
        response = ' '
        return response, imgOriginalScene
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        if showSteps == True:
                licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return ' ', imgOriginalScene  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate
        lpno = licPlate.strChars
        #print("\nlicense plate read from ", image," :",licPlate.strChars,"\n")
        #text_file = open("Output.txt", "w")

        if showSteps == True:
                licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

                       imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                        imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file
            cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

    return licPlate.strChars, licPlate.imgPlate
def run(file):
    # open file
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(file)
    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates
    print("1 done")
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates
    print("2 done")
    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]
        largest_width = listOfPossiblePlates[0].rrLocationOfPlateInScene[1][
            0]  # the longest string length with largest area is the plate
        longest_length = len(listOfPossiblePlates[0].strChars)
        for pla in listOfPossiblePlates:
            if len(pla.strChars) == longest_length:
                if pla.rrLocationOfPlateInScene[1][0] > largest_width:
                    licPlate = pla
                    largest_width = pla.rrLocationOfPlateInScene[1][0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            # cv2.waitKey(0)
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

Esempio n. 20
def processImage(filename):
    jackpot = False

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(filename)  # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending
        # order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]
        new_plate = licPlate.strChars
        plate_exists = Car.objects(plate_number=new_plate)

        if plate_exists.first() is None:
            enter_car = Car(plate_number=new_plate,
    # This will perform an insert

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file
Esempio n. 21
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"
              )  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if
    list1 = ['sample-b.png', 'sample-a.png', 'sample-c.png']
    for list in list1:
        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(list)  # open image

        if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
            print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
                  )  # print error message to std out
            os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

        listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
            imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

        listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
            listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

        if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
            print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
                  )  # inform user no plates were found
        else:  # else
            # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

            # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
                key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

            # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
            licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

                licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
            cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

            if len(licPlate.strChars
                   ) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
                print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
                return  # and exit program
            # end if

                imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

            print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
            data = {
                'license_plate_number': licPlate.strChars,
                'timestamp': datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            # publish_json_with_image(data, 'example.jpg' ,'http://localhost:3000/api/publish_license')
            # publish_json_with_cv_mat2(data, licPlate.imgThresh, 'http://localhost:3000/api/publish_license', 'afsfsdafdsf')
                data, imgOriginalScene,

            target = open('out.txt', 'a')
            target.write(licPlate.strChars + '\n')
            #  write license plate text to std out

                licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

                       imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image
            # publish_json_with_cv_mat_with_auth(data,imgOriginalScene, '', 'twDjXKSO9wwXA0jGYytdNwtt')
            print "Procedure Done!"
            # return
                        imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file
            # end if else

        # cv2.waitKey(0)					# hold windows open until user presses a key

Esempio n. 22
def calibration (image):
   WindowName1 = "Calibrating Position of image"
   WindowName2 = "Color Thresholding"
   WindowName3 = "Calibrating for Preprocess"

    #make window

   # Load saved data from calibrated value
   (w ,h, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, panX, panY, stretchX, dist, G_S_F_W, G_S_F_H, A_T_B, A_T_W, T_V, Xtrans, Ytrans) = np.loadtxt("calibrated_value.txt")

   #convert from load data to xyzwd
   Xtrans = int(round( Xtrans+100 ))
   Ytrans = int(round( Ytrans+100 ))
   xValue = int(round( 100-(rotationx*20000.0)))
   yValue = int(round((rotationy*20000.0)+100))
   zValue = int(round(100-(rotationz*100)))
   wValue = int(round(100 -((dist-1.0)*200.0)))
   dValue = int(round((stretchX-1.0)*-200.0 +100))

