def run(self): '''Task dispatcher loop''' for job in iter(self.queue.get, self.QUIT): status_data = Downloader.ClipData() status_data.URL = job.url status_data.status = Downloader.Status.INPROGRESS self.progress.notify(status_data) try: status_data = Downloader.ClipData() status_data.URL = job.url status_data.status = Downloader.Status.DONE self.progress.notify(status_data) self.queue.task_done() except Exception as e: status_data = Downloader.ClipData() status_data.URL = job.url status_data.status = Downloader.Status.ERROR self.progress.notify(status_data) self.queue.task_done() self.queue.put(self.CANCEL) for job in iter(self.queue.get, self.CANCEL): job.cancel() self.queue.task_done() self.queue.task_done()
def main(): delay = 0.5 # First iteration will set delay=1 or multiply by 2 num_short_delays = 0 while True: try: Downloader.status() if # files were successfully downloaded delay=1 num_short_delays = 0 #elif num_short_delays <= 8: #elif num_short_delays <= 4: # No files successfully download this iteration # Increase sleep time # delay = min((delay*2, 4)) # num_short_delays += 1 else: delay = min((delay*2,32)) except Exception, e: if msg = '*** Downloader has crashed! ***\n\n' msg += 'Fatal error occured while running downloader: %s\n\n' % str(e) msg += ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) notification = mailer.ErrorMailer(msg, subject="Downloader crash!") notification.send() sys.stderr.write("Fatal error occurred!\n") raise print "Will sleep for %d seconds" % (config.background.sleep*delay) sys.exit() time.sleep(config.background.sleep*delay)
def run(start, end): i = start try: results = select_paper_data(i, end) for result in results: i += 1 print i if i > end: return detail_url = "%s&time=%.f" % (result[0], time.time() * 1000) source_url = result[1] category = result[2] data_h = result[3] device_name = get_device_name(data_h) device_path = "%s/%s/" % (root_path, device_name) suffix = source_url.split(".")[-1] if not os.path.exists(device_path): os.mkdir(device_path) category_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (root_path, device_name, category) if not os.path.exists(category_path): os.mkdir(category_path) max_img_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s_max.%s" % ( root_path, device_name, category, Downloader.get_md5(source_url), suffix) min_img_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s_min.%s" % ( root_path, device_name, category, Downloader.get_md5(source_url), suffix) print max_img_path print min_img_path print detail_url download(detail_url, max_img_path) download(source_url, min_img_path) except Exception: run(i, end)
def testgetHtml(self): product = input("Enter prodcut name:") f = d.FlipkartDownloader(product) # encode will be caleed in here. content = d.getHtml( print(content) with open("temp.html", "wb") as f: f.write(content)
def start(login_data): with requests.Session() as session:, login_data) ids = Suppe.getCourseID(session) Downloader.dowload(ids, session)
def run(start): i = start try: results = select_paper_data(i, 100000) for result in results: i += 1 print i detail_url = result[0] source_url = result[1] category = result[2] data_h = result[3] device_name = get_device_name(data_h) device_path = "%s/%s/" % (root_path, device_name) suffix = detail_url.split(".")[-1] if not os.path.exists(device_path): os.mkdir(device_path) category_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (root_path, device_name, category) if not os.path.exists(category_path): os.mkdir(category_path) max_img_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s_max.%s" % ( root_path, device_name, category, Downloader.get_md5(source_url), suffix) min_img_path = "%s/%s/%s/%s_min.%s" % ( root_path, device_name, category, Downloader.get_md5(source_url), suffix) print max_img_path print min_img_path main(max_img_path, detail_url) main(min_img_path, source_url) except Exception: run(i)
