Esempio n. 1
 def test_constructor_if_assign_edge_properly(self):
     state1 = State(name='A')
     edge1 = Edge(label='a', destination=State('B'))
     self.assertListEqual(state1.state_edges, [])
                      [Edge(label='a', destination=State('B'))])
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, center, radius, color): = center
     self.radius = radius
     self.color = color
     self.filled = True
     self.velocity = Edge(, Point(,, '#00ff00')
     self.mass = 1.0
Esempio n. 3
 def loadGraphFromFile(self, infile):
     with open(infile) as f:
         lines = f.readlines()
     cleanlines = [x.strip() for x in lines
                   ]  #strip off any weird leading or trailing spaces.
     for line in cleanlines:
         line = line.replace('\'', '').replace('[',
                                               '').replace(']', '').replace(
                                                   ' ', '').strip('()')
         rawEdge = line.split(
         )  # now just have nice clean comma-separated values. Make it a list
         [l1, l2, label, x1, y1, x2,
          y2] = rawEdge  # grab all the components of the edge
         if l1 not in self.nodeIndex:
             self.nodeIndex[l1] = (int(x1), int(y1))
             self.nodes.append(Node(int(x1), int(y1), l1))
         if l2 not in self.nodeIndex:
             self.nodeIndex[l2] = (int(x2), int(y2))
             self.nodes.append(Node(int(x2), int(y2), l2))
         # Now build and Edge object for it
         newEdge = Edge((int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), int(label))
         newEdge.setLabels(l1, l2)
Esempio n. 4
 def setdata(self,node_objects,edge_objects):
     Add sRNA - sRNA edges based on their similarity
     @param node_objects: list of node objects
     @param edge_objects: list of edge objects
         similarityReader = csv.reader(open(self.similarity_file, 'rb'), delimiter='\t')
         #passage de l'entete
         for i in similarityReader:
             #Create edge
             if(node1 !=None and node2 !=None):
                 #set similarity value and scategory
                 #Add edge element in the list
     except IOError:
         sys.exit("Error : can not open file %s"%self.similarity_file)
     #    sys.exit("Something went wrong with %s"%self.similarity_file)
Esempio n. 5
def getConvertedEdges(graph : networkx.Graph):

    convertedEdges = [[] * (graph.number_of_nodes()) for i in range(graph.number_of_nodes())] #--> Desta forma para evitar que as linhas sejam todas a msm referencia -->

    counter = 0
    counter2 = 0

    for i in range(len(graph.nodes)):
        counter = 0
        for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True):
            elif i == u:
                if i == v:
                    itemArgs = {Utils.INITIALPOINT: putAsciiValues(u, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.FINALPOINT: putAsciiValues(v, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.DISTANCE: data['weight']}
                    counter = counter + 1
                if i != v:
                    itemArgs = {Utils.INITIALPOINT: putAsciiValues(u, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.FINALPOINT: putAsciiValues(v, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.DISTANCE: data['weight']}
                    itemArgs = {Utils.INITIALPOINT: putAsciiValues(v, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.FINALPOINT: putAsciiValues(u, graph.number_of_nodes()),
                                Utils.DISTANCE: data['weight']}

