Esempio n. 1
def SolveWeighted(A, B, C, D, lambd):
    BScale = El.SparseMatrix()
    El.Copy(B, BScale)
    El.Scale(lambd, BScale)

    DScale = El.Matrix()
    El.Copy(D, DScale)
    El.Scale(lambd, DScale)

    AEmb = El.VCat(A, BScale)
    CEmb = El.VCat(C, DScale)

    X = El.LeastSquares(AEmb, CEmb, ctrl)

    El.Copy(C, E)
    El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, -1., A, X, 1., E)
    residNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(E)
    if display:
        El.Display(E, "C - A X")
    print "lambda=", lambd, ": || C - A X ||_F / || C ||_F =", residNorm / CNorm

    El.Copy(D, E)
    El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, -1., B, X, 1., E)
    equalNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(E)
    if display:
        El.Display(E, "D - B X")
    print "lambda=", lambd, ": || D - B X ||_F / || D ||_F =", equalNorm / DNorm
Esempio n. 2
def SolveWeighted(A, B, D, lambd):
    AScale = El.DistSparseMatrix()
    El.Copy(A, AScale)
    El.Scale(lambd, AScale)
    AEmb = El.HCat(AScale, B)
    if display:
        El.Display(AEmb, "[lambda*A, B]")
    if output:
        El.Print(AEmb, "[lambda*A, B]")

    ctrl.alpha = baseAlpha
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda=", lambd, ": ctrl.alpha=", ctrl.alpha
    XEmb = El.LeastSquares(AEmb, D, ctrl)

    X = XEmb[0:n0 * n1, 0:numRHS]
    Y = XEmb[n0 * n1:n0 * n1 + numColsB, 0:numRHS]
    El.Scale(lambd, X)

    YNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(Y)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda=", lambd, ": || Y ||_F =", YNorm

    El.Copy(D, E)
    El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, -1., A, X, 1., E)
    El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, -1., B, Y, 1., E)
    residNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(E)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda=", lambd, ": || D - A X - B Y ||_F / || D ||_F =", residNorm / DNorm
Esempio n. 3
def SolveWeighted(A,B,C,D,lambd):
  BScale = El.DistSparseMatrix()
  El.Copy( B, BScale )
  El.Scale( lambd, BScale )

  DScale = El.DistMultiVec()
  El.Copy( D, DScale ) 
  El.Scale( lambd, DScale )

  AEmb = El.VCat(A,BScale)
  CEmb = El.VCat(C,DScale)
  if output:
    El.Print( AEmb, "AEmb" )

  ctrl.alpha = baseAlpha
  if worldRank == 0:
    print('lambda={}, ctrl.alpha={}'.format(lambd,ctrl.alpha))

  El.Copy( C, E )
  El.Multiply( El.NORMAL, -1., A, X, 1., E )
  residNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm( E )
  if display:
    El.Display( E, "C - A X" )
  if output:
    El.Print( E, "C - A X" )
  if worldRank == 0:
    print('lambda={}: || C - A X ||_F / || C ||_F = {}'.format(lambd, \

  El.Copy( D, E )
  El.Multiply( El.NORMAL, -1., B, X, 1., E )
  equalNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm( E )
  if display:
    El.Display( E, "D - B X" )
  if output:
    El.Print( E, "D - B X" )
  if worldRank == 0:
    print('lambda={}: || D - B X ||_F / || D ||_F = {}'.format(lambd, \
Esempio n. 4
            if x1 > 0:
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel - N0, -3)
            if x1 + 1 < N1:
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A

# Stack two 2D finite-difference-like matrices on top of each other
A = StackedFD2D(n0, n1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(A[0:n0 * n1, 0:n0 * n1], "AT")
    El.Display(A[n0 * n1:2 * n0 * n1, 0:n0 * n1], "AB")

# Regularize with 3 I
G = El.DistSparseMatrix()
El.Identity(G, n0 * n1, n0 * n1)
El.Scale(3., G)

y = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform(y, 2 * n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(y, "y")
yNrm = El.Nrm2(y)
if worldRank == 0:
    print "|| y ||_2 =", yNrm
Esempio n. 5
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
import El
import time

n = 30
A = El.DistSparseMatrix()
El.DynamicRegCounter(A, n)
El.Display(A, "A")

