Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: nordam/PyPPT
def plot_from_files(time, mpi_size, dt, input = False):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (figsize_x, figsize_y))
    colors = 'brcykgmk'
    for rank in range (mpi_size):
        # load particles
        id, active, XY = IO.load_grid_of_particles(rank, time, input)
        plt.scatter(XY[0,active], XY[1,active], marker = '.', s = 6, label = 'rank = %s' % rank, color = colors[rank])#label = 'rank = %s' % rank)#, linewidth = 1)# s = size
        #plt.text(iter(['rank 0', 'rank 1', 'rank 2', 'rank 3']))
        #plt.text(1.65, 0.9, 'rank = %s\n$t = %s$' % (rank, time), size = 36)
        # print('rank', rank)
        # print('x', XY[0,active])
        # print('\n')
        # print('y', XY[1,active])
    plt.xlim(x_min, x_max)
    plt.ylim(y_min, y_max)
    plt.legend(scatterpoints = 1)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join('plots', 'allranks_particles_time%s_dt%s%s' % (time, dt, file_extension)))
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: nordam/PyPPT
# get initial positions, from file or random or other
# option 1: create from function
#ids, active, XY = IO.create_grid_of_particles(N = 10**2, w = 0.1)

# option 2: load from file
# set all particles initially to rank 0, so the other ranks will load empty arrays
# id_init, active_init, XY_init = IO.create_grid_of_particles(N = 10**2, w = 0.1)
# if rank == 0:
    # IO.save_grid_of_particles(id_init, active_init, XY_init, t_0, rank, input = True)
# else:
    # IO.save_empty_grid_to_input(t_0, rank)

# then load the particle grid for the given rank

ids, active, XY = IO.load_grid_of_particles(rank, time = 0, input = True)
if rank == 0:
    Nparticles = np.sum(active)

# start at initial time
t = t_0
IO.save_grid_of_particles(ids, active, XY, t, rank)
#plot.plot(rank, XY[:,active], t, dt)

# main loop
print('\nstart time = %s' % t)

# Communicating, to avoid bad load balancing at the beginning
print('This is rank %s, communicating before mainloop' % (rank))
ids, XY, active =, mpi_size, rank, ids, XY[0,:], XY[1,:], active)