def cred(tower, context): try: file_csv = open('./text.csv', 'r') user = "******" password = "******" flag = 0 for line in file_csv: row = line.split("::!::") if ((str(tower).lower()) == row[2]): row[3] = row[3].replace("\n", "") data = row[3].split(",") #print(data) if (row[3] == "*"): user = encryption.decrypt("AutoFact", row[0]) password = encryption.decrypt("AutoFact", row[1]) for i in data: if (str(i) == str(context)): #print(i) user = encryption.decrypt("AutoFact", row[0]) password = encryption.decrypt("AutoFact", row[1]) flag = 1 break if (flag == 1): break op_data = [user, password] return op_data except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception( "Issue while fetching the data for given context and tower") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def run_s(): try: print(Number) print(Escalation_Group) #escalation group # Use paramiko for os command execution client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #login to the router client.connect(hostname=Configuration_Item, username=user, password=passwrd) #executes the command and capures the output and input stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -lrt') result = str( print(result) #importent to update notes client.close() print("executed") # this will resolve the ticket except Exception as e: print("result") #important to update notes print("reassign_group") # this will fail the ticket LogGenModule.Exception( "Issue while running the wintel CPU utilization") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def move_file(srcpath, despath, srcfile): try: destination = despath + srcfile source = srcpath + srcfile shutil.copyfile(source, destination) os.remove(source) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while mpving the files") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def to_xml(data, name_of_file): #creates the XML files try: xml = dicttoxml(data, custom_root='test', attr_type=False) #converts the dictonary data into XML filename = "./Queue/InputFiles/" + name_of_file + ".xml" file = open(filename, "w") xml = str(xml).replace("b'", "") xml = str(xml).replace("'", "") file.write(str(xml) + "\n") file.close() except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Not able to create XML File") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def fetch_details( tablepath, attribute, value, outval ): # fetches the data from the given table for mentioned attribute and provides the result for desired attribute try:"Fetching the details from : {}".format(tablepath)) respond = snow_client.resource(api_path=tablepath) groupname = respond.get(query={attribute: value}) for res in groupname.all(): #print(res[outval]) return res[outval] except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception( "Issue while fetching the Ticket data from table : " + tablepath + "\natrribute : " + attribute) LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def find_flow(ticket_summary): try: #print(ticket_summary) with open( '../json_files/keys.json' ) as key_data: # reads the Keys and Flows data from json file key_to_flow = json.load(key_data) Summary = ticket_summary Matches = 0 Flow = "NF" Escalate_to = "Not Found" tower = "NF" suffix = "NF" Summary = Summary.lower() for Combs in key_to_flow['KeytoFlowCombination']: Matches = 0 for key in Combs['KeyWords']: if key.lower() in Summary: Matches += 1 #print(key+ " " +str(Matches)) if Matches == len(Combs['KeyWords']): Flow = Combs['Flow'] Escalate_to = Combs['EscalateTo'] tower = Combs['Tower'] suffix = Combs['suffix'] key_data = [Flow, Escalate_to, tower, suffix] #print("Selected Flow for summarry : "+ Flow) break key_data = [Flow, Escalate_to, tower, suffix] #print("Selected Flow for summarry : "+ key_data) return key_data except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while fetching the Flow for the ticket") LogGenModule.Exception(e) #summary =input("enter summary") #find_flow(summary) #print("Flowname "+find_flow(summary)[0])
def encrypt(msg): try: key = "AutoFactCIS1569" encryped = [] encoded = base64.b64encode((msg).encode('utf-8')) for i, c in enumerate(str(encoded.decode('ascii'))): key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)]) msg_c = ord(c) encryped.append(chr((msg_c + key_c) % 127)) return ''.join(encryped) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("error occured while encrypting the data")
