def main(): urlheader = '' para = raw_input('请输入搜索内容:\n') page = 1 userlists = open('userlists').readlines() reg1 = re.compile( r'\\u4f60\\u7684\\u884c\\u4e3a\\u6709\\u4e9b\\u5f02\\u5e38\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u8f93\\u5165\\u9a8c\\u8bc1\\u7801\\uff1a' ) #你的行为有些异常,请输入验证码 reg2 = re.compile( r'\\u62b1\\u6b49\\uff0c\\u672a\\u627e\\u5230') #抱歉,未找到搜索结果 for userlist in userlists: username = userlist.split()[0] password = userlist.split()[1] weibologin = WeiboLogin(username, password) if weibologin.Login() == True: print '登录成功' user = True #帐号可用 while page <= 50 and user: url = urlheader + para + '&page=' + str(page) print '获取第%d页。。' % page f = urllib2.urlopen(url) ###开始匹配网页内容### for line in f: if'pid":"pl_weibo_direct"', line): #匹配一定要准确!! if print '抱歉,未找到结果。。。' return else: Matcher.matcher(line) page += 1 break if'pid":"pl_common_sassfilter', line): if print '此帐号被锁,使用下一个帐号' user = False #帐号不可用
def main(): urlheader='' para=raw_input('请输入搜索内容:\n') page=1 userlists=open('userlists').readlines() reg1=re.compile(r'\\u4f60\\u7684\\u884c\\u4e3a\\u6709\\u4e9b\\u5f02\\u5e38\\uff0c\\u8bf7\\u8f93\\u5165\\u9a8c\\u8bc1\\u7801\\uff1a') #你的行为有些异常,请输入验证码 reg2=re.compile(r'\\u62b1\\u6b49\\uff0c\\u672a\\u627e\\u5230')#抱歉,未找到搜索结果 for userlist in userlists: username=userlist.split()[0] password=userlist.split()[1] weibologin=WeiboLogin(username,password) if weibologin.Login()==True: print '登录成功' user=True #帐号可用 while page<=50 and user: url=urlheader+para+'&page='+str(page) print '获取第%d页。。' % page f=urllib2.urlopen(url) ###开始匹配网页内容### for line in f: if'pid":"pl_weibo_direct"',line): #匹配一定要准确!! if print '抱歉,未找到结果。。。' return else: Matcher.matcher(line) page+=1 break if'pid":"pl_common_sassfilter',line): if print '此帐号被锁,使用下一个帐号' user=False #帐号不可用
def get_dataset(path): dataset=[] for filename in os.listdir(path): t = open(path + filename,"r").read() dataset.append([filename, re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', ' ', t)]) dico = matcher.get_dico(dataset) # dico is a column with the matching scores of the MDAs versus the Finance Dictionary df=pd.DataFrame(dataset) df[1] = pd.Series(dico) blob = matcher.get_blob(df) df[2] = pd.Series(blob) df.columns = ['Filename','MatchDico','TextBlob'] return df
def Alignfunction(Detector_name, Descriptor_name, Matcher_name, ratio_test_threshold, imReference, imtoAlign): #I plan to wrap this around a try exception block like if some name is not their it will throw exception. #Convert images to grayscale im1Gray = cv2.cvtColor(imtoAlign, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) im2Gray = cv2.cvtColor(imReference, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #Selecting the type of detector and descriptor detector, descriptor = DDI.Initialize_detector_descriptor( Detector_name, Descriptor_name) #Detecting keypoints and finding descriptors for the corresponding keypoints. keypoints1 = detector.detect(im1Gray, None) keypoints2 = detector.detect(im2Gray, None) keypoints1, descriptors1 = descriptor.compute(im1Gray, keypoints1) keypoints2, descriptors2 = descriptor.compute(im2Gray, keypoints2) #Selecting which matcher to use Matcher = Matcher.Initialize_Matcher(Matcher_name) #Matches = Matcher.match(descriptors1,descriptors2,None) Matches = Matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, k=2) #Applying the ratio test and getting Good_Matches from Matches Good_Matches = Ratio_Test(Matches, ratio_test_threshold) #Extract location of good matches #points1 = np.zeros((len(Good_Matches),2), dtype=np.float32) #points2 = np.zeros((len(Good_Matches),2), dtype=np.float32) #for i, match in enumerate(Good_Matches): #points1[i, :] = keypoints1[match.queryIdx].pt #points2[i, :] = keypoints2[match.trainIdx].pt #Find Homography #h_parameters, mask = cv2.findHomography(points1, points2, cv2.RANSAC) #Using the Homography parameters to align imtoAlign #height, width, channels = imReference.shape #imRegistered = cv2.warpPerspective(imtoAlign, h_parameters, (width, height)) src_pts = np.float32([keypoints1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in Good_Matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst_pts = np.float32([keypoints2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in Good_Matches]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) h_parameters, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) height, width, channels = imReference.shape imRegistered = cv2.warpPerspective(imtoAlign, h_parameters, (width, height)) return imRegistered, h_parameters
def joinCS(self,master,slave): """Joins csv CSTS variables based on user defined matching. master = str() existing CS variable to serve as the master. slave = str() field name from the data file for matching. """ cs = self.data2Join slaveVals = cs.newVars[slave] masterVals = self.getVariable(master)[0] masterVals = [ i.strip("\"") for i in masterVals ] bridge = MATCH.createBridge(slaveVals,masterVals) print bridge fields = cs.names fields.remove(slave) for i in fields: new = MATCH.mapValues(bridge,cs.newVars[i]) self.createVariable(i, "CS", [new] )
def pruneJobNames(self): if is None: return while True: pruned = False for ii, xx in enumerate( if 'name' not in xx: continue if not Matcher.matchAny(xx['name'], self.matchAny) or not Matcher.matchAll( xx['name'], self.matchAll): pruned = True break if not pruned: break
def main(argv): inputfile = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["ifile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: logging.error(' -i <inputfile>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h':' -i <inputfile>') sys.exit(0) elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg logging.debug('Input file is %s' % inputfile) patParser = PatternParser.PatternParser('Patterns') patParser.parseAll() patterns = patParser.getKnownPatterns() entryPoints = utilities.getEntries(patterns) validation = utilities.getVals(patterns) sensitiveSinks = utilities.getSinks(patterns) slic = SliceParser.fileParser(inputfile, entryPoints, validation, sensitiveSinks) patt = Matcher.match(slic, patterns) utilities.printResults(slic, patt)