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
if worldSize == 1:
    raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
Esempio n. 6
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + 1, -2)
            if x1 > 0:
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel - N0, -3)
            if x1 + 1 < N1:
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A

A = StackedFD2D(n0, n1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
if output:
    El.Print(A, "A")

# Run both the algorithm which only generates the Rayleigh quotient and the
# algorithm which generates the entire (naive) Lanczos decomposition
TOnly = El.ProductLanczos(A, basisSize)
V, T, v, beta = El.ProductLanczosDecomp(A, basisSize)

if display:
    El.Display(TOnly, "TOnly")
    El.Display(V, "V")
    El.Display(T, "T")
    El.Display(v, "v")
if output:
    El.Print(TOnly, "TOnly")
Esempio n. 7
    El.Zeros(B, N0 * N1, numCols)
    localHeight = B.LocalHeight()
    B.Reserve(localHeight * numCols)
    for sLoc in xrange(localHeight):
        s = B.GlobalRow(sLoc)
        for j in xrange(numCols):
            B.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, j, random.uniform(0, 1))

    return B

A = FD2D(n0, n1)
B = Constraints(numColsB, n0, n1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(B, "B")
if output:
    El.Print(A, "A")
    El.Print(B, "B")

D = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform(D, A.Height(), numRHS)
if display:
    El.Display(D, "D")
if output:
    El.Print(D, "D")
DNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(D)

baseAlpha = 1e-4
ctrl = El.LeastSquaresCtrl_d()
Esempio n. 8
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, s%width, 11 )
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, (s-1)%width, -1 )
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, (s+1)%width,  2 )
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, (s-height)%width, -3 )
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, (s+height)%width,  4 )
    # The dense last column
    #A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, width-1, -5/height );

  return A

A = Rectang(m,n)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian( b, m, 1 )
if display:
  El.Display( A, "A" )
  El.Display( b, "b" )

ctrl = El.SOCPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.solveCtrl.progress = True

# Solve *with* resolving the regularization
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.resolveReg = True
startRNNLS = El.mpi.Time()
x = El.RNNLS( A, b, rho, ctrl )
endRNNLS = El.mpi.Time()
if worldRank == 0:
  print('RNNLS time (resolve reg.): {} seconds'.format(endRNNLS-startRNNLS))
if display:
Esempio n. 9
    A.Reserve(2 * localHeight)
    for iLoc in xrange(localHeight):
        i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc)
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(iLoc, i, 1.)
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(iLoc, i + 1, -1.)

    return A

D = Deriv(n)

b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian(b, n, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.QPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0, numLambdas):
    lambd = startLambda + j * (endLambda - startLambda) / (numLambdas - 1.)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print('lambda = {}'.format(lambd))

    startTV = El.mpi.Time()
    x = El.TV(b, lambd, ctrl)
    endTV = El.mpi.Time()
    if worldRank == 0:
        print('TV time: {}'.format(endTV - startTV))
Esempio n. 10
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License, 
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at 
import math, El
n = 100                 # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100 # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the pathological example
A = El.DistMatrix()
El.Display(A,"GEPP growth matrix")

# Display the spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A,realRes,imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait,box,"spectral portrait of GEPP growth matrix")

# Display the relevant pieces of pivoted LU factorization
p = El.LU(A)
El.Display(p,"LU permutation")
El.EntrywiseMap(A,lambda x:math.log10(max(abs(x),1)))
El.Display(A,"Logarithmically-scaled LU factors")
El.Display(A[0:n,n-1],"Last column of logarithmic U")

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
Esempio n. 11
def LCF(lcf):
  n = len(lcf)
  G = El.Graph()