    return convertedEdges
Esempio n. 6
 def addEdge(self, nod1, l1, nod2, l2, col):
     l1 = self.LayerPerm[l1]
     l2 = self.LayerPerm[l2]
     if col == 1 or col == 15:
         return self.addEdge_util(Edge.Edge(nod1, l1, nod2, l2, col))
     return max(self.addEdge_util(Edge.Edge(nod1, l1, nod2, l2, col)),
                self.addEdge_util(Edge.Edge(nod2, l2, nod1, l1, col)))
Esempio n. 7
 def add_edge(self, v, w, wt):
     if v == w:
     self.g[v].append(Edge(v, w, wt))
     if not self.is_directed:
         self.g[w].append(Edge(w, v, wt))
     self.edges += 1
Esempio n. 8
def closest_node_on_segment_to_node(node, segment) -> Node.Node:
    A_start, B_start, C_start = perpendicular(segment.start, segment)
    A_end, B_end, C_end = perpendicular(segment.end, segment)
    if line_value(A_start, B_start, C_start, node) * line_value(
            A_end, B_end, C_end, node) < 0:
        node_A, node_B, node_C = perpendicular(node, segment)
        x = 10000
        y = (-node_A * x - node_C) / node_B
        end = Node.Node(x, y)
        node_segment = Edge.Edge(node, end)
        if geometry.intersect(segment, node_segment):
            closest_node = geometry.intersection(segment, node_segment)
            x = -10000
            y = (-node_A * x - node_C) / node_B
            end = Node.Node(x, y)
            node_segment = Edge.Edge(node, end)
            closest_node = geometry.intersection(segment, node_segment)
        closest_node = segment.start
        distance_to_start = dist(node, segment.start)
        distance_to_end = dist(node, segment.end)
        if distance_to_start > distance_to_end:
            closest_node = segment.end
    return closest_node
Esempio n. 9
    def add_edge(self, v1, v2, weight):
        if v1 == v2:
        self.g[v1].append(Edge(v1, v2, weight))

        if not self._is_directed:
            self.g[v2].append(Edge(v2, v1, weight))
Esempio n. 10
 def genRelation(self, verts, edges):
     for vert in verts:
         self.relation[vert] = []
     for edge in edges:
             Edge.TruncEdge(edge=edge, head=True))
             Edge.TruncEdge(edge=edge, head=False))
Esempio n. 11
def add_edge(v1, v2, w):
	edge = Edge.Edge(v1,v2,w)
	resEdge = Edge.Edge(v2,v1,0)
	edge.res = resEdge
	resEdge.res = edge
	optFlow[edge] = 0
	optFlow[resEdge] = 0
Esempio n. 12
 def _add_route_info(self, firewall, data, interface, edge):
     """Add informations about gateways and destinations network, and link them with the corresponding
        firewall and network.
     self.graph.add_node(data, object=Node(data))
     self.graph.add_edge(firewall, data, object=Edge(data, firewall))
                         object=Edge(data, interface))
Esempio n. 13
 def addDependency(self, From, to, label, type, description = None):
     #if self.isInvalidEdge(From, to):
     #    return
     fromToken = self._map[From]
     toToken = self._map[to]
     edge = Edge(fromToken, toToken, label, type, Edge.RenderType.dependency)
     if description is not None:
         edge.description = description
Esempio n. 14
def createNetworkByType(Ntype):
    NtypeEdgeCol = 14
    if Ntype == 'Minor':
        NtypeEdgeCol = -14
        Edge.getEdgeSample(Edge.filterEdges(network.Edges, [1, NtypeEdgeCol]),
                           100), Ntype)
Esempio n. 15
 def build(self):
     mainPanel = MainPanel()
     vertex1 = Vertex(pos = (100,100), radius = 25)
     vertex2 = Vertex(pos = (200,200), radius = 25)
     edge = Edge()
     edge.setVertices(vertex1, vertex2)
     return mainPanel
Esempio n. 16
def Similar(src, data):
    To create similar edges
    for dest in data:
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='Similar')

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 17
def S2W(src, data):
    To create sense to word edges
    for dest in data:
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='S2W')

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 18
def Holonym(src, data):
    To create holonym edges
    for dest in data:
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='Holonym')

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 19
 def Roadmap_construction(self):
     while len(self.vertices) < self.number_of_node:
         q_random = self.sampling()
         if self.check_collision(q_random):
     for vertex in self.vertices:
         k_nearest_neighbor = self.get_k_nearest_neighbor(vertex, self.number_of_neighbors)
         for neighbor in k_nearest_neighbor:
             if Edge.Edge(neighbor[0], vertex) not in self.edges and self.connect(neighbor[0], vertex):
                 self.edges.append(Edge.Edge(neighbor[0], vertex))
Esempio n. 20
def Entailment(src, data):
    To create entailment edges
    for dest in data:
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='Entailment')

