Esempio n. 1
def analyseDiseaseTerms(M_coo):

    listOfDiseases=["Adrenoleukodystrophy  autosomal  neonatal form","Kleine Levin Syndrome"]
    listOfSymptoms=["Normally developed boy age 5, progessive development of talking difficulties, seizures, ataxia, adrenal insufficiency and degeneration of visual and auditory functions",
                    "Jewish boy age 16, monthly seizures, sleep aggressive and irritable when woken, highly increased sexual appetite and hunger"]

    sanitizer = TextCleaner.sanitizeString()


    for disease in listOfDiseases:


        for colIndex in termIndices:


        #for item in termList[:20]
        #    printout1.append(item[1])
        for item in termList:
            if len(item[1])>7: newTermList.append(item)
        for item in newTermList[:20]:

        print 'Top 20 terms:'
        print '---------------------'
        print printout1
        print "====================="

        symptoms = sanitizer.sub(' ', symptoms)
        symptoms = FilterInterface.stopwordRemover(symptoms)

        for symptom in symptoms:

            for term in termList:
                if term[1]==symptom: printout2.append((termList.index(term),symptom))
        print 'Ranks of searched symptoms:'
        print '---------------------'
        print printout2
        print "====================="
        print ''
Esempio n. 2
def _gatherMatrixData(filename):

    This function utilizes the RecordHandler module to create and structure the
    data to populate the term-doc matrices. It currently also removes stopwords
    from the abstract.

    It takes the records' file name to gather data from.

    It returns a doc-term list on the form: [[PMID,[(term1,count1),...],...]


    # Get the regex pattern that sanitize strings.
    sanitizer = sanitizeString()

    l = []
    records = RecordHandler.loadMedlineRecords(medlineDir, filename)
    fields = RecordHandler.readMedlineFields(records, ['AB','TI','MH'])
    for entry in fields.items():
	# Get the title if any
		information=' '+entry[1]['TI']
		print 'Unable to find title in', entry[0]
	# Get the abstract if any
		information+=' '+entry[1]['AB']
		print 'Unable to find abstract in', entry[0]
	# Get all the mesh terms if any
	if 'MH' in entry[1]:
		for meshterm in entry[1]['MH']:
			information+=' '+meshterm

        # Sanitize the abstract
        information=sanitizer.sub(' ', information)
        # Remove english stopwords from the information

        # OPTIONAL:
        # Stem the information
        if _stemmer: information=FilterInterface.porterStemmer(information)


    return l
Esempio n. 3
def runScoreTestBMJ_termDoc(M_lil, M_csc):

    top = 3000

    diseaseList = [("Infective endocarditis", "Acute, aortic,  regurgitation, depression,  abscess "),
        ("Cushing's syndrome", "hypertension, adrenal, mass"),
        ("Eosinophilic granuloma", "Hip, lesion, older, child"),
        ("Ehrlichiosis", "fever, bilateral, thigh, pain, weakness"),
        ("Neurofibromatosis type 1", "multiple, spinal, tumours, skin, tumours"),
        ("Pheochromocytoma", "hypertension, papilledema, headache, renal, mass, cafe, au, lait"),
        ("Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease", "ataxia, confusion, insomnia, death"),
        ("Churg-Strauss syndrome", "Wheeze, weight, loss, ANCA, haemoptysis, haematuria"),
        ("Dermatomyositis", "myopathy, neoplasia, dysphagia, rash, periorbital, swelling"),
        ("Cat Scratch Disease", "renal, transplant, fever, cat, lymphadenopathy"),
        ("TEN", "bullous, skin, conditions, respiratory, failure, carbamazepine"),
        ("MELAS", "seizure, confusion, dysphasia, T2, lesions"),
        ("Brugada syndrome", "cardiac arrest sleep")]

    printout1 = []
    printout2 = ([], [], [])
    formatString = ['Mean:', 'Median:', 'Max:']

    clusterThis = ([], [], [])

    for disease in diseaseList:


        symptoms = FilterInterface.stopwordRemover(disease[1])

        resultLists = search(M_lil, M_csc, symptoms, top)

        found = False
        count = 0
        for results in resultLists:

            found = False
            for result in results:
                if result[0] == disease[0]:
                    found = True
                    count += 1
            if not found:
                printout2[count].append(" ")
                count += 1

    print printout1
    cnt = 0
    for list in printout2:
        print formatString[cnt], list
        cnt += 1
    print "TEST DONE"

    return clusterThis
Esempio n. 4
def searchDisease(M_lil, M_csc, queryString, top=20):