  G.Reserve( 4*n )
  for s in xrange(n):
    # Build the links to this node in the Hamiltonian cycle
    tL = (s-1) % n
    tR = (s+1) % n
    # Build the LCF links
    t = (s + lcf[s]) % n

  return G

levi = [-13,-9,7,-7,9,13]*5
dodec = [10,7,4,-4,-7,10,-4,7,-7,4]*2
truncOct = [3,-7,7,-3]*6

if El.mpi.WorldRank() == 0:
  El.Display( LCF(levi), "Levi graph" )
  El.Display( LCF(dodec), "Dodecahedral graph" )
  El.Display( LCF(truncOct), "Trunacted octahedral graph" )

Esempio n. 12
        if x1 + 1 < N1:
            A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, s + N0, 4)
            A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A

A = ConcatFD2D(n0, n1)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian(b, n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(A[0:n0 * n1, 0:n0 * n1], "AL")
    El.Display(A[0:n0 * n1, n0 * n1:2 * n0 * n1], "AR")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.QPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0, numLambdas):
    lambd = startLambda + j * (endLambda - startLambda) / (numLambdas - 1.)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda =", lambd

    startBPDN = time.clock()
    x = El.BPDN(A, b, lambd, ctrl)
    endBPDN = time.clock()
Esempio n. 13
offset = 0.3147

# Define a random set of points
A = RectangSparse(m,n)

# Label the points based upon their location relative to the hyperplane
d = El.DistMatrix()
El.Ones( d, m, 1 )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., A, wGen, -offset, d )
El.EntrywiseMap( d, lambda alpha : 1. if alpha > 0 else -1. )

El.Print( A, "A" )
El.Print( d, "d" )

if display:
  El.Display( wGen, "wGen" )
  if worldRank == 0:
    print "offset =", offset
  El.Display( A, "A" )
  El.Display( d, "d" )

ctrl = El.QPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0,numLambdas):
  lambd = startLambda + j*(endLambda-startLambda)/(numLambdas-1.)
  if worldRank == 0:
    print "lambda =", lambd

  startSVM = time.clock()
  x = El.SVM( A, d, lambd, ctrl )
Esempio n. 14
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License, 
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at 
import El, time, math

realRes = imagRes = 50 # grid resolution

A = El.DistMatrix()
El.JordanCholesky( A, n )
El.Display( A, "A" )

El.Cholesky( El.UPPER, A )
El.MakeTrapezoidal( El.UPPER, A )
El.Display( A, "U" )

portrait = El.SpectralWindow(A,0,6,4,realRes,imagRes)
box = El.SpectralBox_d() = El.TagToType(El.Complexify(A.tag))(0)
box.realWidth = 6
box.imagWidth = 4
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait,box,"spectral portrait of 2*J_{1/2}(n)")

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
Esempio n. 15
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
import math, El
k = 140  # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100  # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the pathological example
A = El.DistMatrix()
El.DruinskyToledo(A, k)
El.Display(A, "Bunch-Kaufman growth matrix")

# Display the spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A, realRes, imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait, box, "spectral portrait of BK growth matrix")

# Make a copy before overwriting with LDL factorization
A_LU = El.DistMatrix()
El.Copy(A, A_LU)

# Display the relevant pieces of pivoted LDL factorization
dSub, p = El.LDL(A, False, El.BUNCH_KAUFMAN_A)
El.MakeTrapezoidal(El.LOWER, A)
El.Display(dSub, "Subdiagonal of D from LDL")
#P = El.DistMatrix(iTag,MC,MR,A.Grid())
# TODO: Construct P from p
            y = s / xSize
            A.QueueUpdate(s, s, 2 * (hxInvSq + hyInvSq))
            if x != 0: A.QueueUpdate(s, s - 1, -hxInvSq)
            if x != xSize - 1: A.QueueUpdate(s, s + 1, -hxInvSq)
            if y != 0: A.QueueUpdate(s, s - xSize, -hyInvSq)
            if y != ySize - 1: A.QueueUpdate(s, s + xSize, -hyInvSq)
            A.QueueUpdate(s, s - xSize * ySize, 2 * (hxInvSq + hyInvSq))

    return A

A = ExtendedLaplacian(n0, n1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(A.Graph(), "Graph of A")

