Esempio n. 1
def buildCardsAndDeck(path: Path):
	global AnkiNotes, AnkiModels, Anki_Collections, totalCardCount, FAILED_DECKS
	conn = sqlite3.connect(path.joinpath("collection.anki2").as_posix())
	cursor = conn.cursor()
		"SELECT * FROM cards ORDER BY factor ASC")  # min ease would at rows[0] and max index would be at rows[-1]
	rows = cursor.fetchall()
	with IncrementalBar("\tBuilding Cards and deck", max=len(rows)) as bar:
		for row in rows:
			cid, nid, did, ordi, mod, usn, crtype, queue, due, ivl, factor, reps, lapses, left, odue, odid, flags, data = row
			reqNote = AnkiNotes[str(nid)]
			genCard = None
			if reqNote.model.type == 0:
				reqTemplate = getTemplateofOrd(reqNote.model.tmpls, int(ordi))
				questionTg = "<style> " + buildCssForOrd(reqNote.model.css, ordi) \
				             + "</style><section class='card' style=\" height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; \">" \
				             + mustache.render(reqTemplate.qfmt, buildStubbleDict(reqNote)) + "</section>"
				answerTag = "<style> " + buildCssForOrd(reqNote.model.css, ordi) \
				            + "</style><section class='card' style=\" height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; \">" \
				            + mustache.render(reqTemplate.afmt, buildStubbleDict(reqNote)) + "</section>"
				questionTg = premailer.transform(questionTg)
				answerTag = premailer.transform(answerTag)
				genCard = Card(cid, questionTg, answerTag)
			elif reqNote.model.type == 1:
				reqTemplate = getTemplateofOrd(reqNote.model.tmpls, 0)
				mustache.filters["cloze"] = lambda txt: Formatters.cloze_q_filter(txt, str(int(ordi) + 1))
				css = reqNote.model.css
				css = buildCssForOrd(css, ordi) if css else ""
				questionTg = "<style> " + css + " </style><section class='card' style=\" height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; \">" \
				             + mustache.render(reqTemplate.qfmt, buildStubbleDict(reqNote)) + "</section>"
				mustache.filters["cloze"] = lambda txt: Formatters.cloze_a_filter(txt, str(int(ordi) + 1))
				answerTag = "<section class='card' style=\" height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; \">" \
				            + mustache.render(reqTemplate.afmt, buildStubbleDict(reqNote)) + "</section>"
				questionTg = premailer.transform(questionTg)
				answerTag = premailer.transform(answerTag)
				genCard = Card(cid, questionTg, answerTag)
			if genCard is not None:
				reqDeck = getDeckFromID(Anki_Collections, str(did))
				if reqDeck is not None:
					if did not in FAILED_DECKS:
				if did not in FAILED_DECKS:
			totalCardCount += 1