Esempio n. 1
class t(object):
    """Internal state of the optimization"""
    def __init__(self, X, msg, x):

        # Check our arguments
        Optizelle.checkVectorSpace("X", X)
        Optizelle.checkMessaging("msg", msg)

        # Allocate memory for our vectors
        allocateVectors(self, X, x)

        # Create the state
        Optizelle.Utility.UnconstrainedStateCreate(self, X, msg, x)

    # Create all of the properties
    eps_grad = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "eps_grad", "Tolerance for the gradient stopping condition")
    eps_dx = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "eps_dx", "Tolerance for the step length stopping criteria")
    algorithm_class = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("algorihm_class",
                                                   "Algorithm class")
    stored_history = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "Number of control objects to store in a quasi-Newton method")
    history_reset = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "history_reset", "Number of failed iterations before we reset the "
        "history for quasi-Newton methods")
    iter = Optizelle.createNatProperty("iter", "Current iteration")
    iter_max = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "iter_max", "Maximum number of optimization iterations")
    opt_stop = Optizelle.createEnumProperty(
        "opt_stop", Optizelle.StoppingCondition,
        "Why we've stopped the optimization")
    krylov_iter = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "krylov_iter", "Current number of Krylov iterations taken")
    krylov_iter_max = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "krylov_iter_max", "Maximum number of iterations in the Krylov method")
    krylov_iter_total = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "krylov_iter_total", "Total number of Krylov iterations taken")
    krylov_orthog_max = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        ("The maximum number of vectors we orthogonalize "
         "against in the Krylov method.  For something like "
         "CG, this is 1."))
    krylov_stop = Optizelle.createEnumProperty(
        "krylov_stop", Optizelle.KrylovStop,
        "Why the Krylov method was last stopped")
    krylov_rel_err = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "krylov_rel_err", "Relative error in the Krylov method")
    eps_krylov = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "eps_krylov", "Stopping tolerance for the Krylov method")
    krylov_solver = Optizelle.createEnumProperty(
        "krylov_solver", Optizelle.KrylovSolverTruncated,
        "Truncated Krylov solver")
    algorithm_class = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("algorithm_class",
                                                   "Algorithm class")
    PH_type = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("PH_type", Optizelle.Operators,
                                           "Preconditioner for the Hessian")
    H_type = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("H_type", Optizelle.Operators,
                                          "Hessian approximation")
    norm_gradtyp = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("norm_gradtyp",
                                                 "Norm of a typical tradient")
    norm_dxtyp = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("norm_dxtyp",
                                               "Norm of a typical trial step")
    x = Optizelle.createVectorProperty("x", "Optimization variable")
    grad = Optizelle.createVectorProperty(
        ("Gradient, possibly of the objective, possibly of the  Lagrangian.  "
         "It depends on the context."))
    dx = Optizelle.createVectorProperty("dx", "Trial step")
    x_old = Optizelle.createVectorProperty("x_old",
                                           "Old optimization variable")
    grad_old = Optizelle.createVectorProperty("grad_old", "Old gradient")
    dx_old = Optizelle.createVectorProperty("dx_old", "Old trial step")
    oldY = Optizelle.createVectorListProperty("oldY",
                                              "Difference in prior gradients")
    oldS = Optizelle.createVectorListProperty("oldS",
                                              "Difference in prior steps")
    f_x = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "f_x", "Current value of the objective function")
    f_xpdx = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "f_xpdx", "Objective function at the trial step")
    msg_level = Optizelle.createNatProperty("msg_level", "Messaging level")
    delta = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("delta", "Trust region radius")
    eta1 = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "Trust-region parameter for checking whether a step has been accepted")
    eta2 = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "eta2", ("Trust-region parameter for checking whether we enlarge the "
                 "trust-region radius"))
    ared = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("ared", "Actual reduction")
    pred = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("pred", "Predicted reduction")
    rejected_trustregion = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "rejected_trustregion", "Number of rejected trust-region steps")
    alpha0 = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("alpha0",
                                           "Base line-search step length")
    alpha = Optizelle.createFloatProperty("alpha",
                                          "Actual line-search step length")
    c1 = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "c1", "Parameter that helps govern the sufficient decrease")
    linesearch_iter = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "Current number of iterations used in the line-search")
    linesearch_iter_max = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "Maximum number of iterations used in the line-search")
    linesearch_iter_total = Optizelle.createNatProperty(
        "Total number of line-search iterations computed")
    eps_ls = Optizelle.createFloatProperty(
        "eps_ls", "Stopping tolerance for the line-search")
    dir = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("dir", Optizelle.LineSearchDirection,
                                       "Search direction type")
    kind = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("kind", Optizelle.LineSearchKind,
                                        "Type of line-search")
    f_diag = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("f_diag",
                                          "Function diagnostics on f")
    dscheme = Optizelle.createEnumProperty("dscheme",
                                           "Diagnostic scheme")