def run_script( suffix, Number, Flow, Configuration_Item, Escalation_Group, Summary, Tower, userID, location, Department): # executes the use case flow in the backend process try: path = '../Queue/InputFiles/' file = Number + '.xml' if suffix == 'NONE': cmd = 'start /b ' + Flow + ' ' + Number + ' ' + "\"" + Flow + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Configuration_Item + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Escalation_Group + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Summary + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + userID + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + location + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Department + "\"" else: cmd = 'start /b ' + suffix + ' ' + Flow + ' ' + Number + ' ' + "\"" + Flow + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Configuration_Item + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Escalation_Group + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Summary + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + userID + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + location + "\"" + ' ' + "\"" + Department + "\"" #+' >> D:\\custom_orch\\executing_files\\'+Number+'.txt' #command to choose the script flile #cmd = python asdfdf sdfdfs fgfgfdgfg p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) LogGenModule.Exception("executing the usecase flow" + str(Flow)) move_files.move_file( path, '../Queue/ProcessingFilesXML/', file) # Moves the source file from processed files except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while triggering the identified Flow") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def table_details( tablepath, attribute1, value1, attribute2, value2 ): # fetches the data from the given table for mentioned attribute and provides the result for desired attribute try:"Fetching the details from : {}".format(tablepath)) respond = snow_client.resource(api_path=tablepath) groupname = respond.get(query={attribute1: value1, attribute2: value2}) data = [] #print(attribute2) for res in groupname.all(): a = res['item_option_new']['value'] res_d = ["sys_name", "choice_table"] res_Data = fetch_details("/table/item_option_new", "sys_id", a, res_d) ques = res_Data[0] #print(ques) #print(res['value']) if len(str(res_Data[1])) != 0: val = fetch_details("/table/" + res_Data[1], "sys_id", res['value'], ["name"]) if len(val) == 0: val = res['value'] else: val = val[-1] else: val = res['value'] items = {ques: val} #print(items) data.append(items) #print(res) return data except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception( "Issue while fetching the Ticket data from table : " + tablepath + "\natrribute : " + attribute1) LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def StatusValuetoString( Value): # converts the status value from integer to string try:"converting the status value to string...") status = { '1': 'New', '2': 'In Progress', '3': 'Pending', '4': 'Resolved', '5': 'Closed' } return status[Value] except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue in converting status value to string" + e)
def encrypt_password(key, msg): try: encryped = [] encoded = base64.b64encode((msg).encode('utf-8')) #print(encoded) #print(str(encoded.decode('ascii'))) for i, c in enumerate(str(encoded.decode('ascii'))): key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)]) msg_c = ord(c) encryped.append(chr((msg_c + key_c) % 127)) #print(''.join(encryped).encode('utf-8')) return ''.join(encryped) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("error occured")
def decrypt(key, encryped): try: msg = [] for i, c in enumerate(encryped): key_c = ord(key[i % len(key)]) enc_c = ord(c) msg.append(chr((enc_c - key_c) % 127)) encoded = ''.join(msg) encoded = encoded.replace("b'", "") encoded = encoded.encode('utf-8') #print(encoded) data = base64.b64decode(encoded.decode('utf-8')) #print(data) return data.decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("error occured")
