def testManyUVConversionsFromPlug(self):

        coreMesh = IECore.Reader.create(

        self.assertTrue("uv" in coreMesh)

        for i in range(0, 7):
            coreMesh["testUVSet%d" % i] = IECoreScene.PrimitiveVariable(
                coreMesh["uv"].interpolation, coreMesh["uv"].data.copy())

        fn = IECoreMaya.FnOpHolder.create("test", "meshMerge")

        mayaMesh =, dag=True,
        maya.cmds.connectAttr( + ".result",
                              mayaMesh + ".inMesh",

        op = fn.getOp()
        with fn.parameterModificationContext():

        maya.cmds.file(new=True, f=True)
        maya.cmds.file("/tmp/", open=True)

        fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString(mayaMesh))
        self.assertEqual(fnMesh.numPolygons(), 760)
        # When calling fnMesh.numFaceVertices() (and other MFnMesh API calls), given a mesh with 6
        # or more UV sets, which has never been evaluated before, the first call throws kFailure.
        # From within the ToMayaMeshConverter itself, the output plug appears fine, and the API calls
        # evaluate as expected. Despite this, the resulting mesh cannot be evaluated on the first try.
        # Making the mesh visible, or making any attempt to evaluate it, will trigger some unknown
        # internal updating, and subsequent attempts to evaluate it will succeed. Meshes with 5 or less
        # UV sets do not suffer from this problem. This was fixed in Maya 2016, but I'll leave
        # this explanation so users of ToMayaMeshConverter have breadcrumbs to follow.
        self.assertEqual(fnMesh.numFaceVertices(), 2280)
        self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.polyEvaluate(mayaMesh, vertex=True), 382)
        self.assertEqual(maya.cmds.polyEvaluate(mayaMesh, face=True), 760)

        u = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
        v = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()

        fnMesh.getUVs(u, v)
        self.assertEqual(u.length(), 2280)
        self.assertEqual(v.length(), 2280)
        self.assertEqual(u[0], coreMesh["uv"].data[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(v[0], coreMesh["uv"].data[0][1])

        for i in range(0, 7):

            fnMesh.getUVs(u, v, "testUVSet%d" % i)
            self.assertEqual(u.length(), 2280)
            self.assertEqual(v.length(), 2280)
            self.assertEqual(u[12], coreMesh["testUVSet%d" % i].data[12][0])
            self.assertEqual(v[12], coreMesh["testUVSet%d" % i].data[12][1])
Esempio n. 2
	def testManyUVConversionsFromPlug( self ) :
		coreMesh = IECore.Reader.create( "test/IECore/data/cobFiles/pSphereShape1.cob" ).read()
		self.assertTrue( "s" in coreMesh )
		self.assertTrue( "t" in coreMesh )
		for i in range( 0, 7 ) :
			coreMesh[ "testUVSet%d_s" % i ] = IECore.PrimitiveVariable( coreMesh["s"].interpolation, coreMesh["s"].data.copy() )
			coreMesh[ "testUVSet%d_t" % i ] = IECore.PrimitiveVariable( coreMesh["t"].interpolation, coreMesh["t"].data.copy() )
		fn = IECoreMaya.FnOpHolder.create( "test", "meshMerge" )
		mayaMesh = maya.cmds.polyPlane(), dag=True, type="mesh" )[0]
		maya.cmds.connectAttr(".result", mayaMesh+".inMesh", force=True )
		op = fn.getOp()
		with fn.parameterModificationContext() :
			op["input"].setValue( coreMesh )
		maya.cmds.file( rename="/tmp/" )
		maya.cmds.file( save=True )
		maya.cmds.file( new=True, f=True )
		maya.cmds.file( "/tmp/", open=True )
		fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString( mayaMesh ) )
		self.assertEqual( fnMesh.numPolygons(), 760 )
		# When calling fnMesh.numFaceVertices() (and other MFnMesh API calls), given a mesh with 6
		# or more UV sets, which has never been evaluated before, the first call throws kFailure.
		# From within the ToMayaMeshConverter itself, the output plug appears fine, and the API calls
		# evaluate as expected. Despite this, the resulting mesh cannot be evaluated on the first try.
		# Making the mesh visible, or making any attempt to evaluate it, will trigger some unknown
		# internal updating, and subsequent attempts to evaluate it will succeed. Meshes with 5 or less
		# UV sets do not suffer from this problem. Leaving this test failing in case it is fixed in a
		# future Maya, and to mark the issue so users of ToMayaMeshConverter have breadcrumbs to follow.
		self.assertEqual( fnMesh.numFaceVertices(), 2280 ) # Known failure. See note above for an explanation.
		self.assertEqual( maya.cmds.polyEvaluate( mayaMesh, vertex=True ), 382 )
		self.assertEqual( maya.cmds.polyEvaluate( mayaMesh, face=True ), 760 )
		u = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
		v = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
		fnMesh.getUVs( u, v )
		self.assertEqual( u.length(), 2280 )
		self.assertEqual( v.length(), 2280 )
		self.assertEqual( u[0], coreMesh[ "s" ].data[0] )
		self.assertEqual( v[0], 1.0 - coreMesh[ "t" ].data[0] )
		for i in range( 0, 7 ) :
			fnMesh.getUVs( u, v, "testUVSet%d" % i )
			self.assertEqual( u.length(), 2280 )
			self.assertEqual( v.length(), 2280 )
			self.assertEqual( u[12], coreMesh[ "testUVSet%d_s" % i ].data[12] )
			self.assertEqual( v[12], 1.0 - coreMesh[ "testUVSet%d_t" % i ].data[12] )
	def testCreases( self ):

