def generateFighterNPC():
    NPCrace = generateRACE()
    NPCclass = generateCLASS()
    NPCgender = generateGENDER()
    NPCcharachteristics = generateCHAR()
    npc = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
    npc = npc + ' ' + '(' + NPCgender + ') ' + NPCrace + ' ' + NPCclass + ' '
    npc = npc + NPCcharachteristics
    return npc
Esempio n. 2
 def create(self):
     self.gendervar = self.gender.get()
     if(self.gendervar == 0 or self.gendervar == 1):
         racevar = self.race.get()
             string = ng.generate(self.gendervar,racevar)
             self.text.delete(1.0, END)
             showerror('Error', 'Please select a race')
         showerror('Error', 'Please select a gender')
Esempio n. 3
def create():
    gendervar = gender.get()
    if(gendervar == 0 or gendervar == 1):
        racevar = race.get()
            string = NameGenerator.generate(gendervar,racevar)
            text.delete(1.0, END)
            showerror('Error', 'Please select a race')
        showerror('Error', 'Please select a gender')
def generateNPC(n):
    if (n == 0):
        #0 is a warrior NPC
        NPCclass = generateCLASS()
    elif (n == 1):
        npc = generateCITIZEN()
    NPCrace = generateRACE()
    NPCgender = generateGENDER()
    NPCcharachteristics = generateCHAR()
    if (n == 0):
        npc = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
        npc = npc + ' ' + '(' + NPCgender + ') ' + NPCrace + ' ' + NPCclass + ' '
        npc = npc + NPCcharachteristics
        return npc
        return npc
def generateNPC(n):
    if n == 0:
        # 0 is a warrior NPC
        NPCclass = generateCLASS()
    elif n == 1:
        npc = generateCITIZEN()
    NPCrace = generateRACE()
    NPCgender = generateGENDER()
    NPCcharachteristics = generateCHAR()
    if n == 0:
        npc = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
        npc = npc + " " + "(" + NPCgender + ") " + NPCrace + " " + NPCclass + " "
        npc = npc + NPCcharachteristics
        return npc
        return npc
def generateCITIZEN():
    NPCrace = generateRACE()
    NPCgender = generateGENDER()
    citizen = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
    #Decide what is the profession of the citizen.
    dice = randint(1, 10)
    #dice = 3 #this one is just for debugging
    if (dice == 1):
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'an Alchemist, more specifically an apothecary'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'an alchemist, more specifically a hedge wizard'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'an alchemist, more specifically an herbalist'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'an alchemist, more specifically a poisonmaker'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'an alchemist, more specifically a potioneer'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'an alchemist, more specifically a pyromancer'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for delivery help '
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for new recipes '
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for purchasers '
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for rare ingredients '
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + 'and carries several vials of acids.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + 'and carries several curatives.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + 'and carries an unusual potion.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + 'and carries a pyrophoric substance.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 2):
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically an assassin'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically a confidence artist'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically a gambler'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically a poacher'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically a smuggler'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'a bandit, more specifically a thief'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for accomplices for a specific task'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for revenge against a rival criminal'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for an easy mark'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for extra muscle for some work'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for rumors that may lead to a big score'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a owdy evening of carousing'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a crossbow with poisoned darts.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries several daggers.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a short sword.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a lucky charm.'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries the token of a love.'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries letters for blackmail.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 3):
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a law official, more specifically a constable'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a law official, more specifically a sheriff'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a law official, more specifically a guard captain'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a law official, more specifically a magistrate'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to capture a fugitive'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to catch a thief'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to guard a specific location or person'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to investigate a disappearance'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to solve a murder mystery'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to have an ale with'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries an arrest warrant for an outlaw.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a proclamation for a reward.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a knife or sword of the office.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a pocketbook of local laws.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 4):
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically a kinght'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically an old lord'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically a young lord'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically an old lady'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically a young lady'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'a noble, more specifically a wealthy merchant'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to dispose of an enemy'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to negotiate a trade contract'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to prepare an army for war'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to sabotage a rival'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to secure marriage'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to have a good time with'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries several deeds and titles.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a family heirloom.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries several inventories and invoices.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a some very valuable jewels.'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a compromising love letter.'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a letter from a powerful lord or lady.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 5):
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically an acolyte'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically a healer'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically a monk'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically a preacher'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically a scholar'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'a priest, more specifically a witch-hunter'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for new coverts'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for heretics'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for an relics and rare lore'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for the bottom of a goblet'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a well-used cudgel.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a prominently displayed holy symbol.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a pocketbook of sacred texts.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a wineskin.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 6):
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically an astrologer'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically a fortune teller'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically a mystic'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically a lorekeeper'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically a prophet'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'a seer, more specifically a psychic'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for new clients for reading'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for the answer to a riddle or prophecy'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for an relics and news regarding a missing person'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for some juicy gossip'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a crystall ball.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a dowsing rod.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a large, sharp-pointed knife.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries several star charts.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 7):
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a smith, more specifically an armorer'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a smith, more specifically a blacksmith'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a smith, more specifically a farrier'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a smith, more specifically a weaponsmith'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a new apprentice'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a journeyman craftsman'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for rare metals'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a mug of strong ale'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a hammer.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a metal trinket made by the smith.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a contract commisioning a weapon.'  #might insert the weapon randomizer... but maybe not because too much coding
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries little more than a few coins.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 8):
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically an exile'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a ministrel'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a peddler'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a pilgrim'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a refugee'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a sellsword'
        elif (dice == 7):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a storyteller'
        elif (dice == 8):
            NPCprofession = 'a traveler, more specifically a treasure hunter'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 10)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for accomplices on a quest.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for the answer to a riddle.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for an audience to entertain.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a long lost friend'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for the return of something stolen.'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for revenge against a bitter rival.'