#### Moves the source file from processed files depending on the keyword ### if (result == "failed"): print("result is failed need to escalate") move_files.move_file(path, './Queue/executing_files/', file) if (result == "executed"): res = update_incident.update_ticket(Number, "Closed", notes) print(res) if (res == "done"):"Moving the source file.." + str(file)) move_files.move_file(path, './Queue/closed/', file) if (result == "remove_assignee"): res = update_incident.re_assignto_none(Number) print(res) if (res == "done"):"Moving the source file.." + str(file)) move_files.move_file(path, './Queue/closed/', file) if (result == "reassign_group"): res = update_incident.reassign_group(Number, escalate, "Assigned", notes) print(res) if (res == "done"):"Moving the source file.." + str(file)) move_files.move_file(path, './Queue/closed/', file) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while updating the ticket") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def read_ticket(groupname, status): try: total = 0 count = 0 esc = 0 found = 0 "reading the data for the given Assignment group and status...") tname = snow_client.resource(api_path='/table/incident') response = tname.get(query={ 'assignment_group': groupname, 'state': status }) for result in response.all(): total += 1 if ((result['sys_updated_on']) > prvtime): # compares with previous time if ( (result['sys_updated_on']) <= curr_time ): # compares with the captured current time #reads the result for the provided attributes #print(result['assignment_group']['value']) if len(str(result['assignment_group']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the assignment_group group = result['assignment_group'] else: inval = result['assignment_group']['value'] group = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user_group", "sys_id", inval, "name" ) #triggers the fetch details function and gets the group name if len(str(result['cmdb_ci']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the CI CI = result['cmdb_ci'] CI_sys_id = result['cmdb_ci'] else: CI_sys_id = result['cmdb_ci']['value'] CI = fetch_details("/table/cmdb_ci", "sys_id", CI_sys_id, "name") if len(str(result['caller_id']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the CI user_name = "NA" Loc = "NA" dep = "NA" else: Uid = result['caller_id']['value'] user_name = fetch_details("/table/sys_user", "sys_id", Uid, "user_name") location_Data = fetch_details("/table/sys_user", "sys_id", Uid, "location") #print(type(location_Data)) #print(location_Data) if len(str(location_Data)) != 0: Locat = location_Data['value'] #print(type(Locat)) Loc = fetch_details("/table/cmn_location", "sys_id", Locat, "name") else: Loc = "Not Found" depart_data = fetch_details("/table/sys_user", "sys_id", Uid, "department") if len(str(depart_data)) != 0: depart = depart_data['value'] dep = fetch_details("/table/cmn_department", "sys_id", depart, "name") else: dep = "" if len(str(result['assigned_to']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the assigned_to assigneduser = result['assigned_to'] else: inuser = result['assigned_to']['value'] assigneduser = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user", "sys_id", inuser, "name" ) #triggers the fetch details function and gets the user name status = result['state'] statusval = StatusValuetoString( status) # gets the string for the status value "\n***Details fetched for the Incident : {}***\n Status : {}\n Summary : {}\n Description : {}\n Category : {}\n Sub-Category : {}\n Assigned Group : {}\n Assignee : {}" .format(result['number'], statusval, result['short_description'], result['description'], result['category'], result['subcategory'], group, assigneduser))) #print("number of the Incident : {}\n Status : {}\n Summary : {}\n Description : {}\n Category : {}\n Sub-Category : {}\n Assigned Group : {}\n Assignee : {}".format(result['number'],statusval,result['short_description'],result['description'],result['category'],result['subcategory'],group,assigneduser)) Flow_name = Keys_Flows.find_flow( result['short_description'])[0] E_G = Keys_Flows.find_flow(result['short_description'])[1] tower_name = Keys_Flows.find_flow( result['short_description'])[2] #print(len(Flow_name)) #if