Esempio n. 1
def makeWireFromPointList(points):
    edges = [];
    for (p,q) in Util.ntuples(points,2,True):
        print p,q
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges);
Esempio n. 2
def testSplitWire1():
		Test split wire function. there are two main cases:
		wires with intersection on different edges,
		and a wire with a single edge split in many places
	#case 1: a single edge with lots of intersections along its length
	e  = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e]);
	#out of order on purpose
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e,1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p3 = PointOnAnEdge(e,3.0,gp.gp_Pnt(3.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e,2.0,gp.gp_Pnt(2.0,0,0));	
	p4 = PointOnAnEdge(e,4.0,gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p1,p3,p2,p4] );

	assert len(ee) ==  2;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e[0]);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();

	assert length == 2.0;
Esempio n. 3
def testSplitWire2():
	"intersections on different edges. one edge completely inside"
	e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0));
	e2 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	e3 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(6,0,0));
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3]);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#print "Original Edges: %d %d %d " % ( ee[0].__hash__(),ee[1].__hash__(),ee[2].__hash__());
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[0],1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[2],0.5,gp.gp_Pnt(5.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	assert len(ee) == 1;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee[0]:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();
	#print "length=%0.3f" % length;
	assert length == 4.5;
Esempio n. 4
def makeOffsetTestWire():
    "creates difficult test cases for offsetting"
    p1 = OCCUtil.pnt(11.0,0);
    p2 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0,8.0);
    p3 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0,12.0);
    p4 = OCCUtil.pnt(17.0,22.0);
    p5 = OCCUtil.pnt(0.0,22.0);
    p6 = OCCUtil.pnt(3.0,17.0);
    p7 = OCCUtil.pnt(4.0,8.0 );
    c1 = OCCUtil.pnt(10.0,18.5);
    c2 = OCCUtil.pnt(6.0,3.0);
    edges = [];
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p1, p2 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p2, p3 ));
    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p3, c1, p4); #circle through 3 points
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value()).Edge();
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p4, p5 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p5, p6 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p6, p7 ));

    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p1, c2, p7 ); #circle through 3 points
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value() ).Edge();

    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges);
Esempio n. 5
    def offsetOnce(self,distance):
        bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset();           
        map(bo.AddWire, self.lastWires);
        print "%d wires to offset at step 1, distance = %0.3f" % ( len(self.lastWires),distance);
        result1 = Topo(bo.Shape());

        #now offset back outwards
        bo2 = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset();
        for w in result1.wires():
        print "Offsetting %0.3f" % ( (-0.5)*distance);
        bo2.Perform((-0.5)*distance, 0.0);
        result2 = Topo(bo2.Shape());

        returnList= [];
        #compound result can be a compound of edges and/or wires. weird weird
        for c in OCCUtil.childShapes(bo2.Shape() ):
            if c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE:
                returnList.append(c);  #these are actually the wires we want to keep
            elif c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE:
                w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([c])
                print "Warning: compound resulting from offset i am confused about-- not an edge or a wire."

        if len(returnList) == 0:   
            return returnList; #do nothing further if the offset computed no curves
            print "2nd step yielded %d wires" % len(returnList)
        #for each original edge, compute its descendant edges
        #self.edgeMap will contain entries with the original edges, pointing to the generated
        #edges and the corresponding wire:
        #      e1 --> [ (e2, w2 ), (e3 , w3 ) ];
        for w in self.lastWires:
            originalWire = Topo(w);
            for oe in originalWire.edges():
                self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()] = [];
                #find generated values from first transformation
                generatedStep1 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo.Generated(oe));
                for ne in generatedStep1:
                    #find edges generated from that original edge
                    generatedStep2 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo2.Generated(ne));
                    for ge in generatedStep2:
                        #get wire this belongs to this returns a list but how could there ever be more than one?
                        gwires = []
                        for g in result2.wires_from_edge(ge):
                        self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()].append ( (ge,gwires[0]   ));
        self.lastWires = returnList;
        return returnList;
Esempio n. 6
def makeOffsetTestWire():
    "creates difficult test cases for offsetting"
    p1 = OCCUtil.pnt(11.0, 0)
    p2 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0, 8.0)
    p3 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0, 12.0)
    p4 = OCCUtil.pnt(17.0, 22.0)
    p5 = OCCUtil.pnt(0.0, 22.0)
    p6 = OCCUtil.pnt(3.0, 17.0)
    p7 = OCCUtil.pnt(4.0, 8.0)
    c1 = OCCUtil.pnt(10.0, 18.5)
    c2 = OCCUtil.pnt(6.0, 3.0)

