Esempio n. 1
def create_graph():
    parser = FileReader.SemEvalParser()
    sent_ids = parser.get_sentences_ids_by(doc_id)
    root = GraphManager.Node(doc_id)
    graph = GraphManager.Graph(root=root)

    # sent_ids = sent_ids[:2]

    for sent_id in sent_ids:
        sent_node = GraphManager.Node(sent_id)
        graph.add_node(sent_node, root)

        words = parser.get_instances_by(sentence=sent_id)
        for node_id, word in words:
            word_node = GraphManager.WordNode(identifier=node_id, word=word)
            graph.add_word_node(word_node, sent_node)

            senses = utils.get_sences(word)
            for sense in senses:
                extended_def = utils.get_extended_def(sense)
                odour = convert_extended_def_to_odour(extended_def)
                nest = GraphManager.NestNode(identifier=sense,
                graph.add_nest(nest, word_node)
    global vocabulary
    global index
    del vocabulary
    del index
    return graph
Esempio n. 2
    def DEPARTURE(self, GM, pk, index, DDMM, packetsize):
        #current time
        now = time.time()
        pnow = time.ctime(now)
        sourceID = pk.getsourceID()
        destinationID = pk.getdestinationID()
        #        print('time in departure:', time.ctime(now))
        #        print("Id packet leaving")
        pkID = pk.getpacketID()
        #        print(pk.getpacketID())
        #        print("generated by node ")
        #        print(pk.getsourceID())
        #update current node
        #        print("leaving from node ")
        #        print(pk.getCurrentNode())
        #update info about the packet in GM
        #        GM.dellstPackets(pk.getCurrentNode(), pk)
        #        #update size of the current node: the packet is leaving
        #        GM.updateSizeQueue(pk.getCurrentNode(), -1)
        #        print("queue size of ")
        #        print(pk.getCurrentNode())
        ##        print(" is ")
        #        print(GM.showSizeQueue(pk.getCurrentNode()))
        flowID = pk.getflowID()
        print("{}-{}\t {} -> {}\t [{}] \t time DEPARTURE: {}".format(
            pk.getflowID(), pk.getpacketID(), pk.getsourceID(),
            pk.getdestinationID(), pk.getpath(), pnow))
        alivepath = pk.getpath()
        alivepk = GM.getalivepk()
        #        print('alive packets', alivepk)
        GM.delalivepk(pk.getflowID(), pk.getpacketID())
        alivepk = GM.getalivepk()
        #        print('alive packets', alivepk)
        countpk = 0
        #        print('alivepath', alivepath[:-2])
        for id in alivepk:
            if (id[0] == flowID):
                countpk += 1
        if (countpk == 0):
#        print('countpk', countpk)
        DM = DDMM.updateDemandMatrix(sourceID, destinationID, packetsize, -1)
Esempio n. 3
odour1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
odour2 = np.array([3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1])

print("SIZE", odour2.size)

print(utils.lesk_similarity(odour1, odour2))

# syn = wn.synsets('monkey')[0]
# print(syn.lemmas()[0].key())

d = {("a", "b"): "da"}

print(d[('a', 'b')])

a = GraphManager.Node()
b = GraphManager.Node()
l = [a, b]

for node in l:
    if isinstance(node, GraphManager.NestNode):

print(set([a, b]) == set([b, a]))


parser = FileReader.SemEvalParser()

sent_ids = parser.get_sentences_ids_by('d001')
sent = parser.get_instances_by(sentence=sent_ids[0])
Esempio n. 4
def main(argv):

    input_graph_file = None
    graph_save_file = None
    input_params_file = None
    airport_q = 10
    only_generate = False
    verbosity = 5

    data = None
    graph = None

    # Parameters
    params = {
        'graph'           : graph,
        'start_idx'       : 1,
        'end_idx'         : 4,
        'max_flights'     : 150,
        'cost_weight'     : 2,
        'time_weight'     : 1,
        'pop_size'        : 20,
        'generations'     : 10,
        'mutation_rate'   : 0.2,
        'tournament_size' : 2,
        'elitism'         : False,
        'dest_min'        : 2,
        'dest_max'        : 5

