def stopTimer(name): """stops a timer for meassurement""" if emergeSettings.getboolean( "EmergeDebug", "MeasureTime", False ): if not name in _TIMERS: EmergeDebug.debug("%s not in timers" % name) return startTime , level = _TIMERS[name] if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0 and (level == 0 or EmergeDebug.verbose() > level): delta = - startTime print( "Task: %s stopped after: %s" % (name , delta) ) sys.stdout.flush() del _TIMERS[name]
def make(self): if self.buildTarget == "1_55_0": cmd = "build.bat " if compiler.isClang(): cmd += "clang" elif compiler.isMinGW(): cmd += "gcc" else: if compiler.isMSVC2005(): cmd += "vc8" elif compiler.isMSVC2008(): cmd += "vc9" elif compiler.isMSVC2010(): cmd += "vc10" if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 1: print(cmd) utils.system( cmd, cwd=os.path.join( portage.getPackageInstance("win32libs", "boost-headers").sourceDir(), "tools", "build", "v2", "engine", ), ) or EmergeDebug.die("command: %s failed" % (cmd)) else: cmd = "bootstrap.bat " if compiler.isMinGW(): cmd += "mingw" else: if compiler.isMSVC2005(): cmd += "vc8" elif compiler.isMSVC2008(): cmd += "vc9" elif compiler.isMSVC2010(): cmd += "vc10" elif compiler.isMSVC2012(): cmd += "vc11" elif compiler.isMSVC2013(): cmd += "vc12" elif compiler.isMSVC2015(): cmd += "vc14" if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 1: print(cmd) utils.system( cmd, cwd=os.path.join( portage.getPackageInstance("win32libs", "boost-headers").sourceDir(), "tools", "build" ), ) or EmergeDebug.die("command: %s failed" % (cmd)) return True
def make(self): if self.buildTarget == "1_55_0": cmd = "build.bat " if compiler.isClang(): cmd += "clang" elif compiler.isMinGW(): cmd += "gcc" else: if compiler.isMSVC2005(): cmd += "vc8" elif compiler.isMSVC2008(): cmd += "vc9" elif compiler.isMSVC2010(): cmd += "vc10" if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 1: print(cmd) utils.system(cmd, cwd=os.path.join( portage.getPackageInstance( 'win32libs', 'boost-headers').sourceDir(), "tools", "build", "v2", "engine")) or EmergeDebug.die( "command: %s failed" % (cmd)) else: cmd = "bootstrap.bat " if compiler.isMinGW(): cmd += "mingw" else: if compiler.isMSVC2005(): cmd += "vc8" elif compiler.isMSVC2008(): cmd += "vc9" elif compiler.isMSVC2010(): cmd += "vc10" elif compiler.isMSVC2012(): cmd += "vc11" elif compiler.isMSVC2013(): cmd += "vc12" elif compiler.isMSVC2015(): cmd += "vc14" if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 1: print(cmd) utils.system(cmd, cwd=os.path.join( portage.getPackageInstance( 'win32libs', 'boost-headers').sourceDir(), "tools", "build")) or EmergeDebug.die( "command: %s failed" % (cmd)) return True
def generateNSISInstaller(self): """ runs makensis to generate the installer itself """ self.isNsisInstalled() self._setDefaults() if not self.defines["icon"] == "": self.defines[ "icon"] = "!define MUI_ICON \"%s\"" % self.defines["icon"] # make absolute path for output file if not os.path.isabs(self.defines["setupname"]): dstpath = self.packageDestinationDir() self.defines["setupname"] = os.path.join(dstpath, self.defines["setupname"]) definestring = "" for key in self.defines: definestring += " /D%s=\"%s\"" % (key, self.defines[key]) EmergeDebug.new_line() EmergeDebug.debug("generating installer %s" % self.defines["setupname"]) verboseString = "/V4" if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0 else "/V3" if self.isNsisInstalled: if not utils.systemWithoutShell( "\"%s\" %s %s %s" % (self.nsisExe, verboseString, definestring, self.scriptname), cwd=os.path.abspath(self.packageDir())): EmergeDebug.die("Error in makensis execution")
def getFile( url, destdir , filename='' ): """download file from 'url' into 'destdir'""" EmergeDebug.debug("getFile called. url: %s" % url, 1) if url == "": EmergeDebug.error("fetch: no url given") return False if UtilsCache.findApplication("wget"): return wgetFile( url, destdir , filename ) if not filename: _, _, path, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse( url ) filename = os.path.basename( path ) if os.path.exists(os.path.join( destdir, filename )): return True width, _ = shutil.get_terminal_size((80,20)) def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize): percent = int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize) times = int((width - 20)/100 * percent) sys.stdout.write(("\r%s%3d%%" % ("#" * times, percent))) sys.stdout.flush() urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename = os.path.join( destdir, filename ), reporthook= dlProgress if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 0 else None ) if EmergeDebug.verbose()>=0: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() return True
def __checkout( self, url, sourcedir, recursive=True ): """internal method for subversion checkout and update""" option = "" if not recursive: option = "--depth=files" if EmergeDebug.verbose() < 2 and not emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "KDESVNVERBOSE", True): option += " --quiet" self.setProxy() if self.options != None: option += self.options if self.subinfo.options.fetch.ignoreExternals: option += " --ignore-externals " url = utils.replaceVCSUrl( url ) if os.path.exists( sourcedir ): cmd = "%s/svn update %s %s" % ( self.svnInstallDir, option, sourcedir ) else: cmd = "%s/svn checkout %s %s %s" % (self.svnInstallDir, option, url, sourcedir ) return utils.system( cmd )
def __checkout(self, url, sourcedir, recursive=True): """internal method for subversion checkout and update""" option = "" if not recursive: option = "--depth=files" if EmergeDebug.verbose() < 2 and not emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "KDESVNVERBOSE", True): option += " --quiet" self.setProxy() if self.options != None: option += self.options if self.subinfo.options.fetch.ignoreExternals: option += " --ignore-externals " url = utils.replaceVCSUrl(url) if os.path.exists(sourcedir): cmd = "svn update %s %s" % (option, sourcedir) else: cmd = "svn checkout %s %s %s" % (option, url, sourcedir) return utils.system(cmd)
def unpack(self): EmergeDebug.trace("VersionSystemSourceBase unpack", 2) self.enterBuildDir() if not self.noClean: if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0: print("cleaning %s" % self.buildDir()) utils.cleanDirectory( self.buildDir() ) if not self.noCopy: sourceDir = self.checkoutDir() if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0: print("copying %s to %s" % (sourceDir, self.buildDir())) utils.copySrcDirToDestDir(sourceDir, self.buildDir()) ret = self.applyPatches() if emergeSettings.getboolean("General","EMERGE_HOLD_ON_PATCH_FAIL", False): return ret return True
def systemWithoutShell(cmd, **kw): """execute cmd. All keywords are passed to Popen. stdout and stderr might be changed depending on the chosen logging options.""" EmergeDebug.debug("executing command: %s" % cmd, 1) if EmergeDebug.verbose() == -1 and not 'stdout' in kw and not 'stderr' in kw: kw['stdout'] = kw['stderr'] = subprocess.DEVNULL return, **kw) == 0
def _compress(self, archiveName, sourceDir, destDir): utils.deleteFile(archiveName) cmd = "%s a -r %s %s/*" % ( self.packagerExe, os.path.join(destDir, archiveName), sourceDir) cmd += " -bsp1" if EmergeDebug.verbose() <= 1: cmd += " -bso0" if not utils.system(cmd): EmergeDebug.die("while packaging. cmd: %s" % cmd)
def createImportLibs( dll_name, basepath ): """creating the import libraries for the other compiler(if ANSI-C libs)""" dst = os.path.join( basepath, "lib" ) if( not os.path.exists( dst ) ): os.mkdir( dst ) # check whether the required binary tools exist HAVE_GENDEF = UtilsCache.findApplication( "gendef" ) is not None USE_GENDEF = HAVE_GENDEF HAVE_LIB = UtilsCache.findApplication( "lib" ) is not None HAVE_DLLTOOL = UtilsCache.findApplication( "dlltool" ) is not None if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1: print("gendef found:", HAVE_GENDEF) print("gendef used:", USE_GENDEF) print("lib found:", HAVE_LIB) print("dlltool found:", HAVE_DLLTOOL) dllpath = os.path.join( basepath, "bin", "%s.dll" % dll_name ) defpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.def" % dll_name ) exppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.exp" % dll_name ) imppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.lib" % dll_name ) gccpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.dll.a" % dll_name ) if not HAVE_GENDEF and os.path.exists( defpath ): HAVE_GENDEF = True USE_GENDEF = False if not HAVE_GENDEF: EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have gendef.exe") return False if not HAVE_LIB and not os.path.isfile( imppath ): EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have lib.exe (from msvc)") if not HAVE_DLLTOOL and not os.path.isfile( gccpath ): EmergeDebug.warning("system does not have dlltool.exe") # create .def if USE_GENDEF: cmd = "gendef - %s -a > %s " % ( dllpath, defpath ) system( cmd ) if( HAVE_LIB and not os.path.isfile( imppath ) ): # create .lib cmd = "lib /machine:x86 /def:%s /out:%s" % ( defpath, imppath ) system( cmd ) if( HAVE_DLLTOOL and not os.path.isfile( gccpath ) ): # create .dll.a cmd = "dlltool -d %s -l %s -k" % ( defpath, gccpath ) system( cmd ) if os.path.exists( defpath ): os.remove( defpath ) if os.path.exists( exppath ): os.remove( exppath ) return True
def make( self ): """implements the make step for cmake projects""" self.boost = portage.getPackageInstance('win32libs', 'boost-headers') self.subinfo.targetInstSrc[ self.subinfo.buildTarget ] = os.path.join(self.boost.sourceDir(),"libs",self.subinfo.targetInstSrc[ self.subinfo.buildTarget ],"build") self.enterSourceDir() cmd = "bjam" cmd += self.configureOptions(self.subinfo.options.configure.defines) if EmergeDebug.verbose() >= 1: print(cmd) return self.system(cmd)
def makeOptions(self, defines="", maybeVerbose=True): """return options for make command line""" if self.subinfo.options.make.ignoreErrors: defines += " -i" if self.subinfo.options.make.makeOptions: defines += " %s" % self.subinfo.options.make.makeOptions if maybeVerbose and EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1: if self.supportsNinja and emergeSettings.getboolean("Compile","UseNinja", False ): defines += " -v " else: defines += " VERBOSE=1 V=1" return defines
def un7zip( fileName, destdir, flag = None ): command = "7za x -r -y -o%s %s" % ( destdir, fileName ) if flag == ".7z": # Actually this is not needed for a normal archive. # But git is an exe file renamed to 7z and we need to specify the type. # Yes it is an ugly hack. command += " -t7z" command += " -bsp1" if EmergeDebug.verbose() <= 1: command += " -bso0" return system( command )
def unpack(self): EmergeDebug.trace("VersionSystemSourceBase unpack", 2) self.enterBuildDir() if not self.noClean: if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0: print("cleaning %s" % self.buildDir()) utils.cleanDirectory(self.buildDir()) ret = self.applyPatches() if emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "EMERGE_HOLD_ON_PATCH_FAIL", False): return ret return True
def un7zip( fileName, destdir, flag = None ): command = os.path.join(EmergeStandardDirs.emergeRoot(), "emerge", "bin", "emerge_7za") command += " x -r -y -o%s %s" % ( destdir, fileName ) if flag == ".7z": # Actually this is not needed for a normal archive. # But git is an exe file renamed to 7z and we need to specify the type. # Yes it is an ugly hack. command += " -t7z" command += " -bsp1" if EmergeDebug.verbose() <= 1: command += " -bso0" return system( command )
def handleSinglePackage( packageName, action, args ): deplist = [ ] packageList = [ ] originalPackageList = [ ] categoryList = [ ] targetDict = dict( ) if action == "update-all": installedPackages = portage.PortageInstance.getInstallables( ) if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory( packageName ): EmergeDebug.debug("Updating installed packages from category " + packageName, 1) else: EmergeDebug.debug("Updating all installed packages", 1) packageList = [ ] for mainCategory, mainPackage in installedPackages: if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory( packageName ) and ( mainCategory != packageName ): continue if InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( mainCategory, mainPackage, args.buildType ) \ and portage.isPackageUpdateable( mainCategory, mainPackage ): categoryList.append( mainCategory ) packageList.append( mainPackage ) EmergeDebug.debug("Will update packages: " + str(packageList), 1) elif args.list_file: listFileObject = open( args.list_file, 'r' ) for line in listFileObject: if line.strip( ).startswith( '#' ): continue try: cat, pac, tar, _ = line.split( ',' ) except: continue categoryList.append( cat ) packageList.append( pac ) originalPackageList.append( pac ) targetDict[ cat + "/" + pac ] = tar elif packageName: packageList, categoryList = portage.getPackagesCategories( packageName ) for entry in packageList: EmergeDebug.debug("Checking dependencies for: %s" % entry, 1) for mainCategory, entry in zip( categoryList, packageList ): deplist = portage.solveDependencies( mainCategory, entry, deplist, args.dependencyType, maxDepth = args.dependencydepth ) # no package found if len( deplist ) == 0: category = "" if not packageName.find( "/" ) == -1: (category, package) = packageName.split( "/" ) portageSearch.printSearch( category, packageName ) return False for item in deplist: item.enabled = args.ignoreAllInstalled if args.ignoreInstalled and item.category in categoryList and item.package in packageList or packageIsOutdated( item.category, item.package ): item.enabled = True if item.category + "/" + item.package in targetDict: = targetDict[ item.category + "/" + item.package ] if in list( portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets( item.category, item.package ).keys( ) ): # if no target or a wrong one is defined, simply set the default target here = EmergeDebug.debug("dependency: %s" % item, 1) if not deplist: EmergeDebug.debug("<none>", 1) EmergeDebug.debug_line(1) #for item in deplist: # cat = item[ 0 ] # pac = item[ 1 ] # ver = item[ 2 ] # if portage.isInstalled( cat, pac, ver, buildType) and updateAll and not portage.isPackageUpdateable( cat, pac, ver ): # print "remove:", cat, pac, ver # deplist.remove( item ) if action == "install-deps": # the first dependency is the package itself - ignore it # TODO: why are we our own dependency? del deplist[ 0 ] elif action == "update-direct-deps": for item in deplist: item.enabled = True deplist.reverse( ) # package[0] -> category # package[1] -> package # package[2] -> version info = deplist[ -1 ] if not portage.PortageInstance.isVirtualPackage( info.category, info.package ) and \ not action in [ "all", "install-deps" ,"generate-jenkins-job"] and\ not args.list_file or\ action in ["print-targets"]:#not all commands should be executed on the deps if we are a virtual packages # if a buildAction is given, then do not try to build dependencies # and do the action although the package might already be installed. # This is still a bit problematic since packageName might not be a valid # package # for list files, we also want to handle fetching & packaging per package if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ): utils.notify( "Emerge %s failed" % action, "%s of %s/%s failed" % ( action, info.category, info.package), action ) return False utils.notify( "Emerge %s finished" % action, "%s of %s/%s finished" % ( action, info.category, info.package), action ) else: if args.dumpDepsFile: dumpDepsFileObject = open( args.dumpDepsFile, 'w+' ) dumpDepsFileObject.write( "# dependency dump of package %s\n" % ( packageName ) ) for info in deplist: isVCSTarget = False if args.dumpDepsFile: dumpDepsFileObject.write( ",".join( [ info.category, info.package,, "" ] ) + "\n" ) isLastPackage = info == deplist[ -1 ] if args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage): isVCSTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getUpdatableVCSTargets( info.category, info.package ) != [ ] isInstalled = InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( info.category, info.package ) if args.list_file and action != "all": info.enabled = info.package in originalPackageList if ( isInstalled and not info.enabled ) and not ( isInstalled and (args.outDateVCS or ( args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage) ) and isVCSTarget ): if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1 and info.package == packageName: EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package)) elif EmergeDebug.verbose() > 2 and not info.package == packageName: EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package)) else: # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name if args.probe: if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0: EmergeDebug.warning("pretending %s" % info) else: if action in [ "install-deps", "update-direct-deps" ]: action = "all" if not handlePackage( info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast ): EmergeDebug.error("fatal error: package %s/%s %s failed" % \ ( info.category, info.package, action )) utils.notify( "Emerge build failed", "Build of %s/%s failed" % ( info.category, info.package), action ) return False utils.notify( "Emerge build finished", "Build of %s/%s finished" % ( info.category, info.package), action ) EmergeDebug.new_line() return True
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="emerge", description= "Emerge is a tool for building KDE-related software under Windows. emerge automates it, looks for the dependencies and fetches them automatically.\ Some options should be used with extreme caution since they will make your kde installation unusable in 999 out of 1000 cases.", epilog="""More information see the README or Send feedback to <*****@*****.**>.""") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--probe", action="store_true", help= "probing: emerge will only look which files it has to build according to the list of installed files and according to the dependencies of the package." ) parser.add_argument("--list-file", action="store", help="Build all packages from the csv file provided") _def = emergeSettings.get("General", "EMERGE_OPTIONS", "") if _def == "": _def = [] else: _def = _def.split(";") parser.add_argument( "--options", action="append", default=_def, help= "Set emerge property from string <OPTIONS>. An example for is \"cmake.openIDE=1\" see for more informations." ) parser.add_argument( "-z", "--outDateVCS", action="store_true", help= "if packages from version control system sources are installed, it marks them as out of date and rebuilds them (tags are not marked as out of date)." ) parser.add_argument( "-sz", "--outDatePackage", action="store_true", help= "similar to -z, only that it acts only on the last package, and works as normal on the rest." ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--stayquiet", action="store_true", dest="stayQuiet", help="quiet: there should be no output - The verbose level should be 0" ) parser.add_argument("-t", "--buildtests", action="store_true", dest="buildTests", default=emergeSettings.getboolean( "Compile", "BuildTests", False)) parser.add_argument("-c", "--continue", action="store_true", dest="doContinue") parser.add_argument( "--offline", action="store_true", default=emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "WorkOffline", False), help= "do not try to connect to the internet: KDE packages will try to use an existing source tree and other packages would try to use existing packages in the download directory.\ If that doesn't work, the build will fail.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="forced", default=emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "EMERGE_FORCED", False)) parser.add_argument( "--buildtype", choices=["Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug"], dest="buildType", default=emergeSettings.get("Compile", "BuildType", "RelWithDebInfo"), help="This will override the build type set in your kdesettings.ini.") parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=int(emergeSettings.get("EmergeDebug", "Verbose", "0")), help= " verbose: increases the verbose level of emerge. Default is 1. verbose level 1 contains some notes from emerge, all output of cmake, make and other programs that are used.\ verbose level 2a dds an option VERBOSE=1 to make and emerge is more verbose highest level is verbose level 3." ) parser.add_argument("--trace", action="store", default=int( emergeSettings.get("General", "EMERGE_TRACE", "0")), type=int) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignoreInstalled", action="store_true", help= "ignore install: using this option will install a package over an existing install. This can be useful if you want to check some new code and your last build isn't that old." ) parser.add_argument( "-ia", "--ignoreAllInstalled", action="store_true", help= "ignore all install: using this option will install all package over an existing install. This can be useful if you want to check some new code and your last build isn't that old." ) parser.add_argument( "--target", action="store", help= "This will override the build of the default target. The default Target is marked with a star in the printout of --print-targets" ) parser.add_argument( "--search", action="store_true", help= "This will search for a package or a description matching or similar to the search term." ) parser.add_argument( "--noclean", action="store_true", default=emergeSettings.getboolean("General", "EMERGE_NOCLEAN", False), help= "this option will try to use an existing build directory. Please handle this option with care - it will possibly break if the directory isn't existing." ) parser.add_argument("--clean", action="store_false", dest="noclean", help="oposite of --noclean") parser.add_argument( "--patchlevel", action="store", default=emergeSettings.get("General", "EMERGE_PKGPATCHLVL", ""), help="This will add a patch level when used together with --package") parser.add_argument( "--log-dir", action="store", default=emergeSettings.get("General", "EMERGE_LOG_DIR", ""), help= "This will log the build output to a logfile in LOG_DIR for each package. Logging information is appended to existing logs." ) parser.add_argument("--dt", action="store", choices=["both", "runtime", "buildtime"], default="both", dest="dependencyType") parser.add_argument( "--update-fast", action="store_true", help= "If the package is installed from svn/git and the revision did not change all steps after fetch are skipped" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dependencydepth", action="store", type=int, default=-1, help= "By default emerge resolves the whole dependency graph, this option limits the depth of the graph, so a value of 1 would mean only dependencies defined in that package" ) actionHandler = ActionHandler(parser) for x in sorted([ "fetch", "unpack", "configure", "compile", "make", "install", "install-deps", "qmerge", "manifest", "package", "unmerge", "test", "checkdigest", "dumpdeps", "full-package", "cleanimage", "cleanbuild", "createpatch", "geturls" ]): actionHandler.addAction(x) actionHandler.addAction("update", help="Update a single package") # read-only actions actionHandler.addAction("print-source-version") actionHandler.addAction("print-package-version") actionHandler.addAction( "print-targets", help="This will show a list of available targets for the package") actionHandler.addAction( "print-installed", help= "This will show a list of all packages that are installed currently.") actionHandler.addAction( "print-installable", help= "This will give you a list of packages that can be installed. Currently you don't need to enter the category and package: only the package will be enough." ) actionHandler.addAction("print-revision", help="Print the revision of the package and exit") actionHandler.addAction( "print-files", help="Print the files installed by the package and exit") actionHandler.addActionWithArg("search-file", help="Print packages owning the file") # other actions actionHandler.addActionWithArg( "dump-deps-file", dest="dumpDepsFile", help= "Output the dependencies of this package as a csv file suitable for emerge server." ) parser.add_argument("packageNames", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args() if args.stayQuiet: EmergeDebug.setVerbose(-1) elif args.verbose: EmergeDebug.setVerbose(args.verbose) emergeSettings.set("General", "WorkOffline", args.offline) emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_NOCLEAN", args.noclean) emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_FORCED", args.forced) emergeSettings.set("Compile", "BuildTests", args.buildTests) emergeSettings.set("Compile", "BuildType", args.buildType) emergeSettings.set("PortageVersions", "DefaultTarget", emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_OPTIONS", ";".join(args.options)) emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_LOG_DIR", args.log_dir) emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_TRACE", args.trace) emergeSettings.set("General", "EMERGE_PKGPATCHLVL", args.patchlevel) portage.PortageInstance.options = args.options if for package in args.packageNames: category = "" if not package.find("/") == -1: (category, package) = package.split("/") portageSearch.printSearch(category, package) return True for action in actionHandler.parseFinalAction(args, "all"): tempArgs = copy.deepcopy(args) if action in ["install-deps", "update", "update-all", "package" ] or tempArgs.update_fast: tempArgs.ignoreInstalled = True if action in ["update", "update-all"]: tempArgs.noclean = True EmergeDebug.debug("buildAction: %s" % action) EmergeDebug.debug("doPretend: %s" % tempArgs.probe, 1) EmergeDebug.debug("packageName: %s" % tempArgs.packageNames) EmergeDebug.debug("buildType: %s" % tempArgs.buildType) EmergeDebug.debug("buildTests: %s" % tempArgs.buildTests) EmergeDebug.debug("verbose: %d" % EmergeDebug.verbose(), 1) EmergeDebug.debug("trace: %s" % tempArgs.trace, 1) EmergeDebug.debug("KDEROOT: %s" % EmergeStandardDirs.emergeRoot(), 1) EmergeDebug.debug_line() if action == "print-installed": InstallDB.printInstalled() elif action == "print-installable": portage.printInstallables() elif action == "search-file": portage.printPackagesForFileSearch(tempArgs.search_file) elif tempArgs.list_file: handleSinglePackage("", action, tempArgs) else: for packageName in tempArgs.packageNames: if not handleSinglePackage(packageName, action, tempArgs): return False return True
def handleSinglePackage(packageName, action, args): deplist = [] packageList = [] originalPackageList = [] categoryList = [] targetDict = dict() if action == "update-all": installedPackages = portage.PortageInstance.getInstallables() if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory(packageName): EmergeDebug.debug( "Updating installed packages from category " + packageName, 1) else: EmergeDebug.debug("Updating all installed packages", 1) packageList = [] for mainCategory, mainPackage in installedPackages: if portage.PortageInstance.isCategory(packageName) and ( mainCategory != packageName): continue if InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( mainCategory, mainPackage, args.buildType ) \ and portage.isPackageUpdateable( mainCategory, mainPackage ): categoryList.append(mainCategory) packageList.append(mainPackage) EmergeDebug.debug("Will update packages: " + str(packageList), 1) elif args.list_file: listFileObject = open(args.list_file, 'r') for line in listFileObject: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue try: cat, pac, tar, _ = line.split(',') except: continue categoryList.append(cat) packageList.append(pac) originalPackageList.append(pac) targetDict[cat + "/" + pac] = tar elif packageName: packageList, categoryList = portage.getPackagesCategories(packageName) for entry in packageList: EmergeDebug.debug("Checking dependencies for: %s" % entry, 1) for mainCategory, entry in zip(categoryList, packageList): deplist = portage.solveDependencies(mainCategory, entry, deplist, args.dependencyType, maxDepth=args.dependencydepth) # no package found if len(deplist) == 0: category = "" if not packageName.find("/") == -1: (category, package) = packageName.split("/") portageSearch.printSearch(category, packageName) return False for item in deplist: item.enabled = args.ignoreAllInstalled if args.ignoreInstalled and item.category in categoryList and item.package in packageList or packageIsOutdated( item.category, item.package): item.enabled = True if item.category + "/" + item.package in targetDict: = targetDict[item.category + "/" + item.package] if in list( portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets(item.category, item.package).keys()): # if no target or a wrong one is defined, simply set the default target here = EmergeDebug.debug("dependency: %s" % item, 1) if not deplist: EmergeDebug.debug("<none>", 1) EmergeDebug.debug_line(1) #for item in deplist: # cat = item[ 0 ] # pac = item[ 1 ] # ver = item[ 2 ] # if portage.isInstalled( cat, pac, ver, buildType) and updateAll and not portage.isPackageUpdateable( cat, pac, ver ): # print "remove:", cat, pac, ver # deplist.remove( item ) if action == "install-deps": # the first dependency is the package itself - ignore it # TODO: why are we our own dependency? del deplist[0] elif action == "update-direct-deps": for item in deplist: item.enabled = True deplist.reverse() # package[0] -> category # package[1] -> package # package[2] -> version info = deplist[-1] if not portage.PortageInstance.isVirtualPackage( info.category, info.package ) and \ not action in [ "all", "install-deps"] and\ not args.list_file or\ action in ["print-targets"]:#not all commands should be executed on the deps if we are a virtual packages # if a buildAction is given, then do not try to build dependencies # and do the action although the package might already be installed. # This is still a bit problematic since packageName might not be a valid # package # for list files, we also want to handle fetching & packaging per package if not handlePackage(info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast): return False else: if args.dumpDepsFile: dumpDepsFileObject = open(args.dumpDepsFile, 'w+') dumpDepsFileObject.write("# dependency dump of package %s\n" % (packageName)) for info in deplist: isVCSTarget = False if args.dumpDepsFile: dumpDepsFileObject.write( ",".join([info.category, info.package,, ""]) + "\n") isLastPackage = info == deplist[-1] if args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage): isVCSTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getUpdatableVCSTargets( info.category, info.package) != [] isInstalled = InstallDB.installdb.isInstalled( info.category, info.package) if args.list_file and action != "all": info.enabled = info.package in originalPackageList if (isInstalled and not info.enabled) and not ( isInstalled and (args.outDateVCS or (args.outDatePackage and isLastPackage)) and isVCSTarget): if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 1 and info.package == packageName: EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package)) elif EmergeDebug.verbose( ) > 2 and not info.package == packageName: EmergeDebug.warning("already installed %s/%s" % (info.category, info.package)) else: # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name if args.probe: EmergeDebug.warning("pretending %s" % info) else: if action in ["install-deps", "update-direct-deps"]: action = "all" if not handlePackage(info.category, info.package, action, args.doContinue, args.update_fast): EmergeDebug.error("fatal error: package %s/%s %s failed" % \ ( info.category, info.package, action )) return False EmergeDebug.new_line() return True
def generateNSISInstaller(self): """ runs makensis to generate the installer itself """ self.isInstalled() if not self.scriptname: self.scriptname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "NullsoftInstaller.nsi") if self.package.endswith("-package"): shortPackage = self.package[:-8] else: shortPackage = self.package if not "setupname" in self.defines or not self.defines["setupname"]: self.defines["setupname"] = "%s-%s-setup-%s.exe" % ( shortPackage, compiler.architecture(), self.buildTarget) if not "srcdir" in self.defines or not self.defines["srcdir"]: self.defines["srcdir"] = self.archiveDir() if not "company" in self.defines or not self.defines["company"]: self.defines["company"] = "KDE" if not "productname" in self.defines or not self.defines["productname"]: self.defines["productname"] = shortPackage.capitalize() if not "version" in self.defines or not self.defines["version"]: self.defines["version"] = self.buildTarget if not "executable" in self.defines or not self.defines["executable"]: self.defines["executable"] = "" if "license" in self.defines and self.defines["license"]: self.defines[ "license"] = "!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE \"%s\"" % self.defines[ "license"] else: self.defines["license"] = "" if "icon" in self.defines and self.defines["icon"]: self.defines[ "icon"] = "!define MUI_ICON \"%s\"" % self.defines["icon"] else: self.defines["icon"] = "" self.defines["architecture"] = compiler.architecture() self.defines["defaultinstdir"] = "$PROGRAMFILES64" if compiler.isX64( ) else "$PROGRAMFILES" # runtime distributable files self.defines["vcredist"] = self.getVCRedistLocation(compiler) if not self.defines["vcredist"]: self.defines["vcredist"] = "none" # for earlier versions of MSVC, simply copy the redist files to the "bin" folder of the installation if compiler.isMSVC(): if compiler.isX64(): redistPath = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "x64")) else: redistPath = os.path.join( os.path.join(self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "x86")) for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(redistPath): for f in files: shutil.copy(os.path.join(root, f), os.path.join(self.archiveDir(), "bin")) elif compiler.isMinGW(): for f in glob.glob( os.path.join(self.rootdir, "mingw", "bin", "*.dll")): shutil.copy(f, os.path.join(self.archiveDir(), "bin")) else: EmergeDebug.die( "Fixme: Copy runtime libraries for this compiler") # make absolute path for output file if not os.path.isabs(self.defines["setupname"]): dstpath = self.packageDestinationDir() self.defines["setupname"] = os.path.join(dstpath, self.defines["setupname"]) definestring = "" for key in self.defines: definestring += " /D" + key + "=\"" + self.defines[key] + "\"" EmergeDebug.new_line() EmergeDebug.debug("generating installer %s" % self.defines["setupname"]) verboseString = "/V4" if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0 else "/V3" if self.isInstalled: makensisExe = os.path.join(self.nsisInstallPath, 'makensis.exe') if not utils.systemWithoutShell( "\"%s\" %s %s %s" % (makensisExe, verboseString, definestring, self.scriptname), cwd=os.path.abspath(self.packageDir())): EmergeDebug.die("Error in makensis execution")
def generateNSISInstaller( self ): """ runs makensis to generate the installer itself """ self.isInstalled() if not self.scriptname: self.scriptname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), "NullsoftInstaller.nsi" ) if self.package.endswith( "-package" ): shortPackage = self.package[ : -8 ] else: shortPackage = self.package if not "setupname" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "setupname" ]: self.defines[ "setupname" ] = "%s-%s-setup-%s.exe" % ( shortPackage, compiler.architecture(), self.buildTarget ) if not "srcdir" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "srcdir" ]: self.defines[ "srcdir" ] = self.archiveDir() if not "company" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "company" ]: self.defines[ "company" ] = "KDE" if not "productname" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "productname" ]: self.defines[ "productname" ] = shortPackage.capitalize() if not "version" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "version" ]: self.defines[ "version" ] = self.buildTarget if not "executable" in self.defines or not self.defines[ "executable" ]: self.defines[ "executable" ] = "" if "license" in self.defines and self.defines[ "license" ]: self.defines[ "license" ] = "!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE \"%s\"" % self.defines[ "license" ] else: self.defines[ "license" ] = "" if "icon" in self.defines and self.defines[ "icon" ]: self.defines[ "icon" ] = "!define MUI_ICON \"%s\"" % self.defines[ "icon" ] else: self.defines[ "icon" ] = "" self.defines[ "architecture" ] = compiler.architecture() self.defines[ "defaultinstdir" ] = "$PROGRAMFILES64" if compiler.isX64() else "$PROGRAMFILES" # runtime distributable files self.defines[ "vcredist" ] = self.getVCRedistLocation(compiler) if not self.defines[ "vcredist" ]: self.defines[ "vcredist" ] = "none" # for earlier versions of MSVC, simply copy the redist files to the "bin" folder of the installation if compiler.isMSVC(): if compiler.isX64(): redistPath = os.path.join( os.path.join( self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "x64" ) ) else: redistPath = os.path.join( os.path.join( self.getVCRuntimeLibrariesLocation(), "x86" ) ) for root, subdirs, files in os.walk( redistPath ): for f in files: shutil.copy( os.path.join( root, f ), os.path.join( self.archiveDir(), "bin" ) ) elif compiler.isMinGW(): for f in glob.glob( os.path.join( self.rootdir, "mingw", "bin", "*.dll") ): shutil.copy( f, os.path.join( self.archiveDir(), "bin" ) ) else: EmergeDebug.die( "Fixme: Copy runtime libraries for this compiler" ) # make absolute path for output file if not os.path.isabs( self.defines[ "setupname" ] ): dstpath = self.packageDestinationDir() self.defines[ "setupname" ] = os.path.join( dstpath, self.defines[ "setupname" ] ) definestring = "" for key in self.defines: definestring += " /D" + key + "=\"" + self.defines[ key ] + "\"" EmergeDebug.new_line() EmergeDebug.debug("generating installer %s" % self.defines["setupname"]) verboseString = "/V4" if EmergeDebug.verbose() > 0 else "/V3" if self.isInstalled: makensisExe = os.path.join(self.nsisInstallPath, 'makensis.exe') if not utils.systemWithoutShell( "\"%s\" %s %s %s" % (makensisExe, verboseString, definestring, self.scriptname ), cwd = os.path.abspath( self.packageDir() ) ): EmergeDebug.die("Error in makensis execution")
def main( ): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "emerge", description = "Emerge is a tool for building KDE-related software under Windows. emerge automates it, looks for the dependencies and fetches them automatically.\ Some options should be used with extreme caution since they will make your kde installation unusable in 999 out of 1000 cases.", epilog = """More information see the README or Send feedback to <*****@*****.**>.""" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--probe", action = "store_true", help = "probing: emerge will only look which files it has to build according to the list of installed files and according to the dependencies of the package." ) parser.add_argument( "--list-file", action = "store", help = "Build all packages from the csv file provided" ) _def = emergeSettings.get( "General", "EMERGE_OPTIONS", "" ) if _def == "": _def = [] else: _def = _def.split( ";" ) parser.add_argument( "--options", action = "append", default = _def, help = "Set emerge property from string <OPTIONS>. An example for is \"cmake.openIDE=1\" see for more informations." ) parser.add_argument( "-z", "--outDateVCS", action = "store_true", help = "if packages from version control system sources are installed, it marks them as out of date and rebuilds them (tags are not marked as out of date)." ) parser.add_argument( "-sz", "--outDatePackage", action = "store_true", help = "similar to -z, only that it acts only on the last package, and works as normal on the rest." ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--stayquiet", action = "store_true", dest = "stayQuiet", help = "quiet: there should be no output - The verbose level should be 0" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--buildtests", action = "store_true", dest = "buildTests", default = emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "EMERGE_BUILDTESTS", False ) ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--continue", action = "store_true", dest = "doContinue" ) parser.add_argument( "--offline", action = "store_true", default = emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "WorkOffline", False ), help = "do not try to connect to the internet: KDE packages will try to use an existing source tree and other packages would try to use existing packages in the download directory.\ If that doesn't work, the build will fail." ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action = "store_true", dest = "forced", default = emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "EMERGE_FORCED", False ) ) parser.add_argument( "--buildtype", choices = [ "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel", "Debug" ], dest = "buildType", default = emergeSettings.get( "General", "EMERGE_BUILDTYPE", "RelWithDebInfo" ), help = "This will override the build type set by the environment option EMERGE_BUILDTYPE ." ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action = "count", default = int( emergeSettings.get( "EmergeDebug", "Verbose", "0" ) ), help = " verbose: increases the verbose level of emerge. Default is 1. verbose level 1 contains some notes from emerge, all output of cmake, make and other programs that are used.\ verbose level 2a dds an option VERBOSE=1 to make and emerge is more verbose highest level is verbose level 3." ) parser.add_argument( "--trace", action = "store", default = int( emergeSettings.get( "General", "EMERGE_TRACE", "0" ) ), type = int ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignoreInstalled", action = "store_true", help = "ignore install: using this option will install a package over an existing install. This can be useful if you want to check some new code and your last build isn't that old." ) parser.add_argument( "-ia", "--ignoreAllInstalled", action = "store_true", help = "ignore all install: using this option will install all package over an existing install. This can be useful if you want to check some new code and your last build isn't that old." ) parser.add_argument( "--target", action = "store", help = "This will override the build of the default target. The default Target is marked with a star in the printout of --print-targets" ) parser.add_argument( "--search", action = "store_true", help = "This