Esempio n. 1
class Assembler:
    def __init__(self, filename, k, errorcorrect=False):

        #loads file
        reads = Loader.load(filename)
        #gets graph
        self.graph = Graph(reads, k, errorcorrect)
        self.k = k

    def make_superpath(self):
        """loops to make superpaths in graph"""
        # try without curls
        while self.superpath_helper():

    def superpath_helper(self):
        """Does actual merging"""
        for read in self.graph.readList:
            for i in range(len(read.edges)-1):
                #get preceding if possible
                if i > 0:
                    p = read.edges[i-1]
                    p = None
                #get x,y
                x = read.edges[i]
                y = read.edges[i+1]
                #check if edges can be merged
                if self.graph.is_mergeable(p,x,y):
                    #make sure merge worked
                    if self.graph.merge(x,y):
                        return True

        return False

    def is_eulerian(self):
        """Checks whether or not the graph is eulerian"""
        # count semi-balanced nodes (|indegree - outdegree| = 1)
        semis = 0
        for node in self.graph.nodeList:
            diff = abs(len(node.outgoing)-len(node.incoming))
            # if not balanced or semi-balanced, it is not euler
            if diff > 1:
                return False
            elif diff == 1:
                semis += 1
        # not eulerian if more than 2 semi-balanced nodes
        if semis > 2:
            return False

        return True

    def balance(self):
        """Connects semi-balanced nodes to eachother
            This function only works if the graph is eulerian!
            Returns False if failed. Returns True on success.
        # find unbalanced nodes
        semis = []
        for node in self.graph.nodeList:
            diff = abs(len(node.outgoing)-len(node.incoming))
            if diff == 1:
                semis += [node]
        # can we do it?
        if len(semis) != 2:
            print("Too many unbalanced: %i. The graph is not eulerian.")%len(semis)
            return False
        # find balance
        if len(semis[0].incoming) > len(semis[0].outgoing): # e.g. needs an outgoing to balance
            # 0 -> 1
            self.graph.new_edge(semis[0], semis[1], semis[0].contents)
            # 1 -> 0
            self.graph.new_edge(semis[1], semis[0], semis[1].contents)
        # balance found
        return True

    def eulerian_path(self):
        """Constructs a eulerian
            path on the graph using
            Heirholzer's algorithm
        # init
        currentPath = []
        finalPath = []
        # try to start on semi-balanced with less incoming
        edge = None
        for node in self.graph.nodeList:
            diff = abs(len(node.outEdges)-len(node.inEdges))
            if diff == 1 and len(node.inEdges) < len(node.outEdges):
                edge = self.graph.get_unvisited(node)
        # just pick first if failed
        if not edge: edge = self.graph.get_unvisited(self.graph.nodeList[0])
        # add all edges to stack in linear fashion
        while edge != None:
            edge.visited = True
            edge = self.graph.get_unvisited(edge.outNode) # next node/edge
        # get all other unvisted and construct final path
        while len(currentPath) > 0:
            edge = currentPath.pop()
            edge = self.graph.get_unvisited(edge.inNode) # previous node/edge
            # loop for unvisited edges again
            while edge != None:
                edge.visited = True
                edge = self.graph.get_unvisited(edge.outNode) # next node/edge

        # print result by appending to front
        sequence = ''
        while len(finalPath) > 0:
            edge = finalPath.pop()
            if len(finalPath) == 0: # last edge
                sequence += edge.sequence # add all
                sLen = len(edge.sequence)
                sequence += edge.sequence[:sLen-self.k+1] # add first only

        return sequence