def joinCS(self, master, slave): """Joins csv CSTS variables based on user defined matching. master = str() existing CS variable to serve as the master. slave = str() field name from the data file for matching. """ cs = self.data2Join slaveVals = cs.newVars[slave] masterVals = self.getVariable(master)[0] masterVals = [i.strip("\"") for i in masterVals] bridge = MATCH.createBridge(slaveVals, masterVals) print bridge fields = cs.names fields.remove(slave) for i in fields: new = MATCH.mapValues(bridge, cs.newVars[i]) self.createVariable(i, "CS", [new])
def match(frames, matcherMethod): if(matcherMethod): frame = frames['temp'] if(matcherMethod != 'template') else frames['gray'] try: res = Matcher.runMatcher(frame) except Exception, e: print '[X] Error calling matcher method: %s' % (e) print_exc() res = (2, None, 0, None)
def joinCSTS(self,master,slave): """Joins csv CSTS variables based on user defined matching. master = str() existing CS variable to serve as the master. slave = str() field name from the data file for matching. """ cs = self.data2Join slaveVals = cs.newVars[slave] masterVals = self.getVariable(master)[0] masterVals = [ i.strip("\"") for i in masterVals ] bridge = MATCH.createBridge(slaveVals,masterVals) fields = cs.names fields.remove(slave) batch = MATCH.batchSplit(fields) varNames = batch['strings'] varNames.sort() timeInfo = map(int,batch['ints']) timeInfo.sort() timeInfo = map(str,timeInfo) ordered = {} for i in varNames: ts = map(str,timeInfo) names = [ i+ts[t] for t in range(len(ts)) ] ordered[i] = names for i in ordered.keys(): newName = i allTime = ordered[i] newVar = [] for t in allTime: column = cs.newVars[t] newVar.append(column) newVar = UTIL.TransposeList(newVar) reordered = [] for ind in bridge: reordered.append(newVar[ind]) reordered = UTIL.TransposeList(reordered) self.createVariable(i, "CSTS", reordered )
def joinCSTS(self, master, slave): """Joins csv CSTS variables based on user defined matching. master = str() existing CS variable to serve as the master. slave = str() field name from the data file for matching. """ cs = self.data2Join slaveVals = cs.newVars[slave] masterVals = self.getVariable(master)[0] masterVals = [i.strip("\"") for i in masterVals] bridge = MATCH.createBridge(slaveVals, masterVals) fields = cs.names fields.remove(slave) batch = MATCH.batchSplit(fields) varNames = batch['strings'] varNames.sort() timeInfo = map(int, batch['ints']) timeInfo.sort() timeInfo = map(str, timeInfo) ordered = {} for i in varNames: ts = map(str, timeInfo) names = [i + ts[t] for t in range(len(ts))] ordered[i] = names for i in ordered.keys(): newName = i allTime = ordered[i] newVar = [] for t in allTime: column = cs.newVars[t] newVar.append(column) newVar = UTIL.TransposeList(newVar) reordered = [] for ind in bridge: reordered.append(newVar[ind]) reordered = UTIL.TransposeList(reordered) self.createVariable(i, "CSTS", reordered)
def makeGalWeightsAgg(self, wtType=weight.WT_ROOK): galInfo = weight.spweight(self.shapeFileName, wtType=type) galInfo.fixIslands() csids = range(self.n) sout = [] sout.append("%d" % self.n) for i in csids: neighs = [] shapeIds = self.id2Row[i] for shape in shapeIds: neighs = neighs + galInfo.neighbors[shape] neighs = [self.row2Id[neigh] for neigh in neighs] unique = MATCH.uniqueList(neighs) try: unique.remove(i) except: pass unique = map(str, unique) sout.append("%d %d" % (i, len(unique))) sout.append(" ".join(unique)) sout = "\n".join(sout) return sout
def makeGalWeightsAgg(self,wtType=weight.WT_ROOK): galInfo = weight.spweight(self.shapeFileName, wtType=type) galInfo.fixIslands() csids = range(self.n) sout= [] sout.append("%d"%self.n) for i in csids: neighs = [] shapeIds = self.id2Row[i] for shape in shapeIds: neighs = neighs + galInfo.neighbors[shape] neighs = [ self.row2Id[neigh] for neigh in neighs ] unique = MATCH.uniqueList(neighs) try: unique.remove(i) except: pass unique = map(str,unique) sout.append("%d %d"%(i, len(unique))) sout.append(" ".join(unique)) sout = "\n".join(sout) return sout
def createNamesAndIDs(self, var1=[], var2=[], var3=[], delim="_"): """Create Names and IDs for Cross-Sections in the STARS Project. var1 = (list) = optional list of values for matching. default = shape integers var2 = (list) = optional list of values for joining before matching. var3 = (list) = optional list of values for CS labels AFTER matching. delim = (str) = delimiter for joining var1 and var2 forr matching. """ name = "csnames" if var1: var1 = var1 else: var1 = self.initial["Shape IDs"] if var2: var = UTIL.joinListValues(var1, var2, delim=delim) else: var = var1 m = MATCH.Matcher(name, var) self.matchedIDs = m.matched self.unique = m.unique self.csIDs = range(len(self.unique)) self.id2Row = m.scheme2Master self.row2Id = m.master2Scheme if var3: self.unique = [var3[self.id2Row[i][0]] for i in self.csIDs] self.varDict[name] = self.unique self.createVariable(name, 'CS', [self.unique]) self.createVariable('csids', 'CS', [self.csIDs]) self.n = len(self.unique) self.csNameVar = name self.name2CSID = {} for i in range(len(self.unique)): self.name2CSID[self.unique[i]] = i if len(self.row2Id.keys()) != self.n: print """Aggregation Employed: More shapes than cross-sectional units.""" self.aggOn = 1 else: self.aggOn = 0
def _createMatcher(self, featureFunc, descriptorFunc, matcherFunc, epipolarTol, ratioThres): """ Creates the Matcher object and runs all computations If the functions arn't given as args, sift.detect, sift.compute and BFMatcher.knnMatch are used Args: Same as described in class description """ #Create standard functions if not spesified by class var self.matcher = Matcher.Matcher(self.imgLeft , self.imgRight, featureFunc, descriptorFunc, matcherFunc, epipolarTol=epipolarTol, ratioThres=ratioThres) self.matcher.computeAll() self.goodMatches = self.matcher.goodMatches self.keypointsLeft = self.matcher.keypointsLeft self.keypointsRight = self.matcher.keypointsRight
def hexrays_events_callback_m(*args): global LEV global NAME ev = args[0] # print "Got {}:".format(EVENTS_HEXR[ev]) if ev == idaapi.hxe_maturity: fcn = args[1] level = args[2] # print "Got level {}".format(CMAT_LEVEL[level]) if level == idaapi.CMAT_FINAL: for i in used_pats: func_proc = FuncProcessor(fcn) matcher = Matcher(func_proc.fcn, None) matcher.set_pattern(i[0]) matcher.chain = i[2] matcher.replacer = i[1] func_proc.pattern = matcher func_proc.DEBUG = DEBUG func_proc.traverse_function() return 0