y = El.Matrix()
El.Uniform(y, 2 * n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(y, "y")
yNrm = El.Nrm2(y)
print('|| y ||_2 = {}'.format(yNrm))

startLS = time.time()
x = El.LeastSquares(A, y)
endLS = time.time()
print('LS time: {} seconds'.format(endLS - startLS))
xNrm = El.Nrm2(x)
if display:
Esempio n. 17
ctrl = El.BPCtrl_z()
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.minTol = 1e-4
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.targetTol = 1e-8
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = True
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.outerEquil = False
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.innerEquil = True
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.qsdCtrl.progress = True
startBP = El.mpi.Time()
x = El.BP( A, b, ctrl )
endBP = El.mpi.Time()
if worldRank == 0:
  print "BP time:", endBP-startBP, "seconds"
if display:
  El.Display( x, "x" )
if output:
  El.Print( x, "x" )

xOneNorm = El.EntrywiseNorm( x, 1 )
e = El.DistMultiVec(El.zTag)
El.Copy( b, e )
El.Multiply \
( El.NORMAL, El.ComplexDouble(-1), A, x, El.ComplexDouble(1), e )
eTwoNorm = El.Nrm2( e )
if worldRank == 0:
  print "|| x ||_1       =", xOneNorm
  print "|| A x - b ||_2 =", eTwoNorm

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
Esempio n. 18
El.Copy( sGen, h )
El.Gemv( El.NORMAL, 1., G, xGen, 1., h )

# Generate a c which implies a dual feasible (y,z)
# ================================================
yGen = El.DistMatrix()
zGen = El.DistMatrix()
c = El.DistMatrix()
El.Zeros( c, n, 1 )
El.Gemv( El.TRANSPOSE, -1., A, yGen, 1., c )
El.Gemv( El.TRANSPOSE, -1., G, zGen, 1., c )

if display:
  El.Display( A, "A" )
  El.Display( G, "G" )
  El.Display( b, "b" )
  El.Display( c, "c" )
  El.Display( h, "h" )

# Set up the control structure (and possibly initial guesses)
# ===========================================================
ctrl = El.LPAffineCtrl_d()
xOrig = El.DistMatrix()
yOrig = El.DistMatrix()
zOrig = El.DistMatrix()
sOrig = El.DistMatrix()
if manualInit:
Esempio n. 19
xGen = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform(xGen, n, 1, 0.5, 0.5)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Zeros(b, m, 1)
El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, 1., A, xGen, 0., b)

# Generate a c which implies a dual feasible (y,z)
# ================================================
yGen = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian(yGen, m, 1)
c = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform(c, n, 1, 0.5, 0.5)
El.Multiply(El.TRANSPOSE, -1., A, yGen, 1., c)

if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")
    El.Display(c, "c")

# Set up the control structure (and possibly initial guesses)
# ===========================================================
ctrl = El.LPDirectCtrl_d(isSparse=True)
xOrig = El.DistMultiVec()
yOrig = El.DistMultiVec()
zOrig = El.DistMultiVec()
if manualInit:
    El.Uniform(xOrig, n, 1, 0.5, 0.4999)
    El.Uniform(yOrig, m, 1, 0.5, 0.4999)
    El.Uniform(zOrig, n, 1, 0.5, 0.4999)
x = El.DistMultiVec()
y = El.DistMultiVec()
Esempio n. 20
      if x0+1 < N0:
        A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, sRel+1, -2.2 )
      if x1 > 0:
        A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, sRel-N0, -3.3 )
      if x1+1 < N1:
        A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, sRel+N0, 3.4 )

    # The dense last column
    A.QueueLocalUpdate( sLoc, width-1, -10/height );

  return A

A = StackedFD2D(n0,n1)
if display:
  El.Display( A, "A" )
if output:
  El.Print( A, "A" )

y = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform( y, 2*n0*n1, 1 )
if display:
  El.Display( y, "y" )
if output:
  El.Print( y, "y" )
yNrm = El.Nrm2(y)
if worldRank == 0:
  print('|| y ||_2 = {}'.format(yNrm))

ctrl = El.LeastSquaresCtrl_d()
ctrl.progress = True
Esempio n. 21
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel - N0, -3)
            if x1 + 1 < N1:
                A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A

