Esempio n. 1
def main(argv=None):

    #%% Check argv
    if argv == None:
        argv = sys.argv

    start = time.time()

    #%% Set default
    imd_s = []
    imd_e = []
    cumfile = 'cum_filt.h5'
    outfile = []
    refarea = []
    maskfile = []
    vstdflag = False
    sinflag = False
    pngflag = False

    #%% Read options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hs:e:i:o:r:",
                                       ["help", "vstd", "sin", "png", "mask="])
        except getopt.error as msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        for o, a in opts:
            if o == '-h' or o == '--help':
                return 0
            elif o == '-s':
                imd_s = a
            elif o == '-e':
                imd_e = a
            elif o == '-i':
                cumfile = a
            elif o == '-o':
                outfile = a
            elif o == '-r':
                refarea = a
            elif o == '--vstd':
                vstdflag = True
            elif o == '--sin':
                sinflag = True
            elif o == '--mask':
                maskfile = a
            elif o == '--png':
                pngflag = True

        if not os.path.exists(cumfile):
            raise Usage('No {} exists! Use -i option.'.format(cumfile))

    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Read info
    ### Read cumfile
    cumh5 = h5.File(cumfile, 'r')
    imdates = cumh5['imdates'][()].astype(str).tolist()
    cum = cumh5['cum']
    n_im_all, length, width = cum.shape

    if not refarea:
        refarea = cumh5['refarea'][()]
        refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2 = [
            int(s) for s in re.split('[:/]', refarea)
        if not tools_lib.read_range(refarea, width, length):
            print('\nERROR in {}\n'.format(refarea), file=sys.stderr)
            return 2
            refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2 = tools_lib.read_range(
                refarea, width, length)

    #%% Setting
    ### Dates
    if not imd_s:
        imd_s = imdates[0]

    if not imd_e:
        imd_e = imdates[-1]

    ### mask
    if maskfile:
        mask = io_lib.read_img(maskfile, length, width)
        mask[mask == 0] = np.nan
        suffix_mask = '.mskd'
        mask = np.ones((length, width), dtype=np.float32)
        suffix_mask = ''

    ### Find date index if not exist in imdates
    if not imd_s in imdates:
        for imd in imdates:
            if int(imd) >= int(imd_s):  ## First larger one than imd_s
                imd_s = imd

    if not imd_e in imdates:
        for imd in imdates[::-1]:
            if int(imd) <= int(imd_e):  ## Last smaller one than imd_e
                imd_e = imd

    ix_s = imdates.index(imd_s)
    ix_e = imdates.index(imd_e) + 1  #+1 for python custom
    n_im = ix_e - ix_s

    ### Calc dt in year
    imdates_dt = ([
        dt.datetime.strptime(imd, '%Y%m%d').toordinal()
        for imd in imdates[ix_s:ix_e]
    dt_cum = np.float32((np.array(imdates_dt) - imdates_dt[0]) / 365.25)

    ### Outfile
    if not outfile:
        outfile = '{}_{}.vel{}'.format(imd_s, imd_e, suffix_mask)

    #%% Display info
    print('Start date  : {}'.format(imdates[ix_s]))
    print('End date    : {}'.format(imdates[ix_e - 1]))
    print('# of images : {}'.format(n_im))
    print('Ref area    : {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(refx1, refx2, refy1, refy2))

    #%% Calc velocity and vstd
    vconst = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
    vel = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

    ### Read cum data
    cum_tmp = cum[ix_s:ix_e, :, :] * mask
    cum_ref = np.nanmean(cum[ix_s:ix_e, refy1:refy2, refx1:refx2] *
                         mask[refy1:refy2, refx1:refx2],
                         axis=(1, 2))

    if np.all(np.isnan(cum_ref)):
        print('\nERROR: Ref area has only NaN value!\n', file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    cum_tmp = cum_tmp - cum_ref[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