print "Determining coverage area" p0 = raw_points[0] x_min = p0[0] x_max = p0[0] y_min = p0[1] y_max = p0[1] for p in raw_points: if p[0] < x_min: x_min = p[0] if p[0] > x_max: x_max = p[0] if p[1] < y_min: y_min = p[1] if p[1] > y_max: y_max = p[1] print "Area coverage = %.1f,%.1f to %.1f,%.1f (%.1f x %.1f meters)" % \ (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, x_max-x_min, y_max-y_min) # compute number of connections and cycle depth per image Matcher.groupByConnections(proj.image_list, matches_sba) # start with empty triangle lists # format: [ [v[0], v[1], v[2], u, v], .... ] for image in proj.image_list: image.tris = [] good_tris = 0 failed_tris = 0 # compute image.PROJ for each image for image in proj.image_list: rvec, tvec = image.get_proj_sba() R, jac = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) image.PROJ = np.concatenate((R, tvec), axis=1)
import urllib2 import re path = '' iris = pd.read_csv(urllib2.urlopen(path), index_col=0) # make binary iris['treatment'] = [i in ('setosa', 'virginica') for i in iris.Species] iris = iris.drop('Species', axis=1) iris.columns = [re.sub('\.', '', i) for i in iris.columns] test, control = iris[iris.treatment == True], iris[iris.treatment == False] return test, control THRESHOLD = 0.01 test, control = get_sample_data() m = Matcher(test, control) m.match(threshold=THRESHOLD) def test_indices(): # control index should be shifted by test index assert max(m.test.index) + 1 == min(m.control.index) def test_match_properties(): for match_id in np.unique(m.matched_data.match_id): current = m.matched_data[m.matched_data.match_id == match_id] s1, s2 = current.scores t1, t2 = current.treatment # matched scores should be within THRESHOLD
def mainRun(self): self.result_image, self.mat =, self.train_folder, self.MAlg, self.MCount) self.result_idx = 0 self.update_image()
def init(names, virtual_name, is_master): """ <function internal="yes"> <summary> Default init() function provided by Zorp </summary> <description> This function is a default <function>init()</function> calling the init function identified by the <parameter>name</parameter> argument. This way several Zorp instances can use the same policy file. </description> <metainfo> <attributes> <attribute maturity="stable"> <name>names</name> <type></type> <description>Names (instance name and also-as names) of this instance.</description> </attribute> <attribute maturity="stable"> <name>virtual_name</name> <type>string</type> <description> Virtual instance name of this process. If a Zorp instance is backed by multiple Zorp processes using the same configuration each process has a unique virtual instance name that is used for SZIG communication, PID file creation, etc. </description> </attribute> <attribute> <name>is_master</name> <type>int</type> <description> TRUE if Zorp is running in master mode, FALSE for slave processes. Each Zorp instance should have exactly one master process and an arbitrary number of slaves. </description> </attribute> </attributes> </metainfo> </function> """ import __main__ import SockAddr, Matcher, Rule import errno Globals.virtual_instance_name = virtual_name # miscelanneous initialization if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file: try: config.audit.encrypt_certificate = open(config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit encryption certificate; file='%s'", (config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file)) if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list_file: try: config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list = [ ] for list in config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list_file: newlist = [ ] for file in list: try: newlist.append( open(file, 'r').read() ) except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit encryption certificate; file='%s'", (file)) config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list.append( newlist ) except TypeError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error iterating encryption certificate file list;") if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list == None and config.audit.encrypt_certificate: config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list = [ [ config.audit.encrypt_certificate ] ] if config.audit.sign_private_key_file: try: config.audit.sign_private_key = open(config.audit.sign_private_key_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit signature's private key; file='%s'", (config.audit.sign_private_key_file)) if config.audit.sign_certificate_file: try: config.audit.sign_certificate = open(config.audit.sign_certificate_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit signature's certificate; file='%s'", (config.audit.sign_certificate_file)) Globals.rules = Rule.RuleSet() if config.options.kzorp_enabled: import kzorp.communication # ping kzorp to see if it's there try: h = kzorp.communication.Handle() Globals.kzorp_available = True except: Globals.kzorp_available = False log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Error pinging KZorp, it is probably unavailable; exc_value='%s'" % (sys.exc_value)) Globals.instance_name = names[0] for i in names: try: func = getattr(__main__, i) except AttributeError: ## LOG ## # This message indicates that the initialization function of # the given instance was not found in the policy file. ## log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Instance definition not found in policy; instance='%s'", (names,)) return FALSE func() Matcher.validateMatchers() if Globals.kzorp_available: import KZorp try: KZorp.downloadKZorpConfig(names[0], is_master) except: ## LOG ## # This message indicates that downloading the necessary information to the # kernel-level KZorp subsystem has failed. ## log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Error downloading KZorp configuration, Python traceback follows; error='%s'" % (sys.exc_value)) for s in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_traceback): for l in s.split("\n"): if l: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Traceback: %s" % (l)) # if kzorp did respond to the ping, the configuration is erroneous -- we die here so the user finds out return FALSE return TRUE
