Esempio n. 1
    def get_product_price(self):
        price = ""
        plus_price = ""
        date = {}
        sku_id = self.get_product_skuid()
        r = HTMLInfo.get_html("")
        match_pattern = re.compile(r"lab\(\[(.*?)\]\)")
            json_data = json.loads(re.findall(match_pattern, r.text)[0])
        except Exception as ex:
            print('get_product_price Ex:', ex)
        if re.match('', json_data['url']):
            date = json_data["startOn"]

        date = str(date) + "1608370126"

        # this url to get the price for JD
        url = "" + date + "&skuIds=J_" + sku_id

        # response.json() can return the json-encoded content of a response
        status = HTMLInfo.get_html(url).json()[0]

        if status:
            if 'tpp' in status:
                plus_price = u"PLUS价:<br />" + status['tpp']
            if 'p' in status:
                price = u"京东价:<br />" + status['p']
        return price + "<br />" + plus_price
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, url):
     self.url = url
     r = HTMLInfo.get_html(url)
     if r.encoding:
         self.html = r.content.decode(r.encoding)
         self.html = r.content.decode('utf-8')
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        HTMLInfo.REFERER = url
        r = HTMLInfo.get_html(url)
        self.html = r.text = self.get_product()
Esempio n. 4
    def get_product_promotion(self):
        discount = {}
        content = ""
        vip = ""
        sku_id = self.get_product_skuid()
        cat = self.get_product_cate()
        vender_id = self.get_vendorId()
        shop_id = self.get_shopId()

        # 2_2813_51976_0 stands for Shanghai; 1_72_2799_0 means Beijing
        url = "" + sku_id + "&area=2_2813_51976_0&shopId=" + shop_id + "&venderId=" + vender_id + "&cat=" + cat
        prom = HTMLInfo.get_html(url).content.decode('gbk')
            if prom.find('You have triggered an abuse') < 0:
                prom = json.loads(prom)
                if "skuCoupon" in prom.keys():
                    if prom["skuCoupon"]:
                        for i in prom["skuCoupon"]:
                            discount[i["discount"]] = i["quota"]

                if "prom" in prom.keys():
                    if "tags" in prom["prom"].keys():
                        if prom["prom"]["tags"]:
                            if prom["prom"]["tags"][0]["name"] == u'会员特价':
                                vip = prom["prom"]["tags"][0]["name"]

                    if "pickOneTag" in prom["prom"].keys():
                        if prom["prom"]["pickOneTag"]:
                            content = prom["prom"]["pickOneTag"][0]["content"]
        except Exception as ex:
            print('get_product_promotion ', ex)

        sale = ""
        gift = ""
        if discount:
            for i in discount.keys():
                sale += u'满减:满' + str(discount[i]) + u'减' + str(i) + "<br />"
        if vip:
            vip = str(vip) + "<br />"
        if content:
            gift = u'满赠:' + str(content) + "<br />"

        promotion = vip + sale + gift

        return promotion