def downloader_test(): global dl ss = SvtStream(json.load(open('test/episode.json'))) ss.downloadcommand = "/bin/echo %(url)s %(output)s" dl = Downloader() di = DownloadItem(ss, config['output_dir']) assert di.command.args == [ u'/bin/echo', u',900,348,564,1680,2800,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null=', u'/tmp/labyrint-del-5-av-10.mp4' ] dl.add(di) assert di.command.status == ("Queued" or "Running") count = 0 maxwait = 30 while di.command.status != "Completed" and count < maxwait: # Wait for thread to finish time.sleep(0.1) count += 1 assert di.command.status == "Completed" assert di.command.stdout.rstrip( ) == ",900,348,564,1680,2800,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null= /tmp/labyrint-del-5-av-10.mp4"
def update():"Cron job started") Downloader.download_and_insert_last_well_completion() move_data_to_wells_apis() check_and_create_table_if_not_exist() # clear_last_year_table() with open('cron_apis_by_year','w+') as fh: year = Downloader.check_necessary_tables_and_create_if_not_exists(year) download_and_insert_data_by_all_apis_by_year(year, fh)"Cron job over")
def schedule(iter_start, iter_end): for iter in range(iter_start, iter_end, batch_size): try: Downloader.download_batch(iter, iter + batch_size, "DownloadErrorLog_%d_to_%d.txt" % (iter, iter + batch_size - 1), target_path='D:\Downloads\midi', working_directory='D:/code/repository/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe') except: err_log_file = open("DownloadErrorLog_%d_to_%d.txt" % (iter, iter + batch_size - 1), "a+") err_log = "Download failed: " + str(iter) err_log_file.write(err_log + "\n") print(err_log)
def run(self, url, html): if not url.find("?"): return False BOOLEAN_TESTS = (" AND %d=%d", " OR NOT (%d=%d)") DBMS_ERRORS = { "MySQL": (r"SQL syntax.*MySQL", r"Warning.*mysql_.*", r"valid MySQL result", r"MySqlClient\."), "PostgreSQL": (r"PostgreSQL.*ERROR", r"Warning.*\Wpg_.*", r"valid PostgreSQL result", r"Npgsql\."), "Microsoft SQL Server": (r"Driver.* SQL[\-\_\ ]*Server", r"OLE DB.* SQL Server", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*Driver", r"Warning.*mssql_.*", r"(\W|\A)SQL Server.*[0-9a-fA-F]{8}", r"(?s)Exception.*\WSystem\.Data\.SqlClient\.", r"(?s)Exception.*\WRoadhouse\.Cms\."), "Microsoft Access": (r"Microsoft Access Driver", r"JET Database Engine", r"Access Database Engine"), "Oracle": (r"\bORA-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]", r"Oracle error", r"Oracle.*Driver", r"Warning.*\Woci_.*", r"Warning.*\Wora_.*"), "IBM DB2": (r"CLI Driver.*DB2", r"DB2 SQL error", r"\bdb2_\w+\("), "SQLite": (r"SQLite/JDBCDriver", r"SQLite.Exception", r"System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException", r"Warning.*sqlite_.*", r"Warning.*SQLite3::", r"\[SQLITE_ERROR\]"), "Sybase": (r"(?i)Warning.*sybase.*", r"Sybase message", r"Sybase.*Server message.*"), } _url = url + "%29%28%22%27" #)("'的url编码 #get返回的html _content = Downloader.get(_url) for (dbms, regex) in ((dbms, regex) for dbms in DBMS_ERRORS for regex in DBMS_ERRORS[dbms]): if, _content): return True content = {} content["origin"] = Downloader.get(url) for test_payload in BOOLEAN_TESTS: RANDINT = random.randint(1, 255) _url = url + test_payload % (RANDINT, RANDINT) content["true"] = Downloader.get(_url) _url = url + test_payload % (RANDINT, RANDINT + 1) content["false"] = Downloader.get(_url) if content["origin"] == content["true"] != content["false"]: return "sql found: %" % url
def crawland(url): downloader = Downloader.Downloader() html_cont, code = soup = BeautifulSoup( html_cont, 'html.parser', ) records ="table.tab4 > tr") lands = [] for record in records: data = {} r2 ='td') # 这里使用了再次解析 data['landNo'] = (r2[0].contents[0].get('title')) data['href'] = (r2[0].contents[0].get('href')) data['use'] = (r2[1].contents[1].get('title')) data['address'] = (r2[2].contents[0].get('title')) data['date'] = (r2[3].get('title')) data['acreage'] = (r2[4].get('title')) if len(r2) == 8: # 对于工业用地,缺少“建筑面积”一列 data['floorArea'] = (r2[5].get('title')) data['price'] = (r2[6].get_text()) data['user'] = (r2[7].get('title')) else: data['floorArea'] = data['acreage'] data['price'] = (r2[5].get_text()) data['user'] = (r2[6].get('title')) lands.append(data) return lands