len(Flow_name)==0: #Escalation_Reassign.re_assignto_none(tname,result['number']) name_of_file = result[ 'number'] #name of the xml file to be created #name_of_file = result['number'] if Flow_name == "NF": Flow_Result = "No Flow Found" Flowname = "No Flow Identified" remarks = "Escalated" Escalation_Group = "Notfound" if (EscalateTo == 'NONE'): continue else: Escalation_Reassign.reassign_group( tname, result['number'], EscalateTo) esc += 1 else: Flow_Result = "Sent to Orchestrator" remarks = "UID from orchestrator" Flowname = Flow_name Escalation_Group = E_G found += 1 dic = { "Incident": { 'Sys_ID': result['sys_id'], 'Number': result['number'], 'Status': result['state'], 'Assigned Group': group, 'Assignee': assigneduser, 'Category': result['category'], 'Sub-Category': result['subcategory'], 'Summary': result['short_description'], 'Description': result['description'], 'Flow': Flow_name, 'Configuration Item': CI, 'Sys_ID_CI': CI_sys_id, 'Escalation_Group': Escalation_Group, 'Tower': tower_name, 'User_ID': user_name, 'user_location': Loc, 'user_department': dep } } #dictionary.append(dic) #print(dictionary) Xml_data = to_xml( dic, name_of_file ) # calls the function to convert data into XML format capture_scripts(Flow_name) send_data = "<tr><td>" + ).strftime('%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S') + "</td><td>" + result[ 'number'] + "</td><td>" + Flow_Result + "</td><td>" + Flowname + "</td><td>" + remarks + "</td></tr>" create_log_html(send_data) replace = open("./Time_Stamps/pre_time.txt", "w") replace.write(str(curr_time)) #replaces the previous time replace.close() count = (total - (found + esc)) log = open("./Time_Stamps/time_reference.txt", "a") log.write(" Total : " + str(total) + " FWD = " + str(found) + " ESC : " + str(esc) + " FLTR : " + str(count) + "\n") # logs the executed time frame log.close() parse_xml.exec_xml() except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while fetching the Ticket data") LogGenModule.Exception(e)"*******Fetching the Ticket Data*******") with open('./json_files/snow_read_ticket.json') as json_ticket: ticket = json.load(json_ticket) Assigned_Group = ticket["Ticket Details"][0]["Assigned_Group"] status = ticket["Ticket Details"][0]["status"] EscalateTo = ticket["Ticket Details"][0]["EscalateTo"]"Logging into ServiceNow Client of instance.." + instancename) #Logs in to the ServiceNow instance snow_client = pysnow.Client(instance=instancename, user=username, password=paswd) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Not able to connect/login") LogGenModule.Exception(e) logfile = Path("Incident_login_" + logtime + ".html") if logfile.is_file(): print('log file exists') else: create_log_html(start_tags) create_log_html(Heading_tags) assignedgroupid = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user_group", "name", Assigned_Group, "sys_id") #fetches the sys_id of provided group dictionary = [] #>= 2018-04-24 09:33:09 < 2018-04-24 09:38:09 Total: 20 FWD: 10 ESC: 5 FLTR : 5
if crc == 0:"CRC is 0. (no cable issue)") else: flag_crc = 1"CRC is " + str(crc) + ".") elif"output errors", line, re.I): output_error = int(line.split("output")[0].strip()) if output_error == 0:"output errors is 0.") else: flag_oe = 1"output errors is " + str(output_error) + ".") else: continue if flag_as == 1 or flag_lp == 1 or flag_tod == 1 or flag_ie == 1 or flag_crc == 1 or flag_oe == 1: print("reassign_group") # this will fail the ticket else:"no issues with the interface...") print("executed") except Exception as e: print("reassign_group") # this will fail the ticke LogGenModule.Exception(str(e)) sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = sys.stdout move_files.move_file('./Queue/executing_files/', './Queue/processed_files/', file)