    edges = []
    edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1, p2))
    edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p2, p3))

    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p3, c1, p4)
    #circle through 3 points
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value()).Edge()

    edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p4, p5))
    edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p5, p6))
    edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p6, p7))

    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p1, c2, p7)
    #circle through 3 points
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value()).Edge()

    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges)
Esempio n. 7
def makeWireFromPointList(points):

    edges = []
    for (p, q) in Util.ntuples(points, 2, True):
        print p, q
            OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(OCCUtil.pnt(p[0], p[1]),
                                      OCCUtil.pnt(q[0], q[1])))
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges)
Esempio n. 8
def makeHeartWire():
    "make a heart wire"
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,4.0,0));
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2,4,0),,2);
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0)).Edge();
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2,4,0),,2);
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0)).Edge();
    e4 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0), gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0));
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3,e4]);
Esempio n. 9
def makeHeartWire():
    "make a heart wire"
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0, 4.0, 0))
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2, 4, 0),
                        , 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0)).Edge()
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2, 4, 0),
                        , 2)
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0)).Edge()
    e4 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0))
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Esempio n. 10
	def _makeHatchLines(self):
			make straight hatch lines.
			TODO: need to use fillAngle to rotate the lines as well. Trsf object 
		xMin = self.bounds[0] - ( self.HATCH_PADDING);
		yMin = self.bounds[1] - ( self.HATCH_PADDING);		 
		xMax = self.bounds[2] + (self.HATCH_PADDING);
		yMax = self.bounds[3] + (self.HATCH_PADDING) ;
		wires = [];
		for y in Util.frange6(yMin,yMax,self.spacing):
			e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin,y,self.zLevel),gp.gp_Pnt(xMax,y,self.zLevel));
		return wires;
Esempio n. 11
    def _makeHatchLines(self):
			make straight hatch lines.
			TODO: need to use fillAngle to rotate the lines as well. Trsf object 
        xMin = self.bounds[0] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        yMin = self.bounds[1] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        xMax = self.bounds[2] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        yMax = self.bounds[3] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        wires = []
        for y in Util.frange6(yMin, yMax, self.spacing):
            e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin, y, self.zLevel),
                                          gp.gp_Pnt(xMax, y, self.zLevel))
        return wires
Esempio n. 12
def approximatedWire(wire):
    "returns a bezier approximation of the specified wire as an edge"
    #make a parameterized approximation of the wire
    adaptor = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_CompCurve(wire)
    curve = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve(adaptor)
    curveHandle = curve.GetHandle()

    #approximate the curve using a tolerance
    approx = Approx.Approx_Curve3d(curveHandle, 0.01, GeomAbs.GeomAbs_C2, 1000,
    if approx.IsDone() and approx.HasResult():
        # have the result
        anApproximatedCurve = approx.Curve()

        builder = BRepLib.BRepLib_MakeEdge(anApproximatedCurve)
        e = builder.Edge()
        return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e])
Esempio n. 13
    def offsetOnceSimple(self, distance):

        bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset()
        map(bo.AddWire, self.lastWires)
        print "%d wires to offset at step 1, distance = %0.3f" % (len(
            self.lastWires), distance)
        bo.Perform(distance * (0.5), 0.0)
        result1 = Topo(bo.Shape())

        returnList = []
        #compound result can be a compound of edges and/or wires. weird weird
        for c in OCCUtil.childShapes(bo.Shape()):
            display.DisplayColoredShape(c, 'BLUE')
            if c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE:
                #these are actually the wires we want to keep
            elif c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE:
                w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([c])
                print "Warning: compound resulting from offset i am confused about-- not an edge or a wire."

