Esempio n. 1
    def ConvolveSmooth(self, numiters=10, lowreject=2, highreject=3):
        done = False
        data = self.smoothing_data.copy()
        # data.y /= data.cont
        iterations = 0
        if self.window_size % 2 == 0:
            self.window_size += 1

        while not done and iterations < numiters:
            iterations += 1
            done = True
            y = FittingUtilities.savitzky_golay(data.y, self.window_size, 5)
            #s = np.r_[data.y[self.window_size/2:0:-1], data.y, data.y[-1:-self.window_size/2:-1]]
            #y = np.convolve(window/window.sum(), s, mode='valid')

            reduced = data.y / y
            sigma = np.std(reduced)
            mean = np.mean(reduced)
            badindices = \
            np.where(np.logical_or((reduced - mean) / sigma < -lowreject, (reduced - mean) / sigma > highreject))[0]
            if badindices.size > 0:
                done = False
                data.y[badindices] = y[badindices]

        return DataStructures.xypoint(x=self.smoothing_data.x, y=y / self.smoothing_data.cont)
Esempio n. 2
                orders.pop(numorders - 1 - i)
                order.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(order.x, order.y, lowreject=3, highreject=3)
                orders[numorders - 1 - i] = order.copy()

        for i, order in enumerate(orders):
          plt.plot(order.x, order.y/order.cont+i)


        #Smooth data
        if smooth:
            for order in orders:
                order.y /= FittingUtilities.savitzky_golay(order.y, 91, 5)

        output_dir = "Cross_correlations/"
        outfilebase = fname.split(".fits")[0]
        if "/" in fname:
            dirs = fname.split("/")
            output_dir = ""
            outfilebase = dirs[-1].split(".fits")[0]
            for directory in dirs[:-1]:
                output_dir = output_dir + directory + "/"
            output_dir = output_dir + "Cross_correlations/"
        #Do the cross-correlation
        for vsini in [10, 20, 30, 40]:
            Correlate.PyCorr2(orders, resolution=60000, outdir=output_dir, models=model_data, stars=star_list,
                              temps=temp_list, gravities=gravity_list, metallicities=metal_list,
                              vsini=vsini *, debug=False, outfilebase=outfilebase)
Esempio n. 3
def Filter(fname, vsini=100, numiters=100, lowreject=3, highreject=3):
    orders = FitsUtils.MakeXYpoints(fname, extensions=True, x="wavelength", y="flux", errors="error")
    column_list = []
    for i, order in enumerate(orders):
        smoothed = HelperFunctions.IterativeLowPass(
            order, vsini *, numiter=numiters, lowreject=lowreject, highreject=highreject
        plt.plot(order.x, order.y)
        plt.plot(order.x, smoothed)

        done = False
        x = order.x.copy()
        y = order.y.copy()
        indices = np.array([True] * x.size)
        iteration = 0
        while not done and iteration < numiters:
            done = True
            iteration += 1
            smoothed = FittingUtilities.savitzky_golay(y, window_size, smoothorder)
            residuals = y / smoothed
            if iteration == 1:
                # Save the first and last points, for interpolation
                first, last = smoothed[0], smoothed[-1]
            mean = residuals.mean()
            std = residuals.std()
            print residuals.size, x.size, y.size
            # plt.plot((residuals - mean)/std)
            badindices = np.where(
                np.logical_or((residuals - mean) / std > highreject, (residuals - mean) / std < -lowreject)
            if badindices.size > 1 and y.size - badindices.size > 2 * window_size and iteration < numiters:
                done = False
                x = np.delete(x, badindices)
                y = np.delete(y, badindices)

        print "iter = %i" % iteration
        if x[0] > order.x[0]:
            x = np.append(np.array([order.x[0]]), x)
            smoothed = np.append(np.array([first]), smoothed)
        if x[-1] < order.x[-1]:
            x = np.append(x, np.array([order.x[-1]]))
            smoothed = np.append(smoothed, np.array([last]))
        print x.size, y.size, smoothed.size
        smooth_fcn = interp(x, smoothed, k=1)
        smoothed = smooth_fcn(order.x)

        order.cont = FittingUtilities.Continuum(order.x, order.y)
        plt.plot(order.x, order.y / order.cont, "k-")
        plt.plot(order.x, smoothed / order.cont, "r-")
        # plt.figure(2)
        # plt.plot(order.x, order.y/smoothed)
        # plt.plot(order.x, smoothed)
        # orders[i].y /= smoothed
        column = {
            "wavelength": order.x,
            "flux": order.y / smoothed,
            "continuum": np.ones(order.x.size),
            "error": order.err,
    outfilename = "%s_smoothed.fits" % (fname.split(".fits")[0])
    print "Outputting to %s" % outfilename