def get_contents(pageIndex, category, type_id, device_name, device_id): url = "" % ( device_name, type_id, pageIndex) page = get_page(url) #print page if page is None: return next_re = re.compile('<a.*?">下一页.*?</a>', re.S) result =, page) if result is None: return None pattern = re.compile( '<li>.*?class="pic".*?<img alt="(.*?)".*?src="(.*?)".*?<div class="downnum">(.*?)<.*?href="(.*?)">', re.S) items = re.findall(pattern, page) data_str = "" for item in items: source_url = item[1] detail_url = item[3] data_w = device_dic[device_id][1] data_h = device_dic[device_id][0] favorite = item[2].split(":")[-1] tag = item[0] like = favorite author = 'test321546' md5 = Downloader.get_md5(source_url) #print data_w, data_h, detail_url, source_url, tag, favorite, md5, '\n' data_str += get_insert_data(data_w, data_h, detail_url, source_url, tag, like, favorite, author, category, md5) #contents.append([data_w, data_h, detail_url, source_url, tag, like, favorite, comment, author]) return data_str
def __init__(self): # Check the OS first if not str(sys.platform) == "darwin": self.head("Incompatible System") print(" ") print("This script can only be run from macOS/OS X.") print(" ") print("The current running system is \"{}\".".format(sys.platform)) print(" ") self.grab("Press [enter] to quit...") print(" ") exit(1) self.dl = Downloader.Downloader() self.web_drivers = None self.os_build_number = None self.os_number = None self.wd_loc = None self.sip_checked = False self.installed_version = "Not Installed!" self.bdmesg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "bdmesg") if not os.path.exists(self.bdmesg): self.bdmesg = None self.get_manifest() self.get_system_info()
def link_crawler(seed_url, link_regex, max_depth=2, user_agent='wswp', proxies=None, scrape_callback=None, catch=None): crawler_queue = [seed_url] seen = {seed_url: 0} rp = get_robots(seed_url) D = Downloader(delay=5, user_agent=user_agent, proxies=proxies, num_tries=1, catch=catch) while crawler_queue: url = crawler_queue.pop() depth = seen[url] if rp.can_fetch('GoodCrawler', url): html = D(url) if html is None: continue if depth != max_depth: for link in get_links(html): if re.match(link_regex, link): link = urlparse.urljoin(seed_url, link) if link not in seen: seen[link] = depth + 1 crawler_queue.append(link) links = [] html1 = D(link) if scrape_callback: links.append(scrape_callback(link, html1) or []) else: print 'Blocked by robot.txt:', url
def post_experiment(): '''Experiment where we try generating a series of posts''' Poster = DL.PostDownloader() Selector = PS.PostSelector() if not os.path.exists('experiment_posts'): os.mkdir('experiment_posts') for postnumber in range(100): try: posttype = np.random.choice(['news','general'],p=[0.2,0.8]) print('Running download') downloaded, story, download_type, pt = Poster.rundownload(posttype=posttype) print('Selecting post meta') selected_post_meta = Selector.select_post(download_type=download_type) print(downloaded,story,download_type,pt,selected_post_meta) post_image = 'post_%03d.jpg' %postnumber os.system('mv debug_test.png experiment_posts/%s' %post_image) print('Done post number %i' %postnumber) print('----------------------------------------------------------------') except: print('Wait 10 seconds, try again') time.sleep(10)
def download(): for down in downloads: (readerLink, anime, saison, episode) = down print("| Downloading : {} > {} > {}".format(anime, saison, episode)) readerLink = if(readerLink == ''): downloadLog.log('| Error to download : {} > {} > {}'.format(anime, saison, episode)) continue stream = r.get(readerLink, stream=True) if not os.path.exists(folder + anime): os.mkdir(folder + anime) if not os.path.exists(folder + anime + "/" + saison): os.mkdir(folder + anime + "/" + saison) filePath = folder + anime + "/" + saison + "/" + episode + ".mp4" if(os.path.exists(filePath)): continue f = open(filePath, 'wb') try: f.write(stream.content) except: downloadLog.log('| ERROR during (writing error) download : {} > {} > {}'.format(anime, saison, episode)) print(c.Back.RED + "| Download failed !" + c.Back.BLACK)
