def verify_request(self, request, client_address):
		forbid requests except from specific client hosts

		global configurer

		return NetworkRender.allowedAddress(self.ip, client_address[0],
Esempio n. 2

__author__   ='Michel Anders (varkenvarken)'
__copyright__='(cc) non commercial use only and attribution by'
__url__      =["Author's site,"]
__email__    =['varkenvarken is my nick at, PM me there']
__version__  ='1.00 2008-10-20'
__history__  =['1.00 2008-10-20, initial version'

import NetworkRender

from NetworkRender.RenderThread import RenderThread
from NetworkRender.Renderer import Renderer

from NetworkRender import debug

class AnimRenderThread(Renderer):
	def __init__(self, uri, scenename, context, name, fqueue, squeue, imageType):
		Initialize a AnimRenderThread
		@param uri: uri of remote render server OR 'localhost'
		@type uri: string
		@param scenename: name of current scene
		@type scenename: string
		@param context: current rendering context
		@type context: Scene.Renderdata
		@param name: the filename of the saved .blendfile
		@type name: string
Security is your responsibility, not this scripts!

Current Limitations: 
	The resulting parts are not (yet) commposited into a single image
	An image is (for now) always split into 2x2 parts

import os, Blender, NetworkRender, time

from tempfile import mkstemp
from Queue import Queue
from Blender import Image, Draw
from NetworkRender.StillRenderThread import StillRenderThread
from NetworkRender.Configurer import Configurer

from NetworkRender import debug

# Get configuration singleton and read some settings
configurer = Configurer()
localRendering = configurer.get('ClientLocalRendering')
parts = configurer.get('StillParts')
imageType = configurer.get('ImageType')

# the worklist (either part- or framenumbers)
frames = Queue()

# statistics are communicated by the renderthreads via this queue
stats = Queue()

# lets start!
Security is your responsibility, not this scripts!

Current Limitations:
        Its only possible to render an animation as a sequence of images, not
        directly as an .avi 

import time, Blender, NetworkRender

from NetworkRender.AnimRenderThread import AnimRenderThread
from Queue import Queue
from NetworkRender.Configurer import Configurer
from Blender import Draw

from NetworkRender import debug

# Get configuration singleton and read some settings
configurer = Configurer()
localRendering = configurer.get("ClientLocalRendering")
imageType = configurer.get("ImageType")

# the worklist (either part- or framenumbers)
frames = Queue()

# statistics are communicated by the renderthreads via this queue
stats = Queue()

# lets start!
starttime = time.time()