    # Parse command line options
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:s:p:a:gv:", 
            ["ifile=", "save=", "params=", "airports=", "verbose=", 
            "start_idx="  ,
            "end_idx="    ,
            "pop_size="   ,
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':

        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
            input_graph_file = arg
            print('Will read data from: {}'.format(input_graph_file))

        elif opt in ("-s", "--save"):
            graph_save_file = arg
            print('Will save graph to: {}'.format(graph_save_file))

        elif opt in ("-p", "--params"):
            input_params_file = arg
            print('Will read params from: {}'.format(input_params_file))

        elif opt in ("-a", "--airports"):
            airport_q = int(arg)
            print('Number of airports = {}'.format(airport_q))

        elif opt in ("-g", "--generate"):
            only_generate = True
            print('Will just generate data')

        elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbosity = int(arg)
            print('Verbosity level = {} ({})'.format(verbosity, get_verbosity_info(verbosity)))

        elif opt in list("--" + x for x in params.keys()):
            if opt[2:] == 'mutation_rate':
                params[opt[2:]] = float(arg)
            elif opt[2:] == 'elitism':
                params[opt[2:]] = arg.lower() in ['true', 't', 'tak', 'yes', 'y', '1']
                params[opt[2:]] = int(arg)

    print('Params are: \n{} \n'.format('\n'.join('  {:{}}: {}'.format(k, len(max(params.keys()))+1, v) for k,v in sorted(params.items()))))

    # DataGenerator
    data = DataGenerator()
    DataGenerator.DESTINATIONS_MIN = params['dest_min']
    DataGenerator.DESTINATIONS_MAX = params['dest_max']
    if input_graph_file is not None:


        if graph_save_file is not None:

    testsuite_airports = data.get_airports()
    testsuite_graph = data.get_graph()

    graph = GraphManager(params['max_flights'])
    graph.set_graph(testsuite_graph, testsuite_airports)

    if verbosity > 1:

    if not only_generate:
        print(' === GeneticAlgorithm tests ===')
        params['graph'] = graph
Esempio n. 5
mRefreshDelay = int(mConfig.get('SETTINGS', 'refreshperiod'))
mTypeGRF = int(mConfig.get('SETTINGS', 'typegrf'))
mScale = int(mConfig.get('SETTINGS', 'scale'))
mRecDir = mConfig.get('RECORDS', 'recordsdirectory')
mRecRatio = int(mConfig.get('RECORDS', 'recordratio'))

sockData = 0
sockConfig = 0
sockConfig2 = 0

mDisplayConnected = False
mIpAddr = ""

mScreen = Afficheur()
mDataManager = DataManager()
mGraphManager = GraphManager()

def dessineGraph():
    mDuree = mScreen.getDuree(mScreen.getScale())
    coordList = mGraphManager.getCoords()
    th_dessineGrf = threading.Thread(target=mScreen.traceGraphe,
                                     args=(coordList, ))

mRecord = 0
Esempio n. 6
    def GENERATE(self, GM, newpk, DDMM, packetsize):
            event called when a new packet is generated. It triggers
            - a migration event if the next node is not the destination
            - a departure event if the next node is the destination
            one of this two events will occur after a specific time interval. This time interval = elaboration time + transmission time from the current node to the next node
            GM =
            newpk =

        #        print("generate")
        #    if(Topology[n].getSizeQueue() == 1) serve that packet in the queue
        now = time.time()
        pnow = time.ctime(now)
        #        print("Id packet arriving")
        #        print(pk.getpacketID())

        pkID = newpk.getpacketID()
        sourceID = newpk.getsourceID()
        destinationID = newpk.getdestinationID()
        path = newpk.getpath()
        nextnodeID = path[1]
        newpk.updateNextNode(pkID, nextnodeID)
        print("{}-{}\t {} -> {}\t [{}] -> {} \t time GENERATION: {}".format(
            newpk.getflowID(), pkID, sourceID, destinationID, path,
            newpk.getnextnodeID(), pnow))