def setUp(self): self.downloader = Downloader.Downloader(verbosity=DEBUG) self.transferer = Transferer.Transferer(id="transferer", verbosity=DEBUG_TRANSFERER) self.configFileTransmission = "tests/downloaderTransmission.json" self.configFileSynology = "tests/downloader3.json" self.configFileNone = "tests/downloaderNone.json" self.configFileTvShowSchedule = "tests/tvShowSchedule.json" self.testTransmission = os.path.isfile(self.configFileTransmission) self.tmpdir1 = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.tmpdir2 = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp()) self.transfererData = { "enable": True, "source": { "path": self.tmpdir1, "protocol": "file" }, "destination": { "path": self.tmpdir2, "protocol": "file" }, "delete_after": False, "pathPattern": "{seriesname}/season {seasonnumber}" } self.ts = torrentSearch.torrentSearch( id="torrentSearch", dataFile="tests/torrentSearch2.json", verbosity=DEBUG_TORRENT_SEARCH) self.t = myTvDB.myTvDB(debug=DEBUG, cache=False)
def add(self, callback, url): '''Add new task to queue''' status_data = Downloader.ClipData() status_data.URL = url status_data.status = Downloader.Status.PENDING self.queue.put(Job(callback, url)) self.progress.notify(status_data)
def test_synology_start_fail(self): self.d = Downloader.Downloader(verbosity=DEBUG) self.d.loadConfig(self.configFile3) with self.assertLogs(logger=self.d.logger,level='ERROR'): with self.assertRaises(Downloader.DownloaderSlotNotExists): self.d.start_torrent('dbid_161')
def get_charts(self): # Make instance of downloader self.downloader = Downloader.Downloader( self.system, self.settings.resources_list, self.settings.dest_folder, self.progress_dialog, self.status_bar, self.icao_edit.text().upper().split(), self.settings.view_notify, self.settings.open_file, self.system_tray) # Set downloader thread self.downloader_thread = QThread(self) # On thread start will execute download method self.downloader_thread.started.connect( # Move downloader to thread self.downloader.moveToThread(self.downloader_thread) # Connect PyQt5 slot and signals self.downloader.start_download_process.connect( self.start_download_process) self.downloader.show_dialog.connect(self.show_dialog) self.downloader.set_progress.connect(self.set_progress) self.downloader.reset_dialog.connect(self.progress_dialog.reset) self.downloader.finish_download_process.connect( self.finish_download_process) # Start thread self.downloader_thread.start()
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Menu Window self.help_window = Mw.HelpWindow() self.setting_window = Mw.MenuWindow() # Ini File Setting self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() self.config['setting'] = {} # Youtube Downloader self.yt_downloader = Downloader.Downloader() # Api Setting self.api_lb = Qt.QLabel("Api key: ") self.api_box = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.api_key = Qt.QLineEdit() self.api_btn = Qt.QPushButton("적용") self.is_valid_api = False # Directory to download self.dir_box = Qt.QHBoxLayout() self.dir_path = Qt.QLineEdit() self.dir_button = Qt.QPushButton("...") # Search self.search_label = Qt.QLabel("검색어: ") self.search_line = Qt.QLineEdit(self) self.search_btn = Qt.QPushButton("검색") self.search_box = Qt.QHBoxLayout() # Download Option self.opt_lb = Qt.QLabel("검색 방식: ") self.opt_url = Qt.QRadioButton("주소") self.opt_word = Qt.QRadioButton("검색어") self.is_url = True # Result self.scrollBox = Qt.QScrollArea() self.download_btns = [] self.download_urls = [] self.initUI()