        #for each original edge, compute its descendant edges
        #self.edgeMap will contain entries with the original edges, pointing to the generated
        #edges and the corresponding wire:
        #      e1 --> [ (e2, w2 ), (e3 , w3 ) ];
        for w in self.lastWires:
            originalWire = Topo(w)
            for oe in originalWire.edges():
                self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()] = []

                #find generated values from first transformation
                generatedStep1 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(
                for ne in generatedStep1:
                    #get wire this belongs to this returns a list but how could there ever be more than one?
                    gwires = []
                    for g in result1.wires_from_edge(ne):
                    self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()].append((ne, gwires[0]))

        self.lastWires = returnList
        return returnList
Esempio n. 14
    def makePeriodic(self, center, positive=1.0):
			center is the center of the first hex, as an (x,y,z) tuple.
			positive is 1 for the upper portion, -1 for the lower portion
			makes the upper part of a periodic hex pattern.
			Note that the upper and lower flats are adjusted
			for line width, so that they can be stacked and allow
			double-drawing of the horizontal flats. this offset is controlled by
			the linewidth parameter.
			the points are numbered below
			    (2)  (3)
			____/   +   \_____
		   (0) (1)      (4)   (5)
        cX = center[0]
        cY = center[1]
        cZ = center[2]
        (XA, YA) = self.lineWidthAdjust()
        baselineY = (cY + YA) * positive
        topY = (cY + (self.width / 2.0 - YA)) * positive

        p0 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX - self.cartesianSpacing()[0], baselineY, cZ)
        p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX - self.centerToCorner() + XA, baselineY, cZ)
        p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX - self.halfAflat() - XA, topY, cZ)
        p3 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX + self.halfAflat() + XA, topY, cZ)
        p4 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX + self.centerToCorner() - XA, baselineY, cZ)
        p5 = gp.gp_Pnt(cX + self.cartesianSpacing()[0], baselineY, cZ)

        #make the edges and the wires
        edges = []
        edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p0, p1))
        edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1, p2))
        edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p2, p3))
        edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p3, p4))
        edges.append(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p4, p5))

        wire = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges)
        return wire
Esempio n. 15
def makeCircleWire2():
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(0,2,0),,.75);
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0,1.25,0),gp.gp_Pnt(0,1.25,0)).Edge();
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e2]);
Esempio n. 16
    def followWires(self, startNearPoint, pathWidth):

        outputWires = self.outputWires

        #list wires we must draw. we want to connect them in a sane order
        #make sure to start at a point far outside the face so we start outside!
        toDraw = self.originalWires + self.otherWires

        #find starting vertex and wire
        #must start on outer wire only
        lastPoint = startNearPoint
        initialPoint = OCCUtil.nearestVertex(self.originalWires,
        lastVector = gp.gp_Vec((gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)), startNearPoint)

        #assume initial vector is sideways for now.  At the beginning of a layer, the start vector is not relevant,
        #so anythign will work i think. here we assume the first vector is from the origin

        if initialPoint is None:
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot find initial starting point on outer wire!")

