def main(): args = parse_args() if args.type == "uZS": game_func = uniform_zero_sum_game assert len(args.game_args) == 1, "game_args must specify strategy count" elif args.type == "uSym": game_func = uniform_symmetric_game assert len(args.game_args) == 2, "game_args must specify player and " + "strategy counts" elif args.type == "CG": game_func = congestion_game assert len(args.game_args) == 3, "game_args must specify player, " + "facility, and required facility counts" elif args.type == "LEG": game_func = local_effect_game assert len(args.game_args) == 2, "game_args must specify player and " + "strategy counts" game_args = map(int, args.game_args) games = [game_func(*game_args) for __ in range(args.count)] if args.noise == "normal": assert len(args.noise_args) == 2, "noise_args must specify stdev " + "and sample count" noise_args = [float(args.noise_args[0]), int(args.noise_args[1])] games = map(lambda g: normal_noise(g, *noise_args), games) elif args.noise == "gauss_mix": assert len(args.noise_args) == 3, "noise_args must specify max " + "stdev, sample count, and number of modes" noise_args = [float(args.noise_args[0]), int(args.noise_args[1]), int(args.noise_args[2])] games = map(lambda g: gaussian_mixture_noise(g, *noise_args), games) if len(games) == 1: print IO.to_JSON_str(games[0]) else: print IO.to_JSON_str(games)
def setUp(self): self.cd_bl =[0], "conditional_dominance_BL.xml")) self.spd =[0], "strict_pure_dominance.xml")) self.cliques =[0], "cliques_full.json")) self.BC = RSG.Profile({"Column":{"Center":1},"Row":{"Bottom":1}}) self.AAHL = RSG.Profile({"buyers":{"accept":2}, "sellers":{"high":1, \ "low":1}})
def main(): parser = IO.io_parser('Create Data for Memory Experiments') parser.add_argument('players', type=int, help='number of players') parser.add_argument('strategies', type=int, help='number of strategies') IO.sys.argv = IO.sys.argv[:3] + ["-input", None] + IO.sys.argv[3:] args = parser.parse_args() game = RandomGames.uniform_symmetric_game(args.players, args.strategies, 0, 100).to_asymmetric_game() open(args.output + ".nfg", 'w').write(IO.to_NFG_asym(game))
def construct_game(input): options = input.get('options', {}) if input['type'] == 'local_effect': game = RandomGames.local_effect_game(**options) RandomGames.rescale_payoffs(game) elif input['type'] == 'congestion': game = RandomGames.congestion_game(**options) RandomGames.rescale_payoffs(game) elif input['type'] == 'uniform': game = RandomGames.uniform_symmetric_game(**options) RandomGames.rescale_payoffs(game) elif input['type'] == 'file': game = Reductions.deviation_preserving_reduction(['file']), {'All': 6}) return game
def parse_args(): parser = IO.io_parser(description="Generate random games.") parser.add_argument( "type", choices=["uZS", "uSym", "CG", "LEG"], help="Type of random game to generate. uZS = uniform zero sum. " + "uSym = uniform symmetric. CG = congestion game.", ) parser.add_argument("count", type=int, help="Number of random games " + "to create.") parser.add_argument("-noise", choices=["none", "normal", "gauss_mix"], default="None", help="Noise function.") parser.add_argument("-noise_args", nargs="*", default=[], help="Arguments to be passed to the noise function.") parser.add_argument("-game_args", nargs="*", default=[], help="Additional arguments for game generator function.") assert "-input" not in IO.sys.argv, "no input JSON required" IO.sys.argv = IO.sys.argv[:3] + ["-input", None] + IO.sys.argv[3:] return parser.parse_args()
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Sequential Bootstrap Experiments') parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='input_file', help='a yaml file specifying the required details') parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='output_file', help='output json suitable for use with the plotting script') args = parser.parse_args() input = yaml.safe_load(open(args.input_file)) results = [{s:{} for s in input['stdevs']} for i in range(input['num_games'])] for i in range(input['num_games']): print i base_game = yaml_builder.construct_game(input['game']) stopping_rule = yaml_builder.construct_stopping_rule(input['stopping_rule'], base_game) for stdev in input['stdevs']: noise_model = yaml_builder.construct_model(stdev, input['noise_model']) matrix, equilibria = add_noise_sequentially(base_game, noise_model, stopping_rule, input['samples_per_step']) sample_game = matrix.toGame() results[i][stdev][0] = [{"profile": eq, "statistic": Regret.regret(base_game, eq), "bootstrap" : Bootstrap.bootstrap(sample_game, eq, Regret.regret, "resample", ["profile"]), "sample_count": sample_game.max_samples } for eq in equilibria] f = open(args.output_file, 'w') f.write(IO.to_JSON_str(results, indent=None))