if len(matches_new) == len(matches_group): done = True else: matches_group = list(matches_new) # shallow copy print "unique features (after grouping):", len(matches_group) # count the match groups that are longer than just pairs group_count = 0 for m in matches_group: if len(m) > 3: group_count += 1 print "Number of groupings:", group_count print "Original match connector" Matcher.groupByConnections(proj.image_list) groups = Matcher.simpleGrouping(proj.image_list, matches_group) image_width = proj.image_list[0].width camw, camh = scale = float(image_width) / float(camw) print 'scale:', scale sba = SBA.SBA(args.project) sba.prepair_data(proj.image_list, groups[0], matches_direct, cameras, features, cam_index_map, feat_index_map, error_images = sba.run_live( mode='') if len(error_images):
from import Bar import scipy.spatial sys.path.append('../lib') import Matcher import Pose import ProjectMgr # working on matching features ... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Keypoint projection.') parser.add_argument('--project', required=True, help='project directory') args = parser.parse_args() proj = ProjectMgr.ProjectMgr(args.project) proj.load_image_info() proj.load_features() proj.load_match_pairs() print "Loading original (direct) matches ..." matches_direct = pickle.load( open( args.project + "/matches_direct", "rb" ) ) print "Total unique features =", len(matches_direct) Matcher.groupByConnections(proj.image_list, matches_direct) # save the results for image in proj.image_list: image.save_meta()
parser.add_argument('--index', type=int, help='show specific image by index') parser.add_argument('--direct', action='store_true', help='show matches_direct') parser.add_argument('--sba', action='store_true', help='show matches_sba') args = parser.parse_args() proj = ProjectMgr.ProjectMgr(args.project) proj.load_image_info() proj.load_features() proj.load_match_pairs() # setup SRTM ground interpolator ref = proj.ned_reference_lla m = Matcher.Matcher() order = 'fewest-matches' if args.image: i1 = proj.findImageByName(args.image) if i1 != None: for j, i2 in enumerate(proj.image_list): if len(i1.match_list[j]): print "Showing %s vs %s" % (, status = m.showMatchOrient(i1, i2, i1.match_list[j], orient=args.orient) else: print "Cannot locate:", args.image
print((depthDiff > 400).sum() / totalPixels) return dispDiff if __name__ == '__main__': #Define image paths imgLeftPath = "../Images/middelburyLeft.png" imgRightPath = "../Images/middelburyRight.png" picklePath = "../Pickle/middelburyLeft.p" imgLeft = cv2.imread('../Images/middelburyLeft.png') matcherFunc = Matcher.SGBFMatcher(imgLeft.shape, lowThres=100, highThres=300, epipolarTol=5, localSize=25, localNum=8) # Create the MLP data mlpDataProsessor = MLPDataProsessor.MLPDataProsessor( imgLeftPath, imgRightPath, picklePath=picklePath, f=3971.415, bx=195.187, doffs=146.53, matcherFunc=matcherFunc, shouldUseDisp=True, edgeRemoveRadius=4) mlpDataProsessor.normalizeMLPData()
def convertCSTSVariableBatch(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Convert Initial Fields to a STARS Panel Variables') varNames = self.proj.getDBFVariableNames() batch = MATCH.batchSplit(varNames) varNames = batch['strings'] varNames.sort() timeInfo = batch['ints'] timeInfo.sort() txt = """Select the fields to create panel variables via the batch method.""" time = str(self.proj.t) add = """Remember that field must have " + time + " time periods associated with it.""" txt = txt + "\n" + add title = "Choose fields for batch CSTS creation" sd.DualListBoxes(d, varNames, title=title, helpText=txt) txt = """Choose a variable associated with the first time period in your study, and an additional oone for the year time period. You may also type this in manuallly.""" timeStuff = ['Start Period for Batch', 'End Period for Batch'] sd.MultiEntry(d, timeInfo, timeStuff, title='Time Period Arguments', helpText=txt) txt = """Provide the time period increment: I.e. Annual: 1 BiAnnual: 2 Decadal: 10 """ sd.UserEntry(d, label="Integer Value", align="LEFT", title="User Defined Time Increment", helpText=txt) entries = ['Aggregation Method'] txt = """If the same cross-sectional unit has more than one value associated with it, ProjectMaker will have to combine the values in some way. You have the following options: Sum: will sum up any values associated with the same cross-section. Max: will take the maximum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Min: will take the minimum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Average: will average the values associated with the same cross-section. String: will essentially use the value of the last instance for each cross-section. Furthermore the value is a string. Use this for categorical data. ***The default method is "Average".""" types = ['Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'Average', 'String'] sd.MultiEntry(d, types, entries, title='Optional Arguments', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: vars = MATCH.Matcher('vars', d.results[0]) varList = vars.unique start = int(d.results[1]['Start Period for Batch']) end = int(d.results[1]['End Period for Batch']) step = int(d.results[2]) cohesion = d.results[3]['Aggregation Method'] if cohesion: pass else: cohesion = 'Average' for var in varList: try: newVar = [ var + str(i) for i in range(start, end + step, step) ] createVar = self.proj.convertArcViewVariable( cohesion, var, newVar) except: beg = "Could not create new variable for " + var + "." end = "\nPerhaps the the time series does not match." + end)
(result_list, mre, stddev) \ = proj.compute_reprojection_errors(cam_dict, matches_direct) if start_mre < 0.0: start_mre = mre print "mre = %.4f stddev = %.4f features = %d" % (mre, stddev, len(matches_direct)) cull_outliers = False if cull_outliers: mark_outliers(result_list, mre + stddev * 4, matches_direct) mark_weak_images(matches_direct) delete_marked_matches(matches_direct) # after outlier deletion, re-evalute matched pairs and connection # cycles. match_pairs = proj.generate_match_pairs(matches_direct) group_list = Matcher.groupByConnections(proj.image_list, matches_direct, match_pairs) mark_non_group(group_list[0], matches_direct) delete_marked_matches(matches_direct) else: # keep accounting structures happy mark_weak_images(matches_direct) # get the affine transformation required to bring the new camera # locations back inqto a best fit with the original camera # locations A = get_recenter_affine(cam_dict) # thought #1: if we are triangulating, this could be done once at the # end to fix up the solution, not every iteration? But it doesn't # seem to harm the triangulation.