   #make Trackbar
   cv2.createTrackbar('Xtrans',WindowName1,Xtrans,200,nothing) # for rotation in x axis
   cv2.createTrackbar('Ytrans',WindowName1,Ytrans,200,nothing) # for rotation in x axis
   cv2.createTrackbar("Xrot",WindowName1,xValue,200,nothing) # for rotation in x axis
   cv2.createTrackbar("Yrot",WindowName1,yValue,200,nothing) # for rotation in y axis
   cv2.createTrackbar("Zrot",WindowName1,zValue,200,nothing) # for rotation in z axis
   cv2.createTrackbar("ZOOM",WindowName1,wValue,200,nothing) # for Zooming the image
   cv2.createTrackbar("Strech",WindowName1,dValue,200,nothing) # for strech the image in x axis

   switch = '0 : OFF \n1 : ON'
   cv2.createTrackbar(switch, WindowName3,0,1,nothing) # switch to see the preprocess threshold, for more detail see
   cv2.createTrackbar('G_S_F_W',WindowName3, int(G_S_F_W),50,nothing) #GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_FILTER_SIZE_WEIGHT
   cv2.createTrackbar('G_S_F_H',WindowName3, int(G_S_F_H),50,nothing) #GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_FILTER_SIZE_HEIGHT
   cv2.createTrackbar('A_T_B',WindowName3, int(A_T_B),50,nothing) #ADAPTIVE_THRESH_BLOCK_SIZE
   cv2.createTrackbar('A_T_W',WindowName3, int(A_T_W),50,nothing) #ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WEIGHT
   cv2.createTrackbar('T_V',WindowName3, int(T_V),255,nothing) #THRESHOLD_VALUE



   # Allocate destination image
   backGround1 = np.ones((100,500))
   backGround2 = np.ones((100,500))
   backGround3 = np.ones((100,500))
   # Loop for get trackbar pos and process it

   while True:
    # Get position in trackbar for change transform
    Xtrans = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Xtrans', WindowName1)
    Ytrans = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Ytrans', WindowName1)
    X = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Xrot", WindowName1)
    Y = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Yrot", WindowName1)
    Z = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Zrot", WindowName1)
    W = cv2.getTrackbarPos("ZOOM", WindowName1)
    D = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Strech", WindowName1)

    # Get position in trackbar for switch
    S = cv2.getTrackbarPos(switch,WindowName3) #switch for see the calibration threshold

    # Get the value from tracbar and make it ood and value more than 3 for calibrating threshold
    G_S_F_W = makeood(cv2.getTrackbarPos('G_S_F_W', WindowName3))
    G_S_F_H = makeood(cv2.getTrackbarPos('G_S_F_H', WindowName3))
    A_T_B   = makeood(cv2.getTrackbarPos('A_T_B', WindowName3))
    A_T_W   = makeood(cv2.getTrackbarPos('A_T_W', WindowName3))
    T_V     = float (cv2.getTrackbarPos('T_V', WindowName3))

    RGB = cv2.getTrackbarPos("RGBSwitch", WindowName2)

    Ru = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Ru', WindowName2)
    Gu = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gu', WindowName2)
    Bu = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Bu', WindowName2)

    Rl = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Rl', WindowName2)
    Gl = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gl', WindowName2)
    Bl = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Bl', WindowName2)

    lower = np.array([Bl,Gl,Rl],dtype=np.uint8)
    upper = np.array([Bu,Gu,Ru],dtype=np.uint8)

    Xtrans = (Xtrans - 100)
    Ytrans = (Ytrans - 100)
    rotationx = -(X - 100) / 20000.0
    rotationy = (Y - 100) / 20000.0
    rotationz = -(Z - 100) / 100.0
    dist      = 1.0 - (W - 100) / 200.0
    stretchX  = 1.0 + (D - 100) / -200.0
    w         = np.size(image, 1)
    h         = np.size(image, 0)
    panX      = 0
    panY      = 0

    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training
    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # if KNN training was not successful
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")               # show error message
    imaged = imutils.translate(image, Xtrans, Ytrans)
    # Apply transform
    M = imutils.getTransform (w, h, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, panX, panY, stretchX, dist)
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.warpPerspective(imaged, M, (w,h),cv2.INTER_CUBIC or cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP)

    if (S == 1):
      imgGrayscale = pp.extractValue(imgOriginalScene)
      #imgGrayscale = np.invert(imgGrayscale) # last best use this
      imgMaxContrastGrayscale = pp.maximizeContrast(imgGrayscale)
      imgMaxContrastGrayscale = np.invert(imgMaxContrastGrayscale)
      height, width = imgGrayscale.shape
      imgBlurred = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
      imgBlurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgMaxContrastGrayscale, (G_S_F_H,G_S_F_W), 0)
      #imgBlurred = np.invert(imgBlurred)
      imgOriginalScene = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(imgBlurred, T_V , cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, A_T_B, A_T_W)