        #        newpk = packet(pkID, sourceID , destinationID)
        GM.updatelstPackets(sourceID, newpk)
        index = 1

        GM.updateSizeQueue(sourceID, 1)
        nodeA = sourceID
        if (nextnodeID < sourceID):
            nodeA = nextnodeID
            nodeB = sourceID
            nodeB = nextnodeID
        transmissionTime = random.uniform(
            1, 3)  #GM.getDelayEdges(nodeA, nodeB)#30#evaluateDelay()
        #        print('size', GM.showSizeQueue(newpk.getCurrentNode()))
        #        #when the packet arrive to the first desitation nodenode
        #        self.scheduler.enter(transmissionTime, 1, self.ARRIVAL, (GM, newpk, destinationID))
        if (GM.showSizeQueue(newpk.getCurrentNode()) >=
                1):  #serve that packet in the queue
            #            print('len path', len(path))
            if (index < len(path) - 3):
                #                print("migrate from gen")
                serviceTime = 60  #exponential(1)
                tempo = transmissionTime + pkID

                print('migrazione dopo ', tempo)

                Timer(tempo, self.MIGRATE,
                      (GM, newpk, index, DDMM, packetsize)).start()
                tempo = transmissionTime + pkID

                Timer(tempo, self.DEPARTURE,
                      (GM, newpk, index, DDMM, packetsize)).start()

                #devo considerare ogni volta il nodo successivo
                #per trovare il percorso del pacchetto successivo devo considerare i percorsi dei pacchetti ancora nel sistema

                generationTime = 1  #exponential(1)
Esempio n. 7
    def MIGRATE(self, GM, newpk, index, DDMM, packetsize):
        #current time
        now = time.time()
        pnow = time.ctime(now)
        #        print('time MIGRATION:', time.ctime(now))
        #when the migration occurs, the packet moves from currentNode to nextNode
        #therefore, the queue size of currentNode decreases
        GM.updateSizeQueue(newpk.getCurrentNode(), -1)
        #update packet and oldnode information in GM
        GM.dellstPackets(newpk.getCurrentNode(), newpk)
        #        print("previous node")
        #        print(newpk.getCurrentNode())
        #nextNode is the new current node
        currentNode = newpk.getnextnodeID()
        #        print("current node")
        #        print(currentNode)
        #the queue size of the new currentNode increase
        GM.updateSizeQueue(currentNode, 1)
        #update packet and currentnode information in GM
        GM.updatelstPackets(currentNode, newpk)
        #update new current node of the packet
        #update new nextnode
        path = newpk.getpath()
        #        print("path")
        #        print(path)
        #        print('index', index)
        newindex = index + 1
        newNextNode = path[newindex]
        newpk.updateNextNode(newpk.getpacketID(), newNextNode)

        #        print("sourceID")
        #        print(newpk.getsourceID())
        #        print("destination")
        #        print(newpk.getdestinationID())
        #        print("pkID")
        #        print(newpk.getpacketID())
        #        print('next node', newNextNode)
        #        print("current node queue size", GM.showSizeQueue(currentNode))
        print("{}-{}\t {} -> {}\t [{}] -> {} \t time MIGRATION: {}".format(
            newpk.getflowID(), newpk.getpacketID(), newpk.getsourceID(),
            newpk.getdestinationID(), path, newNextNode, pnow))
        nodeA = currentNode
        if (newNextNode < currentNode):
            nodeA = newNextNode
            nodeB = currentNode
            nodeB = newNextNode

        transmissionTime = random.uniform(
            1, 3)  #GM.getDelayEdges(nodeA, nodeB)#30#evaluateDelay()