    This function is still a work in progress..

    sanitizer = TextCleaner.sanitizeString()
    queryString = sanitizer.sub(' ', queryString)
    # Stem the information
    if _stemmer:
        # Get the regex pattern that sanitizeses information and sanitize it
        # Stem the information
        queryString = FilterInterface.porterStemmer(queryString)

    # Search-heuristic used to retrieve the list of results
    if _cosineMeasure:
        results = SearchInterface.sumMeasure(M_lil, M_csc, queryString)
        results = SearchInterface.sumMeasure(M_lil, M_csc, queryString)

    # Sort the results and reverse to get the highest score first

    resultDic = {}
    for item in results[:top]:
        pmid = item[1]
        label = _labelHash[pmid]
        resultDic[label] = item[0]

    resultList = sorted(resultDic.items(), key=lambda(k, v):(v, k), reverse=True)

    return resultList[:20]
Esempio n. 5
def createTermAndPmidHashes():

    This function creates two hash tables of the PMID's and terms to be used
    for the term-doc matrix.

    Note that the terms are sanitized for any non-alphanumerical characters.
    And it is default to remove stop words.

    medlineDir = _medlineDir
    hashTables = _hashTablesDir
    termCounter = 0
    pmidCounter = 0

    files = IOmodule.getSortedFilelist(medlineDir+'/')
#    files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(medlineDir+"/") if os.path.isfile(medlineDir+"/"+f)])

    # Get the regex pattern that sanitizeses strings.
    sanitizer = TextCleaner.sanitizeString()

    for file in files:
        records = RecordHandler.loadMedlineRecords(medlineDir, file)

        # *Note*
        # Parts of the following loops could be optimized by using dictionaries
        # for direct loopkups instead of linear lookups, but since it's not
        # important, optimization will have to wait for another day.

        # Hash PMID's
        for diseaseRecords in records.values():
            for record in diseaseRecords:
                if pmid not in pmidHashTable:

                # Get the abstract
			information=' '+record[1]['AB']
			print 'Unable to get abstract', record[0]
			information+=' '+record[1]['TI']
			print 'Unable to get title for', record[0]

		if 'MH' in record[1]:
			for meshterm in record[1]['MH']:
				information+=' '+meshterm
		# We do not want to print this, as most of the
		# records do not have MeSH.
		# print 'Unable to get MeSH terms for', record[0]
                # Sanitize the information
                information=sanitizer.sub(' ', information)
                # remove stopwords from the abstract

                # OPTIONAL:
                # Stem the abstract
                if _stemmer: information=FilterInterface.porterStemmer(information)

                termList = [word for word in information.split(' ') if word != '']
                for term in termList:
                    if term not in termHashTable:
                    else: continue
        print str(termCounter)+" terms hashed. "+str(pmidCounter)+" pmids hashed."

    IOmodule.pickleOut(hashTables, _termHash,"btd", termHashTable)
    IOmodule.pickleOut(hashTables, _pmidHash,"btd", pmidHashTable)

    return termHashTable, pmidHashTable
Esempio n. 6
def runScoreTestBlind_diseaseMatrix(lil, csc):

    top = 3000

    1) Dreng, normal ved fdslen bortset fra deformitet af begge
    storeter (de manglede et led). Udvikler sig normalt
    efterflgende. Ved 5 rs alderen

    der viser knoglevv uden malignitetstegn. Kort tid efter biopsien
    udvikles mere knoglevkst, prcis der hvor man har skret.
    System symptom query: Boy, normal birth, deformity of both big
    toes (missing joint), quick development of bone tumor near spine
    and osteogenesis at biopsy.
    2) Normally developed boy until age 5, where he progressively
    developed the following symptoms: Talking difficulties, seizures,
    ataxia, adrenal insufficiency and degeneration of visual and
    auditory functions.
    System symptom query: Normally developed boy age 5, progessive
    development of talking difficulties, seizures, ataxia, adrenal
    insufficiency and degeneration of visual and auditory functions
    3) A boy age 14 comes to the doctor with yellow, keratotic plaques
    on the skin of his palms and soles going up onto the dorsal
    side. Both hands and feet are affected.
    He equally had swollen and very vulnerable gums since the age of 4
    with loss of most of his permanent teeth.
    System symptom query: Boy age 14, yellow, keratotic plaques on the
    skin of palms and soles going up onto the dorsal side. Both hands
    and feet are affected.
    4) 16-aarig joedisk dreng har en til to gange om maaneden anfald,
    hvor han foerst og fremmest skal sove utroligt meget - ca. 18
    timer om dagen.  Anfaldene varer ca en uges tid. Han aendrer
    karakter under anfaldene og bliver irritabel og aggressiv, naar
    han vaekkes. Naar han er vaagen i anfaldsperioden spiser han helt
    utroligt store maengder mad, og hans appetit paa sex er endvidere
    abnormt stor.
    System symptom query: Jewish boy age 16, monthly seizures, sleep
    deficiency, aggressive and irritable when woken, highly increased
    sexual appetite and hunger.

