Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            self.dwf = cdll.dwf
        elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            self.dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary(
        elif sys.platform.startswith("cygwin"):
            self.dwf = CDLL("dwf.dll")
            self.dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("")

        self.hdwf = c_int()

        v = create_string_buffer(16)
        self.dwfversion = v.value

        self._vposSetOffset = 0.0
        self._vposGetOffset = 0.0

        self.vpos = PowerSupply.PowerSupply(self.dwf, self.hdwf, 0)
        self.vneg = PowerSupply.PowerSupply(self.dwf, self.hdwf, 1)

        self.fg1 = FunctionGenerator.FunctionGenerator(self.dwf, self.hdwf, 0)
        self.fg2 = FunctionGenerator.FunctionGenerator(self.dwf, self.hdwf, 1)

        self.scope = Oscilloscope.Oscilloscope(self.dwf, self.hdwf)

        self.dwf.FDwfAnalogIOEnableSet(self.hdwf, c_int(True))
        self.dwf.FDwfDeviceAutoConfigureSet(self.hdwf, c_int(True))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_generateLogFunctions(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        fmtStr = "Hello World! %0u %*.*s %*.19lf %19.*s"
        ret = fg.generateLogFunctions("ERROR", fmtStr, "",
                                            "", 100)
        logId = generateLogIdStr(fmtStr, "", 100)
        expectedFnName = "__syang0__fl" + logId

        expectedResult = ("void " + expectedFnName + "(NanoLog::LogLevel level"
                            ", const char* fmtStr , unsigned int arg0, "
                            "int arg1, int arg2, const char* arg3, "
                            "int arg4, double arg5, "
                            "int arg6, const char* arg7)",

        self.assertEqual(expectedResult, ret)

        self.assertEqual(2, len(fg.logId2Code))
        code = fg.logId2Code[logId]

        self.assertEqual(fmtStr, code["fmtString"])
        self.assertEqual("", code["filename"])
        self.assertEqual(100, code["linenum"])
Esempio n. 3
    def test_outputMappingFile(self):
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "B", "", "", 294)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "C", "", "", 200)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "D %d", "", "", 100)

        # Test serialization and deserialization
        with open("test.json") as dataFile:
            data = json.load(dataFile)
            self.assertEqual(fg.argLists2Cnt, data.get('argLists2Cnt'))
            self.assertEqual(fg.logId2Code, data.get('logId2Code'))

Esempio n. 4
    def test_generateLogFunctions_empty(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        ret = fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "Empty Print", "",
                                        "", 293)

        logId = generateLogIdStr("Empty Print", "", 293)
        expectedFnName = "__syang0__fl" + logId
        expectedResult = ("void " + expectedFnName + "(NanoLog::LogLevel level"
                                ", const char* fmtStr )", expectedFnName)
        self.assertEqual(expectedResult, ret)

        code = fg.logId2Code[logId]
        self.assertEqual("Empty Print", code['fmtString'])
        self.assertEqual("", code["filename"])
        self.assertEqual(293, code["linenum"])
        self.assertEqual("", code["compilationUnit"])
Esempio n. 5
    def test_outputMappingFile_withFolders(self):
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "B", "", "", 294)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "C", "", "", 200)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "D %d", "", "", 100)

        # Test what happens when the directory does not exist

        with open("testFolder/test.json") as dataFile:
            data = json.load(dataFile)
            self.assertEqual(fg.argLists2Cnt, data.get('argLists2Cnt'))
            self.assertEqual(fg.logId2Code, data.get('logId2Code'))

Esempio n. 6
    def test_outputCompilationFiles(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "B", "", "", 294)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "C", "", "", 200)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "D %d", "", "", 100)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "E %4s %*.*lf", "", "", 100)


        # Also test the merging
        fg2 = FunctionGenerator()
        fg2.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)
        fg2.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "mar.h", 1)
        fg2.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "E", "", "", 199)