        elif (dice == 7):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a permanent home.'
        elif (dice == 8):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for steady work.'
        elif (dice == 9):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for traveling companions.'
        elif (dice == 10):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for drinking companions.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'

    elif (dice == 9):
        if (NPCgender == 'Male'):
            NPCprofession = 'a Barman, and he'
        elif (NPCgender == 'Female'):
            NPCprofession = ' Barmaid, and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with gender at stage 1'
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a mug of ale'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a goblet of wine'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a glass of water'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with an offer to move to a better table'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a look of exasperation'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a warm handshake'
        elif (dice == 7):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a pat on the back'
        elif (dice == 8):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' greets you with a pretty smile'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the greetings'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for an excuse to kick you out'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for somoeone more important to talk to'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for someone to do some pest removal'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a big tip'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for a good joke or story'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is looking for the bottom of a bottle'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a filthy rag.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a pristine silk handkerchief.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries a piece of cospicuous jewelry.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' and carries an unusual belt purse.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the carries'

    elif (dice == 10):
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = 'an old farmer'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = 'a middle-aged farmer'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = 'a young farmer'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = 'a farm kid'
        elif (dice == 5):
            if NPCgender == 'Female':
                NPCprofession = 'an old farmwife'
            elif NPCgender == 'Male':
                NPCprofession = 'an old farm-man'
        elif (dice == 6):
            if NPCgender == 'Female':
                NPCprofession = 'a tough farmwife'
            elif NPCgender == 'Male':
                NPCprofession = 'a tough farm-man'
        elif (dice == 7):
            if NPCgender == 'Female':
                NPCprofession = 'a young maid'
            elif NPCgender == 'Male':
                NPCprofession = 'a young maidman'
        elif (dice == 8):
            if NPCgender == 'Female':
                NPCprofession = 'a country girl'
            elif NPCgender == 'Male':
                NPCprofession = 'a country boy'
            NPCprofession = 'error in single prof'
        if NPCgender == 'Male':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and he'
        elif NPCgender == 'Female':
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ', and she'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the gender'
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if (dice == 1):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to lend a hand on a laborious task.'
        elif (dice == 2):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to repair a tool or farming implements.'
        elif (dice == 3):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to help locate a missing beast.'
        elif (dice == 4):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to help locate a missing person.'
        elif (dice == 5):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to hHelp secure an audience with the lord/lady.'
        elif (dice == 6):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to purchase or distribute crops.'
        elif (dice == 7):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to purchase some livestock.'
        elif (dice == 8):
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ' is seeking someone to listen to a tale of woe.'
            NPCprofession = 'error with the lookings'
        NPCprofession = 'Error with the profession'
    citizen = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
    citizen = citizen + ', ' + NPCrace + ' (' + NPCgender + ') ' + NPCprofession
    return citizen
def generateCITIZEN():
    NPCrace = generateRACE()
    NPCgender = generateGENDER()
    citizen = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
    # Decide what is the profession of the citizen.
    dice = randint(1, 10)
    # dice = 3 #this one is just for debugging
    if dice == 1:
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "an Alchemist, more specifically an apothecary"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "an alchemist, more specifically a hedge wizard"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "an alchemist, more specifically an herbalist"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "an alchemist, more specifically a poisonmaker"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "an alchemist, more specifically a potioneer"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "an alchemist, more specifically a pyromancer"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for delivery help "
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for new recipes "
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for purchasers "
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for rare ingredients "
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + "and carries several vials of acids."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + "and carries several curatives."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + "and carries an unusual potion."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + "and carries a pyrophoric substance."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    # BANDIT
    elif dice == 2:
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically an assassin"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically a confidence artist"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically a gambler"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically a poacher"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically a smuggler"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "a bandit, more specifically a thief"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for accomplices for a specific task"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for revenge against a rival criminal"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for an easy mark"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for extra muscle for some work"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for rumors that may lead to a big score"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a owdy evening of carousing"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a crossbow with poisoned darts."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries several daggers."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a short sword."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a lucky charm."
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries the token of a love."