A = StackedFD2D(n0, n1)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian(b, 2 * n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.LPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.qsdCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.outerEquil = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = True
startLAV = time.clock()
x = El.LAV(A, b, ctrl)
endLAV = time.clock()
if worldRank == 0:
    print "LAV time:", endLAV - startLAV, "seconds"
if display:
    El.Display(x, "x")
Esempio n. 22
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2015, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License,
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at
import El

n = 200  # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100  # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the Fourier matrix
A = El.DistMatrix(El.zTag)
El.Fourier(A, n)
El.Display(A, "Fourier matrix")

# Display a submatrix and subvector of the Fourier matrix
El.Display(A[(n / 4):(3 * n / 4), (n / 4):(3 * n / 4)], "Middle submatrix")
El.Display(A[1, 0:n], "Second row")

# Display the spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A, realRes, imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait, box, "spectral portrait of Fourier matrix")

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
commSize = El.mpi.Size(El.mpi.COMM_WORLD())
if commSize == 1:
    raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
Esempio n. 23
File: Progetto: birm/Elemental
            A.QueueUpdate(s, s + N0, 4)
            A.QueueUpdate(s, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        #A.QueueUpdate( s, width-1, -10/height );

    return A

A = ConcatFD2D(n0, n1)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
#El.Gaussian( b, n0*n1, 1 )
El.Ones(b, n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.BPCtrl_d(isSparse=True)
ctrl.useSOCP = False
ctrl.lpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.system = El.NORMAL_KKT
#ctrl.lpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.system = El.AUGMENTED_KKT
ctrl.lpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.lpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.qsdCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.socpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = True
ctrl.socpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.socpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.outerEquil = False
ctrl.socpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.innerEquil = True
ctrl.socpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.qsdCtrl.progress = True
startBP = El.mpi.Time()
x = El.BP(A, b, ctrl)
Esempio n. 24
        if x1 + 1 < N1:
            A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, s + N0, 4)
            A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, sRel + N0, 3)

        # The dense last column
        A.QueueLocalUpdate(sLoc, width - 1, -10 / height)

    return A

A = ConcatFD2D(n0, n1)
b = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Gaussian(b, n0 * n1, 1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(b, "b")

ctrl = El.LPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.outerEquil = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.innerEquil = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.scaleTwoNorm = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0, numLambdas):
    lambd = startLambda + j * (endLambda - startLambda) / (numLambdas - 1.)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda =", lambd

    startDS = time.clock()
    x = El.DS(A, b, lambd, ctrl)
Esempio n. 25
def Constraints(numRows, N0, N1):
    B = El.SparseMatrix()
    El.Zeros(B, numRows, N0 * N1)
    B.Reserve(numRows * N0 * N1)
    for s in xrange(numRows):
        for j in xrange(N0 * N1):
            B.QueueUpdate(s, j, random.uniform(0, 1))

    return B

A = FD2D(n0, n1)
B = Constraints(numRowsB, n0, n1)
if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(B, "B")

C = El.Matrix()
D = El.Matrix()
El.Uniform(C, A.Height(), numRHS)
El.Uniform(D, B.Height(), numRHS)
if display:
    El.Display(C, "C")
    El.Display(D, "D")
CNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(C)
DNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(D)

ctrl = El.LeastSquaresCtrl_d()
ctrl.progress = True
ctrl.solveCtrl.relTol = 1e-10
Esempio n. 26
h.Set(2, 0, 2.)
h.Set(5, 0, 2.)
h.Set(8, 0, 2.)
h.Set(11, 0, 2.)

output = True
display = False
if output:
    El.Print(A, "A")
    El.Print(G, "G")
    El.Print(b, "b")
    El.Print(c, "c")
    El.Print(h, "h")

if display:
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(G, "G")
    El.Display(b, "b")
    El.Display(c, "c")
    El.Display(h, "h")

x = El.DistMultiVec()
y = El.DistMultiVec()
z = El.DistMultiVec()
s = El.DistMultiVec()
ctrl = El.SOCPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.qsdCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.outerEquil = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = True
El.SOCPAffine(A, G, b, c, h, orders, firstInds, x, y, z, s, ctrl)
Esempio n. 27
    return A