def convertCSTSVariableBatch(self): d = sd.SDialogue('Convert Initial Fields to a STARS Panel Variables') varNames = self.proj.getDBFVariableNames() batch = MATCH.batchSplit(varNames) varNames = batch['strings'] varNames.sort() timeInfo = batch['ints'] timeInfo.sort() txt="""Select the fields to create panel variables via the batch method.""" time = str(self.proj.t) add = """Remember that field must have " + time + " time periods associated with it.""" txt = txt + "\n" + add title = "Choose fields for batch CSTS creation" sd.DualListBoxes(d,varNames,title=title, helpText=txt) txt = """Choose a variable associated with the first time period in your study, and an additional oone for the year time period. You may also type this in manuallly.""" timeStuff = ['Start Period for Batch', 'End Period for Batch'] sd.MultiEntry(d,timeInfo, timeStuff, title='Time Period Arguments', helpText=txt) txt="""Provide the time period increment: I.e. Annual: 1 BiAnnual: 2 Decadal: 10 """ sd.UserEntry(d,label="Integer Value", align="LEFT", title="User Defined Time Increment",helpText=txt) entries = ['Aggregation Method'] txt = """If the same cross-sectional unit has more than one value associated with it, ProjectMaker will have to combine the values in some way. You have the following options: Sum: will sum up any values associated with the same cross-section. Max: will take the maximum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Min: will take the minimum value of any values associated with the same cross-section. Average: will average the values associated with the same cross-section. String: will essentially use the value of the last instance for each cross-section. Furthermore the value is a string. Use this for categorical data. ***The default method is "Average".""" types = ['Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'Average', 'String'] sd.MultiEntry(d,types, entries, title='Optional Arguments', helpText=txt) d.draw() if d.status: vars = MATCH.Matcher('vars',d.results[0]) varList = vars.unique start = int( d.results[1]['Start Period for Batch'] ) end = int( d.results[1]['End Period for Batch'] ) step = int( d.results[2] ) cohesion = d.results[3]['Aggregation Method'] if cohesion: pass else: cohesion = 'Average' for var in varList: try: newVar = [ var+str(i) for i in range(start,end+step,step) ] createVar = self.proj.convertArcViewVariable(cohesion,var,newVar) except: beg = "Could not create new variable for " + var + "." end = "\nPerhaps the the time series does not match."
""" try: input_file = InputFile(sys.argv[1]) except IOError, e: print("ERROR: {e}".format(e=e)) return sample_rate_adjust_factor = int(NORMAL_SAMPLE_RATE / input_file.get_sample_rate()) freq_chunks = FFT(input_file, CHUNK_SIZE / sample_rate_adjust_factor).series() norm = LogNorm(0.000000001, numpy.amax(freq_chunks)) winners = Matcher._bucket_winners(freq_chunks) # initialize an empty window master = Tk() master.wm_title(" ".join(sys.argv[1:])) chunks = len(freq_chunks) first_chunk = 0 lines = UPPER_LIMIT blockSizeX = 2 blockSizeY = 2 w = Canvas(master, width=chunks * blockSizeX, height=lines * blockSizeY) w.pack() # for each chunk (which will be the X axis) for i in range(chunks): print i # for each line (the Y axis)
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])): word1 = word1 + "a" regex = regex + "a?" regex = regex + word1 print("- N: %s" % sys.argv[1]) print("- Word: %s" % word1) reg = r.add_concatenation(regex) print("- Regex: " + reg) postfix = r.get_postfix(reg) #print(postfix) NFA = r.get_nfa(postfix) word2 = "abbc" #print("NFA:") #print (r.to_str(NFA.start)) m = Matcher(NFA.start, word1) t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() print("Our implementation ") print("Match?: ") print(m.searchMatch(word1)) t2 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta = t2 - t1 print("Time: %s.%s" % (delta.seconds, delta.microseconds)) t3 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() print("Python implementation ") print("Match?: ") print(re.match(regex, word1) != None) t4 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta = t4 - t3
def init(names, virtual_name, is_master): """ <function internal="yes"> <summary> Default init() function provided by Zorp </summary> <description> This function is a default <function>init()</function> calling the init function identified by the <parameter>name</parameter> argument. This way several Zorp instances can use the same policy file. </description> <metainfo> <attributes> <attribute maturity="stable"> <name>names</name> <type></type> <description>Names (instance name and also-as names) of this instance.</description> </attribute> <attribute maturity="stable"> <name>virtual_name</name> <type>string</type> <description> Virtual instance name of this process. If a Zorp instance is backed by multiple Zorp processes using the same configuration each process has a unique virtual instance name that is used for SZIG communication, PID file creation, etc. </description> </attribute> <attribute> <name>is_master</name> <type>int</type> <description> TRUE if Zorp is running in master mode, FALSE for slave processes. Each Zorp instance should have exactly one master process and an arbitrary number of slaves. </description> </attribute> </attributes> </metainfo> </function> """ import __main__ import SockAddr, KZorp, Matcher, Rule import kzorp.netlink import kzorp.kzorp_netlink import errno # miscelanneous initialization if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file: try: config.audit.encrypt_certificate = open(config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit encryption certificate; file='%s'", (config.audit.encrypt_certificate_file)) if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list_file: try: config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list = [ ] for list in config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list_file: newlist = [ ] for file in list: try: newlist.append( open(file, 'r').read() ) except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit encryption certificate; file='%s'", (file)) config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list.append( newlist ) except TypeError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error iterating encryption certificate file list;") if config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list == None and config.audit.encrypt_certificate: config.audit.encrypt_certificate_list = [ [ config.audit.encrypt_certificate ] ] if config.audit.sign_private_key_file: try: config.audit.sign_private_key = open(config.audit.sign_private_key_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit signature's private key; file='%s'", (config.audit.sign_private_key_file)) if config.audit.sign_certificate_file: try: config.audit.sign_certificate = open(config.audit.sign_certificate_file, 'r').read() except IOError: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 1, "Error reading audit signature's certificate; file='%s'", (config.audit.sign_certificate_file)) Globals.rules = Rule.RuleSet() if config.options.kzorp_enabled: # ping kzorp to see if it's there try: h = kzorp.kzorp_netlink.Handle() Globals.kzorp_available = True except: Globals.kzorp_available = False log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Error pinging KZorp, it is probably unavailable; exc_value='%s'" % (sys.exc_value)) Globals.instance_name = names[0] for i in names: try: func = getattr(__main__, i) except AttributeError: ## LOG ## # This message indicates that the initialization function of # the given instance was not found in the policy file. ## log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Instance definition not found in policy; instance='%s'", (names,)) return FALSE func() Matcher.validateMatchers() if Globals.kzorp_available: try: KZorp.downloadKZorpConfig(names[0], is_master) except: ## LOG ## # This message indicates that downloading the necessary information to the # kernel-level KZorp subsystem has failed. ## log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Error downloading KZorp configuration, Python traceback follows; error='%s'" % (sys.exc_value)) for s in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_traceback): for l in s.split("\n"): if l: log(None, CORE_ERROR, 0, "Traceback: %s" % (l)) # if kzorp did respond to the ping, the configuration is erroneous -- we die here so the user finds out return FALSE return TRUE
# measure our current mean reprojection error and trim mre # outliers from the match set (any points with mre 4x stddev) as # well as any weak images with < 25 matches. (result_list, mre, stddev) \ = proj.compute_reprojection_errors(cam_dict, matches_direct) if start_mre < 0.0: start_mre = mre print "mre = %.4f stddev = %.4f features = %d" % (mre, stddev, len(matches_direct)) mark_outliers(result_list, mre + stddev*4, matches_direct) mark_weak_images(matches_direct) delete_marked_matches(matches_direct) # after outlier deletion, re-evalute matched pairs and connection # cycles. match_pairs = proj.generate_match_pairs(matches_direct) group_list = Matcher.groupByConnections(proj.image_list, matches_direct, match_pairs) mark_non_group(group_list[0], matches_direct) delete_marked_matches(matches_direct) # get the affine transformation required to bring the new camera # locations back inqto a best fit with the original camera # locations A = get_recenter_affine(cam_dict) # thought #1: if we are triangulating, this could be done once at the # end to fix up the solution, not every iteration? But it doesn't # seem to harm the triangulation. # thought #2: if we are projecting onto the dem surface, we # probably shouldn't transform the cams back to the original # becuase this could perpetually pull things out of convergence
def upload(): if request.method == 'POST': filedelet.create_dir() data = [] csvFile = request.files['csv'] csv_ext = str(csvFile).split("'") test_name = request.form['testname'] if ".csv" in csv_ext[1]: if csvFile and allowed_file(csvFile.filename): csvname = secure_filename(csvFile.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], csvname)) csv_path = mypath + '/storage/' + csvname Matcher.csv_handling(csv_path) else: fail = '''Please upload only CSV file.''' return render_template('upload.html', fail=fail) queFile = request.files['que'] que_ext = str(csvFile).split("'") if ".csv" in que_ext[1]: if csvFile and allowed_file(queFile.filename): quename = secure_filename(queFile.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], quename)) que_path = mypath + '/storage/' + quename Data = [] Data.append(Questions.question_extract(que_path, test_name)) mongoDb.questions_store(Data) else: fail = '''Please upload only CSV file.''' return render_template('upload.html', fail=fail) for f in request.files.getlist('file[]'): pdf_ext = str(f).split("'") if ".pdf" in pdf_ext[1]: if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = secure_filename(f.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) pdf_path = mypath + '/storage/' + filename name, mail, result = Matcher.create_database( pdf_path, filename) data.append( Matcher.header_Cal(name, mail, result, test_name)) elif ".docx" in pdf_ext[1]: if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = secure_filename(f.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) pdf_path = mypath + '/storage/' + filename name, mail, result = Matcher.create_database( pdf_path, filename) data.append( Matcher.header_Cal(name, mail, result, test_name)) elif ".txt" in pdf_ext[1]: if f and allowed_file(f.filename): filename = secure_filename(f.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) pdf_path = mypath + '/storage/' + filename name, mail, result = Matcher.create_database( pdf_path, filename) data.append( Matcher.header_Cal(name, mail, result, test_name)) else: fail = '''upload only pdf,docx and txt files''' return render_template('upload.html', fail=fail) # print("-----------") mongoDb.collection_store(data) Success = "Success" filedelet.Delete_files() return render_template('upload.html', suc=Success) # logo_path = os.path.join(app.config['IMAGES'], "CA-Logo.svg") # print(logo_path) return render_template('upload.html')
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])): word1 = word1 + "a" regex = regex + "a?" regex = regex + word1 print("- N: %s" % sys.argv[1]) print("- Word: %s" % word1) reg = r.add_concatenation(regex) print("- Regex: " +reg) postfix = r.get_postfix(reg) #print(postfix) NFA = r.get_nfa(postfix) word2 = "abbc" #print("NFA:") #print (r.to_str(NFA.start)) m = Matcher(NFA.start, word1) t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() print("Our implementation ") print("Match?: ") print(m.searchMatch(word1)) t2 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta = t2-t1 print("Time: %s.%s" % (delta.seconds, delta.microseconds)) t3 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() print ("Python implementation ") print("Match?: ") print(re.match(regex,word1) != None) t4 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta = t4-t3
