Esempio n. 1
def cn_sym_min_max(x, res, ncontours=15, outside=True, aboutZero=True):
    '''Adjust the contour level configuration of a plot resource to give nice
    contour levels symmetric about zero. The contour levels are computed with

    cn_sym_min_max(x, res, ncontours=15, outside=True, aboutZero=True)

    x : data used in the contour plot.

    res : Resource object that will be updated accordingly.

    outside : Whether the maxima is outside or inside the contour range. Will
    be passed to NGL.nice_cntr_levels().

    aboutZero : Whether the contour levels will be centered about Zero. Will be
    passed to NGL.nice_cntr_levels().
    min_x = np.min(x)
    max_x = np.max(x)
    if min_x == max_x:
        min_x, max_x = -1., 1.
    min_out, max_out, step_size = ngl.nice_cntr_levels(min_x, max_x,
    newres = {"cnLevelSelectionMode": "ManualLevels",
              "cnMinLevelValF": min_out,
              "cnMaxLevelValF": max_out,
              "cnLevelSpacingF": (max_out - min_out) / step_size}
Esempio n. 2
  data   = Ngl.generate_2d_array([nlat,nlon], 10, 19, 0., 100.)
  lat    = Ngl.fspan(minlat,maxlat,nlat)
  lon    = Ngl.fspan(minlon,maxlon,nlon)

  return data,lat,lon

# Main code

#---Generate dummy data
data,lat1d,lon1d = gen_dummy_data()

#---Get nice contour levels
cmin,cmax,cint = Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(numpy.min(data),numpy.max(data))

#---Start the graphics
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks (wks_type,"shapefile3")

#---Define some graphical resources
res = Ngl.Resources()

res.nglFrame              = False
res.nglDraw               = False

#---Scalar field resources
res.sfXArray              = lon1d
res.sfYArray              = lat1d
Esempio n. 3
# Add some named colors. This is no longer needed in PyNGL 1.5.0
#forest_green = numpy.array([ 34, 139,  34])/255.
#navy_blue    = numpy.array([  0,   0, 128])/255.
#brown        = numpy.array([165,  42,  42])/255.
#ig = Ngl.new_color(wks,forest_green[0],forest_green[1],forest_green[2])
#ib = Ngl.new_color(wks,navy_blue[0],   navy_blue[1],   navy_blue[2])
#ir = Ngl.new_color(wks,brown[0],       brown[1],       brown[2])

# Generate some dummy data.

cmin = -19.23
cmax = 16.81

data = Ngl.generate_2d_array([100, 100], 10, 10, cmin, cmax)
nice_min, nice_max, nice_spc = Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(cmin, cmax, cint=3)

# Read in color map so we can subset it
cmap = Ngl.read_colormap_file("nrl_sirkes")

# Set up resources for a contour plot.

cnres = Ngl.Resources()

cnres.nglMaximize = True  # Maximize plot in frame
cnres.nglDraw = False  # Don't draw plot
cnres.nglFrame = False  # Don't advance the frame

cnres.cnFillOn = True  # Turn on contour fill
cnres.cnFillPalette = cmap[:-3, :]
Esempio n. 4
import numpy, Ngl, sys

print "Testing Ngl.nice_cntr_levels code....."
print "--------------------------------------------------"
print "Testing CINT = 0.0, outside = False / returnLevels = False"
print "Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(-23.1, 70.7, outside=False)"
answer = (-20.0, 70.0, 9.0)
answer_is = Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(-23.1, 70.7, outside=False)
if (answer_is == answer):
    print "...SUCCESSFUL..."
    print "...UNSUCCESSFUL..."
    print "answer_is", answer_is
    print "answer", answer

print "--------------------------------------------------"
print "Testing CINT = 0.0, outside = True / returnLevels = False"
print "Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(-23.1, 70.7, outside=True)"
answer = (-30.0, 80.0, 11.0)
answer_is = Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(-23.1, 70.7, outside=True)
if (answer_is == answer):
    print "...SUCCESSFUL..."
    print "...UNSUCCESSFUL..."
    print "answer_is", answer_is
    print "answer", answer

print "--------------------------------------------------"
print "Testing cint = 0.0, outside = False / returnLevels = True"
print "Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(-23.1, 70.7, outside=False, returnLevels=True)"
answer1 = (-20.0, 70.0, 9.0)