"r") # Open the JSON file for reading data = json.load(jsonFile) # Read the JSON into the buffer jsonFile.close() # Close the JSON file ## Working with buffered content #tmp = data["location"] data['Instance Details'][0]['user'] = user data['Instance Details'][0]['password'] = password data['Instance Details'][0]['instance'] = instance ## Save our changes to JSON file jsonFile = open("./json_files/snow_login.json", "w+") jsonFile.write(json.dumps(data)) jsonFile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': try: #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',datefmt='%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S -', filename ='../Logs/log_%d_%m_%Y.log')) instance = input("Enter the Servicenow Instance ") ins_user = input("Enter the Servicenow user ") ins_password = getpass.getpass("Enter the Servicenow password ") user = encrypt(ins_user) password = encrypt(ins_password) updateJsonFile(user, password, instance) print("Servicenow user : "******"Servicenow password : "******"error occured")
def exec_xml(ticket): try: path = '../Queue/InputFiles/' # path in which input XML files are stored listOfFiles = os.listdir( path) #reads all the files in the provided dir pattern = '*.xml' #print(len(fetch_data)) dic = [] try: for file in listOfFiles: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pattern): # matches the pattern #print(file) tree = ET.parse(path + file) # parses the files in the given dir root = tree.getroot() if ticket == "Request": fetch_data = [ 'suffix', 'Task_Number', 'Flow', 'Escalation_Group', 'Task_Description', 'Tower', 'Requested_for', 'user_location', 'user_department' ] for app in root.findall( 'Request'): #searches for the parent tag for data in fetch_data: #print(data) for l in app.findall( data ): # searches for the mentioned child tag #print(l.text) #gives the value of the child tag dic.append(l.text) print(dic) run_script(str(dic[0]), str(dic[1]), str(dic[2]), "NF", str(dic[3]), str(dic[4]), str(dic[5]), str(dic[6]), str(dic[7]), str(dic[8])) del dic[:] if ticket == "Incident": fetch_data = [ 'suffix', 'Number', 'Flow', 'Configuration_Item', 'Escalation_Group', 'Summary', 'Tower', 'User_ID', 'user_location', 'user_department' ] for app in root.findall( 'Incident'): #searches for the parent tag for data in fetch_data: #print(data) for l in app.findall( data ): # searches for the mentioned child tag #print(l.text) #gives the value of the child tag dic.append(l.text) print(dic) run_script(str(dic[0]), str(dic[1]), str(dic[2]), str(dic[3]), str(dic[4]), str(dic[5]), str(dic[6]), str(dic[7]), str(dic[8]), str(dic[9])) del dic[:] except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while running the usecase XML file") LogGenModule.Exception(e) except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while parsing the XML file") LogGenModule.Exception(e)
def read_SRticket(groupname, status): try: total = 0 count = 0 esc = 0 found = 0"*******Fetching the Service Request Details*******") "reading the data for the given Assignment group and status...") tname = snow_client.resource(api_path='/table/sc_task') if (groupname == "any"): response = tname.get(query={'state': status}) else: response = tname.get(query={ 'assignment_group': groupname, 'state': status }) for result in response.all(): total += 1 if ((result['sys_updated_on']) > prvtime): # compares with previous time if ((result['sys_updated_on']) <= curr_time): # compares with the captured current time #---------------------------------------------------SC ITEM DATA---------------------------------------------------------# #reads the result for the provided attributes #print(result) #Assignment Group if len(str(result['assignment_group']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the assignment_group group = result['assignment_group'] else: inval = result['assignment_group']['value'] group = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user_group", "sys_id", inval, ["name"] ) #triggers the fetch details function and gets the group name #Assignee if len(str(result['assigned_to']) ) == 0: #checks the length of the assignment_group assigned = result['assigned_to'] else: inval = result['assigned_to']['value'] assigned = fetch_details("/table/sys_user", "sys_id", inval, ["name"]) task_shortDesc = result['short_description'] task_Desc = result['description'] sc_task_SysID = result['sys_id'] #---------------------------------------------------Request ITEM DATA---------------------------------------------------------# # if len(str(result['request_item'])) == 0: Req_Desc = "NA" Req_ShortDes = "NA" Requested_by = "NA" Requested_for = "NA" Catalog_Item = "NA" else: RIT = result['request_item']['value'] req_data = [ "description", "short_description", "sys_created_on", "opened_by", "request", "cat_item" ] Req_item_data = fetch_details("/table/sc_req_item", "sys_id", RIT, req_data) Req_Desc = str(Req_item_data[0]) #print(Req_item_data) Req_ShortDes = str(Req_item_data[1]) Req_created = Req_item_data[2] Req_by = Req_item_data[3] #print(Req_by) if len(str(Req_by)) != 0: opened = Req_by['value'] #print(manager_Data) req_user_data = [ "name", "user_name", "location", "department" ] req_user_datas = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user", "sys_id", opened, req_user_data) Requested_by = req_user_datas[0] rq_user = req_user_datas[1] ############### location_Data = req_user_datas[2] #print(type(location_Data)) #print(location_Data) if len(str(location_Data)) != 0: Locat = location_Data['value'] #print(type(Locat)) Loc = fetch_details("/table/cmn_location", "sys_id", Locat, ["name"]) else: Loc = "Not Found" depart_data = req_user_datas[3] if len(str(depart_data)) != 0: depart = depart_data['value'] dep = fetch_details("/table/cmn_department", "sys_id", depart, ["name"]) else: dep = "Not Found" else: Requested_by = "No Value" rq_user = "******" Loc = "Not Found" dep = "Not Found" Req_table = Req_item_data[4] if len(str(Req_table)) != 0: Requested = Req_table['value'] #print(manager_Data) Reques_for = fetch_details("/table/sc_request", "sys_id", Requested, ["requested_for"]) req = Reques_for[0]['value'] Requested_for = fetch_details( "/table/sys_user", "sys_id", req, ["name"]) else: Requested_for = "No Value" c_item = Req_item_data[5] if len(str(c_item)) != 0: #print(c_item) cat = c_item['value'] Catalog_Item = (fetch_details( "/table/sc_cat_item", "sys_id", cat, ["name"]))[0] else: Catalog_Item = "No Value" #---------------------------------------------------Cart Variable DATA---------------------------------------------------------# #task_cre = result['sys_created_on'] #print(task_cre) #print(Req_created) options = table_details("/table/sc_item_option", "sys_created_on", Req_created, "sys_created_by", rq_user) if len(str(options)) != 0: variables = options else: variables = "None" #print(variables) name_of_file = result[ 'number'] #name of the xml file to be created Flows = Keys_Flows.find_flow(result['short_description']) Flow_name = Flows[0] E_G = Flows[1] tower_name = Flows[2] suffix = Flows[3] #print(Flows) if Flow_name == "NF": Flow_Result = "No Flow Found" Flowname = "No Flow Identified" remarks = "Escalated" Escalation_Group = "Notfound" if (EscalateTo == 'NONE'): continue else: Escalation_Reassign.reassign_group( tname, result['number'], EscalateTo) esc += 1 else: Flow_Result = "Sent to Orchestrator" remarks = "UID from orchestrator" Flowname = Flow_name Escalation_Group = E_G found += 1 dic = { "Request": { 'Task_Sys_ID': result['sys_id'], 'Task_Number': result['number'], 'Task_Status': result['state'], 'Assigned Group': group, 'Task_Description': result['description'], 'Task_ShortDescription': result['short_description'], 'Requested_for': Requested_for, 'Requested_by': Requested_by, 'Tower': tower_name, 'Flow': Flow_name, 'suffix': suffix, 'Escalation_Group': Escalation_Group, 'user_location': Loc, 'user_department': dep, 'Request_Description': Req_Desc, 'Request_ShortDescription': Req_ShortDes, 'CatalogItem_Name': Catalog_Item, 'Cat_Variables': variables } } #dictionary.append(dic) #print(dic) Xml_data = to_xml( dic, name_of_file ) # calls the function to convert data into XML format #capture_scripts(Flow_name) send_data = "<tr><td>" + ).strftime('%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S') + "</td><td>" + result[ 'number'] + "</td><td>" + Flow_Result + "</td><td>" + Flowname + "</td><td>" + remarks + "</td></tr>" create_log_html(send_data) count = (total - (found + esc)) log = open("../Time_Stamps/time_reference.txt", "a") log.write(" Total : " + str(total) + " FWD = " + str(found) + " ESC : " + str(esc) + " FLTR : " + str(count) + "\n") # logs the executed time frame log.close() #parse_xml.exec_xml() return "success" except Exception as e: LogGenModule.Exception("Issue while fetching the Ticket data") LogGenModule.Exception(e) return "failed"