        # Merge the two map files
                                                 ["", ""])


Esempio n. 7
    def test_getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor(self):
        self.maxDiff = None

        emptyRec = \
inline void __syang0__fl{logId}(NanoLog::LogLevel level, const char* fmtStr ) {{
    extern const uint32_t __fmtId{logId};

    if (level > NanoLog::getLogLevel())

    uint64_t timestamp = PerfUtils::Cycles::rdtsc();
    size_t allocSize =   sizeof(NanoLogInternal::Log::UncompressedEntry);
    NanoLogInternal::Log::UncompressedEntry *re = reinterpret_cast<NanoLogInternal::Log::UncompressedEntry*>(NanoLogInternal::RuntimeLogger::reserveAlloc(allocSize));

    re->fmtId = __fmtId{logId};
    re->timestamp = timestamp;
    re->entrySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(allocSize);

    char *buffer = re->argData;

    // Record the non-string arguments

    // Record the strings (if any) at the end of the entry

    // Make the entry visible
""" % ("", "")
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "B", "", "", 293)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "C", "", "", 200)
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "D", "", "", 100)

        self.assertEqual(3, len(fg.getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor("")))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(fg.getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor("")))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(fg.getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor("")))

        funcs = fg.getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor("")

        logId = generateLogIdStr("A", "", 293)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(emptyRec.format(logId=logId), funcs[0])

        logId = generateLogIdStr("B", "", 293)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(emptyRec.format(logId=logId), funcs[1])

        logId = generateLogIdStr("C", "", 200)
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(emptyRec.format(logId=logId), funcs[2])

        logId = generateLogIdStr("D", "", 100)
Esempio n. 8
    def test_generateLogFunctions_combinationAndOverwrite(self):
        fg = FunctionGenerator()

        # TODO(syang0) Currently we do not differenciate on files, only strings.
        # In the future, please add multi-file support that way the correct
        # filename and line number are saved

        # Original
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)

        # Different log
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "B", "", "", 293)

        # Same log + file, different location
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "",  "", 200)

        # same log, diff file + location
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 100)

        # same log, diff compilation unit, but same originating file
        fg.generateLogFunctions("DEBUG", "A", "", "", 293)

        ids = list(fg.logId2Code)
                          '__INVALID__INVALID__INVALID__'], ids)
Esempio n. 9
def processFile(inputFile, mapOutputFilename):
    functionGenerator = FunctionGenerator()
    directiveRegex = re.compile("^# (\d+) \"(.*)\"(.*)")

    with open(inputFile) as f, open(inputFile + "i", 'w') as output:
            lines = f.readlines()
            lineIndex = -1

            lastChar = '\0'

            # Logical location in a file based on GNU Preprocessor directives
            ppFileName = inputFile
            ppLineNum = 0

            # Notes the first filename referenced by the pre-processor directives
            # which should be the name of the file being compiled.
            firstFilename = None

            # Marks at which line the preprocessor can start safely injecting
            # generated, inlined code. A value of None indicates that the NanoLog
            # header was not #include-d yet
            inlineCodeInjectionLineIndex = None

            # Scan through the lines of the file parsing the preprocessor directives,
            # identfying log statements, and replacing them with generated code.
            while lineIndex < len(lines) - 1:
                lineIndex = lineIndex + 1
                line = lines[lineIndex]

                # Keep track of of the preprocessor line number so that we can
                # put in our own line markers as we inject code into the file
                # and report errors. This line number should correspond to the
                # actual user source line number.
                ppLineNum = ppLineNum + 1

                # Parse special preprocessor directives that follows the format
                # '# lineNumber "filename" flags'
                if line[0] == "#":
                    directive = directiveRegex.match(line)
                    if directive:
                        # -1 since the line num describes the line after it, not the
                        # current one, so we decrement it here before looping
                        ppLineNum = int(float( - 1

                        ppFileName =
                        if not firstFilename:
                            firstFilename = ppFileName

                        flags =

                if INJECTION_MARKER in line:
                    inlineCodeInjectionLineIndex = lineIndex

                if ppFileName in ignored_files:

                # Scan for instances of the LOG_FUNCTION using a simple heuristic,
                # which is to search for the LOG_FUNCTION outside of quotes. This
                # works because at this point, the file should already be pre-processed
                # by the C/C++ preprocessor so all the comments have been stripped and
                # all #define's have been resolved.
                prevWasEscape = False
                inQuotes = False
                charOffset = -1

                # Optimization: Make sure line has LOG_FUNCTION before doing more work
                if LOG_FUNCTION not in line:

                while charOffset < len(line) - 1:
                    charOffset = charOffset + 1
                    c = line[charOffset]

                    # If escape, we don't really care about the next char
                    if c == "\\" or prevWasEscape:
                        prevWasEscape = not prevWasEscape
                        lastChar = c

                    if c == "\"":
                        inQuotes = not inQuotes

                    # If we match the first character, cheat a little and scan forward
                    if c == LOG_FUNCTION[0] and not inQuotes:
                        # Check if we've found the log function via the following heuristics
                        #  (a) the next n-1 characters spell out the rest of LOG_FUNCTION
                        #  (b) the previous character was not an alpha numeric (i.e. not
                        #       a part of a longer identifier name)
                        #  (c) the next syntactical character after log function is a (
                        found = True
                        for ii in range(len(LOG_FUNCTION)):
                            if line[charOffset + ii] != LOG_FUNCTION[ii]:
                                found = False

                        if not found:

                        # Valid identifier characters are [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
                        if lastChar.isalnum() or lastChar == '_':

                        # Check that it's a function invocation via the existence of (
                        filePosAfter = FilePosition(
                            lineIndex, charOffset + len(LOG_FUNCTION))
                        mChar, mPos = peekNextMeaningfulChar(
                            lines, filePosAfter)
                        if mChar != "(":

                        # Okay at this point we are pretty sure we have a genuine
                        # log statement, parse it and start modifying the code!
                        logStatement = parseLogStatement(
                            lines, (lineIndex, charOffset))
                        lastLogStatementLine = logStatement[

                        if len(logStatement['arguments']) < 2:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "NANO_LOG statement expects at least 2 arguments"
                                ": a LogLevel and a literal format string",
                                lines[lineIndex:lastLogStatementLine + 1])

                        # We expect the log invocation to have the following format:
                        # LOG_FN(LogLevel, FormatString, ...), hence the magic indexes
                        logLevel = logStatement['arguments'][0].source
                        fmtArg = logStatement['arguments'][1]
                        fmtString = extractCString(fmtArg.source)

                        # At this point, we should check that NanoLog was #include-d
                        # and that the format string was a static string
                        if not inlineCodeInjectionLineIndex:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "NANO_LOG statement occurred before "
                                "#include-ing the NanoLog header!",
                                lines[lineIndex:lastLogStatementLine + 1])

                        if not fmtString:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "NANO_LOG statement expects a literal format "
                                "string for its second argument",
                                lines[lineIndex:lastLogStatementLine + 1])

                        # Invoke the FunctionGenerator and if it throws a ValueError,
                        # tack on an extra argument to print out the log function itself
                            (recordDecl, recordFn
                             ) = functionGenerator.generateLogFunctions(
                                 logLevel, fmtString, firstFilename,
                                 ppFileName, ppLineNum)
                        except ValueError as e:
                            raise ValueError(
                                lines[lineIndex:lastLogStatementLine + 1])

                        # Now we're ready to inject the code. What's going to happen is
                        # that the original LOG_FUNCTION will be ripped out and in its
                        # place, a function invocation for the record logic will be
                        # inserted. It will look something like this:
                        #    input: "++i; LOG("Test, %d", 5); ++i;"
                        #    output: "i++;
                        #             # 1 "injectedCode.fake"
                        #             {
                        #             __syang0__fl__(
                        #             # 10 ""
                        #                     "Test, %d", 5); }
                        #             # 10 ""
                        #                                     ++i;"
                        # Note that we try to preserve spacing and use line preprocessor
                        # directives wherever we can so that if the compiler reports
                        # errors, then the errors can be consistent with the user's view
                        # of the source file.