def begin(self): #print("Starting processing") imageProcessor = ImageProcessing(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.size) confidenceMatrix, baseAttendaceDict = imageProcessor.processImageAndGetConfidenceMatrix( ) print("done confidence:") for i in range(len(confidenceMatrix)): print(confidenceMatrix[i]) useDelete = True useSocial = True matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) #attendance with social data attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, False, useSocial) f = open(self.meeting.getMeetingDirectory() + '\AttendanceSocial.txt', "w+") count = 0 for item in attendance: f.write('student: ' + str(item) + ' is found to be cropped face: ' + str(count) + '\n') count = count + 1 #attendance to log without social data attendanceNoSocial = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, False, False) f = open( self.meeting.getMeetingDirectory() + '\AttendanceNoSocial.txt', "w+") count = 0 for item in attendanceNoSocial: f.write('student: ' + str(item) + ' is found to be cropped face: ' + str(count) + '\n') count = count + 1 output = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) imageOrginalWithAttedance, imageAttendancePath = output.createAndWriteAttendacePiture( "MatchingWithSocial") #create attendace picture for social not used output.createAndWriteAttendancePictureTwo("MatchingNoSocial", attendanceNoSocial) #create attendance picture for base recognition output.createAndWriteAttendancePictureTwo("BaseRecognition", baseAttendaceDict) #write the attedance picture to the db self.database.writeImageWithAttendance( self.db, imageOrginalWithAttedance, self.meeting.getMeetingDirectory(), imageAttendancePath) #write the attedance to the db self.database.writeAttendance(self.db, self.arrayStudents) #write the average social matrix to the db if its if (self.meeting.getFirstMeeting() == True): finalAverageSocialMatrix = output.findSocialMatrixFirstMeeting() else: finalAverageSocialMatrix = output.findAverageSocialMatrix() self.database.writeSocialMatrix(self.db, self.meeting, finalAverageSocialMatrix, self.arrayStudents) output.printAttendance() if (1 == 2): useDelete = False useSocial = True matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output4 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output4.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("SocialNoDelete") output4.printAttendance() useDelete = True useSocial = False matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output3 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output3.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("Social") output3.printAttendance() useDelete = False useSocial = False matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output2 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output2.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("MatchingNoDelete") output2.printAttendance()
def createMatcher(self, utype, passwd=0): datas = d_matchs.datas.get(utype) if datas is None: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher get matchData error , d_matchs.datas hava on key : %d" % utype) return None DEBUG_MSG( "%s::createMatcher: self.lastNewRoomKey=%i, self.matchers:%s" % (, self.lastNewRoomKey, str(self.matchers.keys()))) """ if self.lastNewRoomKey in self.matchers.keys(): ERROR_MSG("matchers::createMatcher have in mathers ,self.lastNewRoomKey : %d" % self.lastNewRoomKey) return self.matchers[self.lastNewRoomKey] """ self.lastNewRoomKey = KBEngine.genUUID64() matherData = Matcher(self.lastNewRoomKey) matchType = datas.get('matchRule', None) if matchType is None: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher matchType:%d is None d_matchs.datas " % datas) return None else: ruleData = d_matchs.matchRuleDatas.get(matchType, None) if ruleData is None: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher d_matchs.matchRuleDatas.get(matchType,None) matchType: %d" % matchType) return None if ruleData['utype'] == "player": matherData.matchRule = PlayerMatchRule(ruleData['id'],ruleData['name'],ruleData['teamACount'],ruleData['teamBCount'],\ ruleData['minPlayers'],ruleData['maxPlayers']) elif ruleData['utype'] == 'npc': matherData.matchRule = NPCMatchRule(ruleData['id'],ruleData['name'],ruleData['teamACount'],ruleData['teamBCount'],\ ruleData['minPlayers'],ruleData['maxPlayers']) elif ruleData['utype'] == 'customize': matherData.matchRule = CustomizeMatchRule(ruleData['id'],ruleData['name'],ruleData['teamACount'],ruleData['teamBCount'],\ ruleData['minPlayers'],ruleData['maxPlayers']) else: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher d_matchs.ruleData.get(utype,None) utype: %s" % ruleData['utype']) return None roomType = datas.get('roomRule', None) if roomType is None: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher roomType:%d is None d_matchs.datas " % datas) return None else: ruleData = d_matchs.roomRuleDatas.get(roomType, None) if ruleData is None: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher d_matchs.roomRuleDatas.get(roomType,None) roomType: %d" % roomType) return None if ruleData['roomType'] == "SummonerCanyon": matherData.roomRule = SummonerCanyonRule( self.lastNewRoomKey, self.lastRoomNumber, ruleData, passwd) elif ruleData['roomType'] == 'TwistedJungle': matherData.roomRule = TwistedJungleRule( self.lastNewRoomKey, self.lastRoomNumber, ruleData, passwd) elif ruleData['roomType'] == 'PolarChaos': matherData.roomRule = PolarChaosRule(self.lastNewRoomKey, self.lastRoomNumber, ruleData, passwd) elif ruleData['roomType'] == 'CryingAbyss': matherData.roomRule = CryingAbyssRule(self.lastNewRoomKey, self.lastRoomNumber, ruleData, passwd) else: ERROR_MSG( "matchers::createMatcher d_matchs.roomRuleDatas.get(utype,None) utype: %s" % ruleData['roomType']) return None self.lastRoomNumber += 1 self.matcherIDsMapUtype[matherData.matchID] = utype self.matchers[matherData.matchID] = matherData DEBUG_MSG("%s::createMatcher: matchID=%i, utype:%i" % (, matherData.matchID, utype)) return matherData
(0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) return depthImg if __name__ == '__main__': #Load images #imgLeft = cv2.imread('../Images/CityLeft1.png') #imgRight = cv2.imread('../Images/CityRight1.png') imgLeft = cv2.imread('../Images/middelburyLeft.png') imgRight = cv2.imread('../Images/middelburyRight.png') #Create the functions that should be used in Matcher matcher = Matcher.Matcher(imgLeft, imgRight) matcher.computeAll() #f and bx from the kitty dataset f = 7.215377e+02 bx = 4.485728e+01 + 3.395242e+02 sd = StereoDepth(matcher.goodMatches, matcher.keypointsLeft, matcher.keypointsRight, f, bx) sd.computeAll() img = sd.getDepthImage(matcher.imgLeft) cv2.imshow("Original image", matcher.imgLeft) cv2.imshow("Depth image", img) cv2.imwrite("../Results/StereoDepth.png", img)