def __init__(self, userStorageDirectory, torrentUrl, params={}): print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BORN ' + self.__class__.__name__ self.userStorageDirectory = userStorageDirectory self.torrentUrl = torrentUrl xbmc.Player.__init__(self) log("[TorrentPlayer] Initalized") self.params = params self.get = self.params.get self.contentId = int(self.get("url")) self.torrent = Downloader.Torrent(self.userStorageDirectory, self.torrentUrl, self.torrentFilesDirectory).player try: if self.get("url2"): self.ids_video = urllib.unquote_plus( self.get("url2")).split(',') else: self.ids_video = self.get_ids() except: pass self.init() self.setup_torrent() if self.buffer(): while True: if self.setup_play(): debug('************************************* GOING LOOP') self.torrent.startSession() self.torrent.continueSession(self.contentId) self.loop() else: break debug('************************************* GO NEXT?') if self.next_dl and self.next_dling and isinstance( self.next_contentId, int) and self.iterator == 100: self.contentId = self.next_contentId continue debug('************************************* NO! break') break self.torrent.stopSession() self.torrent.threadComplete = True self.torrent.checkThread() if '1' != self.__settings__.getSetting( "keep_files" ) and 'Saved Files' not in self.userStorageDirectory: xbmc.sleep(1000) clearStorage(self.userStorageDirectory) else: if self.seeding_status: showMessage( self.localize('Information'), self.localize( 'Torrent is seeding. To stop it use Download Status.'), forced=True) else: if self.seeding: self.db_delete() showMessage(self.localize('Information'), self.localize('Torrent downloading is stopped.'), forced=True)
def test_transmission_start_fail(self): self.d = Downloader.Downloader(verbosity=DEBUG) self.d.loadConfig(self.configFileTransmission) with self.assertLogs(logger=self.d.logger,level='ERROR'): with self.assertRaises(Downloader.DownloaderSlotNotExists): self.d.start_torrent(5) self.assertEqual(len(wwwoman.wwwoman.latest_requests),2)
def kill(self, name, current=None): '''Elimina un servidor de descargaa si existe y lo elimina de la lista de servidores de descargas''' if name not in self.registry: raise Downloader.SchedulerNotFound() print('Delete scheduler: ' + str(name)) current.adapter.remove(Ice.stringToIdentity(name)) del self.registry[name]
def mapper_html2json(self, _, line_path): downloader = d.Downloader(line_path) if downloader.pieces: for piece in downloader.pieces: yield downloader.title_name, piece else: yield downloader.title_name, None
def loadFullConfig(self): self.confFilename = "tests/fullConfig.json" self.downloader = Downloader.Downloader(verbosity=DEBUG_DOWNLOADER) self.downloader.loadConfig(self.confFilename) self.transferer = Transferer.Transferer(id="transferer",verbosity=DEBUG) self.transfererData = {"enable":True,"source": {"path": self.tmpdir1, "protocol": "file"}, "destination": {"path": self.tmpdir2, "protocol": "file"}} self.transferer.addData(self.confFilename) self.transferer.setValue(self.transfererData) self.torrentSearch = torrentSearch.torrentSearch(id="torrentSearch",dataFile=self.confFilename,verbosity=DEBUG)
def playTorrent(torrentUrl, StorageDirectory): if 0 != len(torrentUrl): contentId = 0 #int(urllib.unquote_plus(url)) torrent = Downloader.Torrent(torrentUrl, StorageDirectory) torrent.startSession(contentId) iterator = 0 progressBar = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressBar.create('Подождите', 'Идёт поиск сидов.') downloadedSize = 0 while downloadedSize < (44 * 1024 * 1024): #not torrent.canPlay: time.sleep(0.1) progressBar.update(iterator) iterator += 1 if iterator == 100: iterator = 0 downloadedSize = torrent.torrentHandle.file_progress()[contentId] dialogText = 'Preloaded: ' + str( downloadedSize / 1024 / 1024) + ' MB / ' + str( torrent.getContentList()[contentId].size / 1024 / 1024) + ' MB' peersText = ' [%s: %s; %s: %s]' % ( 'Seeds', str(torrent.torrentHandle.status().num_seeds), 'Peers', str(torrent.torrentHandle.status().num_peers)) speedsText = '%s: %s Mbit/s; %s: %s Mbit/s' % ( 'Downloading', str(torrent.torrentHandle.status().download_payload_rate * 8 / 1000000), 'Uploading', str(torrent.torrentHandle.status().upload_payload_rate * 8 / 1000000)) progressBar.update(iterator, 'Seeds