      #imgThresh = np.invert(imgThresh)
      #cv2.imshow("cobaaa", imgThresh)
    if (RGB == 1):
      imgOriginalScene = cv2.inRange(imgOriginalScene, lower, upper)

    # give definition for each initial on image or windows
    cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene,"Press 's' to save the value",(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(255,255,255),2,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene,"Press 'o' to out the value",(10,60),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(255,255,255),2,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene,"Press 'c' to check the result",(10,90),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(255,255,255),2,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene,"Press 'esc' to close all windows",(10,120),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(255,255,255),2,bottomLeftOrigin = False)

    cv2.putText(backGround1,"X for rotating the image in x axis",(10,10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround1,"Y for rotating the image in y axis",(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround1,"Z for rotating the image in z axis",(10,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround1,"ZOOM for Zoom in or Zoom out the image",(10,70),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround1,"S for streching the image",(10,90),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)

    cv2.putText(backGround2,"R,G,B = Red,Green,Blue",(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround2,"u,l = Upper and lower",(10,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)

    cv2.putText(backGround3,"G_S_F_H = GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_FILTER_SIZE_HEIGHT",(10,10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround3,"G_S_F_H = GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_FILTER_SIZE_WEIGHT",(10,30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround3,"A_T_B = ADAPTIVE_THRESH_BLOCK_SIZE",(10,50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround3,"A_T_W = ADAPTIVE_THRESH_WEIGHT",(10,70),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)
    cv2.putText(backGround3,"T_V = THRESHOLD_VALUE",(10,90),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,bottomLeftOrigin = False)

    # Show in window
    cv2.imshow("image", imgOriginalScene)
    cv2.imshow(WindowName1, backGround1)
    cv2.imshow(WindowName2, backGround2)
    cv2.imshow(WindowName3, backGround3)

    ch = cv2.waitKey(5)

    # chomand switch
    if ch == ord('c'): # press c to check the result of processing

    if S == 1 and ch == ord('p') : # press c to check the result of processing
      imgOriginalScene = np.invert(imgOriginalScene)

    if ch == ord('o'): # press o to see the value
      print("CAL_VAL =")
      print( w ,h, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, panX, panY, stretchX, dist, G_S_F_W, G_S_F_H, A_T_B, A_T_W, T_V, Xtrans, Ytrans)

    if ch == ord('s'): # press s to save the value
      CAL_VAL = np.array([[w ,h, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, panX, panY, stretchX, dist, G_S_F_W, G_S_F_H, A_T_B, A_T_W, T_V, Xtrans, Ytrans ]])
      print( w ,h, rotationx, rotationy, rotationz, panX, panY, stretchX, dist, G_S_F_W, G_S_F_H, A_T_B, A_T_W, T_V, Xtrans, Ytrans)
      print("Value saved !")

    if ch == 27: #  press esc for exit the calibration

Esempio n. 23
         2))  # calculate the lower left origin of the text area
    ptLowerLeftTextOriginY = int(
        ptCenterOfTextAreaY +
        (textSizeHeight /
         2))  # based on the text area center, width, and height

    # write the text on the image
    cv2.putText(imgOriginalScene, licPlate.strChars,
                (ptLowerLeftTextOriginX, ptLowerLeftTextOriginY), intFontFace,
                fltFontScale, SCALAR_YELLOW, intFontThickness)

# end function

if __name__ == "__main__":
    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training
    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")
    while (True):
        ret, frame =
        imgOriginalScene = frame[0:240, 0:360]
        k = 0
        cv2.imshow("ImgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)
        for i in range(0, 20):
            main_detect(imgOriginalScene, k)

        if (filter_list[0] != "No change"):
            licPlate = filter_list[index_list.index(max(index_list))]
                imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate
            print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
Esempio n. 24
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

##    imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("10.png")               # open image
    (grabbed, imgOriginalScene) =
    # grab an image from the camera

