Esempio n. 1

#kdry_well = plots.plotDryratio(kbri[pref],koil[pref],kSatD2,muDryD2,phit2,so2,gr2,facies2,depth2,dmin2,dmax2,vsh2)

#kdry_well = plots.plotDryratio(kbri[pref],koil[pref],ksat,mudry,phit,so,gr,facies,depth,dmin2,dmax2,vsh)


#---------K Sat-- Gassmman -------
rhos = 2632  #make sure of this value!!!!!! and check the pressure !!!
gassman = Gassman.Gassman(ks, rhos, phi)
kdryModel = np.zeros((n3, n1))
gdryModel = np.zeros((n3, n1))
ipo = 15  # cementation 10%
nmodel = 5
if tF == True or pL == True or tW == True:
    kdryModel = kdry_l
    gdryModel = gdry_l

if tB == True:
    for i3 in range(n3):
        for i1 in range(n1):
            wk = (kdryConstant[nmodel][i1] - kdry_l[pref][i1]) / (
                kdryConstant[ipo][i1] - kdry_l[pref][i1])
            wg = (gdryConstant[pref][i1] - gdry_l[pref][i1]) / (
                gdryConstant[ipo][i1] - gdry_l[pref][i1])