searching.' + peersText, dialogText, speedsText) if progressBar.iscanceled(): progressBar.update(0) progressBar.close() torrent.threadComplete = True return #progressBar.update(0) #progressBar.close() playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) playlist.clear() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(torrent.getContentList()[contentId].path) playlist.add('file:///' + torrent.getFilePath(contentId), listitem) #progressBar.close() xbmc.Player().play(playlist) progressBar.close() #time.sleep(15) while 1 == xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo(): torrent.fetchParts() torrent.checkThread() time.sleep(1) xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification(%s, %s)" % ('Информация', 'Загрузка торрента прекращена.')) torrent.threadComplete = True else: print " Unexpected access to method playTorrent() without torrent content"
def start(self): self.get_link = str(self.play_lista_link.text()) full_link = [ self.get_link, ] folder = "ZA SAMPLOVANJE" self.max_Counter = Downloader.index_finder(full_link) ar = (full_link, folder) self.starter = Thread(, args=ar) self.starter.start()
def main(output, url): start_time = time.time() FileInfo = namedtuple('FileInfo', 'url name size lastmodified') #url = "" print url code =, output) if code == 400: return 400 print '下载时间: %ds' % int(time.time() - start_time) return code
def make(self, name, current=None): '''Crea servidores de decarga dado un nombre y lo mete en una lista de servidores de descarga''' servant = DownloadSchedulerI(self.queue, DOWNLOADED_FILES) if name in self.registry: raise Downloader.SchedulerAlreadyExists() proxy = current.adapter.add(servant, Ice.stringToIdentity(name)) print('New scheduler: ' + str(name) + ', ' + str(proxy)) self.registry[name] = proxy return Downloader.DownloadSchedulerPrx.checkedCast(proxy)
def main(): # Initialize Configuration inputSearchText = raw_input( '1. Please input the key words you want to search.[default: ' + Configuration.runtime_search_text + ']\n') if inputSearchText.strip() != "": Configuration.runtime_search_text = inputSearchText inputMaxPageNumber = raw_input('2. Please input the maximum page number you want to search.[default: ' + str( Configuration.runtime_search_max_page_number) + ']\n') if inputMaxPageNumber.strip() != "": Configuration.runtime_search_max_page_number = int(inputMaxPageNumber) downloadPath = raw_input( '3. Please input the output folder of these videos.[default: ' + Configuration.runtime_download_root_path + ']\n') if downloadPath.strip() != "": Configuration.runtime_download_root_path = downloadPath inputDownloadThread = raw_input('4. Please input download threads number.[default: ' + str( Configuration.runtime_num_of_download_worker) + ']\n') if inputDownloadThread.strip() != "": Configuration.runtime_num_of_download_worker = int(inputDownloadThread) disableExtractor = raw_input('5. Disable video link extractor(y/n).[default: ' + ( 'y' if Configuration.runtime_disable_extractor else 'n') + ']\n') if disableExtractor.strip() == "y" or disableExtractor.strip() == "Y": Configuration.runtime_disable_extractor = True if not os.path.exists(Configuration.getDownloadPath()): mkdirs(Configuration.getDownloadPath()) DownloadTaskProducer.start() Downloader.start() if not Configuration.runtime_disable_extractor: VideoLinkExtractor.start() else:'Video link extractor is disabled.')'App started ...') while True: pass
def download(self): #find out where to get it (uri, branch) = self._get_download_location() if(uri): #now get it dirsmade =, uri, branch) #this trace isn't used yet but could be self.tracewriter.downloaded(self.appdir, uri) #this trace is used to remove the dirs created self.tracewriter.dir_made(*dirsmade) return self.tracedir