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        x = licPlate.strChars
        #print("license plate is" + x + "\n")
        import pyrebase
        config = {
            "apiKey": "AIzaSyBRHhL6vH-qNeOjXyiPiJ3p5JkyNz1KdlU",
            "authDomain": "",
            "databaseURL": "",
            "projectId:": "registrationuser-2f9aa",
            "storageBucket": "",
            "messagingSenderId": "280469289706"

        firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)
        vechile_number = []
        db = firebase.database()
        a = 0

        while (1):

            users = db.child("carin").get()
            temp = dict(users.val())
            key_data = list(users.val())

            if (len(key_data) != a):

                for i in range(len(key_data)):
                    vechile_number.insert(i, temp[key_data[i]]['carvechile'])

                for j in range(len(key_data)):
                a = len(key_data)

        print("\nlicense plate read from image to data is = " + x +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out
        #  print ("----------------------------------------")

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

Esempio n. 25
def main(imgOriginalScene, imgname):

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if
##imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("Sample.jpg")               # open image
    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene = ScaleDown.scale800x600(
        imgOriginalScene)  # to scale down the image

    ###imgOriginalScene = PowerLaw.gammacorrection(imgOriginalScene)   # to increase brightness for dark images

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates#

    #cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        #cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)           # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        #cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)
        #cv2.imwrite("Plate.png", licPlate.imgPlate)
        #cv2.imwrite("Thresh.png", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

        strgs = imgname + "    Detected Plate is  " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"
        file = open('Plate.txt',
                    'a')  #writing the detected plate in a txt file.

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        #cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)                # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file
Esempio n. 26
def main():

    ##Assign time interval into variable from config/config.ini file
    timeInterval = int(

    ## calls main() function every 'timeInterval' seconds
    threading.Timer(timeInterval, main).start()

    # attempt KNN training
    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()

    # if KNN training was not successful
    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:
        # show error message
        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")
        # and exit program
    # end if

    ##open camera and capture image
    photo_path = CamManager.get_image()
    # open captured image from directory
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread("captured_img/last.png")

    # if image was not read successfully
    if imgOriginalScene is None:
        # print error message to std out
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n")
        # pause so user can see error message
        # and exit program
    # end if

    # detect plates
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)
    # detect chars in plates
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(

    # if no plates were found
    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:
        # inform user no plates were found
        print("\nno plates were detected\n")
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at least one plate
        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        # if no chars were found in the plate
        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:
            # show message
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")
            # and exit program
        # end if

        # write license plate text to std out
        print("\ncharacters read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n")

        # assign timestamp of measurement to variable 'mTime'
        mTime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        # insert data into database; timestamp - measured data - photo path
        DBManager.insert_data(mTime, int(licPlate.strChars), photo_path)

    # end if else

Esempio n. 27
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Esempio n. 28
def main():
    # argument for input video/image/calibration
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument("-v", "--video", help="path to video file")

    ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", help="Path to the image")

    ap.add_argument("-c", "--calibration", help="image or video or camera")
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    if args.get("calibration", True):
        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(args["calibration"])
        if imgOriginalScene is None:
            print("Please check again the path of image or argument !")

        imgOriginalScene = imutils.resize(imgOriginalScene, width=640)

    if args.get("video", True):
        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(args["video"])
        if camera is None:
            print("   Please check again the path of video or argument !")
        loop = True

    elif args.get("image", True):
        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread("tes_plat_indo/B6703WJF.jpg")
        if imgOriginalScene is None:
            print("   Please check again the path of image or argument !")
        loop = False
        #  0 digunakan untuk camera laptop, 1 untuk camera external
        camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        loop = True

    # add knn library for detect chars
    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
    count = 0
    # not very important, just iterating for license array haha
    license = []
    VER = np.zeros(VERIF)
    for x in VER:
    numlicense = ""
    susi = ""
    knn = 0

    # Looping for Video
    while (loop):
        # grab the current frame
        (grabbed, frame) =
        #frame =
        if args.get("video") and not grabbed:
        # resize the frame and convert it to grayscale
        imgOriginalScene = imutils.resize(frame)
        imgGrayscale, imgThresh = pp.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)
        cv2.imshow("threshold", imgThresh)
        # imgOriginalScene = imutils.transform (imgOriginalScene)
        imgOriginalScene, licenses = searching(imgOriginalScene, loop)