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 21
def D2S(src, data):
    To create word to sense definition backedges in which it occurs
    total_freq = sum(data.values())
    for dest, frequency in data.items():
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='D2S')
        edge.populate(frequency=frequency, total_freq=total_freq)

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 22
def Meronym(src, data):
    To create hypernym edges
    num_mero = len(data)
    for dest in data:
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='Meronym')

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 23
def W2S(src, data):
    To create word to sense edges
    #Each edge is a dictionary, data list of dictionaries
    total_freq = sum(data.values())
    for dest, frequency in data.items():
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='W2S')
        edge.populate(frequency=frequency, total_freq=total_freq)

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 24
def createGraph(lines):
    verts = []
    edges = []
    for line in lines:
        lineverts = line.split(' ')
        if not lineverts[0] in verts:
        if not lineverts[1] in verts:
        if len(lineverts) == 2:
    return Graph.Graph(verts,edges)
Esempio n. 25
 def collideWithCircle(self, b):
     axis = Edge(,, "#000000")
     axis2 = Edge(,, "#000000")
     aPerp = self.velocity.getPerpVec(axis)
     bPerp = b.velocity.getPerpVec(axis)
     aVi = self.velocity.projOnto(axis)
     bVi = b.velocity.projOnto(axis)
     aVf = (2.0*b.mass*bVi + aVi*(self.mass - b.mass))/(self.mass + b.mass)
     bVf = (2.0*self.mass*aVi + bVi*(b.mass - self.mass))/(self.mass + b.mass)
     self.velocity = aPerp = self.velocity.p0
     b.velocity = bPerp = b.velocity.p0
Esempio n. 26
def main(playerX: int, playerY: int, pipeInfo: list, stillAlive: bool): 
    test1 = Edge(0, 3, 100, 100)
    test2 = Edge(1, 3, 100, 100)
    test3 = Edge(2, 3, 100, 100)

    supertest = (test1, test2, test3)
    NNTest = NeuralNetwork(supertest, 4, (3))

    if pipeInfo[0]['x'] >= 0:
        print("Pipe Info = ", pipeInfo[0]['x'])
        print("Pipe Info = ", pipeInfo[1]['x'])
Esempio n. 27
def S2E(src, data):
    To create sense to non-noise words in example
    #Each edge is a dictionary, data is list of dictionaries
    for item in data:
        dest = item[0]
        frequency = item[1]
        total_freq = item[2]
        edge = Edge(src=src, dest=dest, kind='S2E')
        edge.populate(frequency=frequency, total_freq=total_freq)

        #Adding edge created in graph
        Insert(src, edge)
Esempio n. 28
def getInAndOut(A,B, InsAndOuts):
    for arestaA in A.Arestas:
        count = 0
        pontoMedio = getPontoMedioAresta(arestaA)
        #pontoMedio[0] = x , pontoMedio[1] = y
        newAresta = (Point(-1,pontoMedio.y,0),pontoMedio)
        edge = Edge(arestaA[0],arestaA[1])
        helper = 0
        for arestaB in B.Arestas:
            if(hasRetaIntersection(newAresta[0], newAresta[1], arestaB[0], arestaB[1])):
                point = getIntersection(newAresta[0], newAresta[1], arestaB[0], arestaB[1])
                count += 1
                if point in B.Vertices and not findMaxOrMin(point,B.Vertices):
                    helper += 1
        if helper > 0:
            count += 1