                        # First we separate the code that comes after the log statement's
                        # semicolon onto its own line while preserving the line spacing
                        # and symbolic reference to the original source file
                        # Example:
                        #       "functionA(); functionB();"
                        # becomes
                        #       "functionA();
                        #       # 10 ""
                        #                     functionB();"
                        # Note that we're working from back to front so that our line
                        # indices don't shift as we insert new lines.
                        scLineNum, scOffset = logStatement['semiColonPos']
                        scLine = lines[scLineNum]

                        # Extrapolate the symbolic line number
                        scPPLineNum = ppLineNum + (scLineNum - lineIndex)

                        # Split the line
                        scHeadLine = scLine[:scOffset + 1] + "\r\n"
                        scMarker = "# %d \"%s\"\r\n" % (scPPLineNum,
                        scTailLine = " " * (scOffset + 1) + scLine[scOffset +

                        lines[scLineNum] = scHeadLine
                        lines.insert(scLineNum + 1, scMarker)
                        lines.insert(scLineNum + 2, scTailLine)

                        # update the line we're working with in case the we split it above
                        if scLineNum == lineIndex:
                            line = lines[lineIndex]

                        # Next, we're going to replace the LOG_FUNCTION string from the
                        # first line with our generated function's name and insert
                        # the appropriate preprocessor directives to mark the boundaries
                        # Example:
                        #       "A(); LOG("Hello!);"
                        # Becomes
                        #       "A();
                        #        # 10 "injectedCode.fake"
                        #        { GENERATED_FUNC_NAME
                        #        # 10 ""
                        #                ("Hello!");
                        #        }
                        #        # 10 ""

                        # Close off the new scope
                        lines.insert(scLineNum + 1, "}\r\n")

                        offsetAfterLogFn = (charOffset + len(LOG_FUNCTION))
                        headOfLine = line[:charOffset]
                        tailOfLine = line[offsetAfterLogFn:].rjust(len(line))

                        lines[lineIndex] = \
                                      headOfLine \
                                        + "\r\n# %d \"injectedCode.fake\"\r\n" % ppLineNum \
                                        + "{ " + recordFn \
                                        + "\r\n# %d \"%s\"\r\n" % (ppLineNum, ppFileName) \
                                        + tailOfLine

                    lastChar = c
        except ValueError as e:
            print "\r\n%s:%d: Error - %s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n" % (
                ppFileName, ppLineNum, e.args[0], "".join(e.args[1]))

        # Last step, retrieve the generated code and insert it at the end
        recFns = functionGenerator.getRecordFunctionDefinitionsFor(
        codeToInject = "\r\n\r\n# 1 \"generatedCode.h\" 3\r\n" \
                                  + "\r\n".join(recFns)

        if recFns:
            # Assert is okay here since this should have been caught the first time
            # we found NANO_LOG without a #include
            assert inlineCodeInjectionLineIndex
            lines.insert(inlineCodeInjectionLineIndex + 1, codeToInject)

        # Output all the lines
        for line in lines:

Esempio n. 10
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from scipy.stats import norm
import EncodingSchemes as ES
import DecodingSchemes as DS
import FunctionGenerator as FG

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dt = 0.01
    T_max = 4
    time = np.arange(0, T_max, dt)

    S = list()
        FG.sum_of_sine_waves([2, -0.5, 0.75], [1.0, 3.0, 5.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                             0.0, time))
    S.append(FG.sum_of_sine_waves([-0.25], [1.0], [0.0], 0.05, time))
        FG.sum_of_gaussian_wave([1, 0.5], [0.2, 0.75], [0.1, 0.1], 0.1, time))

    # tbr_factors = [1.005, 1.005, 1.005]

    # sf_thresholds = [0.35, 0.05, 0.35]

    # mw_thresholds = [0.325, 0.015, 0.225]
    # mw_window = [3, 3, 3]

    # for i in range(len(S)):

    #     spikes_TBR, threshold = ES.temporal_contrast(S[i], tbr_factors[i])
    #     signal_TBR = 2*DS.temporal_contrast(spikes_TBR, threshold)
 def __init__(self, function_generator_resource_name):
     self.fg = FunctionGenerator.Agilent_33220x(