        # only save 5 same license each time

        license[count + 1] = licenses
        nums = license[VERIF - 1]
        if (license[count] == license[count + 1]):
            license[count] = license[count + 1]
            count = count + 1
        elif (license[count] != license[count + 1]):
            coba = license[count + 1]
            count = 0
            license[count] = coba
        if count == (VERIF - 1):

            global plat
            plat = "         "
            plat = list(plat)
            numstring = ""
            numstring = list(numstring)
            alphastring = ""
            alphastring = list(alphastring)
            numbers = sum(c.isdigit() for c in nums)
            words = sum(c.isalpha() for c in nums)

            for i in nums:
                if i.isalpha():
                elif i.isdigit():


            #add numbers

            a = 2
            for b in numstring:
                plat[a] = b
                a += 1

            #add front letter(s)

            c = 0
            sumfront = sum(c.isalpha() for c in nums[0:2])
            if (sumfront == 1):
                for d in nums[0:1]:
                    plat[c] = d
                    c += 1
            elif (sumfront == 2):
                for d in nums[0:2]:
                    plat[c] = d
                    c += 1

            #add back letter(s)

            e = -3
            sumback = sum(e.isalpha() for e in nums[-3:])
            if (sumback == 1):
                for f in nums[-1:]:
                    plat[e] = f
                    e += 1
            elif (sumback == 2):
                for f in nums[-2:]:
                    plat[e] = f
                    e += 1
            elif (sumback == 3):
                for f in nums[-3:]:
                    plat[e] = f
                    e += 1

            plat = ''.join(plat)

            if (license[VERIF - 1] == ""):
                print("no characters were detected\n")
                #if number license same, not be saved
                if (numlicense == license[VERIF - 1]):
                    print("still = " + numlicense + "\n")
                elif (len(nums) <= 9 and nums[0] >= 'A' and nums[0] <= 'Z'
                      and numbers <= 4 and words <= 5):

                    numlicense = license[VERIF - 1]
                    print(license[VERIF - 1])
                    print("A new license plate read from image = " + plat +

                    insertdata = data(numlicense)
                    if check(numlicense):
                        ts = time.time()
                        timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        timestamp2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(

                        #Ganti Path sesuai dengan laptop masing2
                        namefile = "/Documents/" + license[
                            VERIF - 1] + timestamp + timestamp2 + ".png"
                        cv2.imwrite(namefile, imgOriginalScene)

            count = 0

            "Press 's' to save frame to be 'save.png', for calibrating",
            (10, 30),
            0.5, (255, 255, 255),
        #drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, imgOriginalScene)

                      ((int(imgOriginalScene.shape[1] / 2 - 230)),
                       (int(imgOriginalScene.shape[0] / 2 - 80))),
                      ((int(imgOriginalScene.shape[1] / 2 + 230)),
                       (int(imgOriginalScene.shape[0] / 2 + 80))),
                      SCALAR_GREEN, 3)

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

        key = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
        if key == ord('s'):
            knn = str(knn)
            savefileimg = "calib_knn/img_" + knn + ".png"
            savefileThr = "calib_knn/Thr_" + knn + ".png"
            #cv2.saveimage("save.png", imgOriginalScene)
            cv2.imwrite(savefileimg, frame)
            cv2.imwrite(savefileThr, imgThresh)
            print("image save !")
            knn = int(knn)
            knn = knn + 1
        if key == 27:  # if the 'q' key is pressed, stop the loop
            camera.release()  # cleanup the camera and close any open windows

    # For image only
    if (loop == False):
        imgOriginalScene = imutils.resize(imgOriginalScene, width=2000)
        cv2.imshow("original", imgOriginalScene)
        imgGrayscale, imgThresh = pp.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)
        cv2.imshow("threshold", imgThresh)
        #imgOriginalScene = imutils.transform (imgOriginalScene)
        imgOriginalScene, license = searching(imgOriginalScene, loop)
        #imgOriginalScene = imutils.detransform(imgOriginalScene)