		cube = maya.cmds.polyCube()[0]
		fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString(cube) )

		cornerIds = OpenMaya.MUintArray()
		cornerIds.append( 5 )

		cornerSharpnesses = OpenMaya.MDoubleArray()
		cornerSharpnesses.append( 10 )

		fnMesh.setCreaseVertices( cornerIds, cornerSharpnesses )

		edgeIds = OpenMaya.MUintArray()
		edgeIds.append( 0 )
		edgeIds.append( 1 )

		edgeSharpnesses = OpenMaya.MDoubleArray()
		edgeSharpnesses.append( 1 )
		edgeSharpnesses.append( 5 )

		fnMesh.setCreaseEdges( edgeIds, edgeSharpnesses )

		# store which vertices belong to the affected edges

		util = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()

		vertices = []
		for edgeId in edgeIds :

			edgeVertices = util.asInt2Ptr()
			fnMesh.getEdgeVertices( edgeId, edgeVertices )

			vertices.append( util.getInt2ArrayItem( edgeVertices, 0, 0 ) )
			vertices.append( util.getInt2ArrayItem( edgeVertices, 0, 1 ) )

		# convert and test

		cube = maya.cmds.listRelatives( cube, shapes=True )[0]

		converter = IECoreMaya.FromMayaMeshConverter.create( cube, IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.staticTypeId() )
		cortexCube = converter.convert()

		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.cornerIds(), IECore.IntVectorData( [ 5 ] ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.cornerSharpnesses(), IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 10.0 ] ) )

		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseLengths(), IECore.IntVectorData( [ 2, 2 ] ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseIds(), IECore.IntVectorData( vertices ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseSharpnesses(), IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 5 ] ) )
Esempio n. 4
	def testCreases( self ):

		cube = maya.cmds.polyCube()[0]
		fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString(cube) )

		cornerIds = OpenMaya.MUintArray()
		cornerIds.append( 5 )

		cornerSharpnesses = OpenMaya.MDoubleArray()
		cornerSharpnesses.append( 10 )

		fnMesh.setCreaseVertices( cornerIds, cornerSharpnesses )

		edgeIds = OpenMaya.MUintArray()
		edgeIds.append( 0 )
		edgeIds.append( 1 )

		edgeSharpnesses = OpenMaya.MDoubleArray()
		edgeSharpnesses.append( 1 )
		edgeSharpnesses.append( 5 )

		fnMesh.setCreaseEdges( edgeIds, edgeSharpnesses )

		# store which vertices belong to the affected edges

		util = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil()

		vertices = []
		for edgeId in edgeIds :

			edgeVertices = util.asInt2Ptr()
			fnMesh.getEdgeVertices( edgeId, edgeVertices )

			vertices.append( util.getInt2ArrayItem( edgeVertices, 0, 0 ) )
			vertices.append( util.getInt2ArrayItem( edgeVertices, 0, 1 ) )

		# convert and test

		cube = maya.cmds.listRelatives( cube, shapes=True )[0]

		converter = IECoreMaya.FromMayaMeshConverter.create( cube, IECoreScene.MeshPrimitive.staticTypeId() )
		cortexCube = converter.convert()

		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.cornerIds(), IECore.IntVectorData( [ 5 ] ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.cornerSharpnesses(), IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 10.0 ] ) )

		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseLengths(), IECore.IntVectorData( [ 2, 2 ] ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseIds(), IECore.IntVectorData( vertices ) )
		self.assertEqual( cortexCube.creaseSharpnesses(), IECore.FloatVectorData( [ 1, 5 ] ) )
Esempio n. 5
    def __createChild(self,

        if namespace:
            namespace += ":"

        dag = maya.OpenMaya.MDagPath()
        parentPath = dag.fullPathName()
        childPath = parentPath + "|" + namespace + childName
            childDag = IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString(childPath)
            childExists = True
        except RuntimeError:
            childExists = False

        if childExists:
            shape = maya.cmds.listRelatives(childPath,
            if shape:
                fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape(shape[0])
                fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape.createShape(childPath)
            fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape.create(
                childName, transformParent=parentPath)

