def ecdf(data, show=False,savename=None): ecdf = sm.distributions.ECDF(data) x = np.linspace(data.min(),data.max()) y = ecdf(x) cutoff = x[y>0.85][0] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x,y,'k',linewidth=3) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.annotate(r'\Large \textbf{Cutoff:} $%.03f$'%cutoff, xy=(.3, .2), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Absolute Correlation')) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Percentile')) ax.axhline(y=0.85,color='r',linestyle='--',linewidth=2) ax.axvline(x=cutoff,color='r',linestyle='--',linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim((0,1)) plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) if show: return cutoff
def snapshots(data, indices,basepath=None, data_label='data'): indices = zip(indices,indices[1:]) for start_idx,stop_idx in indices: initial_distribution = data[:,start_idx] final_distribution = data[:,stop_idx] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.hist(initial_distribution,color='r',alpha=0.5,bins=20,label='Initial', range=(-1,1)) ax.hist(final_distribution,color='k',alpha=0.5,bins=20,label='Final',range=(-1,1)) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format(data_label)) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Prevalence')) H,p =kruskal(initial_distribution,final_distribution) effect_size = np.linalg.norm(final_distribution-initial_distribution) ax.annotate('\Large $d=%.02f, \; p=%.04f$'%(effect_size,p), xy=(.3, .9), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(frameon=False) filename = os.path.join(basepath,'%s-compare-%d-%d.png'%(data_label,start_idx,stop_idx)) plt.savefig(filename,dpi=300) plt.close()
def coefficients(model,labels,show=False,savename=None,title=None): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = -model.coef_.transpose() x /= np.absolute(x).max() y = np.arange(len(x))+0.5 cutoff = scoreatpercentile(np.absolute(x),85) ax.barh(y,x,color=['r' if datum < 0 else 'g' for datum in x]) ax.axvline(cutoff,linewidth=2,linestyle='--',color='r') ax.axvline(-cutoff,linewidth=2,linestyle='--',color='r') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylim(ymax=62) ax.set_xlim(xmin=-1.1,xmax=1.1) ax.set_yticks(y) ax.set_yticklabels(map(format,labels),y) ax.set_xlabel(format('Regression coefficient')) if title: ax.set_title(r'\Large \textbf{%s}'%title) plt.tight_layout() if show:
def frequencies(self,str, ax=None, cutoff=30): words = nltk.word_tokenize(''.join(ch for ch in str if ch not in exclude and ord(ch)<128 and not ch.isdigit()).lower()) words = [word for word in words if word not in stopwords and word not in emoticons and word not in ['rt','amp']] fdist = nltk.FreqDist(words) freqs = fdist.items()[:cutoff] word,f =zip(*freqs) f = np.array(f).astype(float) print f,'kkkkkkk' f /= float(f.sum()) print f,'jjjjjjjjjjjj' if not ax: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(-f*np.log(f),'k',linewidth=2) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.yaxis.grid() ax.xaxis.grid() ax.set_xticks(range(len(word))) ax.set_xticklabels(map(format,word),range(len(word)), rotation=45) ax.set_ylabel(r'\Large $\log \left(\mathbf{Frequency}\right)$') plt.tight_layout()
def covariance(heatmap,labels,show=False,savename=None,ml=False): #Covariance matrix fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,13)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(heatmap,interpolation='nearest',aspect='equal') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xticks(range(len(labels))) ax.set_xticklabels(map(artist.format,labels),range(len(labels)),rotation=90) ax.set_yticks(range(len(labels))) ax.set_yticklabels(map(artist.format,labels)) if ml: ax.annotate(r'\LARGE \textbf{Training}', xy=(.2, .2), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') ax.annotate(r'\LARGE \textbf{Testing}', xy=(.7, .7), xycoords='axes fraction', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') plt.colorbar(cax, fraction=0.10, shrink=0.8) plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) if show:
def draw(self): GraphicsCard.enable('blend') GraphicsCard.setBlendFunction('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha') GraphicsCard.disable('lighting', 'texture_2d') alpha = max( float(self.timeleft / 2.0), 0 ) GraphicsCard.setColorRGBA( alpha/2.0, 0, 0, alpha ) Graphics.drawSphere( self.location, 4, 8, 4 ) GraphicsCard.enable('texture_2d')
def plot(aList,ax, cutoff=20): tokens,frequencies = zip(*sorted(aList,key=lambda item:item[1],reverse=True)) tokens = tokens[:cutoff][::-1] frequencies = frequencies[:cutoff][::-1] ax.plot(frequencies,xrange(cutoff),'k--', linewidth=2) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_yticks(xrange(cutoff)) ax.set_yticklabels(map(artist.format,tokens),rotation='horizontal')
def main(): # Loop until the user clicks the close button. done = False loopCount = 0 while not done: loopCount += 1 Input.update() if(Input.Trigger(Input.Close)): done = True map.update() Graphics.update()
def draw(self): #find camera's transform matrix m = MathUtil.buildTransformMatrix(self.ent.headLocation, self.ent.yaw + math.pi, self.ent.pitch, self.ent.roll) glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf( m.toList() ) Graphics.drawPyramid(30, 10, 100.0) Graphics.drawWirePyramid(30, 10, 100.0) glPopMatrix()
def network_stability(energy_trace,savename): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(energy_trace,'k',linewidth=2) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Stability (energy)')) plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) plt.close()
def SystemShutdown(self): import Graphics Graphics._ViewManager().Shutdown() self.exitTaskletManager = True # tell all services to shut down! for service in self._running_services.values(): try: print "shutting down - ", service.__ID__ service.state = SERVICE_STATES.STOPPED service.OnSystemShutdown() except Exception, e: print "Exception in Service", service.__ID__, e
def plot_and_save(frequencies, words, ylabel, savefile): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.semilogy(frequencies,'k--',linewidth=3) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xticks(xrange(len(words))) ax.set_xticklabels([r'\textbf{\textsc{%s}'%word for word in words],rotation='vertical') ax.set_ylabel(artist.format(ylabel)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(savefile, bbox_inches="tight")
def memory_stability(mat,savename): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(mat,interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Memory')) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax) cbar.set_label(artist.format('Energy')) plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) plt.close()
def runWin(): Label(window, image=photo).grid(row=0, column=1) Label(window, text="BigRep Configuration UI", font=Graphics.getBigRepFont(window, 40)).grid(row=0, column = 2)
def _processRenderSurface(logDir, attributes): def attr(name): return attributes[name] w, h = attr("render_surface_width"), attr("render_surface_height") redMask = attr("red_mask") greenMask = attr("green_mask") blueMask = attr("blue_mask") alphaMask = attr("alpha_mask") depthMask = attr("depth_mask") stencilMask = attr("stencil_mask") isLinear = attr("is_linear") isPremultiplied = attr("is_premultiplied") # Convert the color buffer if "color_buffer" in attributes: fileName = attr("color_buffer") if not os.path.exists(fileName): fileName = os.path.join(logDir, fileName) fileNameOut = fileName.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".png" # Only do the conversion if the image doesn't already exist # or if the source file is newer. if fileName.endswith(".dat") and \ (not os.path.exists(fileNameOut) or \ (os.path.exists(fileName) and os.path.getmtime(fileName) > os.path.getmtime(fileNameOut)) ): stride = attr("color_stride") f = open(fileName, "rb") data = * h) f.close() if len(data) != h * stride or not data: Log.error("Invalid color buffer data size: %d" % len(data)) return colorBuffer = Graphics.decodeImageData(data, (w, h), stride, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask, isLinear, isPremultiplied) colorBuffer = colorBuffer.convert("RGBA") # We can remove the original file now os.unlink(fileName) # Replace the original file name with the decoded file attributes["color_buffer"] = fileNameOut # Eat the render surface attributes since they are of little use further down the road #for attrName in ["red_mask", "green_mask", "blue_mask", "alpha_mask", # "depth_mask", "stencil_mask", "color_stride", # "is_linear", "is_premultiplied", "color_data_type", # "depth_data_type", "stencil_data_type"]: # if attrName in attributes: # del attributes[attrName] for bufferName in ["depth_buffer", "stencil_buffer"]: if bufferName in attributes and not os.path.exists(attributes[bufferName]): # Fill in the full buffer file name attributes[bufferName] = os.path.join(logDir, attr(bufferName))
def sensitivity(x,y, show=False, savename=None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(x,y,'ko--',linewidth=2,clip_on=False) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xlabel(r'\Large \textbf{Mixing fraction,} $\; \alpha$') ax.set_ylabel(r'\Large \textbf{Maximum accuracy,}$\; q_{\max}$') ax.set_ylim((-1.1)) plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=300) if show: plt.close() return pearsonr(x,y)
def minConflicts(csp, variables): """ Min-conflicts approach to solving the Sudoku puzzle """ assignment, domains = csp # Domains not applicable for this problem, but included for readability # Iterate through list, and randomly assign numbers for var in variables: # Randomly assign number num = random.randint(1,9) # Update the stack to include the new number, whether it works or not assignment[var[0]][var[1]] = num # Loop while the problem is not solved while variables != []: Graphics.showPuzzle(assignment) print variables # Randomly choose a variable from the list var = random.choice(variables) # Create value for least-conflict value bestValue, leastConstraints = None, sys.maxsize # Loop over possible domain values, and update best value if applicable for value in range(1,10): conflicts = countConflicts(assignment, var, value) if conflicts < leastConstraints: bestValue, leastConstraints = value, conflicts # Update the state with the new value assignment[var[0]][var[1]] = bestValue # If the variable does not violate any constraints, remove it from conflicted if leastConstraints == 0: variables.remove(var) print "Solution Found!" return assignment
def grayscale(imageName): win = g.GraphWin() image = g.Image(point(0, 0), imageName) # for each row in the image: for rown in image: for column in image: r, g, b = # get pixel information for current row and column brightness = int(round((0.299 * r) + (0.587 * g) + (0.114 * b))) pixel_color = color_rgb(brightness, brightness, brightness) # update the image # to see progress row by row for row in image: for column in image: r, g, b = g.getPixel(row, column) brightness = int(round(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b)) g.color_rgb(brightness, brightness, brightness) g.draw(win)
def mvr_coefficients(model,labels,show=False,savename=None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(model.coef_.transpose(),interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto', vmin=-0.5,vmax=0.5) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_yticks(range(len(labels))) ax.set_yticklabels(map(artist.format,[name for name in labels if 'EVD' not in name])) ax.set_xticks(range(3)) ax.set_xticklabels(map(artist.format,range(1,4))) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Placement grade')) plt.colorbar(cax) plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) if show:
def correlation_visualization(data, show=False,savename=None): correlations = ['Quu','Qru','Qvu'] #Analyze correlations fig,axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=1,sharex=True) for ax,data,label in zip(axs,map(dq,[data[correlation] for correlation in correlations]),correlations): ax.plot(data,'k',linewidth=2,label=artist.format(label)) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_ylabel(r'\Large $\mathbf{\partial \left(\det %s_{%s}\right)}$'%(label[0],label[1:]),rotation='horizontal') ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) if show: plt.close()
def setUpPlayer (self, pos, clrBase = None, clrTurret = None): if self.side == 'player': self.maze.addPlayer (self) self.pos = pos self.vel = 0 self.cooldownTimer = 0 self.viewTheta = math.pi / 8 self.base = Graphics.cube (clrBase) self.base.transform (Matrix.scale (7.5, 7.5, 3.75)) self.base.translate (self.pos.x (), self.pos.y(), 10) self.turretp1 = Graphics.icosahedron (clrTurret) self.turretp1.transform (Matrix.scale (5, 5, 5)) self.turretp2 = Graphics.cube (clrTurret) self.turretp2.transform (Matrix.scale (1, 7.5, 1)) self.turretp2.translate (0, 3.5, 0) self.turret = self.turretp1.union (self.turretp2) self.turret.translate (self.pos.x (), self.pos.y(), 0) self.theta = 0 self.turretTheta = 0 self.changeAngle (math.pi / 4) self.alive = True
def compare_distributions(variable_source_name,idxs,rng=(0,1)): #Assume idxs is dictionary structured as {name:[corresponding indices]} fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) data = np.loadtxt(make_filename('%s.txt'%(variable_source_name)),delimiter=TAB) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.hold(True) for subpopulation,idx,color in idxs: weights = np.ones_like(data[idx])/len(data[idx]) ax.hist(data[idx],color=color,label=artist.format(subpopulation),histtype='step',range=rng,weights=weights) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', artist.on_draw) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Prevalance')) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format(variable_source_name)) plt.legend(frameon=False,ncol=2,loc='upper center',bbox_to_anchor=(.5,1.05)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(make_filename('%s-%s.png'%(variable_source_name,'-'.join([idx[0] for idx in idxs]))),dpi=300) del fig,ax
def dashboard(data,numpc=3): coeff,projections,latent = tech.princomp(data,numpc=numpc) panels = {'projection':plt.subplot2grid((2,3),(0,0),colspan=2, rowspan=2), 'spectrum':plt.subplot2grid((2,3),(0,2)), 'silhouette':plt.subplot2grid((2,3),(1,2))} panels['projection'].scatter(projections[0],projections[1],s=30) artist.adjust_spines(panels['projection']) panels['projection'].set_xlabel(r'\Large \textbf{Principal Component 1}') panels['projection'].set_ylabel(r'\Large \textbf{Principal Component 2}') cutoff=10 panels['spectrum'].stem(range(1,cutoff+1),latent[:cutoff]/np.sum(latent)) panels['spectrum'].set_xlim(0,cutoff+1) panels['spectrum'].set_ylim((0,1)) artist.adjust_spines(panels['spectrum']) panels['spectrum'].set_xlabel(r'\Large \textbf{Eigenvector}') panels['spectrum'].set_ylabel(r'\Large \textbf{Eigenvalue} $\left(\lambda\right)$') silhouettes = tech.silhouette(projections, k=8) idx = range(2,len(silhouettes)+2) panels['silhouette'].stem(idx,[silhouettes[x]['data'] for x in idx]) #Get confidence intervals CIs = np.array([scoreatpercentile(silhouettes[x]['distribution'], 95) for x in idx]) plt.hold(True) panels['silhouette'].plot(idx,CIs,linewidth=2,color='r',linestyle='--') artist.adjust_spines(panels['silhouette']) panels['silhouette'].set_xlim((0,len(idx)+3)) panels['silhouette'].set_ylim((0,1)) panels['silhouette'].set_xlabel(r'\Large \textbf{Number of clusters}') panels['silhouette'].set_ylabel(r'\Large \textbf{Silhouette coefficient}') plt.tight_layout() rot = plt.figure() panel = rot.add_subplot(111) dt = coeff*(latent[:3]/np.sum(latent)) dt_args = np.argsort(dt,axis=0) cax = panel.imshow(np.sort(coeff*(latent[:3]/np.sum(latent)),axis=0)[::-1], aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest', vmin=-.15,vmax=0.15) artist.adjust_spines(panel) panel.set_yticks(np.arange(len(useful_keys))) panel.set_yticklabels(map(lambda word: word.strip().capitalize(),[useful_keys[x[0]] for x in dt_args[::-1]])) panel.set_xticks(np.arange(3)) panel.set_xticklabels(np.arange(3)+1) panel.set_xlabel(r'\Large \textbf{Principal Component}') rot.colorbar(cax) plt.tight_layout() plt.grid(True)
def plot_variable(data,basepath=None,dataname='',criterion=None, criterionname=[]): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = range(data.shape[1]) ap('Plotting %s'%dataname) if criterion != None: if type(criterion) != list: median, lq, uq = perc(data[criterion,:]) ax.plot(x,median,linewidth=2, color='#B22400') ax.fill_between(x, lq, uq, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, color='#B22400') else: bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Set2', 'qualitative', 7) colors = bmap.mpl_colors for i,(x_criterion,x_label) in enumerate(itertools.izip_longest(criterion,criterionname,fillvalue='Group')): median, lq, uq = perc(data[x_criterion,:]) ax.plot(x,median,linewidth=2, color=colors[i], label=artist.format(x_label)) ax.fill_between(x, lq, uq, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, color=colors[i]) median, lq, uq = perc(data) ax.plot(x,median,linewidth=2, color='#B22400',label=artist.format('Full population')) ax.fill_between(x, lq, uq, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, color='#B22400') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format(dataname)) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) ax.axvline(data.shape[1]/3,color='r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--') ax.axvline(2*data.shape[1]/3,color='r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--') plt.legend(frameon=False,loc='lower left') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(basepath,'%s.png'%dataname))
def betterSimulatedAnnealing(csp, variables): """ Better Min-conflicts with a factor of randomness approach. Schedule is a mapping of time to temperature """ # Unpack the CSP assignment, domains = csp # Create Dictionary of conflicted variables and number of conflicts conflicted = {} # Iterate through list, randomly assign numbers, and add conflicted variables to array for var in variables: # Randomly assign number num = random.choice(domains[var]) # Update the stack to include the new number, whether it works or not assignment[var[0]][var[1]] = num for var in variables: conflicted[var] = countConflicts(assignment, var, assignment[var[0]][var[1]]) t = 1 while assessValue(assignment) != 0 and t < 1000000: print "Completion =", 100-assessValue(assignment),"%" changingVar = random.choice(conflicted.keys()) totalConflicts = assessValue(assignment) originalVal = assignment[changingVar[0]][changingVar[1]] newVal = random.choice(domains[changingVar]) assignment[changingVar[0]][changingVar[1]] = newVal newTotalConflicts = assessValue(assignment) deltaE = newTotalConflicts - totalConflicts if deltaE > 0: if random.random() > P(deltaE, T(t)): #reset to original assignment[changingVar[0]][changingVar[1]] = originalVal Graphics.showPuzzle(assignment) t+=1 for var in variables: conflicted[var] = countConflicts(assignment, var, assignment[var[0]][var[1]]) if t != 1000000: Graphics.showPuzzle(assignment) print "Solution Found!" return assignment else: Graphics.showPuzzle(assignment) print "Failed with Completion =", 100-assessValue(assignment),"%" return -1
def getImageLoaders(project, trace): """ Return a list of (event, func) pairs, where event is a image upload event and func is a function that returns an Image containing the image data when called. """ library = project.targets["code"].library constants = Collections.DictProxy(library.constants) loaders = [] formats = { constants.VG_sRGBX_8888: ("b", 4, False, False, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_sRGBA_8888: ("b", 4, False, False, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_sRGBA_8888_PRE: ("b", 4, False, True, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_sRGB_565: ("h", 3, False, False, 0x001f, 0x07e0, 0xf800, 0x0), constants.VG_sRGBA_5551: ("h", 4, False, False, 0x001f, 0x03e0, 0x7c00, 0x8000), constants.VG_sRGBA_4444: ("h", 4, False, False, 0x000f, 0x00f0, 0x0f00, 0xf000), constants.VG_sL_8: ("b", 1, False, False, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), constants.VG_lRGBX_8888: ("b", 4, True, False, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_lRGBA_8888: ("b", 4, True, False, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_lRGBA_8888_PRE: ("b", 4, True, True, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000), constants.VG_lL_8: ("b", 1, True, False, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), constants.VG_A_8: ("b", 1, True, False, 0xff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), constants.VG_BW_1: ("b", 1, True, False, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), } task = Task.startTask("prepare-images", "Looking for images", len( for event in task.step() if == "vgImageSubData" and event.values.get("data"): width = event.values["width"] height = event.values["height"] stride = event.values["dataStride"] format = event.values["dataFormat"] if format in formats: unit, components, isLinear, isPremultiplied, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask = formats[format] else: continue data = event.values["data"] data = struct.pack("<%d%s" % (len(data), unit), *data) size = (width, height) # Construct copies of the passed variables to make sure the proper data goes into the lambda when called func = lambda d=data, s=size, st=stride, rb=redMask, gb=greenMask, bb=blueMask, ab=alphaMask, il=isLinear, ip=isPremultiplied: \ Graphics.decodeImageData(d, s, st, rb, gb, bb, ab, isLinear = il, isPremultiplied = ip) loaders.append((event, func)) return loaders
def handleInput(hand,selection,state,play_made): # temporary value should throw error if unchanged card = 52 #wait for keypress keypress = wait() # check for QUIT events for event in pygame.event.get(QUIT): #end the game state = False if keypress == K_ESCAPE: #end the game state = False if keypress == K_RETURN and len(hand)>0: #display player's played card card = hand.pop(selection) graphics.displayCardPlay(card,0) play_made = True #if we select the last card, we must decrement selection, #since the hand is now one card fewer if selection == len(hand): selection -= 1 if keypress == K_LEFT and selection > 0: #move the selection left selection -= 1 if keypress == K_RIGHT and selection < len(hand)-1: #move the selection right selection += 1 return (hand,selection,state,play_made,card)
def track_matrices(mat,savename): mat = mat.astype(np.float32) base = mat[:,:,0] base_values,base_vectors = np.linalg.eig(base) idx = np.argsort(base_values)[::-1] #Want eigenvectors in descending order base_vectors = base_vectors[idx][:10] #Now eigvectors are in descending order, display top 10 base_norm = np.linalg.norm(base_vectors) DURATION = mat.shape[2] #Awful magic constant of 10 eigenvectors data = np.zeros((10,DURATION)) for t in range(1,DURATION): these_values,these_vectors = np.linalg.eig(mat[:,:,t]) this_idx = np.argsort(these_values)[::-1] these_vectors = these_vectors[this_idx][:10] data[:,t] = [*np.linalg.norm(b)) for a,b in zip(base_vectors,these_vectors)] #Scale by eigenvalues? fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax= ax.imshow(data,interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) ax.set_yticks(range(10)) ax.set_yticklabels([r'\Large $\mathbf{e_%d\left(0\right) \cdot e_%d}$'%(x,x) for x in range(10)]) ax.set_xticks(range(mat.shape[2])[::10]) ax.set_xticklabels([10*x for x in range(mat.shape[2])[::10]]) plt.colorbar(cax) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) plt.close()
def time_series(basepath=None, criterion=None, criterionname=''): filename = os.path.join(basepath,'attitudes.txt') attitudes = np.loadtxt(filename,delimiter=TAB) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.fill_between(xrange(attitudes.shape[1]), attitudes.mean(axis=0)-attitudes.std(axis=0), # attitudes.mean(axis=0) + attitudes.std(axis=0), color='k', alpha=0.4, # label=artist.format('Full population')) ax.errorbar(xrange(attitudes.shape[1]),attitudes.mean(axis=0),yerr=(attitudes.std(axis=0)/attitudes.shape[0])) # ax.plot(xrange(attitudes.shape[1]),attitudes.mean(axis=0),color='k',linewidth=2) if criterion: data = attitudes[criterion] ax.fill_between(xrange(data.shape[1]), data.mean(axis=0)-data.std(axis=0), data.mean(axis=0) + data.std(axis=0), color='r', alpha=0.4, label=artist.format('criterionname')) ax.plot(xrange(data.shape[1]),data.mean(axis=0),color='r',linewidth=2) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.axvline(attitudes.shape[1]/3.,color='r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--') #This is a hack ax.axvline(2*attitudes.shape[1]/3.,color='r',linewidth=2,linestyle='--') #This is a hack ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('Intent to drink')) ax.set_xlabel(artist.format('Time')) ax.set_ylim(ymin=0) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),basepath,'timecourse.png' if criterionname == '' else 'timecourse-%s.png'%criterionname) plt.savefig(filename,dpi=300)
def sensitivities(x,im,show=False, savename=None): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(im,interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto', vmin=-1,vmax=1) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax) artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_xticks(range(len(x))) xlabs = [r'\Large $\mathbf{%.02f}$'%alpha for alpha in map(sn,x)] xlabs[0] = r'\Large $\mathrm{All \; signal}$' xlabs[-1] = r'\Large $\mathrm{All \; noise}$' ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs) ax.set_xlabel(r'\Large $\mathrm{\frac{Signal}{Noise}}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'\Large $\mathrm{Pattern} $', rotation='horizontal') cbar.set_label(r'\Large $\mathrm{Accuracy,} \; q_{\max}$') plt.tight_layout() if savename: plt.savefig('%s.png'%savename,dpi=200) if show: plt.close() return [pearsonr(row,x) for row in im]
out_file.write('fitness, generation, highest round\n') # load starting graphics that don't need to be reloaded # Graphics.load_static_gfx() # loops the whole simulation done = 0 Stats.generation = 0 while done < 30: game = Game(birds_for_generation) done_generation = False # loops each generation while not done_generation: screen.fill(Constants.WHITE) game.update_obstacles() game.draw_game(screen) Graphics.draw_stats(screen) Graphics.draw_key(screen) # game.check_actions returns True if all the birds are dead if game.check_actions(game.birds): done_generation = True # pygame specific functions pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip() # check to quit for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: print("Reached quit in check_actions function, quitting now...") exit(0)
def getTextureLoaders(project, trace): """ Return a list of (event, func) pairs, where event is a texture upload event and func is a function that returns an Image containing the texture data when called. """ library = project.targets["code"].library constants = Collections.DictProxy(library.constants) loaders = [] componentCount = { constants.GL_ALPHA: 1, constants.GL_RGB: 3, constants.GL_RGBA: 4, constants.GL_LUMINANCE: 1, constants.GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: 2, } task = Task.startTask("prepare-textures", "Looking for textures", len( for event in task.step() # We don't handle compressed texture formats if in ["glTexImage2D", "glTexSubImage2D"] and event.values.get("pixels"): width = event.values["width"] height = event.values["height"] format = event.values["format"] type = event.values["type"] if format in componentCount: components = componentCount[format] else: continue if type == constants.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: bytesPerPixel = components format = "b" redMask = 0x00ff0000 greenMask = 0x0000ff00 blueMask = 0x000000ff alphaMask = 0xff000000 elif type == constants.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: bytesPerPixel = 2 format = "h" redMask = 0x001f greenMask = 0x07e0 blueMask = 0xf800 alphaMask = 0x0000 elif type == constants.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: bytesPerPixel = 2 format = "h" redMask = 0x001f greenMask = 0x03e0 blueMask = 0x7c00 alphaMask = 0x8000 elif type == constants.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: bytesPerPixel = 2 format = "h" redMask = 0x000f greenMask = 0x00f0 blueMask = 0x0f00 alphaMask = 0xf000 else: continue pixels = event.values["pixels"] data = struct.pack("<%d%s" % (len(pixels), format), *pixels) if components < 4: alphaMask = 0 if components < 3: blueMask = 0 if components < 2: greenMask = 0 size = (width, height) stride = width * bytesPerPixel # Construct copies of the passed variables to make sure the proper data goes into the lambda when called func = lambda d=data, s=size, st=stride, rb=redMask, gb=greenMask, bb=blueMask, ab=alphaMask: \ Graphics.decodeImageData(d, s, st, rb, gb, bb, ab) loaders.append((event, func)) return loaders
class Container(): def __init__(self, msgbrowser): self.unitOp = [] self.thermoPackage = None self.compounds = None self.flowsheet = None self.conn = defaultdict(list) self.op = defaultdict(list) self.ip = defaultdict(list) self.msg = msgbrowser self.msg.setText("") self.opl = [] self.result = [] = Graphics(self.unitOp) def currentTime(self): now = time = str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" + str(now.second) return time def updateConn(self, key, value): self.conn[key].append(value) self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "]<b> " + + " </b> output is connected to input of<b> " + + " </b></span>") def connection(self): try: self.op.clear() self.ip.clear() self.opl.clear() stm = ['MaterialStream', 'EngStm'] for i in self.conn: if i.type not in stm: self.op[i] = self.conn[i] for j in range(len(self.conn[i])): if self.conn[i][j].type not in stm: self.ip[self.conn[i][j]].append(i) for i in self.op: i.connect(InputStms=self.ip[i], OutputStms=self.op[i]) self.opl.append([self.op[i] for i in self.op]) self.opl = flatlist(flatlist(self.opl)) except Exception as e: print(e) @staticmethod def addUnitOpObj(obj): self.unitOp.append(obj) def addUnitOp(self, obj): box = None self.obj = obj self.scene = box = self.scene.addItem(box) box.setPos(2500 - 30, 2500 - 30) if (obj in self.unitOp): pass else: self.unitOp.append(obj) self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "]<b> " + + " </b>is instantiated ." "</span>") def fetchObject(self, name): for i in self.unitOp: if ( == name): return i def addCompounds(self, comp): self.compounds = comp def add_thermoPackage(self, thermo): self.thermoPackage = thermo def msgBrowser(self): std = self.flowsheet.stdout.decode("utf-8") if (std): stdout = str(std) stdout = stdout.replace("\n", "<br/>") self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">" + stdout + "</span>") stde = self.flowsheet.stderr.decode("utf-8") if (stde): stdout = str(stde) stdout = stdout.replace("\n", "<br/>") self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">" + stdout + "</span>") def simulate(self, mode): print("SIMULATE") print(mode) self.compounds = compound_selected self.flowsheet = Flowsheet() self.flowsheet.add_comp_list(self.compounds) print("######## connection master#########\n", self.conn) for i in self.unitOp: print("here", i) self.flowsheet.add_UnitOpn(i) if mode == 'SM': self.msg.append( "<span>[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "] Simulating in <b>Sequential</b> mode ... </span>") self.flowsheet.simulateSM(self.ip, self.op) self.msgBrowser() self.result = self.flowsheet.resdata print("under SEQ mode simulation") elif mode == 'EQN': self.msg.append("<span>[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "] Simulating in <b>equation</b> mode ... </span>") self.flowsheet.simulateEQN() self.msgBrowser() self.result = self.flowsheet.resdata print("under Eqn mode simulation")
map_type = SimulationParams.MAP_TYPE_TREN_MADRID else: print('Error: Unknown Simulation Type') if DisplayParams.DRAW_GRAPHS: vmax = 0.11 # TODO: minor, clean this up. it's color map encoding if SimulationParams.SIMULATION_TYPE == SimulationParams.SUBWAY_SIM: vmax = 0.0011 elif SimulationParams.SIMULATION_TYPE == SimulationParams.TRAIN_SIM: vmax = 0.0007 #Draws the graph. figure and model required if you want to draw the map as well Graphics.draw_graph(nx_graph, DisplayParams.GRAPH_BY_FEATURE, timestamp=str(i), map_type=map_type, figure=f, model=model, vmax=vmax) f.savefig("Visualizations/time" + f'{i:03}') if DisplayParams.ALWAYS_SHOW_GRAPH or (math.log2(i).is_integer() and DisplayParams.SHOW_EVERY_2X): plt.close(f) # Save final SEIR Results f = plt.figure() Graphics.draw_SEIR_curve(SEIR_Statistics, f, benchmark_SEIR=benchmark_statistics)
def Game(self): turn = 0 turnCounter = 15 turnCondition = True key = True while turnCondition: Graphics.drawTurnCounter(turnCounter) Graphics.drawWinThing() if turn == 0: if stddraw.mousePressed(): mx = stddraw.mouseX() my = stddraw.mouseY() if mx < 4.69 and my >= 1 and my < 10: Graphics.clickHelp() for i in range(self.x): if mx > i / 1.5 and mx < i / 1.5 + (2 / 3): mDrawX1 = i / 1.5 mEmojiX1 = i + 1 for i in range(self.y + 1): if my > i and my < i + 1: mDrawY1 = i mEmojiY1 = i + 1 / 2 for i in range(self.y): for j in range(self.x): if self.board[i][ j].x == mEmojiX1 and self.board[i][ j].y == mEmojiY1: e1emoji = self.board[i][j].emoji e1i, e1j = i, j Graphics.tileSelected(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) turn = 1 if turn == 1: if stddraw.mousePressed(): mx = stddraw.mouseX() my = stddraw.mouseY() if mx < 4.69 and my >= 1 and my < 10: for i in range(self.x): if mx > i / 1.5 and mx < i / 1.5 + (2 / 3): mEmojiX2 = i + 1 for i in range(self.y + 1): if my > i and my < i + 1: mEmojiY2 = i + 1 / 2 for i in range(self.y): for j in range(self.x): if self.board[i][ j].x == mEmojiX2 and self.board[i][ j].y == mEmojiY2: e2emoji = self.board[i][j].emoji e2i, e2j = i, j #Swapping the emojis """ NOTE THAT THE X POSITIONS ETC HAVE STILL NOT BEEN FIXED 11/18/2018 12:14 AM Conversion system new: when x == 1, emoji true position is 1/3, x == 2, 1, x == 3, 5/3 """ if mEmojiX2 == mEmojiX1 + 1 and mEmojiY2 == mEmojiY1 or mEmojiX2 == mEmojiX1 - 1 and mEmojiY2 == mEmojiY1 or mEmojiY2 == mEmojiY1 + 1 and mEmojiX2 == mEmojiX1 or mEmojiY2 == mEmojiY1 - 1 and mEmojiX2 == mEmojiX1: Graphics.clickHelpClear() self.board[e1i][e1j].emoji = e2emoji self.board[e2i][e2j].emoji = e1emoji counter = 0 while test.check(self.board) != 0: self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) #Erase Vertical if test.getD() == 0: counter = 0 marker = self.board[test.getY()][ test.getX()].emoji while marker != 0: if test.getY() + counter != 9: if marker == self.board[test.getY( ) + counter][test.getX()].emoji: self.board[test.getY() + counter][test.getX( )].emoji = 0 Score.score += 1 counter += 1 else: marker = 0 else: marker = 0 self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) #Vertical Drop count = 0 for j in range(9): if test.getY() + count + counter < 9: self.board[ test.getY() + count][test.getX( )].emoji = self.board[ test.getY() + count + counter][test.getX()].emoji self.board[ test.getY() + count + counter][test.getX()].emoji = 0 count += 1 self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) temp = 9 - counter for i in range(counter): self.board[temp][ test.getX()].emoji = self.ranNum() temp += 1 self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) #Erase Horizontal else: counter = 0 marker = self.board[test.getY()][ test.getX()].emoji while marker != 0: if test.getX() + counter != 7: if marker == self.board[test.getY( )][test.getX() + counter].emoji: self.board[test.getY()][ test.getX() + counter].emoji = 0 Score.score += 1 counter += 1 else: marker = 0 else: marker = 0 self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) #Horizontal Drop count = 0 for i in range(counter): count = 0 for j in range(9): if test.getY() + count < 8: temp = count + 1 self.board[ test.getY() + count][ test.getX() + i].emoji = self.board[ test.getY() + temp][test.getX() + i].emoji self.board[test.getY() + temp][test.getX() + i].emoji = 0 count += 1 self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) for i in range(counter): self.board[8][test.getX() + i].emoji = self.ranNum() self.checkDraw(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) turn = 0 #For when it is not a match 3 if counter == 0: self.board[e1i][e1j].emoji = e1emoji self.board[e2i][e2j].emoji = e2emoji Graphics.clickHelpClear() Graphics.drawInvalidMatch3() Graphics.clearInvalidSwitch() Graphics.tileSelectedClear(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) turn = 0 else: turnCounter -= 1 #For when you want to select the tile again elif mEmojiX1 == mEmojiX2 and mEmojiY1 == mEmojiY2: Graphics.clickHelpClear() Graphics.tileSelectedClear(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) turn = 0 #For when there is an invaid switch else: Graphics.clickHelpClear() Graphics.tileSelectedClear(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) Graphics.drawInvalidSwitch() Graphics.clearInvalidSwitch() turn = 0 else: turn = 1 #Note, mouse does not need to be pressed in order for this CheckWin if turnCounter == 0 and Score.score >= 75: Graphics.drawTurnCounter(turnCounter) turnCondition = False while key: Graphics.drawWinCondition() if stddraw.mousePressed(): key = False elif turnCounter == 0 and Score.score <= 75: Graphics.drawTurnCounter(turnCounter) turnCondition = False while key: Graphics.drawLossCondition() if stddraw.mousePressed(): key = False
return 800 * x + 100 T_a = analyticSol(x) error = fvm.calcError(T, T_a) datos = {'x(m)': x, 'T(x)': T, 'Analytic': T_a, 'Error': error} fvm.printFrame(datos) print('||Error|| = ', np.linalg.norm(error)) print('.'+ '-'*70 + '.') # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculamos la solución exacta en una malla más fina para graficar # ------------------------------------------------------------------- x1 = np.linspace(0,L,100) T_a = analyticSol(x1) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Se grafica la solución # ----------------------------------------------------- plt.close('all') title_graf = 'Solución de $ \partial (k \partial T/\partial x)/\partial x = 0$ con FVM' plt2.plotG(x, T, kind = '--o', xlabel = '$x$ [m]', ylabel = 'T [°C]', label = 'Sol. FVM', title_graf = title_graf) plt2.plotG(x1, T_a, kind = "-", xlabel = '$x$ [m]', ylabel = 'T [°C]', label = 'Sol. analítica', lw=2, title_graf = title_graf) # Guarda la grafica #plt.savefig('Tarea1.svg')
friction=0.3, categoryBits=0x0004, maskBits=0x0002) box.filter.groupIndex = -2 body = world.CreateDynamicBody(position=(25, 20), fixtures=box) timeStep = 1.0 / 60 vel_iters, pos_iters = 10, 10 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() Graphics.BackDrop(dif, land, window) x1, y1 = joint1.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x2, y2 = joint2.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x3, y3 = joint3.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x4, y4 = joint4.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x5, y5 = joint5.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x6, y6 = joint6.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x7, y7 = joint7.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x8, y8 = joint8.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x9, y9 = joint9.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x10, y10 = joint10.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x11, y11 = joint11.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x12, y12 = joint12.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x13, y13 = joint13.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep) x14, y14 = joint14.GetReactionForce(1 / timeStep)
class Container(): def __init__(self, msgbrowser): self.unitOp = [] self.thermoPackage = None self.compounds = None self.flowsheet = None self.conn = defaultdict(list) self.op = defaultdict(list) self.ip = defaultdict(list) self.msg = msgbrowser self.msg.setText("") self.opl = [] self.result = [] = Graphics(self.unitOp) self.scene = def currentTime(self): now = time = str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute) + ":" + str(now.second) return time # def updateConn(self,key,value): # self.conn[key].append(value) # self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">["+str(self.currentTime())+"]<b> "" </b> output is connected to input of<b> " +" </b></span>") # # def connection(self): # try: # self.op.clear() # self.ip.clear() # self.opl.clear() # stm = ['MaterialStream','EngStm'] # for i in self.conn: # if i.type not in stm: # self.op[i]=self.conn[i] # # for j in range(len(self.conn[i])): # if self.conn[i][j].type not in stm: # self.ip[self.conn[i][j]].append(i) # # for i in self.op: # i.connect(InputStms=self.ip[i],OutputStms=self.op[i]) # # self.opl.append([self.op[i] for i in self.op]) # self.opl=flatlist(flatlist(self.opl)) # except Exception as e: # print(e) # @staticmethod # def addUnitOpObj(obj): # self.unitOp.append(obj) def addUnitOp(self, obj): box = None self.obj = obj self.scene = box =, self) self.scene.addItem(box) box.setPos(2500 - 30, 2500 - 30) if (obj in self.unitOp): pass else: self.unitOp.append(obj) data = self.unitOp[:] data.append(compound_selected) PUSH('Undo', data) self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "]<b> " + + " </b>is instantiated ." "</span>") ''' Deletes the selected item from the canvas and also the objects created for that type. ''' def delete(self, l): for item in l: self.scene.removeItem(item) if hasattr(item, 'Input'): for x in item.Input: if x.newLine: self.scene.removeItem(x.newLine) del x.newLine if x.otherLine: self.scene.removeItem(x.otherLine) del x.otherLine if hasattr(item, 'Output'): for x in item.Output: if x.newLine: self.scene.removeItem(x.newLine) del x.newLine if x.otherLine: self.scene.removeItem(x.otherLine) del x.otherLine if hasattr(item, 'obj'): self.unitOp.remove(item.obj) for k in list(self.conn): if item.obj == k: del self.conn[k] elif item.obj in self.conn[k]: self.conn[k].remove(item.obj) self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:blue\">[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "]<b> " + + " </b>is deleted ." "</span>") del item.obj del item CLEAN_FILE('Redo') data = self.unitOp[:] data.append(compound_selected) PUSH('Undo', data) def fetchObject(self, name): for i in self.unitOp: if ( == name): return i def addCompounds(self, comp): self.compounds = comp def add_thermoPackage(self, thermo): self.thermoPackage = thermo def msgBrowser(self): std = self.flowsheet.stdout.decode("utf-8") if (std): stdout = str(std) stdout = stdout.replace("\n", "<br/>") self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:green\">" + stdout + "</span>") stde = self.flowsheet.stderr.decode("utf-8") if (stde): stdout = str(stde) stdout = stdout.replace("\n", "<br/>") self.msg.append("<span style=\"color:red\">" + stdout + "</span>") def simulate(self, mode): print("SIMULATE") print(mode) self.compounds = compound_selected self.flowsheet = Flowsheet() self.flowsheet.add_comp_list(self.compounds) print("######## connection master#########\n", self.conn) for i in self.unitOp: print("here", i) self.flowsheet.add_UnitOpn(i) if mode == 'SM': self.msg.append( "<span>[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "] Simulating in <b>Sequential</b> mode ... </span>") self.flowsheet.simulateSM(self.ip, self.op) self.msgBrowser() self.result = self.flowsheet.resdata print("under SEQ mode simulation") elif mode == 'EQN': self.msg.append("<span>[" + str(self.currentTime()) + "] Simulating in <b>equation</b> mode ... </span>") self.flowsheet.simulateEQN() self.msgBrowser() self.result = self.flowsheet.resdata print("under Eqn mode simulation") DockWidget.showResult(NodeItem.getDockWidget())
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import Graphics as artist from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams['text.usetex'] = True m = np.loadtxt('correlation-matrix.tsv', delimiter='\t') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cax = ax.imshow(m, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto',, vmin=-1, vmax=1) artist.adjust_spines(ax) plt.colorbar(cax)
def main(n_epochs=1): if n_epochs == 1: # Single trial n_training_trials = 40 # Training trials n_navigation_trials = 20 # Navigation trials elif n_epochs == 3: # For reasonable data n_training_trials = 100 # Training trials n_navigation_trials = 20 # Navigation trials else: # For quick trials n_training_trials = 20 # Training trials n_navigation_trials = 20 # Navigation trials training_steps = np.zeros((n_training_trials, n_epochs), dtype=float) navigation_steps = np.zeros((n_navigation_trials, n_epochs), dtype=float) """ # This version uses threads, which are quite slow in python because of GIL threads = [None] * n_epochs for epoch in range(n_epochs): threads[epoch] = MazeThread(epoch, n_training_trials, n_navigation_trials) threads[epoch].start() # Wait for all threads to complete for t in threads: t.join() for epoch in range(n_epochs): training_steps[:, epoch] = threads[epoch].training_steps navigation_steps[:, epoch] = threads[epoch].navigation_steps """ threads = multiprocessing.Pool(n_epochs) training_results =, [(n_training_trials, n_navigation_trials) for x in range(n_epochs)]) for epoch in range(n_epochs): training_steps[:, epoch] = training_results[epoch][0] * MOVE_DISTACE navigation_steps[:, epoch] = training_results[epoch][1] * MOVE_DISTACE mean_training_steps = np.reshape(np.mean(training_steps, axis=1), (n_training_trials, 1)) mean_navigation_steps = np.reshape(np.mean(navigation_steps, axis=1), (n_navigation_trials, 1)) # Use this for plotting absolute data deviation """ min_dev_training_steps = np.reshape(np.min(training_steps-mean_training_steps, axis=1), (1, n_training_trials)) max_dev_training_steps = np.reshape(np.max(training_steps-mean_training_steps, axis=1), (1, n_training_trials)) err_training_steps = np.abs(np.append(min_dev_training_steps, max_dev_training_steps, axis=0)) min_dev_navigation_steps = np.reshape(np.min(navigation_steps-mean_navigation_steps, axis=1), (1, n_navigation_trials)) max_dev_navigation_steps = np.reshape(np.max(navigation_steps-mean_navigation_steps, axis=1), (1, n_navigation_trials)) err_navigation_steps = np.abs(np.append(min_dev_navigation_steps, max_dev_navigation_steps, axis=0)) """ # For plotting the SEM measure, use this! err_training_steps = stats.sem(training_steps, axis=1) err_navigation_steps = stats.sem(navigation_steps, axis=1) # Print all the data before plotting # print('%d Training trials'%n_training_trials) # pprint(mean_training_steps) training_fig = pl.figure() training_ax = training_fig.add_subplot(111) training_ax.errorbar(range(n_training_trials), mean_training_steps, yerr=err_training_steps, marker='d', linewidth=2.0, elinewidth=2.0, alpha=0.7, ecolor='black', capsize=2.0) training_ax.set_xlabel('Trials') training_ax.set_ylabel('Distance Moved') training_ax.set_xlim((-1, 20)) training_ax.set_xticks((0, 5, 10, 15, 20)) training_ax.set_ylim((0, 100)) training_ax.set_yticks((0, 50, 100)) Graphics.cleanAxes(training_ax) # print('%d Navigation trials'%n_navigation_trials) # pprint(mean_navigation_steps) navigation_fig = pl.figure() navigation_ax = navigation_fig.add_subplot(111) navigation_ax.errorbar(range(n_navigation_trials), mean_navigation_steps, yerr=err_navigation_steps, marker='o', linewidth=2.0, elinewidth=2.0, ecolor='black', alpha=0.7, capsize=2.0) navigation_ax.set_xlabel('Trials') navigation_ax.set_ylabel('Distance Moved') navigation_ax.set_ylim((0, 100)) navigation_ax.set_xlim((-1, 20)) navigation_ax.set_xticks((0, 5, 10, 15, 20)) navigation_ax.set_yticks((0, 50, 100)) Graphics.cleanAxes(navigation_ax) print('Execution complete. Exiting!')
import AudioLoader #enables loading and unloading of music and sound import Graphics #system to handle loading unloading and rendering of graphics import Entities import Events #!!!! Priority write assignments !!!! #Connect map to render #add entities #####INITIALIZATION##### pygame.init() screenRez = ((400, 300)) Plot = Events.Plot() #//screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) #background = load image here Graphics.init(screenRez) run = True #player = Entities.Player() #player.x = (40 * 4) #player.y = (40 * 2) - 15 #Graphics.add(player) #//player sprite #king = Entities.King() #king.x = (40 * 9) #king.y = (40 * 2) - 15 #Graphics.add(king) #king = Entities.King() #Graphics.add(king) #vizzi = Entities.Vizzi() #Graphics.add(vizzi)
exec(f'from {player1name} import *') if player1name != 'HumanPlayer': exec(f'player1 = {player1name}({timeLimit})') else: exec(f'player1 = {player1name}({1e6})') exec(f'from {player2name} import *') if player2name != 'HumanPlayer': exec(f'player2 = {player2name}({timeLimit})') else: exec(f'player2 = {player2name}({1e6})') size = int(input('Enter the width of the graphics window (0 for text mode): ')) if size > 0: from Graphics import * g = Graphics(size) else: g = None state = Pente() moveSequence = [] while not state.gameOver(): print(state) if state.getTurn() % 2 == 0: player1._startTime = time.time() player1.findMove(state) move = player1.getMove()
def _processRenderSurface(logDir, attributes): def attr(name): return attributes[name] w, h = attr("render_surface_width"), attr("render_surface_height") redMask = attr("red_mask") greenMask = attr("green_mask") blueMask = attr("blue_mask") alphaMask = attr("alpha_mask") depthMask = attr("depth_mask") stencilMask = attr("stencil_mask") isLinear = attr("is_linear") isPremultiplied = attr("is_premultiplied") # Convert the color buffer if "color_buffer" in attributes: fileName = attr("color_buffer") if not os.path.exists(fileName): fileName = os.path.join(logDir, fileName) fileNameOut = fileName.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".png" # Only do the conversion if the image doesn't already exist # or if the source file is newer. if fileName.endswith(".dat") and \ (not os.path.exists(fileNameOut) or \ (os.path.exists(fileName) and os.path.getmtime(fileName) > os.path.getmtime(fileNameOut)) ): stride = attr("color_stride") f = open(fileName, "rb") data = * h) f.close() if len(data) != h * stride or not data: Log.error("Invalid color buffer data size: %d" % len(data)) return colorBuffer = Graphics.decodeImageData(data, (w, h), stride, redMask, greenMask, blueMask, alphaMask, isLinear, isPremultiplied) colorBuffer = colorBuffer.convert("RGBA") # We can remove the original file now os.unlink(fileName) # Replace the original file name with the decoded file attributes["color_buffer"] = fileNameOut # Eat the render surface attributes since they are of little use further down the road #for attrName in ["red_mask", "green_mask", "blue_mask", "alpha_mask", # "depth_mask", "stencil_mask", "color_stride", # "is_linear", "is_premultiplied", "color_data_type", # "depth_data_type", "stencil_data_type"]: # if attrName in attributes: # del attributes[attrName] for bufferName in ["depth_buffer", "stencil_buffer"]: if bufferName in attributes and not os.path.exists( attributes[bufferName]): # Fill in the full buffer file name attributes[bufferName] = os.path.join(logDir, attr(bufferName))
def testMaze(n_trials, dbg_lvl=1): ValueLearning.DBG_LVL = dbg_lvl move_distance = 0.29 # Open field - Rather boring # maze = Environment.RandomGoalOpenField(nx, ny) # Maze with partition - 6 x 6 environment # ----------------- (6,6) # | | # | (2,3) (4,3) | # |----- -----| (6,3) # | | # | | # (0,0) ----------------- """ nx = 6 ny = 6 maze = Environment.RandomGoalOpenField(nx, ny, move_distance) use_limits = True """ # Adding walls and constructing the environment """ nx = 6 ny = 6 lp_wall = Environment.Wall((0,3), (2,3)) rp_wall = Environment.Wall((4,3), (6,3)) maze = Environment.MazeWithWalls(nx, ny, [lp_wall, rp_wall], move_distance) use_limits = False """ # Maze with walls - 10 x 10 environment # (2,10) (8,10) # --------------------- (10,10) # | | | # | | (4, 6) | | (10, 8) # | | ------| | # | | (6,4) | | # (0,4) | |------ | | # | | | | # | (2,2) | | # (0,0) --------------------- nx = 10 ny = 10 # Adding walls and constructing the environment lh_wall = Environment.Wall((2,4), (6,4)) lv_wall = Environment.Wall((2,2), (2,10)) rh_wall = Environment.Wall((4,6), (8,6)) rv_wall = Environment.Wall((8,0), (8,8)) maze = Environment.MazeWithWalls(nx, ny, [lh_wall, lv_wall, rh_wall, rv_wall]) use_limits = False n_fields = round(1.0 * (nx+3) * (ny+3)) Hippocampus.N_CELLS_PER_FIELD = 1 n_cells = n_fields * Hippocampus.N_CELLS_PER_FIELD place_fields = Hippocampus.setupPlaceFields(maze, n_fields) place_cells = Hippocampus.assignPlaceCells(n_cells, place_fields) # Learn the value function amateur_critic = None n_episodes = 25 canvas = Graphics.MazeCanvas(maze) weights = np.empty((n_cells, n_episodes), dtype=float) for episode in range(n_episodes): (_, amateur_critic, _) = ValueLearning.learnValueFunction(n_trials, maze, place_cells, critic=amateur_critic, max_steps=1000) weights[:, episode] = amateur_critic.getWeights() print('Ended Episode %d'% episode) # canvas.plotValueFunction(place_cells, amateur_critic, continuous=True) # input() # Draw the final value funciton canvas.plotValueFunction(place_cells, amateur_critic, continuous=True, limits=use_limits) # canvas.plotValueFunction(place_cells, amateur_critic) """ DEBUG print(components.explained_variance_ratio_) print(components.singular_values_) """ # Graphics.showDecomposition(weights) # Evaluate the theoritical value function for a random policy ideal_critic = Agents.IdealValueAgent(maze, place_cells) optimal_value_function = ideal_critic.getValueFunction() scaling_factor = 1.0/(1 - amateur_critic.getDiscountFactor()) # Graphics.showImage(optimal_value_function, xticks=range(1,nx), yticks=range(1,ny), range=(maze.NON_GOAL_STATE_REWARD, scaling_factor * maze.GOAL_STATE_REWARD)) Graphics.showImage(optimal_value_function, xticks=range(1,nx), yticks=range(1,ny), range=(maze.NON_GOAL_STATE_REWARD, scaling_factor * maze.GOAL_STATE_REWARD)) input('Press any key to Exit!')
class MainApp(QMainWindow,ui): flag = True def __init__(self): ''' Initializing the application ''' QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.zoomcount = 0 = Graphics() self.scene = Graphics.flag = MainApp.flag self.previewBtn.setChecked(True) self.editingBtn.toggled.connect(lambda:self.btnState(self.previewBtn)) self.previewBtn.toggled.connect(lambda:self.btnState(self.editingBtn)) self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene) self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True) self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent=self.deleteCall self.menuBar() self.unitOperationListInit() def unitOperationListInit(self): self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Air-blownCooler"), 1, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Bag"), 1, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Boiler"), 1, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Tank"), 2, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Breaker"), 2, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("BriquettingMachine"), 2, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Centrifugal"), 3, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalCompressor"), 3, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump"), 3, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump2"), 4, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump3"), 4, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Column"), 4, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Compressor"), 5, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CompressorSilencers"), 5, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Condenser"), 5, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Cooler"), 6, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CoolingTower2"), 6, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CoolingTower3"), 6, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Crusher"), 7, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("DoublePipeHeat"), 7, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ExtractorHood"), 7, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("FiredHeater"), 8, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Forced-draftCooling"), 8, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Forced-draftCoolingTower"), 8, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Furnance"), 9, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("GasBottle"), 9, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HalfPipeMixingVessel"), 9, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Heater"), 10, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HeatExchanger"), 10, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HeatExchanger2"), 10, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HorizontalVessel"), 11, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("JacketedMixingVessel"), 11, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("LiquidRingCompressor"), 11, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Mixing"),12 , 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("MixingReactor"), 12, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("OilBurner"), 12, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("OpenTank"), 13, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ProportioningPump"), 13, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Pump"), 13, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Pump2"), 14, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ReboilerHeatExchanger"), 14, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ReciprocativeCompressor"), 14, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("RotaryCompressor"), 15, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("RotaryGearPump"), 15, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ScrewPump"),15 , 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SelectableCompressor"), 16, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SelectableFan"), 16, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SinglePassHeat"), 16, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SpiralHeatExchanger"), 17, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("StraightTubesHeat"), 17, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Tank"), 17, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("TurbinePump"), 18, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("U-TubeHeatExchanger"), 18, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VacuumPump"), 18, 2) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VerticalPump"), 19, 0) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VerticalVessel"), 19, 1) self.gl1.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("WastewaterTreatment"), 19, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Air-blownCooler"), 1, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Bag"), 1, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Boiler"), 1, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Tank"), 2, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Breaker"), 2, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("BriquettingMachine"), 2, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Centrifugal"), 3, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalCompressor"), 3, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump"), 3, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump2"), 4, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CentrifugalPump3"), 4, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Column"), 4, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Compressor"), 5, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CompressorSilencers"), 5, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Condenser"), 5, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Cooler"), 6, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CoolingTower2"), 6, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("CoolingTower3"), 6, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Crusher"), 7, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("DoublePipeHeat"), 7, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ExtractorHood"), 7, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("FiredHeater"), 8, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Forced-draftCooling"), 8, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Forced-draftCoolingTower"), 8, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Furnance"), 9, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("GasBottle"), 9, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HalfPipeMixingVessel"), 9, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Heater"), 10, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HeatExchanger"), 10, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HeatExchanger2"), 10, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("HorizontalVessel"), 11, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("JacketedMixingVessel"), 11, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("LiquidRingCompressor"), 11, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Mixing"),12 , 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("MixingReactor"), 12, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("OilBurner"), 12, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("OpenTank"), 13, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ProportioningPump"), 13, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Pump"), 13, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Pump2"), 14, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ReboilerHeatExchanger"), 14, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ReciprocativeCompressor"), 14, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("RotaryCompressor"), 15, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("RotaryGearPump"), 15, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("ScrewPump"),15 , 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SelectableCompressor"), 16, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SelectableFan"), 16, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SinglePassHeat"), 16, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("SpiralHeatExchanger"), 17, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("StraightTubesHeat"), 17, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("Tank"), 17, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("TurbinePump"), 18, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("U-TubeHeatExchanger"), 18, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VacuumPump"), 18, 2) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VerticalPump"), 19, 0) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("VerticalVessel"), 19, 1) self.gl2.addWidget(self.createCellWidget("WastewaterTreatment"), 19, 2) def createCellWidget(self, text): pic=QtGui.QPixmap("unitOp/type1/"+text+".png") icon = QIcon(pic) button = QToolButton() button.setText(text) button.setIcon(icon) button.setIconSize(QSize(44, 44)) button.setToolTip(text) layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(button, 0, 0, Qt.AlignHCenter) #layout.addWidget(QLabel(text), 1, 0, Qt.AlignCenter) widget = QWidget() widget.setLayout(layout) button.pressed.connect(lambda:self.component(text)) return widget def btnState(self, b): item = QGraphicsLineItem(QLineF(0,0,0,0)) self.scene.addItem(item) #item.setPos(QPointF(2500,2500)) item.setPos(NodeItem.pos) if b.text() == "Editing": if b.isChecked() == True: MainApp.flag = not MainApp.flag Graphics.flag = MainApp.flag for socket in socketLst: NodeSocket.restoreSockets(socket) for i in lst: NodeSocket.removeSockets(i[1]) NodeSocket.removeSockets(i[2]) else: if b.isChecked() == True: MainApp.flag = not MainApp.flag Graphics.flag = MainApp.flag for socket in socketLst: NodeSocket.removeSockets(socket) def menuBar(self): ''' MenuBar function handels all the all the operations of menu bar like new,zoom,comounds selector, simulation options. ''' self.actionNew.triggered.connect( self.actionZoomIn.triggered.connect(self.zoomIn) self.actionZoomOut.triggered.connect(self.zoomOut) self.actionZoomReset.triggered.connect(self.zoomReset) self.actionSave.triggered.connect( self.actionInsertText.triggered.connect(self.insertText) self.actionSocket.triggered.connect(self.socket) self.actionNumber.triggered.connect(self.number) def zoomReset(self): ''' Resets the zoom level to default scaling ''' if(self.zoomcount>0): for i in range(self.zoomcount): self.zoomOut() elif(self.zoomcount<0): for i in range(abs(self.zoomcount)): self.zoomIn() def zoomOut(self): ''' ZoomOut the canvas ''' self.graphicsView.scale(1.0/1.15,1.0/1.15) self.zoomcount -=1 def zoomIn(self): ''' ZoomIn the canvas ''' if self.zoomcount < 0: self.graphicsView.scale(1.15,1.15) self.zoomcount +=1 def component(self,unitOpType): ''' Instantiate a NodeItem object for selected type of component and added that on canvas/flowsheeting area. ''' if MainApp.flag == True: self.type = unitOpType self.obj =, self.graphicsView) self.scene.addItem(self.obj) self.obj.setPos(QPointF(2500-30, 2500-30)) def new(self): ''' New is used to delete all the existing work. ''' if MainApp.flag: del = Graphics() self.scene = self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene) self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True) self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent=self.deleteCall def deleteCall(self,event): ''' Handels all the operations which will happen when delete button is pressed. ''' try: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete: l=self.scene.selectedItems() self.delete(l) except Exception as e: print(e) def delete(self,l): ''' Deletes the selected item from the canvas and also the objects created for that type. ''' if MainApp.flag: for item in l: self.scene.removeItem(item) if (item.typee == 'Graphics.NodeLine'): for i in lst: if i[0] == item: NodeSocket.restoreSockets(i[1]) NodeSocket.restoreSockets(i[2]) lst.remove(i) del item def socket(self): if MainApp.flag: item ='none1',self.graphicsView) self.scene.addItem(item) item.setPos(QPointF(2020, 2200)) def number(self): if MainApp.flag: self.numberItem = NumberItem(self.graphicsView) self.scene.addItem(self.numberItem) self.numberItem.setPos(QPointF(2020, 2200)) def insertText(self): if MainApp.flag: self.textItem = TextItem(self.graphicsView) self.scene.addItem(self.textItem) self.textItem.setPos(QPointF(2020, 2200)) def save(self): ''' Function for saving the current canvas items and compound_selected ''' '''# Get region of scene to capture from somewhere. #area = get_QRect_to_capture_from_somewhere() area = QRectF(QPointF(0,0), QPointF(1500, 1500)) # Create a QImage to render to and fix up a QPainter for it. image = QImage(area.width() , area.height(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) painter = QPainter(image) # Render the region of interest to the QImage. self.scene.render(painter) painter.end() fileFormat = 'png' initialPath = QDir.currentPath() + 'image.' + fileFormat fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save As", initialPath, "%s Files (*.%s);; All Files (*)" % (fileFormat.upper(), fileFormat)) if fileName != "": with open(fileName, 'wb') as f: ''' fileFormat = 'png' initialPath = QDir.currentPath() + 'untitled.' + fileFormat fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save As", initialPath, "%s Files (*.%s);; All Files (*)" % (fileFormat.upper(), fileFormat)) screen = QApplication.primaryScreen() screenshot = screen.grabWindow(self.graphicsView.winId()), fileFormat)
button['label'] = 'Use Floodfill' print('Search algorithm switched to A*') # Program entry point if __name__ == "__main__": pathfinderAlgo = 'A*' mapNodes = Graph.getNodes() # Create car object # carStartingNode = mapNodes[randint(0, len(mapNodes))] # Uncomment for random staring point carStartingNode = mapNodes[153] car = Entity.newEntity(carStartingNode['x'], carStartingNode['y']) car.moveSpeed = 5 car.timeSpeedup = 4 renderEngine = Graphics.Init(overlayMap_width, overlayMap_height) renderEngine.on_loop = update renderEngine.on_render = draw renderEngine.on_mouseDown = mouseDown overlayMap = pygame.image.load('sample_map.png') overlayMapRect = overlayMap.get_rect() renderEngine.button(20, 20, 135, 35, "Use Floodfill", changeAlgorithm) renderEngine.on_execute()
def load(self): self.keyDown = {} self.fps = 0 self.right_btn = False #initialize the screen/window self.size = self.width, self.height = Settings.Resolution self.fullscreen = Settings.Fullscreen self.resetVideoMode() #init network variable thingy = None #create console self.console = Console.Console( Graphics.Rectangle(20, 20, self.width - 20, self.height - 20)) self.console.setAsStdOut() self.console.onInput = self.onConsoleInput #initialize some basic opengl states GraphicsCard.enable('depth_test') GraphicsCard.setDepthFunc('less') GraphicsCard.setShadeModel('smooth') GraphicsCard.setScreenProjection(float(self.width / self.height), 0.1, 5000.0) self.font = Font.TextureFont('../base/fonts/tahoma.fnt') self.bigfont = Font.TextureFont('../base/fonts/tahoma_20.fnt') FontManager.GetFont(Settings.ConsoleFont) loadscreen = TextureManager.GetTexture( '../base/art/ui/facehatlogo.png') #Draw loading screen GraphicsCard.clearDepth(1.0) GraphicsCard.clearColor((1, 1, 1, 1)) GraphicsCard.clear() #glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) GraphicsCard.setBlendFunction('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha') GraphicsCard.enable('blend', 'texture_2d') gl2D.start2D() gl2D.drawTexture2D(loadscreen, self.width / 2 - 256, self.height / 2 - 256, 512, 512) self.bigfont.draw(self.width / 2, self.height / 2 - 280, "Loading...") gl2D.end2D() pygame.display.flip() #hide/show cursor if Settings.GrabMouse: pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) pygame.event.set_grab(True) else: pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) pygame.event.set_grab(False) #Initialize OpenGL extensions GraphicsCard.initExtensions() #check for OpenGL 2.0 if Settings.UseShaders and GraphicsCard.hasShaders(): print "Shader Support Present" Settings.UseShaders = True else: print "Warning: No shader support, or shaders disabled" Settings.UseShaders = False print "Max Anisotropy:", GraphicsCard.getMaxAnisotropy() ###load the map if Settings.SinglePlayer: = World.World(Settings.DefaultMod, Settings.DefaultMap, is_server=True, graphics_enabled=True) else: = World.World(Settings.DefaultMod, Settings.DefaultMap, is_server=False, graphics_enabled=True) self.lastjump = time_in_seconds() #setup lighting n = vec3(0, 1, 0) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0]) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, [n.x, n.y, n.z, 0]) GraphicsCard.clearColor((0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) GraphicsCard.enable('light0')
drug_names = [ drug for item in drug_names.itervalues() for drug in item['drugs'] if drug in filtered_list ] drug_name_frequencies = Counter(drug_names) cutoff = 20 name, frequency = zip(*drug_name_frequencies.most_common(cutoff)) idx = range(len(frequency)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111), frequency, color='k') artist.adjust_spines(ax) ax.set_ylabel(artist.format('No. of mentions')) ax.set_xticks(np.array(range(len(name))) + 0.4) ax.set_xticklabels(map(artist.format, name), rotation=90) a = plt.axes([.65, .6, .2, .2]) _, full_frequencies = zip(*drug_name_frequencies.most_common()) a.hist(full_frequencies, color='k') artist.adjust_spines(a) a.set_xlabel(artist.format('No. of mentions')) a.set_ylabel(artist.format('No. of substances')) plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') for label in a.get_xticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('drug-name-frequency-lycaeum.png')
class Game(SetupWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__players = ('W', 'B') self.__turn = self.__players[0] self.__graphics = Graphics() self.__board = Board() self.__board.initializePieces('g') self.__selectedPiece = None self.__jump = False self.__buttonActions = ['Reset', 'Menu'] self.__backMenu = False self.__buttonSize = [200, 50] self.__endGame = False def getBackMenu(self): return self.__backMenu def eventLoopPvP(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): mousePos = self.__graphics.boardCoord(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.terminate_game() self.buttonFunc() self.__board.jumpAvailable(self.__turn) self.__graphics.message_display(self.turndisplay(self.__turn), 50, self.getDisplayWidth() / 2, self.getDisplayHeight() / 20, colors["BRIGHT_SUMMER_SUN"]) self.__graphics.drawBoardSquares(self.__board) self.__graphics.drawPieceCircles(self.__board) self.clock.tick(60) if self.__selectedPiece is not None and self.__jump is True and not self.__board.legalMoves( self.__selectedPiece, self.__jump): self.end_turn(self.__board) if self.__selectedPiece is not None and not self.__board.legalMoves( self.__selectedPiece): if self.__board.location( self.__selectedPiece).occupant is not None: self.__board.location( self.__selectedPiece).occupant.selected = False self.__selectedPiece = None self.invalidMove() if self.__selectedPiece is not None and self.__board.jumpAvailablePieces: if self.__selectedPiece not in self.__board.jumpAvailablePieces: self.__board.location( self.__selectedPiece).occupant.selected = False self.__selectedPiece = None self.invalidMove() if self.__selectedPiece: if self.__jump is False: self.__graphics.highlightMoves( self.__board.legalMoves(self.__selectedPiece)) else: self.__graphics.highlightMoves( self.__board.legalMoves(self.__selectedPiece, self.__jump)) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self.__board.isOnBoard( mousePos): if self.__jump is False: if self.__board.location( mousePos ).occupant is not None and self.__board.location( mousePos ).occupant.color == self.__turn and self.__selectedPiece is None: self.__selectedPiece = mousePos self.__board.location( mousePos).occupant.selected = True elif self.__selectedPiece is not None: if mousePos in self.__board.legalMoves( self.__selectedPiece): colisionMove = self.__board.checkColision( self.__selectedPiece, mousePos) self.__board.movePiece(self.__selectedPiece, mousePos) if mousePos not in self.__board.adjacent( self.__selectedPiece) and isinstance( self.__board.location( mousePos).occupant, King) is False: self.__board.removePiece( (self.__selectedPiece[0] + int( (mousePos[0] - self.__selectedPiece[0]) / 2), self.__selectedPiece[1] + int( (mousePos[1] - self.__selectedPiece[1]) / 2))) self.__jump = True self.__selectedPiece = mousePos self.__board.location( mousePos).occupant.selected = True elif isinstance( self.__board.location(mousePos).occupant, King) is True and colisionMove: self.__board.removePiece(colisionMove) self.__jump = True self.__selectedPiece = mousePos self.__board.location( mousePos).occupant.selected = True else: self.end_turn(self.__board) else: self.invalidMove() else: if self.__selectedPiece is not None and mousePos in self.__board.legalMoves( self.__selectedPiece, self.__jump): self.__board.movePiece(self.__selectedPiece, mousePos) self.__board.removePiece( (self.__selectedPiece[0] + int( (mousePos[0] - self.__selectedPiece[0]) / 2), self.__selectedPiece[1] + int( (mousePos[1] - self.__selectedPiece[1]) / 2))) self.__board.location( mousePos).occupant.selected = True self.__selectedPiece = mousePos if not self.__board.legalMoves(mousePos, self.__jump): self.end_turn(self.__board) else: self.invalidMove() if self.__endGame: self.endGameDisplay() pygame.display.update() def invalidMove(self): self.__graphics.message_display('Ruch', 40, self.getDisplayWidth() / 2 + 270, self.getDisplayHeight() / 1.5, colors["CHERRY"]) self.__graphics.message_display('Nieprawidłowy!', 35, self.getDisplayWidth() / 2 + 270, self.getDisplayHeight() / 1.5 + 40, colors["CHERRY"]) def terminate_game(self): pygame.quit() quit() def end_turn(self, board): if self.__turn == self.__players[0]: self.__turn = self.__players[1] else: self.__turn = self.__players[0] self.__selectedPiece = None for x in range(8): for y in range(8): if board.matrix[x][y].occupant is not None: board.matrix[x][y].occupant.selected = False self.__jump = False self.__board.jumpAvailablePieces = [] self.__board.jump = [] if self.checkEndgame(): self.__endGame = True def turndisplay(self, turn): if turn == 'W': return 'Tura gracza 1' else: return 'Tura gracza 2' def checkEndgame(self): for x in range(8): for y in range(8): if self.__board.location( (x, y)).color == '1' and self.__board.location( (x, y)).occupant is not None and self.__board.location( (x, y)).occupant.color == self.__turn: if self.__board.legalMoves((x, y)): return False return True def gameButtons(self, msg, msg_size, x, y, w, h, ic, ac, action=None): mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if x + w > mouse[0] > x and y + h > mouse[1] > y: colour = ac if click[0] == 1 and action is not None: if action == self.__buttonActions[0]: self.resetGame() else: self.__backMenu = True else: colour = ic pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, colour, (x, y, w, h)) smallText = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", msg_size) textSurf, textRect = self.__graphics.text_objects( msg, smallText, colors["MUSTARD"]) = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2)) + 5) self.screen.blit(textSurf, textRect) def buttonFunc(self): for action, i in zip(self.__buttonActions, [540, 480]): self.gameButtons( action, 60, self.getDisplayWidth() - (self.getDisplayWidth() - self.__graphics.getBoardSize()) / 2 - self.__buttonSize[0] / 2, i, self.__buttonSize[0], self.__buttonSize[1], colors["SUMMER_SUN"], colors["BRIGHT_SUMMER_SUN"], action) def endGameDisplay(self): if self.__turn == self.__players[0]: self.__graphics.message_display('Wygrał 2', 100, self.getDisplayWidth() / 2, self.getDisplayHeight() / 2, colors["CHERRY"]) else: self.__graphics.message_display('Wygrał 1', 100, self.getDisplayWidth() / 2, self.getDisplayHeight() / 2, colors["CHERRY"]) def resetGame(self): self.__turn = self.__players[0] self.__board = Board() self.__board.initializePieces() self.__selectedPiece = None self.__endGame = False
def onInit(self): self.console = Console.Console(Graphics.Rectangle(30, 30, 512, 160)) self.setRepeatRate(200, 50) self.console.setAsStdOut() print "WHATS UP BITCHES!!" print "yeah, thought so!"
def checkDraw(self, mDrawX1, mDrawY1): rowSwitch = self.y switcher = 1 Graphics.tileSelectedClear(mDrawX1, mDrawY1) for index in range(self.y): for index in range(self.x): if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 1: Graphics.drawMoon(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 2: Graphics.drawAvocado(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 3: Graphics.drawFire(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 4: Graphics.drawCoconut(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 5: Graphics.drawJoy(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 6: Graphics.drawHeart(index, switcher) if self.board[switcher - 1][index].emoji == 0: Graphics.drawEmpty(index, switcher) rowSwitch -= 1 switcher += 1 Graphics.eraseScore(self.x, self.y) Graphics.drawTotalScore(self.x, self.y, Score.score)
def testMaze(n_steps, learning_dbg_lvl=1, navigation_dbg_lvl=0): nT = n_steps[0] # Training steps nN = n_steps[1] # Navigation steps ValueLearning.DBG_LVL = learning_dbg_lvl move_distance = MOVE_DISTANCE # Parameters describing the maze # Build the Maze (add walls etc.) # Maze with partition - 6 x 6 environment # ----------------- (6,6) # | | # | (2,3) (4,3) | # |----- -----| (6,3) # | | # | | # (0,0) ----------------- nx = 6 ny = 6 lp_wall = Environment.Wall((0, 3), (2, 3)) rp_wall = Environment.Wall((4, 3), (6, 3)) maze = Environment.MazeWithWalls(nx, ny, [lp_wall, rp_wall], move_distance) # 10 x 10 Maze with an L barrier # (2,10) # --------------------- (10,10) # | | | # | | | # | | | # | | (4,4) | # (0,4) | |------ | # | | | # | (2,2) | # (0,0) --------------------- """ nx = 10 ny = 10 h_wall = Environment.Wall((2,4), (4,4)) v_wall = Environment.Wall((2,2), (2,10)) maze = Environment.MazeWithWalls(nx, ny, [h_wall, v_wall]) """ # Create a initial and goal location including the information about wall locations # Object for plotting and visualization canvas = Graphics.WallMazeCanvas(maze) # Add Place fields and place cells n_fields = round(1.0 * (nx + 3) * (ny + 3)) Hippocampus.N_CELLS_PER_FIELD = 4 n_cells = n_fields * Hippocampus.N_CELLS_PER_FIELD place_fields = Hippocampus.setupPlaceFields(maze, n_fields) place_cells = Hippocampus.assignPlaceCells(n_cells, place_fields) if (learning_dbg_lvl > 2): canvas.visualizePlaceFields(place_cells) # Learn how to navigate this Environment (actor, critic, learning_steps) = ValueLearning.learnValueFunction(nT, maze, place_cells, max_steps=4000) # Try a single trial on the same Maze and see how we do ValueLearning.DBG_LVL = navigation_dbg_lvl navigation_steps = ValueLearning.navigate(nN, maze, place_cells, actor, critic, max_steps=400) return (learning_steps, navigation_steps)
def Simulate(Mol, Simulations): if 'Graphics' in Simulations: #Save a graph of the molecule and the 4 states around the Fermi Energy Graph = Graphics() Graph.SetMolecule(Mol) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Molecule.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 2] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 2])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - H**O 2.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 1] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 1])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - H**O 1.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 0] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 0])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - LUMO 1.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 + 1] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 + 1])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - LUMO 2.png", part='Molecule') if 'Lifting' in Simulations: #Set up the plots fig = plt.figure() axLift, axOrbs = [fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1), fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)] #Load and plot the experimental data if available for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'Experimental Data/'): for file in files: print(file) header, values = ImportData(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'Experimental Data/' + file) axLift.plot(10 * values[:, 0], values[:, 1], 'k', marker='.', lw=0, label=file, alpha=0.1) #Create MD folder if it did not already exists if not os.path.exists(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'MD'): os.makedirs(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'MD') #Perform lifting simulation MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) dz = np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50) # Mol.SetBias(0.01) I = MD.PerformLifting(dz, export=['param', 'dzI', 'xyz'], axOrb=axOrbs) #Plot tweaking and saving axLift.plot(dz, np.log(I), color='midnightblue', label='Simulated', lw=2, alpha=0.8) axLift.plot(dz, np.log(I), color='midnightblue', label='Simulated', lw=0, alpha=0.8, marker='o', markersize=10) # axLift.legend() # axLift.set_title('Lifting') axLift.set_xlabel('$\Delta \ z [A]$') axLift.set_ylabel('$ln(I)$') axLift.set_xlim([np.min(dz), np.max(dz)]) ymin, ymax = np.min(np.log(I)), np.max(np.log(I)) axLift.set_ylim( [ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)]) # #Plot Beta factor # axBeta = axLift.twinx() # axBeta.plot((dz[0:-4]+dz[4:])/2, (np.log(I[0:-4])-np.log(I[4:]))/(dz[4]-dz[0])*10, c='r', alpha=0.5, lw=2) # axBeta.set_ylabel('$Beta$') axOrbs.set_title('Orbitals') axOrbs.set_xlabel('$\Delta z [A]$') axOrbs.set_ylabel('$E_{Fermi} [eV]$') axOrbs.legend(['H**O 2', 'H**O 1', 'LUMO 1', 'LUMO 2']) fig.set_size_inches(20.5, 6.5) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) fig.savefig(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + ' - Lifting vs Current.png', dpi=fig.dpi) if 'LiftingSpectroscopy' in Simulations: #Set up parameters and perform simulation MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) dz = np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50) neg_bias = -np.linspace(0.015, 0.5, 100)[::-1] pos_bias = np.linspace(0.005, 0.5, 100) I = MD.PerformLiftingSpectroscopy(dz, np.concatenate((neg_bias, pos_bias)), export=['dz-V-I']) I = [I[:, 0:len(neg_bias)], I[:, len(neg_bias):]] #Set up the figure c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb fig = plt.figure() axI, axdIdV, axBeta = [ fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1), fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2), fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) ] #Plot ln(I) data BIAS, DZ = [[None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): BIAS[i], DZ[i] = np.meshgrid(bias, dz) im = axI.contourf(np.concatenate([DZ[0], DZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([BIAS[0], BIAS[1]], axis=1), np.log(abs(np.concatenate([I[0], I[1]], axis=1))), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('white'), c('midnightblue')])) axI.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axI.set_xlabel('$\Delta z \ [\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axI, label='$ln(I)$') #Plot dI/dV data dIdV, mBIAS, mDZ = [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): dIdV[i] = (I[i][:, 1:] - I[i][:, 0:-1]) / (bias[1] - bias[0]) mBIAS[i], mDZ[i] = np.meshgrid(0.5 * (bias[1:] + bias[0:-1]), dz) im = axdIdV.contourf(np.concatenate([mDZ[0], mDZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([mBIAS[0], mBIAS[1]], axis=1), np.log(np.concatenate([dIdV[0], dIdV[1]], axis=1)), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('white'), c('darkgreen')])) axdIdV.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axdIdV.set_xlabel('$\Delta z \ [\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axdIdV, label='$ln(dI/dV)$') #Plot beta factor Beta, BIAS, DZ = [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): Beta[i] = (np.log(abs(I[i][1:, :])) - np.log(abs(I[i][0:-1, :]))) / (dz[1] - dz[0]) BIAS[i], DZ[i] = np.meshgrid(bias, 0.5 * (dz[1:] + dz[0:-1])) im = axBeta.contourf(np.concatenate([DZ[0], DZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([BIAS[0], BIAS[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([Beta[0], Beta[1]], axis=1), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('darkred'), c('white')])) axBeta.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axBeta.set_xlabel('$\Delta \ z$ [$\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axBeta, label='$Beta factor$') mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 42}) fig.set_size_inches(100.5, 13.5) fig.savefig(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + ' - LiftingSpectroscopy.png', dpi=fig.dpi) if 'MD' in Simulations: #Perform a molecular dynamics simulation only MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) MD.PerformLiftingMD(np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol1.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50), export=['xyz'])
# For plotting the SEM measure, use this! err_training_steps = stats.sem(training_steps, axis=1) err_navigation_steps = stats.sem(navigation_steps, axis=1) training_fig = pl.figure() training_ax = training_fig.add_subplot(111) training_ax.errorbar(range(n_training_trials), mean_training_steps, yerr=err_training_steps, marker='d', ecolor='black', capsize=0.5) training_ax.set_xlabel('Trials') training_ax.set_ylabel('Distance Moved') Graphics.cleanAxes(training_ax) navigation_fig = pl.figure() navigation_ax = navigation_fig.add_subplot(111) navigation_ax.errorbar(range(n_navigation_trials), mean_navigation_steps, yerr=err_navigation_steps, marker='o', ecolor='black', capsize=0.5) navigation_ax.set_xlabel('Trials') navigation_ax.set_ylabel('Distance Moved') Graphics.cleanAxes(navigation_ax)
f = open("data.txt", 'w') for i in range(len(p)): pathString = str(p[i][0]) + str(p[i][1]) + ' ' f.write(pathString) runString = "\n" for i in range(len(runResult[1])): if runResult[1][i] == "jump" or runResult[1][i] == "stay": runString += "0" else: runString += "1" f.write(runString) f.close() if "-na" not in sys.argv and "-g" not in sys.argv: if "-g" not in sys.argv: print("Displaying best solution") Graphics.main() else: if "-g" not in sys.argv: print("Skipping animation.") # Plot the longest solutions if "-np" not in sys.argv and "-g" not in sys.argv: if "-g" not in sys.argv: print("Plotting solution lengths") axes = plt.gca() axes.set_xlim([0, len(longestSolutions)]) axes.set_ylim([0, pathlength]) xaxis = [] for i in range(len(longestSolutions)): xaxis += [i] plt.title("Solution Length over Time") plt.xlabel("Generation") plt.ylabel("Longest Solution")
def calculateStatistics(project, trace): """ Calculate derived OpenGL ES statistics instrumentation sensor data and trace events. """ if not "code" in project.targets: raise ValueError("No code information in project file") task = Task.startTask("gles-stats", "Calculating OpenGL ES statistics", len( library = project.targets["code"].library constants = Collections.DictProxy(library.constants) # Create the derived sensors trace.sensors["average_triangle_size"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Average triangle size", isAverage = True) trace.sensors["texel_fetches_per_pixel"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Texel fetches per pixel", isAverage = True) trace.sensors["texel_uploads"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Texel uploads") trace.sensors["vertices_in"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Vertices in") trace.sensors["triangles_in"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Triangles in") trace.sensors["render_calls"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Rendering calls") trace.sensors["rasterizer_discarded_pixels"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Rasterizer discarded pixels") trace.sensors["draw_ratio"] = Trace.InstrumentationSensor("Draw ratio") prevRenderEvent = None depthMask = 1 for event in task.step() func = library.functions[] if func.isRenderCall: event.sensorData["render_calls"] = 1 if func.isRenderCall and "count" in event.values and "mode" in event.values: m = event.values["mode"] if m == constants.GL_TRIANGLES: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] / 3) elif m == constants.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] - 2) elif m == constants.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] - 2) elif m == constants.GL_POINTS: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] * 2) elif m == constants.GL_LINES: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"]) elif m == constants.GL_LINE_STRIP: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] * 2) elif m == constants.GL_LINE_LOOP: event.sensorData["triangles_in"] = int(event.values["count"] * 2 + 2) fragments = event.sensorData.get("rasterizer_pixels", 0) triangles = event.sensorData.get("triangles_in", 0) texFetches = event.sensorData.get("rasterizer_texel_fetches", 0) if triangles and fragments: event.sensorData["average_triangle_size"] = fragments / float(triangles) if fragments and texFetches: event.sensorData["texel_fetches_per_pixel"] = fragments / float(texFetches) if in ["glTexImage2D", "glTexSubImage2D"]: event.sensorData["texel_uploads"] = int(event.values["width"] * event.values["height"]) if func.isRenderCall and "count" in event.values: event.sensorData["vertices_in"] = int(event.values["count"]) if == "glDepthMask": depthMask = event.values["flag"] # If we have the depth buffers for this event and the previous draw event, see how many pixels # actually changed and use that value to estimate overdraw if func.isRenderCall and not "rasterizer_discarded_pixels" in event.sensorData: if depthMask and prevRenderEvent and "depth_stride" in event.sensorData and "depth_mask" in event.sensorData: f1 = player.Instrumentation.getBufferFileName(prevRenderEvent, "depth") f2 = player.Instrumentation.getBufferFileName(event, "depth") if f1 and f2: diff = Graphics.compareDepthBuffers(f1, f2, event.sensorData["depth_stride"], event.sensorData["depth_mask"]) event.sensorData["rasterizer_discarded_pixels"] = fragments - diff prevRenderEvent = event discFragments = event.sensorData.get("rasterizer_discarded_pixels", 0) width = event.sensorData.get("render_surface_width", 0) height = event.sensorData.get("render_surface_height", 0) if fragments and width and height: event.sensorData["draw_ratio"] = (fragments - discFragments) / float(width * height)
def __init__(self): = Graphics() self.board = Board()
import Graphics import matrix import DEBUG import MatGraph import math from Mesh import * import random from typing import List from dataclasses import dataclass import threading DEBUG.init() Graphics.initDisplayHandler(DEBUG.window,(1920,1080),100,30*math.pi/180) def PointAt(pos,target,up): NewForward = target-pos #print(NewForward.v) try: size = math.sqrt(NewForward.v[0]**2+NewForward.v[0]**2+NewForward.v[0]**2) NewForward.v[0] /= size NewForward.v[1] /= size NewForward.v[2] /= size except: pass a = NewForward * MatGraph.DotProduct(up,NewForward) NewUp = up - a
def getOnscreenPos(self): if self.currentState == CONST.CurrentPlayerState.Small: return Graphics.getOnScreenPos(self.pos, self.cameraPos) return Graphics.getOnScreenPos( (self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + (CONST.PlayerLargeSizeY - CONST.PlayerSizeY)), self.cameraPos)
]) TranslationMatrix2 = matrix.mat3x3([ [-0,0,0], [-0,0,0], [-0,0,0], ]) Cam = matrix.vector([0,0,0]) Light = matrix.vector([0,-0,-1]) Graphics.init() theta = math.pi/3 spd = 0.01 Test = Mesh.Load3DElement("Gplanneur/Tests/Test 3D/3D rotations/GAMIIIING.obj") #print(Test.v) while Graphics.ProgramRunning : cube2 = copy.deepcopy([Test]) Graphics.PrintFPS() if(Graphics.SpaceToken): theta += math.pi/8 else: theta += math.pi/512