    5) The patient is a male child presenting at birth with numerous
    malformations. He had midfacial retraction with a deep groove
    under the eyes, and hypertelorism. A short nose with a low nasal
    bridge and large low-set ears were noted. He had a wide mouth and
    retrognathia.  Hypertrichosis with bright reddish hair and a
    median frontal cutaneous angioma were present. The neck was short
    with redundant skin. Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias with
    a megameatus, and cryptorchidism were noted.
    System symptom query: Male child, malformations at birth,
    midfacial retraction with a deep groove under the eyes, and
    hypertelorism, short nose with a low nasal bridge and large
    low-set ears, wide mouth and retrognathia. Hypertrichosis with
    bright reddish hair and a median frontal cutaneous angioma, short
    neck with redundant skin, Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias
    with a megameatus, and cryptorchidism

    #diseaseList=[("Boy, normal birth, deformity of both big toes
    #             (missing joint), quick development of bone tumor
    #             near spine and osteogenesis at biopsy"), ("Normally
    #             developed boy age 5, progessive development of
    #             talking difficulties, seizures, ataxia, adrenal
    #             insufficiency and degeneration of visual and
    #             auditory functions"), ("Boy age 14, yellow keratotic
    #             plaques on the skin of palms and soles going up onto
    #             the dorsal side. Both hands and feet are
    #             affected. swollen vulnerable gums, loss of permanent
    #             teeth.")]

    #diseaseList=[("Jewish boy age 16, monthly seizures, sleep
    #deficiency, aggressive and irritable when woken, highly increased
    #sexual appetite and hunger")]

    #diseaseList=[("Normally developed boy age 5, seizures, ataxia,
    #adrenal insufficiency and degeneration of visual and auditory

    #diseaseList=[("Male child, malformations at birth, midfacial
    #retraction with a deep groove under the eyes, and hypertelorism,
    #short nose with a low nasal bridge and large low-set ears, wide
    #mouth and retrognathia. Hypertrichosis with bright reddish hair
    #and a median frontal cutaneous angioma, short neck with redundant
    #skin, Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias with a megameatus,
    #and cryptorchidism")]

    #diseaseList=[("Schinzel Giedion syndrome","Male child,
    #malformations at birth, midfacial retraction with a deep groove
    #under the eyes, and hypertelorism, short nose with a low nasal
    #bridge and large low-set ears, wide mouth and
    #retrognathia. Hypertrichosis with bright reddish hair and a
    #median frontal cutaneous angioma, short neck with redundant skin,
    #Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias with a megameatus, and
    printout2 = [[], [], []]
    clusterThis = [[], [], []]

    sanitizer = TextCleaner.sanitizeString()
    count = 0
    for disease in diseaseList:

        queryString = sanitizer.sub(' ', disease)

        symptoms = FilterInterface.stopwordRemover(queryString)

        resultLists = searchDisease(lil, csc, symptoms, top)

        count += 1

    for list in printout2:
        print list
    print "TEST DONE"

    return clusterThis, printout2
Esempio n. 7
def runScoreTestBlind_termDoc(M_lil, M_csc):

    top = 3000

    #diseaseList=[("Boy, normal birth, deformity of both big toes
    #             (missing joint), quick development of bone tumor
    #             near spine and osteogenesis at biopsy"), ("Normally
    #             developed boy age 5, progessive development of
    #             talking difficulties, seizures, ataxia, adrenal
    #             insufficiency and degeneration of visual and
    #             auditory functions"), ("Boy age 14, yellow keratotic
    #             plaques on the skin of palms and soles going up onto
    #             the dorsal side. Both hands and feet are
    #             affected. swollen vulnerable gums, loss of permanent
    #             teeth.")]

