Esempio n. 1
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    ##display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)
    global changeWasMade
    changeWasMade = False

    if checkConsistency(snapshot) == False: return False
    if isComplete(snapshot): return True

    if changeWasMade:
        print len(snapshot.unsolvedCells())
        if isComplete(snapshot) and checkConsistency(snapshot): return True
        print "take a guess"
        for option in snapshot.unsolvedCells()[0].getOptions():
            newSnapshot = snapshot.clone()
            if checkConsistency(newSnapshot):
                    success = solve(newSnapshot, screen)
                    if success: return True
                except IndexError: pass
Esempio n. 2
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    ##display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)
    global changeWasMade
    changeWasMade = False

    if checkConsistency(snapshot) == False: return False
    if isComplete(snapshot): return True

    if changeWasMade:
        print len(snapshot.unsolvedCells())
        solve(snapshot, screen)
        if isComplete(snapshot) and checkConsistency(snapshot): return True
        print "take a guess"
        for option in snapshot.unsolvedCells()[0].getOptions():
            newSnapshot = snapshot.clone()
            if checkConsistency(newSnapshot):
                    success = solve(newSnapshot, screen)
                    if success: return True
                except IndexError:
Esempio n. 3
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    # display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)

    # if current snapshot is complete return True
    if isComplete(snapshot):
        return True

    # update the possible values for unsolved cells - if any cell now has no possible values, return False as the solution is not solvable
    for cell in snapshot.unsolvedCells():
        row = cell.getRow()
        col = cell.getCol()
        if not snapshot.setPossibilities(row, col, getPossibleCellValues(snapshot, row, col)):
            return False

    # if current snapshot not complete ...
    # get next empty cell(s) - returns list of cells with only one possibility, or list of cell with fewest possible values
    emptycelldata = getNextCell(snapshot)

    # if each cell only has one possible value, complete them all at once
    # the possibilities for each of these cells will not need updating as it is already a single value
    # if placing the single possible value in these cells creates an inconsistent solution, return False
    if emptycelldata[0][0] == 1:
        newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
        for cell in emptycelldata:
            cellrow = cell[1]
            cellcol = cell[2]
            value = cell[3][0]
            newsnapshot.setCellVal(cellrow, cellcol, value)
        # if new snapshot is consistent perform recursive call to solve, return True if solved
        if checkConsistency(newsnapshot):
            if solve(newsnapshot, screen):
                return True
            return False

        cellrow = emptycelldata[0][1]
        cellcol = emptycelldata[0][2]
        possiblevalues = emptycelldata[0][3]
        # for possible values for the cell clone current snapshot and update the cell with the value
        for value in possiblevalues:
            newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
            newsnapshot.setCellVal(cellrow, cellcol, value)
            newsnapshot.setPossibilities(cellrow, cellcol, [value])
            # if new snapshot is consistent perform recursive call to solve, return True if solved
            if checkConsistency(newsnapshot):
                if solve(newsnapshot, screen):
                    return True

    # if we get to here there is no way to solve from current snapshot
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    # display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)

    if isComplete(snapshot) and checkConsistency(snapshot):
        return True

    # Singleton selection code block
    unsolvedCells = snapshot.unsolvedCells()
    # Sorts the unsolved list of cells
    sortedUnsolved = sorted(unsolvedCells, key=lambda c: len(c.possibles))
    emptyCell = sortedUnsolved[0]
    if len(emptyCell.getPossVals()) == 1:
        newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
        newsnapshot.setCellVal(emptyCell.getRow(), emptyCell.getCol(),
        if checkConsistency(newsnapshot):
            success = solve(newsnapshot, screen)
            if success:
                return True
        return False

    emptyCell = unsolvedCells[1]

    # Iterates through potential values in cells
    for val in range(5):
        # Checks potential values are already placed in row or column.
        if snapshot.notContains(emptyCell.getRow(), emptyCell.getCol(),
                                val + 1):
            newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
            newsnapshot.setCellVal(emptyCell.getRow(), emptyCell.getCol(),
                                   val + 1)
            if checkConsistency(newsnapshot):
                success = solve(newsnapshot, screen)
                if success:
                    return True
    return False
Esempio n. 5
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    # display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.display_puzzle(snapshot, screen)

    if is_complete(snapshot):
        # for i in range

        print("returned true")
        return True

        new_snapshot = snapshot.clone()

        for solved_cell in new_snapshot.solved_cells():

        for unsolved_cell in new_snapshot.unsolved_cells()[1:]:

            next_empty_cell_row = unsolved_cell.get_row()

            next_empty_cell_column = unsolved_cell.get_column()

            for cell_value in new_snapshot.get_cell_possibles_list(
                    next_empty_cell_row, next_empty_cell_column):

                if check_consistency(new_snapshot, next_empty_cell_row,
                                     next_empty_cell_column, cell_value):