    ### Extract not nan points
    bool_allnan = np.all(np.isnan(cum_tmp), axis=0)
    cum_tmp = cum_tmp.reshape(n_im, length *
                              width)[:, ~bool_allnan.ravel()].transpose()

    if not sinflag:  ## Linear function
        print('Calc velocity...')
        vel[~bool_allnan], vconst[~bool_allnan] = inv_lib.calc_vel(
            cum_tmp, dt_cum)
    else:  ## Linear+sin function
        print('Calc velocity and annual components...')
        amp = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        delta_t = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
        ampfile = outfile.replace('vel', 'amp')
        dtfile = outfile.replace('vel', 'dt')

        vel[~bool_allnan], vconst[~bool_allnan], amp[~bool_allnan], delta_t[
            ~bool_allnan] = inv_lib.calc_velsin(cum_tmp, dt_cum, imdates[0])

    ### vstd
    if vstdflag:
        vstdfile = outfile.replace('vel', 'vstd')
        vstd = np.zeros((length, width), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        print('Calc vstd...')
        vstd[~bool_allnan] = inv_lib.calc_velstd_withnan(cum_tmp, dt_cum)

    #%% Make png if specified
    if pngflag:
        pngfile = outfile + '.png'
        title = 'n_im: {}, Ref X/Y {}:{}/{}:{}'.format(n_im, refx1, refx2,
                                                       refy1, refy2)
        plot_lib.make_im_png(vel, pngfile, 'jet', title)

        if sinflag:
            amp_max = np.nanpercentile(amp, 99)
                                 ampfile + '.png',
            plot_lib.make_im_png(delta_t, dtfile + '.png', 'hsv', title)

        if vstdflag:
            plot_lib.make_im_png(vstd, vstdfile + '.png', 'jet', title)

    #%% Finish
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start
    hour = int(elapsed_time / 3600)
    minite = int(np.mod((elapsed_time / 60), 60))
    sec = int(np.mod(elapsed_time, 60))
    print("\nElapsed time: {0:02}h {1:02}m {2:02}s".format(hour, minite, sec))

    print('\n{} Successfully finished!!\n'.format(os.path.basename(argv[0])))
    print('Output: {}'.format(outfile), flush=True)
    if vstdflag:
        print('       {}'.format(vstdfile), flush=True)
Esempio n. 2
def main(argv=None):

    #%% Check argv
    if argv == None:
        argv = sys.argv

    start = time.time()
    ver = 1.2
    date = 20210309
    author = "Y. Morishita"
    print("\n{} ver{} {} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ver, date,
    print("{} {}".format(os.path.basename(argv[0]), ' '.join(argv[1:])),

    #%% Set default
    tsadir = []
    memory_size = 4000
    gpu = False

    cmap_noise_r = 'viridis_r'

    #%% Read options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ht:",
                                       ["help", "mem_size=", "gpu"])
        except getopt.error as msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        for o, a in opts:
            if o == '-h' or o == '--help':
                return 0
            elif o == '-t':
                tsadir = a
            elif o == '--mem_size':
                memory_size = float(a)
            elif o == '--gpu':
                gpu = True

        if not tsadir:
            raise Usage('No tsa directory given, -d is not optional!')
        elif not os.path.isdir(tsadir):
            raise Usage('No {} dir exists!'.format(tsadir))
        if gpu:
            print("\nGPU option is activated. Need cupy module.\n")
            import cupy as cp

    except Usage as err:
        print("\nERROR:", file=sys.stderr, end='')
        print("  " + str(err.msg), file=sys.stderr)
        print("\nFor help, use -h or --help.\n", file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    #%% Directory settings
    tsadir = os.path.abspath(tsadir)
    resultsdir = os.path.join(tsadir, 'results')

    #%% Read data information
    cumh5 = h5.File(os.path.join(tsadir, 'cum.h5'), 'r')

    imdates = cumh5['imdates'][()].astype(str).tolist()
    cum = cumh5['cum']
    n_im, length, width = cum.shape

    imdates_dt = [
        dt.datetime.strptime(imd, '%Y%m%d').toordinal() for imd in imdates
    dt_cum = np.float32((np.array(imdates_dt) - imdates_dt[0]) / 365.25)