Esempio n. 29
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(
        "LicPlateImages/gh/plates/c3.jpg")  # open image
    # imgOriginalScene = imgOriginalScene[100:+50, 100:100+50]
    # cv2.imshow("cropped", crop_img)
    pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C://Program Files (x86)//Tesseract-OCR//tesseract.exe'
    # print(pytesseract.image_to_string('LicPlateImages/gh/plates/c3.jpg').convert('LA')))

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

              )  #Reads the chars from the grayscaled image using tesseract

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n")
        # write license plate text to std out
        print("Tesseract OCR = " +
            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

                fltFontScale, SCALAR_YELLOW, intFontThickness)

# end function

if __name__ == "__main__":

    filePath = "30.jpg"
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(filePath)  # open image

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene, filePath)  # detect plates

    listOfPlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        imgOriginalScene, listOfPossiblePlates,
        filePath)  # detect chars in plates
    print("Number of Plates Found:", len(listOfPlates))
    # cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image

    if len(listOfPlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        for i, licPlate in enumerate(listOfPlates):
                "imgPlate_" + str(i),
                licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
            cv2.imshow("imgThresh_" + str(i), licPlate.imgThresh)
Esempio n. 31
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Esempio n. 32
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

        # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
        # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    # print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        #cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

        text = pytesseract.image_to_string(listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate,
        # print("Number is:", text)
        print("\nplate detection complete...\n")

    return listOfPossiblePlates
    def cbPose(self, image_msg):
        narr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8)
        image = cv2.imdecode(narr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)

	# module level variables ##########################################################################
	SCALAR_BLACK = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	SCALAR_WHITE = (255.0, 255.0, 255.0)
	SCALAR_YELLOW = (0.0, 255.0, 255.0)
	SCALAR_GREEN = (0.0, 255.0, 0.0)
	SCALAR_RED = (0.0, 0.0, 255.0)

	showSteps = False	
	blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training

	if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # if KNN training was not successful
		print "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"               # show error message
		return                                                          # and exit program
	    # end if

	imgOriginalScene  = image  #cv2.imread("1.png")               # open image

	#if imgOriginalScene is None:                            # if image was not read successfully
		#print "\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"      # print error message to std out
		#os.system("pause")                                  # pause so user can see error message
		#return                                              # and exit program
		# end if

	listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detect plates

	listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(listOfPossiblePlates)        # detect chars in plates

	cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image

	if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:                          # if no plates were found
		print "\nno license plates were detected\n"             # inform user no plates were found
	else:                                                       # else
		# if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate
		# sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
		listOfPossiblePlates.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)

		# suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
		licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

		cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)           # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
		cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

		if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:                     # if no chars were found in the plate
		    print "\nno characters were detected\n\n"       # show message
		    return                                          # and exit program
		# end if

		drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)             # draw red rectangle around plate

		print "\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"       # write license plate text to std out
		print "----------------------------------------"

		writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)           # write license plate text on the image

		cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)                # re-show scene image

		#cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)           # write image out to file
		image = imgOriginalScene

	    # end if else


#        print "Found {0} faces!".format(len(faces))
#        for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
#           cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
        #   cv2.imshow("preview", image)
        #   cv2.waitKey(0)
        #   cv2.destroyAllWindows()

	#cv2.rectangle(image, (100, 100), (120, 140), (0, 255, 0), 2)
        #image_msg_out = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8")
        image_msg_out = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image, "bgr8")
        image_msg_out.header.stamp = image_msg.header.stamp
        #image_msg_out = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(gray, "bgr8")
        #image_msg_out.header.stamp = image_msg.header.stamp
        #face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('~/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
        #eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('~/haarcascade_eye.xml')
        #gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
        #for (x,y,w,h) in faces:
        #    cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2)
        #    roi_gray = gray[y:y+h, x:x+w]
        #    roi_color = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
        #    self.eyes = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(roi_gray)
        #for (ex,ey,ew,eh) in self.eyes:
        #    cv2.rectangle(roi_color,(ex,ey),(ex+ew,ey+eh),(0,255,0),2)
        #    cv2.imwrite('hard.png',img)
        #    cv2.destroyAllWindows()

        car_control_msg = Twist2DStamped()
Esempio n. 34
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                   # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)         # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

