Esempio n. 1
    channelAudio2 = Channel.Channel(codedAudio2, errorRate)

    # print("codedAudio1 : ")
    # print(codedAudio1)

    decodedHammingAudioBinary = []
    # we get the 7 bits corrupted values from channelAudio1,2
    corruptedHamMsg1 = channelAudio1.getCorruptedMessage()
    corruptedHamMsg2 = channelAudio2.getCorruptedMessage()

    # print("corruptedHamMsg1 : ")
    # print(corruptedHamMsg1)

    # we go through all corrupted messages and decode them
    for i in range(len(corruptedHamMsg1)):
        half1 = Hamming.decodeHamming7_4(corruptedHamMsg1[i])
        half2 = Hamming.decodeHamming7_4(corruptedHamMsg2[i])
        decodedWord = half1 + half2

    # decodedHammingAudioBinary contains all corrected word
    # we can now convert it back to int, plot it and listen to it.
    # translation of the corrupted msg from bits to integers

    # translation from bit to integers
    for i in range(len(decodedHammingAudioBinary)):
        decodedHammingAudioBinary[i] = int(decodedHammingAudioBinary[i], 2)

    # print("decodedHammingAudioBinary : ")
    # print(decodedHammingAudioBinary)