        if(count%2 != 0):
            if edge not in InsAndOuts['in']:
            if edge not in InsAndOuts['out']:
    return InsAndOuts
Esempio n. 29
 def deflectFromEdge(self, e):
     mSquared = e.x() * e.x() + e.y() * e.y()
     p0 = Point(0, 0)
     pf = Point((-2 * e.y() * self.velocity.det(e)) / mSquared,
                2 * e.x() * self.velocity.det(e) / mSquared)
     x = Edge(p0, pf, generateHTMLColor(255, 255, 0))
Esempio n. 30
    def readEdgeFromTxt(self):
        edge_list = []
        if self.txtpath:
                file = open(self.txtpath, "r")
                line = file.readline()
                s_list = line.split(",")
                for s in s_list:
                    # print(len(s))
                    if s:
                        # print(s[0])
                        s = s.strip()
                        v_s = Vertex(-1, s[0])
                        v_e = Vertex(-1, s[1])
                        d = int(s[2])
                        edge = Edge(v_s, v_e, d)

            except IOError:
                return None
                # print(edge_list)
                return edge_list
Esempio n. 31
def run(parameters):

    file_name = parameters['file_name']
    stdOut = parameters['output']

    ns = {'xmlns' : '', 'graphml' : ''}

        graph = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(file_name)
    except IOError as e:
        stdOut.print_error("Could not open specified file\nDetails:" + str(e))

    graphRoot = graph.getroot()
    g = graphRoot.find('xmlns:graph', ns)

    nodes = g.findall('xmlns:node', ns)
    edges = g.findall('xmlns:edge', ns)

    for node in nodes:
        data = node.findall('xmlns:data', ns)
        node_recognized = False
        for dataElement in data:

            nodeType = None
            for type_string in supported_node_types:
                if nodeType is None:
                    nodeType = dataElement.find(type_string, ns)

            id = int(node.attrib['id'].strip('n'))
            if nodeType is not None:
                label = nodeType.find('graphml:NodeLabel', ns).text
                if label is None:
                    label = ''
                nodeList.append(Node.Node(id, [], label))
                node_recognized = True

        if not node_recognized:
            stdOut.print_error('Unrecognized node type on graph! Node id: %s' % id)

    for edge in edges:
        data = edge.findall('xmlns:data', ns)
        for dataElement in data:
            edgeType =  dataElement.find('graphml:PolyLineEdge', ns)

        if edgeType is not None:
            id = int(edge.attrib['id'].strip('e'))
            source = int(edge.attrib['source'].strip('n'))
            target = int(edge.attrib['target'].strip('n'))
            label = edgeType.find('graphml:EdgeLabel', ns)
            if label is not None:
                label_text = label.text
                label_text = ''

            edgeList.append(Edge.Edge(source, target, label_text))
            stdOut.print_debug("EDGE NOT KNOWN: \n[%s, %s, %s, %s, %s]" % (edgeType, id, source, target, label))

    return edgeList, nodeList
Esempio n. 32
 def add_edge(self, v, w, element):
     if not v in self._structure or not w in self._structure:
         return None
     e = Edge(v, w, element)
     self._structure[v][w] = e
     self._structure[w][v] = e
     return e
Esempio n. 33
    def __init__(self, graph, s):
        self.s = s
        self.graph = graph
        n = graph.vertexs
        self.marked = [False for _ in xrange(n)]
        self.dist_to = [0 for _ in xrange(n)]
        self._from = [None for _ in xrange(n)] = IndexMinHeap(n)

        self._from[s] = Edge(s, s, 0)
        self.marked[s] = True, self.dist_to[s])
        while not
            v =
            self.marked[v] = True
            for e in self.graph.g[v]:
                w = e.other(v)
                if not self.marked[w]:
                    if not self.dist_to[w] or self.dist_to[v] + e.weight < self.dist_to[w]:
                        self.dist_to[w] = self.dist_to[v] + e.weight
                        self._from[w] = e
                    if not
              , self.dist_to[w])
              , self.dist_to[w])
def build_tree (al, nodes) :
	Takes in an adjacency list, set of all nodes, and the edge set
	and builds a tree, and contructs edges.
	al is an adjacency list
	nodes dictionary of all nodes
	edges will be the Priority Queue of all edges