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries letters for blackmail."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    elif dice == 3:
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a law official, more specifically a constable"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a law official, more specifically a sheriff"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a law official, more specifically a guard captain"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a law official, more specifically a magistrate"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to capture a fugitive"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to catch a thief"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to guard a specific location or person"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to investigate a disappearance"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to solve a murder mystery"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to have an ale with"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries an arrest warrant for an outlaw."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a proclamation for a reward."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a knife or sword of the office."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a pocketbook of local laws."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    # NOBLE
    elif dice == 4:
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically a kinght"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically an old lord"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically a young lord"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically an old lady"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically a young lady"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "a noble, more specifically a wealthy merchant"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to dispose of an enemy"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to negotiate a trade contract"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to prepare an army for war"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to sabotage a rival"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to secure marriage"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to have a good time with"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries several deeds and titles."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a family heirloom."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries several inventories and invoices."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a some very valuable jewels."
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a compromising love letter."
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a letter from a powerful lord or lady."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    # PRIEST
    elif dice == 5:
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically an acolyte"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically a healer"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically a monk"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically a preacher"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically a scholar"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "a priest, more specifically a witch-hunter"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for new coverts"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for heretics"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for an relics and rare lore"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for the bottom of a goblet"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a well-used cudgel."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a prominently displayed holy symbol."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a pocketbook of sacred texts."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a wineskin."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    # SEER
    elif dice == 6:
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically an astrologer"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically a fortune teller"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically a mystic"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically a lorekeeper"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically a prophet"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "a seer, more specifically a psychic"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for new clients for reading"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for the answer to a riddle or prophecy"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for an relics and news regarding a missing person"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for some juicy gossip"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a crystall ball."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a dowsing rod."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a large, sharp-pointed knife."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries several star charts."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    # SMITH
    elif dice == 7:
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a smith, more specifically an armorer"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a smith, more specifically a blacksmith"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a smith, more specifically a farrier"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a smith, more specifically a weaponsmith"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a new apprentice"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a journeyman craftsman"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for rare metals"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a mug of strong ale"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a hammer."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a metal trinket made by the smith."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = (
                NPCprofession + " and carries a contract commisioning a weapon."
            )  # might insert the weapon randomizer... but maybe not because too much coding
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries little more than a few coins."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    elif dice == 8:
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically an exile"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a ministrel"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a peddler"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a pilgrim"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a refugee"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a sellsword"
        elif dice == 7:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a storyteller"
        elif dice == 8:
            NPCprofession = "a traveler, more specifically a treasure hunter"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 10)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for accomplices on a quest."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for the answer to a riddle."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for an audience to entertain."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a long lost friend"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for the return of something stolen."
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for revenge against a bitter rival."
        elif dice == 7:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a permanent home."
        elif dice == 8:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for steady work."
        elif dice == 9:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for traveling companions."
        elif dice == 10:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for drinking companions."
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"

    # BARMAN
    elif dice == 9:
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = "a Barman, and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = " Barmaid, and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with gender at stage 1"
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a mug of ale"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a goblet of wine"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a glass of water"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with an offer to move to a better table"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a look of exasperation"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a warm handshake"
        elif dice == 7:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a pat on the back"
        elif dice == 8:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " greets you with a pretty smile"
            NPCprofession = "error with the greetings"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 6)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for an excuse to kick you out"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for somoeone more important to talk to"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for someone to do some pest removal"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a big tip"
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for a good joke or story"
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is looking for the bottom of a bottle"
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        dice = randint(1, 4)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a filthy rag."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a pristine silk handkerchief."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries a piece of cospicuous jewelry."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " and carries an unusual belt purse."
            NPCprofession = "error with the carries"

    elif dice == 10:
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = "an old farmer"
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = "a middle-aged farmer"
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = "a young farmer"
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = "a farm kid"
        elif dice == 5:
            if NPCgender == "Female":
                NPCprofession = "an old farmwife"
            elif NPCgender == "Male":
                NPCprofession = "an old farm-man"
        elif dice == 6:
            if NPCgender == "Female":
                NPCprofession = "a tough farmwife"
            elif NPCgender == "Male":
                NPCprofession = "a tough farm-man"
        elif dice == 7:
            if NPCgender == "Female":
                NPCprofession = "a young maid"
            elif NPCgender == "Male":
                NPCprofession = "a young maidman"
        elif dice == 8:
            if NPCgender == "Female":
                NPCprofession = "a country girl"
            elif NPCgender == "Male":
                NPCprofession = "a country boy"
            NPCprofession = "error in single prof"
        if NPCgender == "Male":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and he"
        elif NPCgender == "Female":
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + ", and she"
            NPCprofession = "error with the gender"
        dice = randint(1, 8)
        if dice == 1:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to lend a hand on a laborious task."
        elif dice == 2:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to repair a tool or farming implements."
        elif dice == 3:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to help locate a missing beast."
        elif dice == 4:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to help locate a missing person."
        elif dice == 5:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to hHelp secure an audience with the lord/lady."
        elif dice == 6:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to purchase or distribute crops."
        elif dice == 7:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to purchase some livestock."
        elif dice == 8:
            NPCprofession = NPCprofession + " is seeking someone to listen to a tale of woe."
            NPCprofession = "error with the lookings"
        NPCprofession = "Error with the profession"
    citizen = NameGenerator.generate(GENDERFlag, RACEflag)
    citizen = citizen + ", " + NPCrace + " (" + NPCgender + ") " + NPCprofession
    return citizen