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Sequential CI Experiments') parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='input_file', help='a yaml file specifying the required details') parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='output_file', help='output json') args = parser.parse_args() input = yaml.safe_load(open(args.input_file)) f = open(args.output_file, 'a') f.write("{") for stdev in input['stdevs']: f.write("\""+str(stdev)+"\""+":[") print stdev noise_model = yaml_builder.construct_model(stdev, input['noise_model']) for i in range(input['num_games']): print i base_game = yaml_builder.construct_game(input['game']) data = single_test(base_game, noise_model, input['samples_per_step'], input['delta'], input['alpha'], input['best_effort']) f.write(GameIO.to_JSON_str(data, indent=None)) if i == input['num_games']-1: f.write("]") else: f.write(",") if stdev != input['stdevs'][-1]: f.write(",") f.write("}")
def setUp(self): self.spd =[0], "strict_pure_dominance.xml")) self.cd_br =[0], "conditional_dominance_BR.xml")) self.cd_bc =[0], "conditional_dominance_BC.xml")) self.wpd =[0], "weak_pure_dominance.xml"))
def construct_model(stdev, input): options = input.get('options', {}) if input['type'] == 'gaussian': return MultimodalNormalNoise(stdev, **options) if input['type'] == 'file': return SimulationBasedGame(Reductions.deviation_preserving_reduction(['file']), {'All': 6}))
def setUp(self): self.one_player =[0], "one_player.xml")) self.one_strategy =[0], "one_strategy.xml")) self.one_profile =[0], "one_profile.xml"))
def setUp(self): self.cliques_full =[0], "cliques_full.json")) self.cliques_1 =[0], "cliques_HLRR.json")) self.cliques_2 =[0], "cliques_HLRR_HLAA.json")) self.cliques_4 =[0], "cliques_all_sym.json")) =[0], "sparse_symmetric.xml"))
def setUp(self): self.pd_sym =[0], "PD_sym.xml")) self.pd_str =[0], "PD_str.xml")) self.rps_sym =[0], "RPS_sym.xml")) self.rps_str =[0], "RPS_str.xml"))
def setUp(self): self.cd_bl =[0], "conditional_dominance_BL.xml")) self.cd_bc =[0], "conditional_dominance_BC.xml")) self.cd_br =[0], "conditional_dominance_BR.xml")) self.cd_bcr =[0],"conditional_dominance_BCR.xml"))
def setUp(self): self.cliques =[0], "cliques_full.json"))
def setUp(self): self.nbr =[0], "never_best_response.xml")) self.wpd =[0], "weak_pure_dominance.xml")) self.spd =[0], "strict_pure_dominance.xml"))
if __name__ == "__main__": print "command: " + RSG.list_repr(argv, sep=" ") + "\n" parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("file", type=str, help="Game file to be analyzed. " +\ "Suported file types: EGAT symmetric XML, EGAT strategic XML, " +\ "testbed role-symmetric JSON.") parser.add_argument("-r", metavar="REGRET", type=float, default=0, \ help="Max allowed regret for approximate Nash equilibria") parser.add_argument("-d", metavar="DISTANCE", type=float, default=1e-2, \ help="L2-distance threshold to consider equilibria distinct") # parser.add_argument("--subgames", type=str, help="optinal files " +\ # "containing known full subgames; useful for speeding up " +\ # "clique-finding", default = "", nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() input_game = GameIO.readGame(args.file) print "input game =", abspath(args.file), "\n", input_game, "\n\n" #iterated elimination of pure-dominated strategies rational_game = IEDS(input_game, CPSD) eliminated = {r:sorted(set(input_game.strategies[r]).difference( \ rational_game.strategies[r])) for r in filter(lambda role: \ input_game.strategies[role] != rational_game.strategies[role], \ input_game.roles)} print "strategies removed by IEDS:" print (eliminated if eliminated else "none"), "\n\n" #pure strategy Nash equilibrium search PNE, ePNE, mrp, mr = pureNash(rational_game, args.d) if PNE: print len(PNE), "exact pure strategy Nash equilibria:\n", \
def setUp(self): self.pd =[0], "PD_sym.xml"))
import os import cv2 import GameIO from CardExtraction import SolitaireCardExtractor import ModelInterface HomeBase = {"spades":0, "diamonds":0, "clubs":0, "hearts":0} DrawPile = [] Spread = [] modelIF = ModelInterface.ModelIF('D:\\Documents\\CodeProjects\\PlayingCardsNeuralNet\\PlayingCardID\\PlayingCardID\\ProbablyBest.h5') gameIO = GameIO.GameIO() cardExt = SolitaireCardExtractor() gameIO.DefineScreenRegion(1) while True: playingfield = gameIO.GrabRegion() #Returns a dictionary of card types and (theImage,(centerX,centerY)) cards = cardExt.GetCurrentCards(playingfield) for c in cards: card = cards[c] #(theImage,(centerX,centerY)) cv2.GaussianBlur(card[0],(3,3),0.3) idx = modelIF.GetCardIndex(card[0])