Esempio n. 1
def R_to_newick(R):
    @param R: a directed topology
    @return: a newick string
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    return _v_to_newick(Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R), r) + ';'
Esempio n. 2
def equal_arc_layout(T, B):
    @param T: tree topology
    @param B: branch lengths
    @return: a map from vertex to location
    # arbitrarily root the tree
    R = Ftree.T_to_R_canonical(T)
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    # map vertices to subtree tip count
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    v_to_count = {}
    for v in Ftree.R_to_postorder(R):
        sinks = v_to_sinks.get(v, [])
        if sinks:
            v_to_count[v] = sum(v_to_count[sink] for sink in sinks)
            v_to_count[v] = 1
    # create the equal arc angles
    v_to_theta = {}
            v_to_sinks, v_to_count, v_to_theta,
            r, -math.pi, math.pi)
    # convert angles to coordinates
    v_to_source = Ftree.R_to_v_to_source(R)
    v_to_location = {}
            R, B,
            v_to_source, v_to_sinks, v_to_theta, v_to_location,
            r, (0, 0), 0)
    return v_to_location
Esempio n. 3
def equal_daylight_layout(T, B, iteration_count):
    @param T: topology
    @param B: branch lengths
    R = Ftree.T_to_R_canonical(T)
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    # create the initial equal arc layout
    v_to_location = equal_arc_layout(T, B)
    # use sax-like events to create a parallel tree in the C extension
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    v_to_dtree_id = {}
    dtree = day.Day()
    count = _build_dtree(
            dtree, r, v_to_sinks, v_to_location, v_to_dtree_id, 0)
    # repeatedly reroot and equalize
    v_to_neighbors = Ftree.T_to_v_to_neighbors(T)
    for i in range(iteration_count):
        for v in Ftree.T_to_inside_out(T):
            neighbor_count = len(v_to_neighbors[v])
            if neighbor_count > 2:
    # extract the x and y coordinates from the dtree
    v_to_location = {}
    for v, dtree_id in v_to_dtree_id.items():
        x = dtree.get_x()
        y = dtree.get_y()
        v_to_location[v] = (x, y)
    return v_to_location
Esempio n. 4
def RB_to_newick(R, B):
    @param R: a directed topology
    @param B: branch lengths
    @return: a newick string
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    v_to_source = Ftree.R_to_v_to_source(R)
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    return _Bv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, r) + ';'
Esempio n. 5
def get_response_content(fs):
    # read the tree
    T, B, N = FtreeIO.newick_to_TBN(fs.tree)
    leaves = Ftree.T_to_leaves(T)
    internal = Ftree.T_to_internal_vertices(T)
    # get the distinguished vertex of articulation
    r = get_unique_vertex(N, fs.vertex)
    if r not in internal:
        raise ValueError(
                'the distinguished vertex should have degree at least two')
    # Partition the leaves with respect to the given root.
    # Each set of leaves will eventually define a connected component.
    R = Ftree.T_to_R_specific(T, r)
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    # break some edges
    R_pruned = set(R)
    neighbors = Ftree.T_to_v_to_neighbors(T)[r]
    for adj in neighbors:
        R_pruned.remove((r, adj))
    T_pruned = Ftree.R_to_T(R_pruned)
    # get the leaf partition
    ordered_leaves = []
    leaf_lists = []
    for adj in neighbors:
        R_subtree = Ftree.T_to_R_specific(T_pruned, adj)
        C = sorted(b for a, b in R_subtree if b not in v_to_sinks)
    # define the vertices to keep and those to remove
    keepers = ordered_leaves + [r]
    # get the schur complement
    L_schur = Ftree.TB_to_L_schur(T, B, keepers)
    # get principal submatrices of the schur complement
    principal_matrices = []
    accum = 0
    for component_leaves in leaf_lists:
        n = len(component_leaves)
        M = L_schur[accum:accum+n, accum:accum+n]
        accum += n
    # write the report
    out = StringIO()
    print >> out, 'algebraic connectivity:'
    print >> out, get_algebraic_connectivity(T, B, leaves)
    print >> out
    print >> out
    print >> out, 'perron values:'
    print >> out
    for M, leaf_list in zip(principal_matrices, leaf_lists):
        value = scipy.linalg.eigh(M, eigvals_only=True)[0]
        name_list = [N[v] for v in leaf_list]
        print >> out, name_list
        print >> out, value
        print >> out
    return out.getvalue()
Esempio n. 6
def RBN_to_newick(R, B, N):
    @param R: a directed topology
    @param B: branch lengths
    @param N: map from vertices to names
    @return: a newick string
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    v_to_source = Ftree.R_to_v_to_source(R)
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    return _BNv_to_newick(v_to_source, v_to_sinks, B, N, r) + ';'
Esempio n. 7
def sample_brownian_motion(R, B):
    Sample brownian motion on a tree.
    @param R: directed tree
    @param B: branch lengths
    @return: map from vertex to sample
    r = Ftree.R_to_root(R)
    v_to_sample = {r: 0}
    v_to_sinks = Ftree.R_to_v_to_sinks(R)
    for v in Ftree.R_to_preorder(R):
        for sink in v_to_sinks[v]:
            u_edge = frozenset((v, sink))
            mu = v_to_sample[v]
            var = B[u_edge]
            v_to_sample[sink] = random.gauss(mu, math.sqrt(var))
    return v_to_sample