        #        pk.removePacket(packetID)
        if (GM.showSizeQueue(currentNode) >=
                1):  #serve the next packet in the queue

            if (newNextNode == newpk.getdestinationID()):
                Timer(transmissionTime, self.DEPARTURE,
                      (GM, newpk, newindex, DDMM, packetsize)).start()
                Timer(transmissionTime, self.MIGRATE,
                      (GM, newpk, newindex, DDMM, packetsize)).start()
Esempio n. 8
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        'Simulate run of routing strategies\n\n python <EPISODES> <GAMMA> <EPOCH> <BATCHSIZE> <BUFFER> <TOPOLOGY> <TSIM> <ROUTING> \n \n === topologies options === \n [3cycle] \n [4cycle] \n [4diag] \n [6s4hMultiSwitch] \n [Aarnet] \n [Abilene] \n \n === routing options ===\n[-rl] \t\t run reinforcement learning \n[-so]  \t\t run semi-oblivious \n[-ecmp]  \t run ecmp \n[-ospf]  \t run ospf',

        help='Number of episodes to train the Reinforcement Learning algorith')
    parser.add_argument('gamma', type=float, help='Discount factor')
    parser.add_argument('epochs', type=int, help='Number of epochs')
                        help='batch size of the Experience Replay buffer')
        help='size of the replay buffer (for the Experience Replay)')
    parser.add_argument('topology', type=str, help='Simulation topology')
    parser.add_argument('simTime', type=int, help='Simulation Time')
    parser.add_argument('routing', type=str, help='Routing protocol')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.gamma > 1 or args.gamma < 0:
        parser.error("gamma cannot be larger than 1 and smaller than 0")

    parameters = [
        args.episodes, args.gamma, args.epochs, args.batchSize, args.buffer,
        args.routing, args.simTime
    print('parameters', parameters)

    initialnFlow = 3  #10 #maximum number of flows that can coexist in the system (for the training)
    #    RL1 = ReinforcementLearning(initialnFlow, 0)
    #    model, nNode, points_list, bandwidth_list, delay_list =
    dotFormat = './topologies/' + args.topology + '.dot'
    G = nx_agraph.from_agraph(pygraphviz.AGraph(dotFormat))
    #    pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
    #    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos)
    #    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos)
    #    nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos)
    labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight')

    #topology parameters
    node_name = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'type')
    print('lables', node_name)
    nNode = nx.number_of_nodes(G)
    print('nnode', nNode)

    nHost = 0
    print('nodi: ', nNode)
    for attr in node_name:
        #        print('attr', attr)
        if (attr[0] == 'h'):
            nHost += 1
    nSwitch = nNode - nHost
    #    print('nhost, nswitch', nHost, nSwitch)

    #newgraph with nodes' name from 0 to nNode-1
    myG = G

    mapping = {}
    cuonter_h = 1
    cuonter_s = 1

    num_h = 0
    num_s = num_h + nHost
    index = 0
    while index < nNode:
        for n in G.nodes():
            if (n[0] == 's' and n[1:] == str(cuonter_s)):
                mapping[n] = num_s
                cuonter_s += 1
                num_s += 1
                index += 1
            elif (n[0] == 'h' and n[1:] == str(cuonter_h)):
                mapping[n] = num_h
                cuonter_h += 1
                num_h += 1
                index += 1
    myG = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)

    model = None
    RL1 = None
    if args.routing == 'rl':
        #trainig RL!!
        activeFlows = initialnFlow - 1
        RL1 = ReinforcementLearning(initialnFlow, myG, 0)
        model =, nNode, myG, nHost, activeFlows)

#    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G,pos,edge_labels=labels)

#save name
#save_path = 'C:/example/'
#name_of_file = raw_input("What is the name of the file: ")
#completeName = os.path.join(save_path, name_of_file+".txt")
#file1 = open(completeName, "w")
#    toFile = raw_input(model)
#    file1.write(toFile)

    GM = GraphManager(nNode)