	for n in al :
		for node_info in al[n] :
			e = Edge()
			e.weight    = int(node_info[1])
			e.next_node = nodes[node_info[0]]
			e.src_node  = nodes[n]
			nodes[n].neighbors.append(nodes[node_info[0]])		# append adjacent node...
			nodes[n].weights.append(e)							# and its corresponding weight
Esempio n. 35
File: Progetto: zhued/intro
	def copyDeeply(self, g):
		# self assignment check, done in C++ a little differently
		if self.isEqual(g):
		# clear out the existing Vertex and Edge data
		# copy each Vertex and update the Edge array as we go
		# notice here we can use the vertexCount of the other
		# graph, g to count how many to copy
		for i in range(0, g.vertexCount):
			# make a new Vertex from g's Vertex
			v = Vertex(g.vertices[i].name)
			# add that Vertex to our Vertex list
			# update our vertexCount
			self.vertexCount += 1
			# add a new row to the edges array; this is self.edges[i], below
			# copy a row of Edges from g to here
			for j in range(0, g.vertexCount):
				# make a new Edge from g's edge
				e = Edge(g.edges[i][j].cost)
				# add the Edge to the end of the row
				# count edges up if the Edge is not a zero edge
				if e.empty() == False:
					self.edgeCount += 1
		# create the 'bad Vertex' we send back when there's 
		# no good answer to getVertex()
		self.badVertex = Vertex('bad vertex')
		# set this Vertex to be bad
		# create the 'bad Edge' we send back when there's 
		# no good answer to getEdge()
		self.badEdge = Edge(0.0)
		# set this Edge to be bad
Esempio n. 36
File: Progetto: zhued/intro
	def __init__(self):
		# make an empty Vertex list
		self.vertices = []
		# make an empty Edge list
		self.edges = []
		# initialize the Vertex count to be 0
		self.vertexCount = 0
		# initialize the Edge count to be 0
		self.edgeCount = 0
		# create the 'bad Vertex' 
		self.badVertex = Vertex('bad vertex')
		# set the badness flag for this bad Vertex
		# create the 'bad Edge'
		self.badEdge = Edge(0.0)
		# set the badness flag for this bad Edge
Esempio n. 37
File: Progetto: zhued/intro
class Graph:

	# Create an empty Graph
	# This is analogous to the default constructor in C++, Graph( );
	def __init__(self):
		# make an empty Vertex list
		self.vertices = []
		# make an empty Edge list
		self.edges = []
		# initialize the Vertex count to be 0
		self.vertexCount = 0
		# initialize the Edge count to be 0
		self.edgeCount = 0
		# create the 'bad Vertex' 
		self.badVertex = Vertex('bad vertex')
		# set the badness flag for this bad Vertex
		# create the 'bad Edge'
		self.badEdge = Edge(0.0)
		# set the badness flag for this bad Edge
	# Clear out all the information in the Graph
	# so it is like an empty Graph again.
	# Analogous to the C++ function void clear( );
	def clear(self):
		# remove all the Edges and all the Vertices 
		# (more important in C++ than in Python)
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			for j in range(0, self.vertexCount):
				# pop the last Edge off the list 
				self.edges[self.vertexCount - 1].pop()
			# pop the last empty Edge sublist off edges
			# pop the last Vertex off vertices
		# now everybody should be empty, and we should have
		# one empty list (vertices == []) for Vertex 
		# and one empty list (edges == []) for Edges
		# set vertexCount to 0
		self.vertexCount = 0
		# and set edgeCount to 0
		self.edgeCount = 0
	# Make our self's Graph be an independent copy of another Graph called g.
	# By independent, I mean that we can change our Graph (add a Vertex,
	# remove an Edge) after this and not change g the same way, as a side effect.
	# This function is loosely analogous to two functions in C++:
	# the assignment operator, Graph& operator =(const Graph& source);
    # and the copy constructor, Graph(const Graph& source);
	def copyDeeply(self, g):
		# self assignment check, done in C++ a little differently
		if self.isEqual(g):
		# clear out the existing Vertex and Edge data
		# copy each Vertex and update the Edge array as we go
		# notice here we can use the vertexCount of the other
		# graph, g to count how many to copy
		for i in range(0, g.vertexCount):
			# make a new Vertex from g's Vertex
			v = Vertex(g.vertices[i].name)
			# add that Vertex to our Vertex list
			# update our vertexCount
			self.vertexCount += 1
			# add a new row to the edges array; this is self.edges[i], below
			# copy a row of Edges from g to here
			for j in range(0, g.vertexCount):
				# make a new Edge from g's edge
				e = Edge(g.edges[i][j].cost)
				# add the Edge to the end of the row
				# count edges up if the Edge is not a zero edge
				if e.empty() == False:
					self.edgeCount += 1
		# create the 'bad Vertex' we send back when there's 
		# no good answer to getVertex()
		self.badVertex = Vertex('bad vertex')
		# set this Vertex to be bad
		# create the 'bad Edge' we send back when there's 
		# no good answer to getEdge()
		self.badEdge = Edge(0.0)
		# set this Edge to be bad
	# function I wrote to compare 2 Graphs for equality
	# optional for you, but not trivial
	def isEqual(self, g):
		if self.vertexCount != g.vertexCount:
			return False
		if self.edgeCount != g.edgeCount:
			return False
		eps = 0.00000000000000000001
		for i in range(0, g.vertexCount):
			index = self.getIndex(g.vertices[i].getName())
			if self.validIndex(index) == False:
				return False
			otherRow = i
			myRow = index
			for j in range(0, g.vertexCount):
				otherCol = j
				myCol = self.getIndex(g.vertices[j].getName())
				if abs(self.edges[myRow][myCol].getCost() - g.edges[otherRow][otherCol].getCost()) > eps:
					return False
		return True
	# Put a new Vertex in the Graph and update the Edge list.
	# No duplicate Vertex names are allowed.
	# This function is analogous to the C++ function 
	# bool addVertex(const string& newVertexname);  
	def addVertex(self, vertexName):
		# look at each of our current Vertex
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			# check if this Vertex has the same name as the
			# one we want to add; if so, bail out without
			# adding the duplicate
			if self.vertices[i].getName() == vertexName:
				return False
		# if we didn't bail out in that for loop, then we add the new Vertex.
		# we make a new Vertex with this name
		v = Vertex(vertexName)
		# we put that Vertex in our vertices list
		# we make a new row that we'll put in the edges array 
		# for this Vertex
		newRow = []
		# we fill that row with empty Edges
		# notice that because vertexCount is still not updated
		# to count the new Vertex, we have to put one more
		# Edge in to keep the whole edges list square
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount + 1):
			# make a new empty Edge
			e = Edge(0.0)
			# put this Edge in the new row
		# now add that new row to the edges array
		# we add one extra Edge to each of the previous rows of edges,
		# which makes a new column in the edges array for this Vertex
		# Note that vertexCount is still not updated, so we only do this
		# for the rows in the edges array that we had before adding this 
		# Vertex.
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			# make one new empty Edge
			e = Edge(0.0)
			# add that Edge to the end of this row
		# finally we update vertexCount
		self.vertexCount += 1
		# success, return True
		return True