        (currentWire, currentVertex, currentPoint,
         distance) = OCCUtil.nearestVertex(self.originalWires, startNearPoint)

        while len(toDraw) > 0:

            currentPoint = brepTool.Pnt(currentVertex)

            #trim the wire at this point
            #TODO: simplify syntax for this!
            jrequest = WireJoiner.JointRequest(lastPoint, lastVector,
                                               pathWidth, currentWire)
            wj = WireJoiner.WireJoiner(jrequest, pathWidth * (2.0))
            solution =

            trimmedWire = solution.wire
            trimmedEdge = solution.trimmedEdge
            trimmedPoint = solution.trimmedPoint
            trimmedVec = solution.trimmedVec

            joinEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(lastPoint, currentPoint)
            joinWire = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([joinEdge])

            if solution.isJoint:

            #look for another edge which was created by the trimmedEdge. this is where we should search for a connecting point.
            (nextVertex, nextEdge,
             nextWire) = self.getNextEdge(trimmedEdge, trimmedPoint)

            if nextVertex:
                #connect edges and chain to the this wire
                currentVertex = nextVertex
                currentWire = nextWire
                #no next edge found. find next closest wire to last point, but don't connect it
                #here we should assume the next move is a rapid and not connect it.
                result = OCCUtil.nearestVertex(toDraw, currentPoint)
                if result:
                    (currentWire, currentVertex, point, distance) = result
                    lastPoint = trimmedPoint
                    #couldnt find next vertex either -- not sure this should ever happen?
                    #TODO this is a total hack, need to fix the loop to avoid this extra check
                    if len(toDraw) > 0:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Could not find a next vertex, but there are wires left. how did this happen?"
            lastPoint = trimmedPoint
            lastVector = trimmedVec
Esempio n. 17
    def followWires (self,startNearPoint,pathWidth):
        outputWires = self.outputWires;

        #list wires we must draw. we want to connect them in a sane order
        #make sure to start at a point far outside the face so we start outside!
        toDraw = self.originalWires + self.otherWires;

        #find starting vertex and wire
        #must start on outer wire only
        lastPoint = startNearPoint;
        initialPoint =  OCCUtil.nearestVertex(self.originalWires,startNearPoint);
        lastVector = gp.gp_Vec((gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0)), startNearPoint);

        #assume initial vector is sideways for now.  At the beginning of a layer, the start vector is not relevant,
        #so anythign will work i think. here we assume the first vector is from the origin
        if initialPoint is None:
            raise Exception ("Cannot find initial starting point on outer wire!");

        (currentWire,currentVertex,currentPoint,distance) = OCCUtil.nearestVertex(self.originalWires,startNearPoint);

        while len(toDraw) > 0:

            currentPoint = brepTool.Pnt(currentVertex);    
            #trim the wire at this point
            #TODO: simplify syntax for this!
            jrequest = WireJoiner.JointRequest( lastPoint,lastVector,pathWidth,currentWire);        
            wj = WireJoiner.WireJoiner(jrequest,pathWidth*(2.0) ); 
            solution =;            
            trimmedWire = solution.wire;
            trimmedEdge = solution.trimmedEdge;
            trimmedPoint = solution.trimmedPoint;
            trimmedVec = solution.trimmedVec;
            joinEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(lastPoint,currentPoint);
            joinWire = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([joinEdge]);
            if solution.isJoint:
            #look for another edge which was created by the trimmedEdge. this is where we should search for a connecting point.
            (nextVertex,nextEdge,nextWire) = self.getNextEdge(trimmedEdge, trimmedPoint);

            if nextVertex:
                #connect edges and chain to the this wire
                currentVertex = nextVertex;
                currentWire = nextWire;
                #no next edge found. find next closest wire to last point, but don't connect it
                #here we should assume the next move is a rapid and not connect it.
                result = OCCUtil.nearestVertex(toDraw, currentPoint);
                if result:
                    (currentWire,currentVertex,point, distance) = result;
                    lastPoint = trimmedPoint;
                    #couldnt find next vertex either -- not sure this should ever happen?
                    #TODO this is a total hack, need to fix the loop to avoid this extra check
                    if len(toDraw) > 0:
                        raise Exception("Could not find a next vertex, but there are wires left. how did this happen?")
            lastPoint = trimmedPoint;
            lastVector = trimmedVec;    
Esempio n. 18
def makeCircleWire2():
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 2, 0),
                        , .75)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0, 1.25, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(0, 1.25, 0)).Edge()
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e2])