    #start generation packet and normal simulation

    packetsGen = packetsGeneration(initialnFlow)
    failedRL = packetsGen.generation(GM, nNode, nHost, nSwitch, myG, model,
                                     parameters, RL1, dotFormat)
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, row, column, inputData = []):
     self.connector = GraphManager()
     self.inputData = inputData
     self.outputData = []
     self.row = row
     self.col = column
Esempio n. 10
class DataManager:
    def __init__(self, row, column, inputData = []):
        self.connector = GraphManager()
        self.inputData = inputData
        self.outputData = []
        self.row = row
        self.col = column
    def generateZeroMatrix(self):
        newMatrix = [[0 for x in range(self.row*self.col)] for y in range(self.col*self.row)]
        return newMatrix
    def setup(self):
        adjcencyMatrix = self.generateZeroMatrix()
        freeNode = []
        parkingNode = []
        exitNode = []
        newMatrixRow = -1
        for i in range(0,self.row):
            for j in range(0,self.col):
                #check for restricted block
                if(self.inputData[i][j] > 5 or self.inputData[i][j] < 0):
                    raise InvalidDataFormat()
                if(self.inputData[i][j] == 2):
                elif(self.inputData[i][j] == 5):
                if(self.inputData[i][j] == 0 or self.inputData[i][j] == 2 or self.inputData[i][j] == 3):
                    if(j-1 >= 0):
                        if(self.inputData[i][j-1] == 0 or self.inputData[i][j-1] == 2 or self.inputData[i][j-1] == 3 or self.inputData[i][j-1] == 5):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow-1] = 1

                    if(j+1 <= col-1):
                        if(self.inputData[i][j+1] == 0 or self.inputData[i][j+1] == 2 or self.inputData[i][j+1] == 3 or self.inputData[i][j+1] == 5):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow+1] = 1
                    if(i-1 >= 0):
                        if(self.inputData[i-1][j] == 0 or self.inputData[i-1][j] == 2 or self.inputData[i-1][j] == 3 or self.inputData[i-1][j] == 5):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow-col] = 1
                    if(i+1 <= row-1):
                        if(self.inputData[i+1][j] == 0 or self.inputData[i+1][j] == 2 or self.inputData[i+1][j] == 3 or self.inputData[i+1][j] == 5):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow+col] = 1

        self.connector.setGraph(adjcencyMatrix, parkingNode, exitNode)

    def findFastestParkingRoute(self, row, col):
        #print((row * self.row) + col)
        self.outputData = self.connector.park(((row * self.row) + col))
        if self.outputData == []:
            return []
        return self.returnTuple()
    def findFastestExitRoute(self, row, col):
        #print((row * self.row) + col)
        self.outputData = self.connector.autoexit(((row * self.row) + col))
        if self.outputData == []:
            return []
        return self.returnTuple()
    def returnTuple(self):
        listTuple = []
        for i in self.outputData:
            x = i//self.row
            y = i%self.col
        return listTuple
    def getLenPark(self):
        return self.connector.getLenPark()
Esempio n. 11
def main(argv):

    input_graph_file = None
    graph_save_file = None
    input_params_file = None
    airport_q = 10
    only_generate = False
    verbosity = 5

    data = None
    graph = None

    # Parameters
    params = {
        'graph': graph,
        'start_idx': 1,
        'end_idx': 4,
        'max_flights': 150,
        'cost_weight': 2,
        'time_weight': 1,
        'pop_size': 20,
        'generations': 10,
        'mutation_rate': 0.2,
        'tournament_size': 2,
        'elitism': False,
        'dest_min': 2,
        'dest_max': 5

    # Parse command line options
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:s:p:a:gv:", [
            "ifile=", "save=", "params=", "airports=", "verbose=",
            "start_idx=", "end_idx=", "max_flights=", "cost_weight=",
            "time_weight=", "pop_size=", "generations=", "mutation_rate=",
            "tournament_size=", "elitism=", "dest_min=", "dest_max="
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':

        elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"):
            input_graph_file = arg
            print('Will read data from: {}'.format(input_graph_file))

        elif opt in ("-s", "--save"):
            graph_save_file = arg
            print('Will save graph to: {}'.format(graph_save_file))

        elif opt in ("-p", "--params"):
            input_params_file = arg
            print('Will read params from: {}'.format(input_params_file))

        elif opt in ("-a", "--airports"):
            airport_q = int(arg)
            print('Number of airports = {}'.format(airport_q))

        elif opt in ("-g", "--generate"):
            only_generate = True
            print('Will just generate data')

        elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbosity = int(arg)
            print('Verbosity level = {} ({})'.format(
                verbosity, get_verbosity_info(verbosity)))

        elif opt in list("--" + x for x in params.keys()):
            if opt[2:] == 'mutation_rate':
                params[opt[2:]] = float(arg)
            elif opt[2:] == 'elitism':
                params[opt[2:]] = arg.lower() in [
                    'true', 't', 'tak', 'yes', 'y', '1'
                params[opt[2:]] = int(arg)

    print('Params are: \n{} \n'.format('\n'.join(
        '  {:{}}: {}'.format(k,
                             len(max(params.keys())) + 1, v)
        for k, v in sorted(params.items()))))

    # DataGenerator
    data = DataGenerator()
    DataGenerator.DESTINATIONS_MIN = params['dest_min']
    DataGenerator.DESTINATIONS_MAX = params['dest_max']

    if input_graph_file is not None:


        if graph_save_file is not None:

    testsuite_airports = data.get_airports()
    testsuite_graph = data.get_graph()

    graph = GraphManager(params['max_flights'])
    graph.set_graph(testsuite_graph, testsuite_airports)

    if verbosity > 1:

    if not only_generate:
        print(' === GeneticAlgorithm tests ===')
        params['graph'] = graph
Esempio n. 12
class DataManager:
    def __init__(self, row, column, inputData=[]):
        self.connector = GraphManager()
        self.inputData = inputData
        self.outputData = []
        self.row = row
        self.col = column

    def generateZeroMatrix(self):
        newMatrix = [[0 for x in range(self.row * self.col)]
                     for y in range(self.col * self.row)]
        return newMatrix

    def setup(self):
        adjcencyMatrix = self.generateZeroMatrix()
        freeNode = []
        exitNode = []
        newMatrixRow = -1
        for i in range(0, self.row):
            for j in range(0, self.col):
                newMatrixRow += 1
                #check for restricted block
                if (self.inputData[i][j] == 2 or self.inputData[i][j] == 3):
##                if(self.inputData[i][j] == 2):
##                    freeNode.append(newMatrixRow)
##                elif(self.inputData[i][j] == 3):
##                    exitNode.append(newMatrixRow)
                if (self.inputData[i][j] == 0 or self.inputData[i][j] == 2
                        or self.inputData[i][j] == 3):
                    if (j - 1 >= 0):
                        if (self.inputData[i][j - 1] == 0
                                or self.inputData[i][j - 1] == 2
                                or self.inputData[i][j - 1] == 3):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow - 1] = 1

                    if (j + 1 <= col - 1):
                        if (self.inputData[i][j + 1] == 0
                                or self.inputData[i][j + 1] == 2
                                or self.inputData[i][j + 1] == 3):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow + 1] = 1

                    if (i - 1 >= 0):
                        if (self.inputData[i - 1][j] == 0
                                or self.inputData[i - 1][j] == 2
                                or self.inputData[i - 1][j] == 3):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow -
                                                         col] = 1

                    if (i + 1 <= row - 1):
                        if (self.inputData[i + 1][j] == 0
                                or self.inputData[i + 1][j] == 2
                                or self.inputData[i + 1][j] == 3):
                            adjcencyMatrix[newMatrixRow][newMatrixRow +
                                                         col] = 1

        #self.connector.setGraph(adjcencyMatrix, freeNode ,exitNode)
        self.connector.setGraph(adjcencyMatrix, freeNode)

    def findFastestRoute(self, a=601, b=623, status='enter'):
        self.outputData = self.connector.getPath(a, b, status)
        return self.returnTuple()

    def returnTuple(self):
        listTuple = []
        for i in self.outputData:
            x = i // self.row
            y = i % self.col
            listTuple.append((x, y))
        return listTuple