            # find all possible chars in the scene,
            # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))         # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

            # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
            # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene))    # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                   # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)         # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                          # if plate was found
            listOfPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)                  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    print "\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found"          # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "\n"
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print "possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . ."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        print "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Esempio n. 35
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:

        print("\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")

    print("Enter file name(with extension)")
    klmn = input()

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(klmn)

    if imgOriginalScene is None:
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n")

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(

    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:

        print("\nno license plates were detected\n")

            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")

        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n")
        file = open("num.txt", "w")

        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

        cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)


Esempio n. 36
SCALAR_WHITE = (255.0, 255.0, 255.0)
SCALAR_YELLOW = (0.0, 255.0, 255.0)
SCALAR_GREEN = (0.0, 255.0, 0.0)
SCALAR_RED = (0.0, 0.0, 255.0)
showSteps = False

def drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate):
    p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(licPlate.rrLocationOfPlateInScene)            # get 4 vertices of rotated rect
    cv2.line(imgOriginalScene, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), SCALAR_RED, 2)         # draw 4 red lines
    cv2.line(imgOriginalScene, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), SCALAR_RED, 2)
    cv2.line(imgOriginalScene, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), SCALAR_RED, 2)
    cv2.line(imgOriginalScene, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), SCALAR_RED, 2)

blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training
imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("Dataset/58.jpg")               # open image
listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detect plates
listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(listOfPossiblePlates)        # detect chars in plates
cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image
gray = cv2.cvtColor(imgOriginalScene, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:                          # if no plates were found
    print("\nno license plates were detected\n")  # inform user no plates were found
else:                                                       # else
    listOfPossiblePlates.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)
            # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
    licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]
    pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe"
    text = pytesseract.image_to_string(licPlate.imgPlate)
Esempio n. 37
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                   

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)        

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))         

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene))    

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                    
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)         

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                          

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "\n"
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print "possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . ."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        print "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Esempio n. 38
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN()         # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:                               # if KNN training was not successful
        print "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n"               # show error message
        return                                                          # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene  = cv2.imread("../frame.png")               # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:                            # if image was not read successfully
        print "\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"      # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")                                  # pause so user can see error message
        return                                              # and exit program
    # end if

    dateTime = str('%d/%m/%Y'))+" "+strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene)           # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(listOfPossiblePlates)        # detect chars in plates
##    msg = str(len(listOfPossiblePlates))+" plaka bulundu"
##    server.sendmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", msg)
        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        msg['Subject'] = dateTime
        msg['From'] = "*****@*****.**"
        msg['To'] = "*****@*****.**"
        fp = open('1.png', 'rb')
        img = MIMEImage(
        print("MSG ERROR")
#    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)            # show scene image
#    print("Saat: "+strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:                          # if no plates were found
        print "\nno license plates were detected\n"             # inform user no plates were found
        ##text = "Plaka Bulunamadi\nCekilen Resim Asagidadir"
    else:                                                       # else
        print("Plate Detected")
##               # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate
##                # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
        listOfPossiblePlates.sort(key = lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars), reverse = True)
##                # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]
        ##file = open("plates.txt", "a")
        ##file.write(dateTime+" ")
#        cv2.imshow("imgPlate", licPlate.imgPlate)           # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
#        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)
##        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:                     # if no chars were found in the plate
##            print "\nno characters were detected\n\n"       # show message
##            return                                          # and exit program
##        # end if
        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)             # draw red rectangle around plate
##        print "\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars + "\n"       # write license plate text to std out
##        print "----------------------------------------"
        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)           # write license plate text on the image
#        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)                # re-show scene image
        cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)           # write image out to file
            fp = open('imgOriginalScene.png', 'rb')
            img = MIMEImage(
            text = "Plaka Bulundu\nCekilen Resim Orjinal ve Plakanin Gosterildigi Hali Asagidadir"
            print("IMG ERROR")
            msg.attach(MIMEText(text, 'plain'))
            ##server.sendmail("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", msg.as_string())
            print("SEND MAIL ERROR")
    # end if else