                if solve(new_snapshot, screen):
                    return True

            return False
Esempio n. 6
done = False

# Used to manage how fast the screen updates
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# -------- Main Program Loop -----------
while done == False:
    for event in pygame.event.get():  # User did something
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # If user clicked close
            done = True  # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:  # If user wants to perform an action
            if event.key == pygame.K_t:
                start_time = time.time()
                # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                trivialpuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("trivialpuzzles"))  # change dir name if necessary
                trivialpuzzle = "trivialpuzzles/" + trivialpuzzle
                firstSnapshot = Futoshiki_IO.loadPuzzle(trivialpuzzle)
                Solver.solve(firstSnapshot, screen)
                print("--- %s : %s seconds --- " % (trivialpuzzle.split('/')[1], (time.time() - start_time)))
            if event.key == pygame.K_e:
                start_time = time.time()
                # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                easypuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("easypuzzles"))  # change dir name if necessary
                easypuzzle = "easypuzzles/" + easypuzzle
                firstSnapshot = Futoshiki_IO.loadPuzzle(easypuzzle)
                Solver.solve(firstSnapshot, screen)
                print("--- %s : %s seconds ---" % (easypuzzle.split('/')[1], (time.time() - start_time)))
            if event.key == pygame.K_h:
                start_time = time.time()
                # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                hardpuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("hardpuzzles"))  # change dir name if necessary
                hardpuzzle = "hardpuzzles/" + hardpuzzle
Esempio n. 7
# Used to manage how fast the screen updates

# -------- Main Program Loop -----------
while done==False:
        for event in pygame.event.get(): # User did something
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close
                done=True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # If user wants to perform an action
                if event.key == pygame.K_t:
                    # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                    trivialpuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("trivialpuzzles")) #change dir name if necessary
                    trivialpuzzle = "trivialpuzzles/" + trivialpuzzle
                    firstSnapshot = Futoshiki_IO.loadPuzzle(trivialpuzzle) 
                    Solver.solve(firstSnapshot, screen)
                if event.key == pygame.K_e:
                    # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                    easypuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("easypuzzles")) #change dir name if necessary
                    easypuzzle = "easypuzzles/" + easypuzzle
                    firstSnapshot = Futoshiki_IO.loadPuzzle(easypuzzle) 
                    Solver.solve(firstSnapshot, screen)
                if event.key == pygame.K_h:
                    # Choose a random puzzle to solve
                    hardpuzzle = random.choice(os.listdir("hardpuzzles")) #change dir name if necessary
                    hardpuzzle = "hardpuzzles/" + hardpuzzle
                    firstSnapshot = Futoshiki_IO.loadPuzzle(hardpuzzle) 
                    Solver.solve(firstSnapshot, screen)
        # Limit to 20 frames per second
Esempio n. 8
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    # display current snapshot
    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)
Esempio n. 9
def solve(snapshot, screen):
    # display current snapshot

    # print(snapshot)
    less, greater = updateCellPossibles(snapshot)

    Futoshiki_IO.displayPuzzle(snapshot, screen)

    if not (checkPosible(snapshot)):
        return False

    # print("check consitency")
    # checkConsistency(snapshot)
    # print("check consitency end")

    if (isComplete(snapshot, less, greater) and checkConsistency(snapshot)):
        # print(count)
        return True
    elif (isComplete(snapshot, less, greater)):
        return False
    # if current snapshot is complete ... return a value

    # if isComplete(snapshot) and checkConsistency(snapshot):
    #    return True
    # else:
    #    return False

    # if current snapshot not complete ...

    # get next empty cell
    cellsTODO = snapshot.getCellsPoss()

    # getting all cells with 1 possibility and setting them
    cells1pos = [c for c in cellsTODO if c.getPossiblesLen() == 1]
    if len(cells1pos):
        newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
        for c in cells1pos:
            newsnapshot.setCellVal(c.row, c.col, c.getPossibles()[0])
        if (solve(newsnapshot, screen)):
            return True
            return False

    for cell in cellsTODO:
        possibles = cell.getPossibles()
        for num in cell.getPossibles():
            newsnapshot = snapshot.clone()
            newsnapshot.setCellVal(cell.row, cell.col, num)
            x = solve(newsnapshot, screen)
            if (x):
                return True
        # w=input()
        return False
    # for each value in the cells possibles list:
    #    newsnapshot = ....clone current snapshot and update the cell with the value 
    #    if new snapshot is consistent, perform recursive call to solve
    #    if checkConsistency(newsnapshot):
    #       success = solve(newsnapshot, screen)
    #       if success: return True

    # if we get to here no way to solve from current snapshot
    # return False

    # Check whether a snapshot is consistent, i.e. all cell values comply 
    # with the Futoshiki rules (each number occurs only once in each row and column, 
    # no "<" constraints violated).
    return False