    #diseaseList=[("Jewish boy age 16, monthly seizures, sleep
    #deficiency, aggressive and irritable when woken, highly increased
    #sexual appetite and hunger")]

    #diseaseList=[("Normally developed boy age 5, seizures, ataxia,
    #adrenal insufficiency and degeneration of visual and auditory

    #diseaseList=[("Male child, malformations at birth, midfacial
    #retraction with a deep groove under the eyes, and hypertelorism,
    #short nose with a low nasal bridge and large low-set ears, wide
    #mouth and retrognathia. Hypertrichosis with bright reddish hair
    #and a median frontal cutaneous angioma, short neck with redundant
    #skin, Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias with a megameatus,
    #and cryptorchidism")]

    #diseaseList=[("Male child, malformations at birth, midfacial
    #retraction with a deep groove under the eyes, and hypertelorism,
    #short nose with a low nasal bridge and large low-set ears, wide
    #mouth and retrognathia. Hypertrichosis with bright reddish hair
    #and a median frontal cutaneous angioma, short neck with redundant
    #skin, Bilateral inguinal hernias, hypospadias with a megameatus,
    #and cryptorchidism")]

    printout1 = []
    printout2 = ([], [], [])
    formatString = ['Mean:', 'Median:', 'Max:']

    clusterThis = ([], [], [])

    for disease in diseaseList:

        symptoms = FilterInterface.stopwordRemover(disease[0])

        resultLists = search(M_lil, M_csc, symptoms, top)

        for result in resultLists:
            count += 1

    cnt = 0
    for list in printout2:
        print formatString[cnt], list
        cnt += 1
    print "TEST DONE"

    return clusterThis
Esempio n. 8
def runScoreTestOrphanet_diseaseMatrix(M_lil, M_csc):

    top = 3000

    diseaseList = [('Apparent mineralocorticoid excess', 'early-onset, severe hypertension, associated, low renin levels, hypoaldosteronism'),
        ('Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome', 'congenital anomalies, intellectual deficit, behavioural characteristics'),
        ('Aagenaes syndrome', 'chronic severe lymphoedema, severe neonatal cholestasis, lessens during early childhood and becomes episodic'),
        ('Aase Smith syndrome', 'congenital malformations: hydrocephalus, cleft palate, severe joint contractures'),
        ('Achondroplasia', 'short limbs, hyperlordosis, short hands, macrocephaly, high forehead and saddle nose'),
        ('Acalvaria', 'missing scalp and flat bones over an area of the cranial vault'),
        ('Acrodysostosis', 'abnormally short and malformed bones of the hands and feet (peripheral dysostosis), nasal hypoplasia and mental retardation'),
        ('Acromegaly', 'progressive somatic disfigurement (face and extremities) and systemic manifestations'),
        ('Biliary atresia', 'biliary obstruction of unknown origin, neonatal period'),
        ('Bronchiolitis obliterans with obstructive pulmonary disease', 'inflammatory and fibrosing thickening of bronchiolar walls, airflow obstruction'),
        ('Cholera', 'severe diarrhea and vomiting'),
        ('Choroideremia', 'progressive degeneration of the choroid, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and neural retina'),
        ('Coats disease', 'abnormal development of retinal vessels (telangiectasia) with a progressive deposition of intraretinal or subretinal exudates'),
        ('Omphalocele cleft palate syndrome lethal', 'omphalocele and cleft palate'),
        ('Darier disease', 'keratotic papules in seborrheic areas and specific nail anomalies'),
        ('Ichthyosis hepatosplenomegaly cerebellar degeneration', 'ichthyosis, hepatosplenomegaly and late-onset cerebellar ataxia'),
        ('Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy', 'muscular weakness and atrophy, with early contractures of the tendons and cardiomyopathy'),
        ('Costello syndrome', 'postnatal growth retardation, coarse facies, intellectual deficit, skin anomalies and cardiac abnormalities'),
        ('Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva', 'congenital malformation of great toes, progressive, disabling heterotopic osteogenesis in predictable anatomical patterns'),
        ('Acropectorovertebral dysplasia', 'fusion of the carpal and tarsal bones, with complex anomalies of the fingers and toes'),
        ('Osteogenesis imperfecta', 'increased bone fragility and low bone mass'),
        ('Primary biliary cirrhosis', 'injury of the intrahepatic bile ducts'),
        ('Hennekam syndrome', 'lymphoedema, intestinal lymphangiectasia, intellectual deficit and facial dysmorphism'),
        ('Hyperlysinemia', 'elevated levels of lysine in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood'),
        ('Jalili syndrome', 'amelogenesis imperfecta and cone-rod retinal dystrophy'),
        ('Jeune syndrome', 'narrow thorax and short limbs'),
        ('Jackson-Weiss syndrome', 'tarsal and/or metatarsal coalitions and variable craniosynostosis, accompanied by facial anomalies, broad halluces and normal hands'),
        ('Multiple myeloma', 'overproduction of abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow and manifested by skeletal destruction, bone pain, and presence of abnormous immunoglobulins'),
        ('Trichodental syndrome', 'fine, dry and short hair with dental anomalies')]