A = Laplacian(n0, n1)
x = El.DistMultiVec()
y = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Uniform(x, n0 * n1, 1)
El.Copy(x, y)

yNrm = El.Nrm2(y)
if worldRank == 0:
    print "|| y ||_2 =", yNrm

El.Display(A, "Laplacian")
El.Display(A.DistGraph(), "Laplacian graph")
El.Display(y, "y")

El.SymmetricSolve(A, x)
El.Display(x, "x")

xNrm = El.Nrm2(x)
if worldRank == 0:
    print "|| x ||_2 =", xNrm

El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, -1., A, x, 1., y)
El.Display(y, "A x - y")
eNrm = El.Nrm2(y)
if worldRank == 0:
    print "|| A x - y ||_2 / || y ||_2 =", eNrm / yNrm
Esempio n. 28
El.Gaussian(wGen, n0 * n1, 1)
wGenNorm = El.FrobeniusNorm(wGen)
El.Scale(1. / wGenNorm, wGen)
# TODO: Add support for mpi::Broadcast and randomly generate this
offset = 0.3147

A = StackedFD2D(n0, n1)

# Label the points based upon their location relative to the hyperplane
d = El.DistMultiVec()
El.Ones(d, 2 * n0 * n1, 1)
El.Multiply(El.NORMAL, 1., A, wGen, -offset, d)
El.EntrywiseMap(d, lambda alpha: 1. if alpha > 0 else -1.)

if display:
    El.Display(wGen, "wGen")
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "offset =", offset
    El.Display(A, "A")
    El.Display(d, "d")

ctrl = El.SVMCtrl_d()
ctrl.ipmCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True

for j in xrange(0, numLambdas):
    lambd = startLambda + j * (endLambda - startLambda) / (numLambdas - 1.)
    if worldRank == 0:
        print "lambda =", lambd

    # TODO: Explicitly return w, beta, and z
    startSVM = El.mpi.Time()
Esempio n. 29
#  Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Jack Poulson
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of Elemental and is under the BSD 2-Clause License, 
#  which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory, or at 
import math, El
n = 100                 # matrix size
realRes = imagRes = 100 # grid resolution

# Display an instance of the Fox-Li/Landau matrix
A = El.DistMatrix(El.zTag)
El.Display(A,"Fox-Li/Landau matrix")

# Display its spectral portrait
portrait, box = El.SpectralPortrait(A,realRes,imagRes)
El.DisplayPortrait(portrait,box,"spectral portrait of Fox-Li/Landau matrix")

# Display its singular values
s = El.SingularValues(A)

# Require the user to press a button before the figures are closed
worldSize = El.mpi.WorldSize()
if worldSize == 1:
  raw_input('Press Enter to exit')
Esempio n. 30
  c = El.DistMultiVec()
  #Zeros( c, height, 1 )
  #localHeight = c.LocalHeight()
  #for iLoc in xrange(localHeight):
  #  i = c.GlobalRow(iLoc)
  #  c.SetLocal(iLoc,0,1.+1./i)
  El.Gaussian( c, height, 1 )
  El.EntrywiseMap( c, lambda alpha : abs(alpha) )

  return c

d = CreateDiag(n)
F = CreateFactor(n,r)
c = CreateExpected(n)
if display:
  El.Display( d, "d" )
  El.Display( F, "F" )
  El.Display( c, "c" )

ctrl = El.SOCPAffineCtrl_d()
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.progress = True
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.time = False
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.solveCtrl.progress = False
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.solveCtrl.time = False

# Solve *with* resolving the regularization
ctrl.mehrotraCtrl.resolveReg = True
startLOP = El.mpi.Time()
x = El.LongOnlyPortfolio(d,F,c,gamma,ctrl)
endLOP = El.mpi.Time()
if worldRank == 0: