Esempio n. 1
def generate(outputDir, db, kernels, libxsmmGenerator, architecture):
  Expr.analyseKernels(db, kernels)

  for matrixInfo in db.itervalues():
    matrixInfo.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=matrixInfo.leftMultiplication)    
  for name, kernel in kernels:
    kernel.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=True)

  for name, kernel in kernels:
    print(u'{}: {}'.format(name, kernel.symbol))

  print('\nMemory layout')
  keys = db.keys()
  keys.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower())
  for key in keys:
    name = db[key].name
    for block in db[key].blocks:
      print('{:16} {}'.format(name, block))
      name = ''

  generator = Generator.Generator(db, libxsmmGenerator, architecture)
  generator.generateKernels(outputDir, kernels)
  generator.generateUnitTests(outputDir, kernels)
Esempio n. 2
 def assignment(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     Suck up what might be an assignment target, or might be an expression.
     possible_lhs = self.logic_or()
     If the next token is not "=", we are done, with an expression.
     if not self.match(EQUAL):
         return possible_lhs
     We have "something =" so note the location of the "=" for a possible
     later error message; then collect the r-value.
     Note the recursion; We take a = b = c as a = (b = c).
     error_pos = self.previous()
     rhs = self.assignment()
     Now ask, We have something =, but is it variable = or property?
     if isinstance(possible_lhs, Expr.Variable):
         return Expr.Assign(, rhs)
     if isinstance(possible_lhs, Expr.Get):
         return Expr.Set(possible_lhs.object,, rhs)
     Neither, flag an error at the "=" token noted earlier.
     self.error(error_pos, "Invalid target for assignment")
Esempio n. 3
def generate(outputDir, db, kernels, libxsmmGenerator, architecture, prefix=''):
  Expr.analyseKernels(db, kernels)

  for matrixInfo in db.itervalues():
    matrixInfo.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=matrixInfo.leftMultiplication)    
  for prototype in kernels:
    prototype.kernel.generateMemoryLayout(architecture, alignStartrow=True)

  for prototype in kernels:
    print(u'{}: {}'.format(, prototype.kernel.symbol))

  print('\nMemory layout')
  keys = db.keys()
  keys.sort(key=lambda s: s.lower())
  for key in keys:
    name = db[key].name
    for block in db[key].blocks:
      print('{:16} {}'.format(name, block))
      name = ''

  generator = Generator.Generator(db, libxsmmGenerator, architecture, prefix)
  generator.generateKernels(outputDir, kernels)
  generator.generateUnitTests(outputDir, kernels)
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    astPrinter = AstPrinter()
    expression = Expr.Binary(
        Expr.Unary(Token(TokenType.MINUS, '-', None, 1), Expr.Literal(123)),
        Token(TokenType.STAR, '*', None, 1),

Esempio n. 5
 def call(self):
     ast = self.primary()
     while self.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, TokenType.DOT):
         op = self.nextToken()
         if op.type == TokenType.LEFT_PAREN:
             ast = Expr.Call(ast, op, self.callArgs())
             self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, exp=')')
         else:  # op.type == TokenType.DOT
             ast = Expr.Attrib(ast, op, self.identifier())
     return ast
Esempio n. 6
def run_main():
    exp = Expr.Binary(
            Token(TokenType.MINUS, "-", null, 1),
        Toke(TokenType.Star, "*", null, 1),

Esempio n. 7
def expr_unary(expression, variables):
    count = 0
    while expression[count] in unary_functions:
        count = count + 1

    func = expression[:count]
    func = func + "a"

    result, next = expr_recurse(expression[count:], variables)
    e = Expr(func)
    return ((e.evaluate(Trits(trit_string[result])))[0], next)
Esempio n. 8
def expr_unary(expression, variables):
    count = 0
    while expression[count] in unary_functions:
        count = count + 1

    func = expression[:count]
    func = func + "a"

    result, next = expr_recurse(expression[count:], variables)
    e = Expr(func)
    return ((e.evaluate(Trits(trit_string[result])))[0], next)
Esempio n. 9
    def primary(self) -> Expr.Expr:
        if self.match(IDENTIFIER):
            # IDENTIFIER token contains a word, make it into an Expr
            return Expr.Variable(self.previous())
        # handle the keyword values
        if self.match(FALSE): return Expr.Literal(False)
        if self.match(TRUE): return Expr.Literal(True)
        if self.match(NIL): return Expr.Literal(None)
        if self.match(THIS): return Expr.This(self.previous())
        if self.match(SUPER):
            keyword = self.previous()  # save "super" token
            self.consume(DOT, "Expect '.' after 'super'")
            method_name = self.consume(IDENTIFIER,
                                       "Expect superclass method name.")
            return Expr.Super(keyword, method_name)
        # handle literal values
        if self.match(NUMBER, STRING):
            return Expr.Literal(self.previous().literal)
        The only remaining legitimate option is a left paren, which will
        contain an expression and must be followed by a right paren.

        What would this code do, one asks, given input of "()"? As Nystrom
        wrote it (through Chapter 8, maybe it gets improved later?) it will
        look at the token list of [LEFT_PAREN,RIGHT_PAREN,...]; it will call
        self.expression to process the list [RIGHT_PAREN,...], and will fall
        through to be an error below. Thus Lox doesn't support the null

        I am changing this to recognize "()" and return "(nil)".

        if self.match(LEFT_PAREN):
            if self.peek().type == RIGHT_PAREN:
                grouped_expr = Expr.Literal(None)
                grouped_expr = self.expression()
            self.consume(RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' after expression")
            return Expr.Grouping(grouped_expr)
        This is the basement of the recursive ladder. It only returns a value
        when there is a match to one of the ttypes it checks for. Ergo all
        possible Expression token types must be checked-for here, or above
        here. A token type not explicitly checked-for ends up at this error.

        This is also where we end up, if there is a binary operator without a
        left argument, e.g. /5 or (!=3). Per challenge 3, detect that. Note
        that BANG and MINUS have been dealt with in unary() above. If one of
        those is not followed by a valid rhs, it is the following character
        that drops through to here.
        bad_token = self.peek()
        if bad_token.type in (PLUS, SLASH, STAR, EQUAL, GREATER, LESS):
            self.error(bad_token, 'operator requires a left operand')
        Finally we just don't know what's going on.
        self.error(bad_token, 'Unanticipated input')
Esempio n. 10
    def _literal(self):
        if self._match(TokenType.ALPHA):
            return Expr.Literal(self._previous().value)

        if self._match(TokenType.LEFT_PARAN):
            expr = self._expression()
            if self._match(TokenType.RIGHT_PARAN):
                return Expr.Grouping(expr)
                self.__error("Closing Paranthesis not found")

        self.__error("Unexpected Token")
Esempio n. 11
 def funExpr(self, name=None):
     if self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON):  # early declaration
         return Expr.FuncStmt(name, [], [])
     self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, exp='(')
     params = []
     if not self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN):
         while True:
             if self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN): break
             self.consume(TokenType.COMMA, exp=',')
     self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, exp='{')
     block = self.scopeStmt()
     return Expr.FuncStmt(name, params, block)
Esempio n. 12
 def clsStmt(self):
     name = self.identifier()
     if self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
         return Expr.ClassStmt(name, None, [])
     if self.consume(TokenType.LESS):
         parent = self.identifier()
         parent = None
     self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, exp='{')
     members = []
     while not self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE):
     return Expr.ClassStmt(name, parent, members)
Esempio n. 13
 def primary(self):
     if self.identifier(exp=None):
         return Expr.Identifier(self.lastToken())
     elif self.match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING, TokenType.TRUE,
                     TokenType.FALSE, TokenType.NIL):
         return Expr.Literal(self.nextToken())
     elif self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
         ast = self.expression()
         self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, exp=')')
         return Expr.Grouping(ast)
     elif self.consume(TokenType.LAMBDA):
         return self.funExpr()
         raise self.errUnexpToken("primary expr")
Esempio n. 14
    def primary(self):
        We've reached the end with terminal conditions. This is how we stop the recursive descent
        Terminals include -> Bools, Null, Numbers, Strings, Parenthetical groups (which as expected
        have their nested expression start the whole process back up from the top. 
        if self.match(TokenType.THIS): return Expr.This(self.previous())
        if self.match(TokenType.FALSE): return Expr.Literal(False)
        if self.match(TokenType.TRUE): return Expr.Literal(True)
        if self.match(TokenType.NIL): return Expr.Literal(None)
        if self.match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING):
            return Expr.Literal(self.previous().literal)

        if self.match(TokenType.SUPER):
            keyword = self.previous()
            self.consume(TokenType.DOT, "Expect '.' after 'super'.")
            method = self.consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER,
                                  "Expect superclass method name")
            return Expr.Super(keyword, method)

        if self.match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER):
            return Expr.Variable(self.previous())

        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
            expr = self.expression()
                TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after expression"
            )  ## need to find a match otherwise must record as error
            return Expr.Grouping(expr)
        self.error(self.peek(), "Expect expression"
                   )  ## indicates we reached a token that can't start an expr
Esempio n. 15
    def primary(self) -> Expr.Expr:
        if self.match(Token.TokenType.FALSE):
            return Expr.Literal(False)
        if self.match(Token.TokenType.TRUE):
            return Expr.Literal(True)
        if self.match(Token.TokenType.NIL):
            return Expr.Literal(None)

        if self.match(Token.TokenType.NUMBER, Token.TokenType.STRING):
            return Expr.Literal(self.previous().literal)

        if self.match(Token.TokenType.SUPER):
            keyword = self.previous()

            self.consume(Token.TokenType.DOT, "Expect '.' after 'super'.")
            method = self.consume(Token.TokenType.IDENTIFIER,
                                  "Expect superclass method name.")
            return Expr.Super(keyword, method)

        if self.match(Token.TokenType.THIS):
            return Expr.This(self.previous())

        if (self.match(Token.TokenType.IDENTIFIER)):
            return Expr.Variable(self.previous())

        if self.match(Token.TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
            expression = self.expression()
                         "Expect ')' after expression.")
            return Expr.Grouping(expression)

        raise self.error(self.peek(), "Expect expression.")
Esempio n. 16
 def logic_or(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     possible_lhs = self.logic_and()
     while self.match(OR):
         operator = self.previous()  # save that OR token
         rhs = self.logic_and()
         possible_lhs = Expr.Logical(possible_lhs, operator, rhs)
     return possible_lhs
Esempio n. 17
 def logic_and(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     possible_lhs = self.equality()
     while self.match(AND):
         operator = self.previous()
         rhs = self.equality()
         possible_lhs = Expr.Logical(possible_lhs, operator, rhs)
     return possible_lhs
Esempio n. 18
    def _kleene(self):
        left = self._literal()

        while self._match(TokenType.KLEENE):
            left = Expr.Kleene(left)

        return left
Esempio n. 19
 def flowStmt(self):
     tok, value = self.lastToken(), None
     if tok.type == TokenType.RETURN and not self.match(
         value = self.expression()
     return Expr.FlowStmt(tok, value)
Esempio n. 20
 def forStmt(self):
     self.consume(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, exp='(')
     initial = self.statement(
     )  # to support varStmt as (var i = 0; ...; ...)
     if not self.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
         condition = self.expression()
         condition = Expr.Literal(self.currToken()._replace(
             type=TokenType.TRUE, lexeme='true', literal=None))
     self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, exp=';')
     iteration = self.expression() if not self.match(
         TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN) else None
     self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, exp=')')
     loop = self.statement()
     return Expr.ScopeStmt(
         [initial, Expr.WhileStmt(condition, loop, iteration)])
Esempio n. 21
 def sequence(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     result = self.expression()
     while self.match(COMMA):
         operator = self.previous()  # save the COMMA token
         rhs = self.sequence()  # and around we go!
         result = Expr.Binary(result, operator, rhs)
     return result
Esempio n. 22
    def unary(self):
        if self.match(TokenType.BANG, TokenType.MINUS):
            operator = self.previous()
            right = self.unary()
            return Expr.Unary(operator, right)

        return self.primary()
Esempio n. 23
 def logic_or(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     expr = self.logic_and()
     while self.match(TokenType.OR):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.logic_and()
         expr = Expr.Logical(expr, operator, right)
     return expr
Esempio n. 24
 def unary(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     if self.match(Token.TokenType.BANG, Token.TokenType.MINUS):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.unary()
         return Expr.Unary(operator, right)
Esempio n. 25
    def primary(self):
        if self.match(TokenType.FALSE):
            return Expr.Literal(False)
        if self.match(TokenType.TRUE):
            return Expr.Literal(True)
        if self.match(TokenType.NIL):
            return Expr.Literal(None)

        if self.match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING):
            return Expr.Literal(self.previous().literal)

        if self.match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN):
            expr = self.expression()
            self.consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, "Expect ')' after expression.")
            return Expr.Grouping(expr)

        self.consume(None, "Unexpected token")
Esempio n. 26
 def addition(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     """ Parses a binary expression of additive precedence or higher"""
     expr = self.multiplication()
     while self.match(TokenType.MINUS, TokenType.PLUS):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.multiplication()
         expr = Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right)
     return expr
Esempio n. 27
 def bitshift(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     """ Parses a binary expression of bitshift precedence or higher """
     expr = self.addition()
     while self.match(TokenType.GREATER_GREATER, TokenType.LESS_LESS):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.addition()
         expr = Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right)
     return expr
Esempio n. 28
    def multiplication(self) -> Expr.Expr:
        expression = self.unary()
        while self.match(Token.TokenType.SLASH, Token.TokenType.STAR):
            operator = self.previous()
            right = self.unary()
            expression = Expr.Binary(expression, operator, right)

        return expression
Esempio n. 29
    def addition(self) -> Expr.Expr:
        expression = self.multiplication()
        while self.match(Token.TokenType.MINUS, Token.TokenType.PLUS):
            operator = self.previous()
            right = self.multiplication()
            expression = Expr.Binary(expression, operator, right)

        return expression
Esempio n. 30
    def assignment(self) -> Expr.Expr:
        expression = self._or()

        if self.match(Token.TokenType.EQUAL):
            equals = self.previous()
            value = self.assignment()

            if type(expression) == Expr.Variable:
                name =
                return Expr.Assign(name, value)
            elif type(expression) == Expr.Get:
                get = expression
                return Expr.Set(get._object,, value)
                self.error(equals, "Invalid assignment target")

        return expression
Esempio n. 31
 def equality(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     """ Parses a binary expression of equality precedence or higher"""
     expr = self.comparison()
     while self.match(TokenType.BANG_EQUAL, TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.comparison()
         expr = Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right)
     return expr
Esempio n. 32
 def bitor(self) -> Expr.Expr:
     """ Parses a binary expression of bitor precedence or higher """
     expr = self.bitxor()
     while self.match(TokenType.BAR):
         operator = self.previous()
         right = self.bitxor()
         expr = Expr.Binary(expr, operator, right)
     return expr