    #%% Get patch row number
    n_store_data = n_im * 2.25 + 100  #3:cum,data,M(bool); 100:bootnum

    n_patch, patchrow = tools_lib.get_patchrow(width, length, n_store_data,

    #%% For each patch
    for i, rows in enumerate(patchrow):
        print('\nProcess {0}/{1}th line ({2}/{3}th patch)...'.format(
            rows[1], patchrow[-1][-1], i + 1, n_patch),
        start2 = time.time()

        lengththis = rows[1] - rows[0]

        #%% Calc STC
        print('  Calculating STC...', flush=True)
        ### Read data with extra 1 line for overlapping
        row_ex1 = 0 if i == 0 else 1  ## first patch
        row_ex2 = 0 if i == len(patchrow) - 1 else 1  ## last patch

        _cum = cum[:, rows[0] - row_ex1:rows[1] + row_ex2, :].reshape(
            n_im, lengththis + row_ex1 + row_ex2, width)

        ### Calc STC
        stc = inv_lib.calc_stc(_cum, gpu=gpu)[row_ex1:lengththis +
                                              row_ex1, :]  ## original length
        del _cum

        ### Output data and image
        stcfile = os.path.join(resultsdir, 'stc')

        openmode = 'w' if i == 0 else 'a'  #w only 1st patch
        with open(stcfile, openmode) as f:

        #%% Calc vstd
        ### Read data for vstd
        n_pt_all = lengththis * width
        cum_patch = cum[:, rows[0]:rows[1], :].reshape(
            (n_im, n_pt_all)).transpose()  #(n_pt_all, n_im)

        ### Remove invalid points
        bool_unnan_pt = ~np.isnan(cum_patch[:, 0])

        cum_patch = cum_patch[bool_unnan_pt, :]  ## remain only unnan data
        n_pt_unnan = bool_unnan_pt.sum()
        print('  {}/{} points removed due to no data...'.format(
            n_pt_all - n_pt_unnan, n_pt_all),

        ### Calc vstd by bootstrap
        vstd = np.zeros((n_pt_all), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan

        print('  Calculating std of velocity by bootstrap...', flush=True)
        vstd[bool_unnan_pt] = inv_lib.calc_velstd_withnan(cum_patch,

        ### Output data and image
        vstdfile = os.path.join(resultsdir, 'vstd')

        openmode = 'w' if i == 0 else 'a'  #w only 1st patch
        with open(vstdfile, openmode) as f:

        #%% Finish patch
        elapsed_time2 = int(time.time() - start2)
        print('  Elapsed time for {0}th patch: {1} sec'.format(
            i + 1, elapsed_time2))

    #%% Close h5 file

    #%% Output png
    print('\nOutput png images...')

    stc = io_lib.read_img(stcfile, length, width)
    pngfile = stcfile + '.png'
    title = 'Spatio-temporal consistency (mm)'
    cmin = np.nanpercentile(stc, 1)
    cmax = np.nanpercentile(stc, 99)
    plot_lib.make_im_png(stc, pngfile, cmap_noise_r, title, cmin, cmax)

    vstd = io_lib.read_img(vstdfile, length, width)
    pngfile = vstdfile + '.png'
    title = 'STD of velocity (mm/yr)'
    cmin = np.nanpercentile(vstd, 1)
    cmax = np.nanpercentile(vstd, 99)
    plot_lib.make_im_png(vstd, pngfile, cmap_noise_r, title, cmin, cmax)

    #%% Finish
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start
    hour = int(elapsed_time / 3600)
    minite = int(np.mod((elapsed_time / 60), 60))
    sec = int(np.mod(elapsed_time, 60))
    print("\nElapsed time: {0:02}h {1:02}m {2:02}s".format(hour, minite, sec))

    print('\n{} Successfully finished!!\n'.format(os.path.basename(argv[0])))
    print('Output directory: {}\n'.format(os.path.relpath(tsadir)))