        sceneRootName = "/" + childName if sceneRoot == "/" else sceneRoot + "/" + childName
        fnChildTransform = maya.OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(fnChild.parent(0))

        index = self.__queryIndexForPath("/" + childName)
        outTransform = self.findPlug("outTransform").elementByLogicalIndex(

        dgMod = maya.OpenMaya.MDGModifier()

        childTranslate = fnChildTransform.findPlug("translate")
        if childTranslate.isConnected():
            connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
            childTranslate.connectedTo(connections, True, False)
            dgMod.disconnect(connections[0], childTranslate)

        childRotate = fnChildTransform.findPlug("rotate")
        if childRotate.isConnected():
            connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
            childRotate.connectedTo(connections, True, False)
            dgMod.disconnect(connections[0], childRotate)

        childScale = fnChildTransform.findPlug("scale")
        if childScale.isConnected():
            connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
            childScale.connectedTo(connections, True, False)
            dgMod.disconnect(connections[0], childScale)

        childTime = fnChild.findPlug("time")
        if childTime.isConnected():
            connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
            childTime.connectedTo(connections, True, False)
            dgMod.disconnect(connections[0], childTime)
        dgMod.connect(self.findPlug("outTime"), childTime)



        if drawTagsFilter:
            parentTags = drawTagsFilter.split()
            childTags = fnChild.sceneInterface().readTags(
            commonTags = filter(lambda x: str(x) in childTags, parentTags)
            if not commonTags:
                # Hide that child since it doesn't match any filter
                    " ".join(commonTags))

        return fnChild
Esempio n. 6
	def __createChild( self, childName, sceneFile, sceneRoot, drawGeo = False, drawChildBounds = False, drawRootBound = True, drawTagsFilter = "", namespace = "" ) :

		if namespace:
			namespace += ":"

		dag = maya.OpenMaya.MDagPath()
		self.getPath( dag )
		parentPath = dag.fullPathName()
		childPath = parentPath+"|"+namespace+childName
		try :
			childDag = IECoreMaya.dagPathFromString( childPath )
			childExists = True
		except RuntimeError :
			childExists = False
		if childExists :
			shape = maya.cmds.listRelatives( childPath, f=True, type="ieSceneShape" )
			if shape:
				fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape( shape[0] )
				fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape.createShape( childPath )
			fnChild = IECoreMaya.FnSceneShape.create( childName, transformParent = parentPath )

		fnChild.findPlug( "file" ).setString( sceneFile )
		sceneRootName = "/"+childName if sceneRoot == "/" else sceneRoot+"/"+childName
		fnChild.findPlug( "root" ).setString( sceneRootName )
		fnChildTransform = maya.OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( fnChild.parent( 0 ) )
		index = self.__queryIndexForPath( "/"+childName )
		outTransform = self.findPlug( "outTransform" ).elementByLogicalIndex( index )
		dgMod = maya.OpenMaya.MDGModifier()
		childTranslate = fnChildTransform.findPlug( "translate" )
		if childTranslate.isConnected() :
			connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
			childTranslate.connectedTo( connections, True, False )
			dgMod.disconnect( connections[0], childTranslate )
		dgMod.connect( outTransform.child( self.attribute( "outTranslate" ) ), childTranslate )
		childRotate = fnChildTransform.findPlug( "rotate" )
		if childRotate.isConnected() :
			connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
			childRotate.connectedTo( connections, True, False )
			dgMod.disconnect( connections[0], childRotate )
		dgMod.connect( outTransform.child( self.attribute( "outRotate" ) ), childRotate )
		childScale = fnChildTransform.findPlug( "scale" )
		if childScale.isConnected() :
			connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
			childScale.connectedTo( connections, True, False )
			dgMod.disconnect( connections[0], childScale )
		dgMod.connect( outTransform.child( self.attribute( "outScale" ) ), childScale )
		childTime = fnChild.findPlug( "time" )
		if childTime.isConnected() :
			connections = maya.OpenMaya.MPlugArray()
			childTime.connectedTo( connections, True, False )
			dgMod.disconnect( connections[0], childTime )
		dgMod.connect( self.findPlug( "outTime" ), childTime )

		fnChild.findPlug( "drawGeometry" ).setBool( drawGeo )
		fnChild.findPlug( "drawChildBounds" ).setBool( drawChildBounds )
		fnChild.findPlug( "drawRootBound" ).setBool( drawRootBound )

		if drawTagsFilter:
			parentTags = drawTagsFilter.split()
			childTags = fnChild.sceneInterface().readTags(IECore.SceneInterface.EveryTag)
			commonTags = filter( lambda x: str(x) in childTags, parentTags )
			if not commonTags:
				# Hide that child since it doesn't match any filter
				fnChildTransform.findPlug( "visibility" ).setBool( False )
				fnChild.findPlug( "drawTagsFilter" ).setString( " ".join( commonTags ) )
		return fnChild