will search for a package or a description matching or similar to the search term." ) parser.add_argument( "--nocopy", action = "store_true", default = emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "EMERGE_NOCOPY", False ), help = "this option is deprecated. In older releases emerge would have copied everything from the SVN source tree to a source directory under KDEROOT\\tmp - currently nocopy is applied\ by default if EMERGE_NOCOPY is not set to \"False\". Be aware that setting EMERGE_NOCOPY to \"False\" might slow down the build process, irritate you and increase the disk space roughly\ by the size of SVN source tree." ) parser.add_argument( "--noclean", action = "store_true", default = emergeSettings.getboolean( "General", "EMERGE_NOCLEAN", False ), help = "this option will try to use an existing build directory. Please handle this option with care - it will possibly break if the directory isn't existing." ) parser.add_argument( "--clean", action = "store_false", dest = "noclean", help = "oposite of --noclean" ) parser.add_argument( "--patchlevel", action = "store", default = emergeSettings.get( "General", "EMERGE_PKGPATCHLVL", "" ), help = "This will add a patch level when used together with --package" ) parser.add_argument( "--log-dir", action = "store", default = emergeSettings.get( "General", "EMERGE_LOG_DIR", "" ), help = "This will log the build output to a logfile in LOG_DIR for each package. Logging information is appended to existing logs." ) parser.add_argument( "--dt", action = "store", choices = [ "both", "runtime", "buildtime" ], default = "both", dest = "dependencyType" ) parser.add_argument( "--update-fast", action = "store_true", help = "If the package is installed from svn/git and the revision did not change all steps after fetch are skipped" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dependencydepth", action = "store", type = int, default = -1, help = "By default emerge resolves the whole dependency graph, this option limits the depth of the graph, so a value of 1 would mean only dependencies defined in that package" ) actionHandler = ActionHandler(parser) for x in sorted( [ "fetch", "unpack", "configure", "compile", "make", "install", "install-deps", "qmerge", "manifest", "package", "unmerge", "test", "checkdigest", "dumpdeps", "full-package", "cleanimage", "cleanbuild", "createpatch", "geturls"] ): actionHandler.addAction( x ) actionHandler.addAction( "update", help = "Update a single package" ) # read-only actions actionHandler.addAction( "print-source-version" ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-package-version" ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-targets", help = "This will show a list of available targets for the package" ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-installed", help = "This will show a list of all packages that are installed currently." ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-installable", help = "This will give you a list of packages that can be installed. Currently you don't need to enter the category and package: only the package will be enough." ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-revision", help = "Print the revision of the package and exit" ) actionHandler.addAction( "print-files", help = "Print the files installed by the package and exit" ) actionHandler.addActionWithArg( "search-file", help = "Print packages owning the file" ) # other actions actionHandler.addActionWithArg( "dump-deps-file", dest = "dumpDepsFile", help = "Output the dependencies of this package as a csv file suitable for emerge server." ) actionHandler.addAction( "generate-jenkins-job") parser.add_argument( "packageNames", nargs = argparse.REMAINDER ) args = parser.parse_args( ) action, error = actionHandler.parseFinalAction(args, "all") if not action: EmergeDebug.error("Failed to parse arguments: %s" % error) return False if args.stayQuiet: EmergeDebug.setVerbose(-1) elif args.verbose: EmergeDebug.setVerbose(args.verbose) emergeSettings.set( "General", "WorkOffline", args.offline ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_NOCOPY", args.nocopy ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_NOCLEAN", args.noclean ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_FORCED", args.forced ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_BUILDTESTS", args.buildTests ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_BUILDTYPE", args.buildType ) emergeSettings.set( "PortageVersions", "DefaultTarget", ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_OPTIONS", ";".join( args.options ) ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_LOG_DIR", args.log_dir ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_TRACE", args.trace ) emergeSettings.set( "General", "EMERGE_PKGPATCHLVL", args.patchlevel ) portage.PortageInstance.options = args.options if for package in args.packageNames: category = "" if not package.find( "/" ) == -1: (category, package) = package.split( "/" ) portageSearch.printSearch( category, package ) return True if action in [ "install-deps", "update", "update-all", "package" ] or args.update_fast: args.ignoreInstalled = True if action in [ "update", "update-all" ]: args.noclean = True EmergeDebug.debug("buildAction: %s" % action) EmergeDebug.debug("doPretend: %s" % args.probe, 1) EmergeDebug.debug("packageName: %s" % args.packageNames) EmergeDebug.debug("buildType: %s" % args.buildType) EmergeDebug.debug("buildTests: %s" % args.buildTests) EmergeDebug.debug("verbose: %d" % EmergeDebug.verbose(), 1) EmergeDebug.debug("trace: %s" % args.trace, 1) EmergeDebug.debug("KDEROOT: %s" % EmergeStandardDirs.emergeRoot(), 1) EmergeDebug.debug_line() if args.print_installed: InstallDB.printInstalled( ) elif args.print_installable: portage.printInstallables( ) elif args.search_file: portage.printPackagesForFileSearch(args.search_file) elif args.list_file: handleSinglePackage( "", action, args ) else: for packageName in args.packageNames: if not handleSinglePackage( packageName, action, args ): return False return True