test1.append([2, 3, 4, 5, 1]) results1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] #two have same top match test test2 = [] test2.append([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]) test2.append([11, 13, 30, 40, 50]) test2.append([20, 30, 10, 40, 50]) test2.append([20, 30, 40, 10, 50]) test2.append([20, 30, 40, 50, 10]) results2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] #someone absent test test3 = [] test3.append([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55]) test3.append([11, 13, 30, 40, 50, 60]) test3.append([20, 30, 10, 40, 50, 65]) test3.append([20, 30, 40, 10, 50, 70]) test3.append([20, 30, 40, 50, 10, 74]) results3 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] matcher = Matcher(1, 1) results = matcher.matchStudents(test3) print() print("Results:") print(results) print("Expected Results:") print(results3)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set the initial camera poses.') parser.add_argument('--project', required=True, help='project directory') parser.add_argument( '--stddev', type=float, default=5, help='how many stddevs above the mean for auto discarding features') args = parser.parse_args() proj = ProjectMgr.ProjectMgr(args.project) proj.load_images_info() proj.load_features() proj.undistort_keypoints() matcher = Matcher.Matcher() print("Loading match points (direct)...") matches = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(args.project, "matches_direct"), "rb")) print('num images:', len(proj.image_list)) # traverse the matches structure and create a pair-wise match # structure. (Start with an empty n x n list of empty pair lists, # then fill in the structures.) pairs = [] homography = [] averages = [] stddevs = [] status_flags = [] dsts = []
def begin(self): #print("Starting processing") imageProcessor = ImageProcessing(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.size) confidenceMatrix = imageProcessor.processImageAndGetConfidenceMatrix() #print("done confidence:") #for i in range(len(confidenceMatrix)): # print(confidenceMatrix[i]) useDelete = True useSocial = True matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) imageOrginalWithAttedance, imageAttendancePath = output.createAndWriteAttendacePiture( "Matching") #write the attedance picture to the db self.database.writeImageWithAttendance( self.db, imageOrginalWithAttedance, self.meeting.getMeetingDirectory(), imageAttendancePath) #write the attedance to the db self.database.writeAttendance(self.db, self.arrayStudents) #write the average social matrix to the db if its if (self.meeting.getFirstMeeting() == True): finalAverageSocialMatrix = output.findSocialMatrixFirstMeeting() else: finalAverageSocialMatrix = output.findAverageSocialMatrix() self.database.writeSocialMatrix(self.db, self.meeting, finalAverageSocialMatrix, self.arrayStudents) output.printAttendance() if (1 == 2): useDelete = False useSocial = True matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output4 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output4.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("SocialNoDelete") output4.printAttendance() useDelete = True useSocial = False matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output3 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output3.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("Social") output3.printAttendance() useDelete = False useSocial = False matcher = Matcher(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents) attendance = matcher.matchStudents(confidenceMatrix, useDelete, useSocial) output2 = Output(self.meeting, self.arrayStudents, self.meeting.getCroppedFaces(), attendance) output2.createAndWriteAttendacePiture("MatchingNoDelete") output2.printAttendance()
import DiffParser import Matcher import GIXDSimAnneal ''' main for indexing ''' figname = 'sva.fig' Cell_Init_Guess = [10., 10., 10., 90., 90., 90.] DP = DiffParser.DiffParser(fig_name=figname) DP.plt_foundpeaks() # uncomment to see peaks identified Parsed_sgs_Matrix = DP.sgs_matrix Smooth_Erode, Expt_Peaks = DP.detect_peaks() M = Matcher.Matcher(Parsed_sgs_Matrix, Expt_Peaks, Cell_Init_Guess, sg=1) tsp = GIXDSimAnneal.OptProblem(Cell_Init_Guess, M) tsp.copy_strategy = "slice" # # auto find anneal param # print( # # 'tmax': 140.0, 'tmin': 0.67, 'steps': 150000, 'updates': 100 on dlxlogin3-1 tsp.Tmax = 140 tsp.Tmin = 0.5 tsp.steps = 150000 tsp.updates = 100 state, e = tsp.anneal() with open('anneal.out','a') as f: f.write('#--------------------\n') f.write(' '.join([str(round(i, 4)) for i in state]) + ' ' + str(round(e, 4)) + '\n')
def get_dataset(path): dataset=[] for filename in os.listdir(path): if filename.endswith("pos"): t = open(path + filename,"r").read() dataset.append([re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', ' ', t), re.sub(r"(?:_pos)$",'', filename), "pos"]) elif filename.endswith("neg"): t = open(path + filename,"r").read() dataset.append([re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', ' ', t), re.sub(r"(?:_neg)$",'', filename), "neg"]) return dataset ### Main function # FEATURE 1 - Match with the McDonald Dictionary dataset = get_dataset("../mdatest/") dico = matcher.get_dico(dataset) # dico is a column with the matching scores of the MDAs versus the Finance Dictionary df=pd.DataFrame(dataset) df[3] = pd.Series(dico) df.columns = ['MD&A_Text','Filename','Actual','MatchDico'] # FEATURE 2 and 3 - Match with the Compustat financial data to get the indices 'delta_sales' and 'delta_at' compustat = pd.read_csv('compustat_filenames.csv', sep=',') de = compustat['delta_sale'] dt = compustat['delta_at'] ds = pd.merge(df, compustat, left_on='Filename', right_on='Filename') # We split the global matrix "result" into a training and a testing set train, test = validator.split(ds,0.5) # We fit a Random Forest model (n_estimators default=10, min_samples_leaf default=1)
s.send(result) s.close() cv.destroyWindow('Client Frame') for a in range(10): cv.waitKey(100) return # ====================================================================== # Main # ====================================================================== def main(): matcherMethod = 'bf' try: matcherMethod = argv[1] except Exception, e: print '[!] One argument expected (matcherMethod [bf, flann, template, svm, knn]).' print "[!] Using default matcher method %s." % (matcherMethod) Matcher.configureMatcher(matcherMethod) dispatch(matcherMethod) return if(__name__ == '__main__'): main()
"""Display a graph that shows which frequencies we will use in our hashing algorithm. """ try: input_file = InputFile(sys.argv[1]) except IOError, e: print ("ERROR: {e}".format(e=e)) return sample_rate_adjust_factor = int(NORMAL_SAMPLE_RATE / input_file.get_sample_rate()) freq_chunks = FFT(input_file, CHUNK_SIZE/sample_rate_adjust_factor).series() norm = LogNorm(0.000000001, numpy.amax(freq_chunks)) winners = Matcher._bucket_winners(freq_chunks) # initialize an empty window master = Tk() master.wm_title(" ".join(sys.argv[1:])) chunks = len(freq_chunks) first_chunk = 0 lines = UPPER_LIMIT blockSizeX = 2 blockSizeY = 2 w = Canvas(master, width=chunks*blockSizeX, height=lines*blockSizeY) w.pack() # for each chunk (which will be the X axis) for i in range(chunks): print i # for each line (the Y axis)