	# Take a Vertex out of the Graph and update the Edge list, 
	# returning True if things go as expected. If this Vertex 
	# is not in the Graph, remove nothing, and return False.
	# This function is analogous to the C++ function
	# bool removeVertex(const string& unwantedVertexName);  
	def removeVertex(self, vertexName):
		# helper function getIndex tells us the position of a Vertex
		# in our vertices list.  If it's not there, getIndex gives back -1.
		index = self.getIndex(vertexName)
		# helper function validIndex checks that this index >= 0
		# and index < vertexCount. If it's outside that range,
		# we do not have a Vertex by this name, so we bail out
		# without removing anything and send back a False to 
		# indicate weirdness on the user's part.
		if (self.validIndex(index) == False):
			return False
		# if we get to here, then we really have a Vertex to remove
		# First, we have to get rid of this Vertex's row in the Edges list.
		# But we want to keep our count of nonzero Edges up to date,
		# so first we subtract any real Edges in this row from edgeCount.
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			# if the Edge we're throwing away is nonzero, 
			# count edgeCount down
			if (self.edges[index][i].empty() == False):
				self.edgeCount -= 1
		# take this whole row of Edges out of the edges list
		# now take out the column of Edges to this Vertex in the other rows
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount - 1):
			# if the Edge we're throwing away is nonzero, 
			# count edgeCount down
			if (self.edges[i][index].empty() == False):
				self.edgeCount -= 1
			# take out the edge in this column
		# take out this Vertex from our list
		# update our vertexCount to be one less
		self.vertexCount -= 1
		# send back True to show that things all went as expected
		return True
	# Given the names of 2 Vertex in the Graph, set an Edge 
	# between them to have a particular cost. 
	# If the Vertex both exist and are not the same Vertex, 
	# update the cost of their Edge and return True.
	# If one or both Vertex are not in the Graph, or if
	# the Edge is from one Vertex to itself, make no changes 
	# and send back a False to indicate a problem on the
	# user's end.
	# This function is analogous to the C++ function
	# bool setEdge(const string& fromVertexName, const string& toVertexName, const Edge& newEdge);
	def setEdge(self, fromVertexName, toVertexName, cost):
		# quickly check for self-edges, which are not allowed
		if fromVertexName == toVertexName:
			return False
		# use the helper function getIndex to find the position
		# of the 'from'-Vertex in our Vertex list
		fromIndex = self.getIndex(fromVertexName)
		# use the helper function getIndex to find the position
		# of the 'to'-Vertex in our Vertex list
		toIndex = self.getIndex(toVertexName)
		# check that both of these indexes are valid and update the
		# Edge if they both are
		if (self.validIndex(fromIndex) and self.validIndex(toIndex) and fromIndex != toIndex):
			# we might be overwriting a real (nonzero) Edge;
			# if so we subtract one from edgeCount
			if self.edges[fromIndex][toIndex].empty() == False:
				self.edgeCount -= 1
			# update the Edge to have the new cost
			# check if this Edge is empty; if not, add one to  
			# edgeCount 
			if self.edges[fromIndex][toIndex].empty() == False:
				self.edgeCount += 1
			# success, we are done
			return True
		# if one or both of fromIndex or toIndex is invalid, then 
		# we don't have one or both of these Vertex, so we bail 
		# out and send back a False to indicate user weirdness
			return False
	# return True if the Graph is empty, which means it has no
	# Vertex at all.  Else, return False.
	# This is analogous to the C++ function bool empty( ) const;
	def empty(self):
		return self.vertexCount == 0
	# return True if the Graph contains a Vertex, and False if not.
	# this function is analogous to the C++ function:
	# bool containsVertex(const string& vertexName) const;
	def containsVertex(self, vertexName):
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		index = self.getIndex(vertexName)
		# if this index is valid, the Graph contains this Vertex
		# if it's not, the Graph does not contain this Vertex
		return self.validIndex(index)
	# return True if the Graph contains an Edge between 2 Vertex, 
	# and False if not.
	# this function is analogous to the C++ function
	# bool containsEdge(const string& fromVertexname, const string& toVertexName) const;
	def containsEdge(self, fromVertexName, toVertexName):
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'from' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		fromIndex = self.getIndex(fromVertexName)
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'to' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		toIndex = self.getIndex(toVertexName)
		# if these are both valid indexes, then return True
		# if that Edge between them is not a zero edge,