    printout1 = []
    printout2 = []

    clusterThis = []

    for disease in diseaseList:


        symptoms = FilterInterface.stopwordRemover(disease[1])

        resultList = searchDisease(M_lil, M_csc, symptoms, top)

        found = False
        for result in resultList:
            if result[0] == disease[0]:
                found = True
        if not found:
            printout2.append(" ")

    print printout1
    print printout2
    print "TEST DONE"

    return clusterThis
Esempio n. 9
def search(M_lil, M_csc, queryString, top=20):

    This function is still a work in progress..
    sanitizer = TextCleaner.sanitizeString()
    queryString = sanitizer.sub(' ', queryString)

    # Stem the information
    if _stemmer:
        # Get the regex pattern that sanitizeses information and sanitize it
        # Stem the information
        queryString = FilterInterface.porterStemmer(queryString)

    # Search-heuristic used to retrieve the list of results
    if _cosineMeasure:
        results = SearchInterface.cosineMeasure(M_lil, M_csc, queryString)
        results = SearchInterface.sumMeasure(M_lil, M_csc, queryString)

    # Sort the results and reverse to get the highest score first

    # ###########################################################################
    # ### For the term-doc matrix: ##############################################

    # ###########
    # # 1: Mean #
    # ###########

    # # Get the sum cosine score the labels
    # ## (normDic counts the number of times a label has been summed)
    resultDic1 = {}
    normDic1 = {}
    for item in results[:top]:
        pmid = item[1]
        # Get the labels linked to the PMID
        ## (Several labels can be linked to one PMID)
        labels = _labelHash[pmid]
        for label in labels:
                resultDic1[label] += item[0]
                normDic1[label] += 1
                resultDic1[label] = item[0]
                normDic1[label] = 1

    # #############
    # # 2: Median #
    # #############

    # # Get the median cosine score of the labels
    # ## (normDic counts the number of times a label has been summed)
    resultDicList2 = {}
    normDic2 = {}
    for item in results[:top]:
        pmid = item[1]
        # Get the labels linked to the PMID
        ## (Several labels can be linked to one PMID)
        labels = _labelHash[pmid]
        for label in labels:
                normDic2[label] += 1
                resultDicList2[label] = []
                normDic2[label] = 1
    resultDic2 = {}
    for label in resultDicList2.keys():
        labelList = resultDicList2[label]
        numOfScores = len(labelList)
        if numOfScores > 2:
            medianIndex = numOfScores / 2
            medianIndex = 0
        resultDic2[label] = sorted(labelList)[medianIndex]

    # ##########
    # # 3: Max #
    # ##########

    # # Get the max cosine score of labels
    # ## (normDic counts the number of times a label has been summed)
    resultDicList3 = {}
    normDic3 = {}
    for item in results[:top]:
        pmid = item[1]
        # Get the labels linked to the PMID
        ## (Several labels can be linked to one PMID)
        labels = _labelHash[pmid]
        for label in labels:
                normDic3[label] += 1
                resultDicList3[label] = []
                normDic3[label] = 1
    resultDic3 = {}
    for label in resultDicList3.keys():
        labelList = resultDicList3[label]
        resultDic3[label] = max(labelList)

    # # Normalize the summed labels
        #for label in resultDic1.keys():
        #    resultDic1[label]/=normDic1[label]
        #for label in resultDic2.keys():
        #    resultDic2[label]/=normDic2[label]
        #for label in resultDic3.keys():
        #    resultDic3[label]/=normDic3[label]


            ####### return pmid results #######

    # Reverse and sort the concensus list
    resultList_mean = sorted(resultDic1.items(), key=lambda(k, v):(v, k), reverse=True)
    resultList_median = sorted(resultDic2.items(), key=lambda(k, v):(v, k), reverse=True)
    resultList_max = sorted(resultDic3.items(), key=lambda(k, v):(v, k), reverse=True)

    return [resultList_mean, resultList_median, resultList_max]