def downloader_test(): global dl ss = SvtStream(json.load(open('test/episode.json'))) ss.downloadcommand="/bin/echo %(url)s %(output)s" dl = Downloader() di = DownloadItem(ss, config['output_dir']) assert di.command.args == [ u'/bin/echo', u',900,348,564,1680,2800,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null=', u'/tmp/labyrint-del-5-av-10.mp4' ] dl.add(di) assert di.command.status == ( "Queued" or "Running" ) count = 0 maxwait = 30 while di.command.status != "Completed" and count < maxwait: # Wait for thread to finish time.sleep(0.1) count += 1 assert di.command.status == "Completed" assert di.command.stdout.rstrip() == ",900,348,564,1680,2800,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null= /tmp/labyrint-del-5-av-10.mp4"
def main(): delay = 0.5 # First iteration will set delay=1 or multiply by 2 while True: try: Downloader.status() if # files were successfully downloaded delay = 1 else: # No files successfully download this iteration # Increase sleep time delay = min((delay * 2, 32)) except Exception, e: if msg = "*** Downloader has crashed! ***\n\n" msg += "Fatal error occured while running downloader: %s\n\n" % str(e) msg += "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) notification = mailer.ErrorMailer(msg, subject="Downloader crash!") notification.send() sys.stderr.write("Fatal error occurred!\n") raise print "Will sleep for %d seconds" % (config.background.sleep * delay) time.sleep(config.background.sleep * delay)
import time import sys import traceback import mailer import Downloader import config.background import while True: try: Downloader.status() except Exception, e: if msg = '*** Downloader has crashed! ***\n\n' msg += 'Fatal error occured while running downloader: %s\n\n' % str(e) msg += ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) notification = mailer.ErrorMailer(msg).send() sys.stderr.write("Fatal error occurred!\n") raise time.sleep(config.background.sleep)
from pytradelib.utils import batchfrom pytradelib.downloader import Downloader from urllib import urlencodetry: import simplejson as jsonexcept ImportError: import json def get_yql_url(yql): base_url = '' url = base_url + urlencode({'q': yql, 'env': 'store://', 'format': 'json'}) if len(url) > (2 * 1024): raise Exception('URL must be shorter than 2048 characters') return url _EXCHANGES = { 'ASE': 'AMEX', 'NYQ': 'NYSE', 'NMS': 'NASDAQ', # 'NasdaqGS', 'NGM': 'NASDAQ', # 'NasdaqGM', 'NCM': 'NASDAQ', # 'NasdaqCM',} def _convert_result(result): """ Converts a YQL result dictionary into PyTradeLib format :param result: dict :return: dict with keys lowercased """ r = {} for k, v in result.items(): if k == 'StockExchange': k = 'exchange' v = _EXCHANGES.get(v, None) if k == 'ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid': k = 'error' if k == 'LastTradeDate': k = 'last_trade_date' r[k.lower()] = v return r def get_symbols_info(symbols, keys=None): if not isinstance(symbols, (list, tuple)): symbols = list(symbols) keys = keys or ['Symbol', 'Name', 'StockExchange', 'LastTradeDate'] yql = 'select %(keys)s from where symbol in (%(symbols)s)' urls = [] for batched_symbols in batch(symbols, 100): csv_symbols = ','.join(['"%s"' % s.upper() for s in batched_symbols]) urls.append(get_yql_url(yql % {'keys': ','.join(keys), 'symbols': csv_symbols})) downloader = Downloader() results = [] for url, text in json_ = json.loads(text) for result in json_['query']['results']['quote']: results.append(_convert_result(result)) return results
@app.route('/jobs/<int:jobId>/stop', methods=['POST']) def stop_job(jobId): command = downloader.downloaditems[jobId].command if command.status == 'Running': command.kill() return make_response('', 200) else: return make_response('Cannot stop job %s' % jobId, 400) try: config = dict(CONFIG_DEFAULT.items() + yaml.load(open('config.yml')).items()) except: print "Could not load config.yml" sys.exit(1) if config['debug']: downloader = Downloader() app.debug = True['host'], port=config['port']) downloader.stop() else: stdout = open("server.out", "w") stderr = open("server.err", "w") stdin = open("/dev/null", "r") with daemon.DaemonContext(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, working_directory='.'): downloader = Downloader()['host'], port=config['port']) downloader.stop()