		# and False if it is
		if (self.validIndex(fromIndex) and self.validIndex(toIndex)):
			return self.edges[fromIndex][toIndex].empty()
		# if these aren't valid indices, we don't have an Edge
		# for them in the Graph; return False
			return False
	# Given the names of 2 Vertex in the Graph, set an Edge 
	# between them to have zero cost and return True. If 
	# these Vertex aren't in the Graph, return False.
	# This function is analogous to the C++ function
	# bool removeEdge(const string& fromVertexName, const string& toVertexName);
	def removeEdge(self, fromVertexName, toVertexName):
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'from' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		fromIndex = self.getIndex(fromVertexName)
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'to' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		toIndex = self.getIndex(toVertexName)
		# check if these are both valid indexes, using the helper
		# function isValid; if so, then update the Edge
		# to be zero cost
		if (self.validIndex(fromIndex) and self.validIndex(toIndex)):
			# if we're changing a non-empty Edge to be empty, 
			# we need to subtract one from edgeCount
			if self.edges[fromIndex][toIndex].empty() == False:
				self.edgeCount -= 1
			# update the cost to 0
			# success, we're done
			return True
		# if these are not both valid indexes, then we bail and
		# return False
			return False
	# Given a name of a Vertex, return that Vertex if it exists
	# in the Graph.  If it does not exist, return the bad Vertex 
	# we keep around for just this situation.
	# This function is analogous to the C++ function
	# const Vertex& getVertex(const string& vertexName) const;
    # and Vertex& getVertex(const string& vertexName);            
	def getVertex(self, vertexName):
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		index = self.getIndex(vertexName)
		# if this index is valid, return the Vertex in our list at
		# that index
		if self.validIndex(index):
			return self.vertices[index]
		# else, send back the bad Vertex
			return self.badVertex
	# Given the names of two Vertices, return the Edge from the first
	# Vertex to the second one, if these Vertices exist in the Graph.  
	# If one of the Vertices does not exist, or both don't, return the 
	# bad Vertex we keep around for just this situation.
	# this function is analogous to the C++ functions
	# const Edge& getEdge(const string& fromVertexName, const string& toVertexName) const;
    # and Edge& getEdge(const string& fromVertexName, const string& toVertexName);       
	def getEdge(self, fromVertexName, toVertexName):
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'from' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		fromIndex = self.getIndex(fromVertexName)
		# use the getIndex helper function to find the position
		# of the 'to' Vertex with this name in the vertices list
		toIndex = self.getIndex(toVertexName)
		# check if these are both valid indexes, using the helper
		# function isValid; if so, then send back this Edge
		if (self.validIndex(fromIndex) and self.validIndex(toIndex)):
			return self.edges[fromIndex][toIndex]
		# if these are not both valid indexes, return the bad Edge
			return self.badEdge
	# tell me how many Vertex the Graph has
	def countVertices(self):
		return self.vertexCount
	# tell me how many nonzero Edges the Graph has
	def countEdges(self):
		return self.edgeCount
	# Helper function to print an array representation of the 
	# Graph, with the 'from'-Vertex names down the left hand side 
	# and the 'to'-Vertex names across the top, and the edges 
	# between then printing as their costs
	def display(self):
		s = '\t'
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			s += self.vertices[i].getName()[:7] 
			s += '\t'
		s += '\n'
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			s += self.vertices[i].getName()[:7] 
			s += '\t'
			for j in range(0, self.vertexCount):
				s += str(self.edges[i][j].getCost()) 
				s += '\t'
			s += '\n'
		print s
	# Helper function to look up vertex names in the vertices list
	# If the vertex name matches one in our Graph, then this returns
	# the position of that Vertex in the vertices list.
	# If not, this returns a weird value, -1, which is a bad
	# index into a list
	def getIndex(self, vertexName):
		# loop over each Vertex in the Vertex list
		for i in range(0, self.vertexCount):
			# check if the name matches the one we're looking for;
			# if so, return this index right away.
			if self.vertices[i].getName() == vertexName:
				return i
		# if we get all the way through the Vertex names,
		# and we never found a match, we don't have this Vertex
		return -1
	# Helper function to make sure that an index into the Vertex 
	# list is not out of bounds. Returns True if the index is 
	# valid, and False if it's out of bounds.
	def validIndex(self, index):
		return (index >= 0 and index < self.vertexCount)