##    cv2.waitKey(0)					# hold windows open until user presses a key
#    print("Saat: "+strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
Esempio n. 39
def searching(imgOriginalScene, loop):
    licenses = ""
    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("error: image not read from file \n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        # end if
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates
    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates

    if (loop == False):
        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:
        if (loop == False):  # if no plates were found
            print("no license plates were detected\n"
                  )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),
        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

        if (loop == False):
                licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
            cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            if (loop == False):
                print("no characters were detected\n")
                return  # show message
            # end if
        drawRedRectangleAroundPlate(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)
        writeLicensePlateCharsOnImage(imgOriginalScene, licPlate)
        licenses = licPlate.strChars
        # if ((licenses[0] and licenses[len(licenses)-1])  == ('0' or '1' or '2' or '3' or '4' or  '5' or '6' or '7' or '8' or '9')):
        #     licenses = ""
        #     print("license plate False !! \n and ")
        # draw red rectangle around plate
        #print (licenses)
        if (loop == False):
            print("license plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
                  "\n")  # write license plate text to std out
            # write license plate text on the image

        if (loop == False):
                       imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image
            cv2.imwrite("imgOriginalScene.png", imgOriginalScene)

    return imgOriginalScene, licenses
def recognize(path):
    train_success = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if not train_success:  # if KNN training was not successful
        print("\nerror: KNN training was not successful\n")
        return None, None

    original_scene = cv2.imread(path)

    if original_scene is None:
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return None, None

    possible_plates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        original_scene)  # detect plates

    possible_plates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        possible_plates)  # detect chars in plates

    # cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", original_scene)

    if len(possible_plates) == 0:
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n")
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possible_plate: len(possible_plate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length
        # descending order) is the actual plate
        plate = possible_plates[0]

        # cv2.imshow("imgPlate", plate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imwrite("imgThresh.png", plate.imgThresh)

        if len(plate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return None, None

                        plate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + plate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

        plate.strChars = process_number(plate.strChars)
                    plate)  # write license plate text on the image

        # cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", original_scene)  # re-show scene image

                    original_scene)  # write image out to file
        return original_scene, plate.strChars

    return None, None
def main():

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if
    sample = [
                                   title="Select Image",
                                   filetype=(("png files", "*.png"),
                                             ("All Files", "*.*")))
    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(sample[0])  # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates
    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]
        x = (licPlate.strChars)
        sql = "INSERT INTO lnumber VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)"
        mycursor.execute(sql, (date, current.hour, current.minute, x))
            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else

    cv2.waitKey(0)  # hold windows open until user presses a key

Esempio n. 42
    def main(self):

        blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
        )  # attempt KNN training (True ya da False)

        if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            print("\n error: KNN traning was not successful \n"
                  )  # show error message
            return  # and exit program

        imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(self.fname)  # open image

        if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
            print("\n error: image not read from file \n\n"
                  )  # print error message to std out
            os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
            return  # and exit program

        listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
            imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates (plakaları algıla)
        listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        )  # detect chars in plates (Plakadaki karakterleri algıla)

        if len(listOfPossiblePlates
               ) == 0:  # if no plates were found --> eğer plaka bulunmuyorsa
                "\n no license plates were detected\n"
            )  # inform user no plates were found (hiçbir plaka bulunamadı)
        else:  # else
                key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),
            self.licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            if len(self.licPlate.strChars
                   ) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
                print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
                return  # and exit program

                self.licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate
            #            print ("\n license plate read from image = " + self.licPlate.strChars + "\n")       # write license plate text to std out
                self.licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        self.alan = self.licPlate.imgPlate
        self.plaka = self.licPlate.strChars


        qformat = QImage.Format_Indexed8

        if len(self.alan.shape) == 3:
            if (self.alan.shape[2]) == 4:
                qformat = QImage.Format_RGBA8888
                qformat = QImage.Format_RGB888

        img = QImage(self.alan, self.alan.shape[1], self.alan.shape[0],
                     self.alan.strides[0], qformat)

        img = img.rgbSwapped()
                                     | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)


        )  # hold windows open until user presses a key (Kullanıcı bir tuşa basana kadar pencereleri açık tutar)