def compare(devo_file, outpath, altmode): original_org = json_load_file.json_load_file (devo_file) genome = original_org.genome # This is done to get the potential_locaions list new_org = Organism(original_org.generation, original_org.generational_index, original_org.genome_size, 2, True, original_org.thread_length, original_org.mutation_rate, parent1=None, parent2=None,genome=genome,alt_mode=altmode) xover_locations = new_org.instruction_set.potential_locations # set the xover points to 0 for i in genome: i.crossover_point = 0 counter = 0 while counter != 2: try: rand_index = random.choice(xover_locations) print(rand_index) genome[rand_index].crossover_point = 1 xover_locations.remove(rand_index) counter +=1 except IndexError: pass print([i.crossover_point for i in genome]) restricted_org = Organism(original_org.generation, original_org.generational_index, original_org.genome_size, 2, False, original_org.thread_length, original_org.mutation_rate, parent1=None, parent2=None,genome=genome,alt_mode=altmode) restricted_org.save_to_file(outpath)
def init_organisms(self, n, attr): organisms = [] for _ in range(n): o = Organism(attr[0], attr[1], attr[2], ENV_WIDTH, ENV_HEIGHT) = self.DAY_ENERGY organisms.append(o) return organisms
def toVerilog(self, filepath, moduleName): """ Writes Organism to a verilog file. """ moduleInputs = ['input%d' % i for i in xrange(self.numInputs)] moduleInputsTxt = ','.join(moduleInputs) moduleOutputsTxt = ','.join('output%d' % i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs)) moduleArgsTxt = '%s,%s' % (moduleOutputsTxt, moduleInputsTxt) layerTxts = [ '\toutput %s;' % moduleOutputsTxt, '\tinput %s;' % moduleInputsTxt ] for idx, tree in enumerate(self.trees): # self.gate -> what type of gate it is layerTxts.append(tree.toVerilog(idx) + '\n') body = '\n'.join(layerTxts) fin = open(filepath, 'w') fin.write(Organism.verilogFromTemplate(moduleName, moduleArgsTxt, body)) fin.close()
def nextGeneration(pop, numCoeffs, mutRate, eliteNum): #create empty newPop newPop = [] #loop through to create more new children for i in range((len(pop) - eliteNum) // 2): #randomly select two parents parent1 = selection(pop) parent2 = selection(pop) #use crossover function and mutate child1, child2 = crossover(parent1.bits, parent2.bits) child1 = mutation(child1, mutRate) child2 = mutation(child2, mutRate) #append new organisms to population newPop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, child1)) newPop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, child2)) #append sorted elite number to be saved each iteration newPop += pop[:eliteNum] return newPop
def initialize_organisms(self): print 'initialize_organisms' """ PRE-CONDITIONS: This initialization must be called AFTER self.initialize_biotope, because we use here Biotope.seek_free_location """ for category_name in self.settings['organisms']: category_settings = self.settings['organisms'][category_name] number_of_organisms = category_settings[ 'initial number of organisms'] for _ in range(number_of_organisms): new_organism = Organism(parent_ecosystem=self) new_organism.configure_with_category_settings( category_settings) # This adds new_organism to self.newborns and to self.biotope # in a random location: self.add_organism(new_organism) self.organisms_list += self.newborns self.newborns = []
def spawn(self, genome, size): for i in range(size): newGenome = genome.makeCopy(i) newGenome.mutateSynapseWeights(1.0, 1.0, Mutator.GAUSSIAN) self.organisms.append(Organism(0.0, newGenome, 1)) self.currentNeuronId = newGenome.getLastNeuronId() self.currentInnovationId = newGenome.getLastGeneInnovationId() self.speciate()
def create_new_organisms(self, number_of_organisms): # Chose the number of new organisms of each category proportionally # to the initial number of organisms of each category: total = 0 for category_name in self.settings['organisms']: total += self.settings['organisms'][category_name][ 'initial number of organisms'] for category_name in self.settings['organisms']: n = ( self.settings['organisms'][category_name][ 'initial number of organisms'] * number_of_organisms ) / total for _ in range(n): new_organism = Organism(parent_ecosystem=self) new_organism.configure_with_category_settings( self.settings['organisms'][category_name] ) # This adds new_organism to self.newborns and to self.biotope # in a random location: self.add_organism(new_organism) self.organisms_list += self.newborns self.newborns = []
def initPop(size, numCoeffs): # Get size-4 random organisms in a list. pop = [Org.Organism(numCoeffs) for x in range(size - 3)] # Create the all 0s and all 1s organisms and append them to the pop. pop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, [0] * (64 * numCoeffs))) pop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, [1] * (64 * numCoeffs))) # Create an organism corresponding to having every coefficient as 1. bit1 = [0] * 2 + [1] * 10 + [0] * 52 org = [] for c in range(numCoeffs): org = org + bit1 pop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, org)) # Create an organism corresponding to having every coefficient as -1. bit1 = [1, 0] + [1] * 10 + [0] * 52 org = [] for c in range(numCoeffs): org = org + bit1 pop.append(Org.Organism(numCoeffs, org)) # Return the population. return pop
def toVerilog(self, filepath, moduleName): """ Writes BooleanLogicOrganism to a verilog file. """ moduleInputs = ['input%d' % i for i in xrange(self.numInputs)] moduleInputsTxt = ','.join(moduleInputs) moduleOutputsTxt = ','.join('output%d' % i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs)) moduleArgsTxt = '%s,%s' % (moduleOutputsTxt, moduleInputsTxt) layerTxts = [ '\toutput %s;' % moduleOutputsTxt, '\tinput %s;' % moduleInputsTxt ] layerInputs = moduleInputs lastLayerIndex = len(self.layers) - 1 for layerNum, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if layerNum == lastLayerIndex: layerOutputs = [ 'output%d' % i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs) ] layerOutputsTxt = '\twire %s;' % (','.join(layerOutputs)) else: layerOutputs = [ 'layer%d_output%d' % (layerNum, i) for i in xrange(len(layer.gates)) ] layerOutputsTxt = '\twire %s;' % (','.join(layerOutputs)) # call layer with inputs and outputs text layerTxt = layer.toVerilog(layerInputs, layerOutputs) layerTxts.append('\n%s\n\n%s' % (layerOutputsTxt, layerTxt)) # at end of loop, the outputs of the last layer are inputs # to the new layer layerInputs = layerOutputs body = '\n'.join(layerTxts) fin = open(filepath, 'w') fin.write(Organism.verilogFromTemplate(moduleName, moduleArgsTxt, body)) fin.close()
def toVerilog(self, filepath, moduleName): """ Writes Organism to a verilog file. """ moduleInputs = ['input%d'%i for i in xrange(self.numInputs)] moduleInputsTxt = ','.join(moduleInputs) moduleOutputsTxt = ','.join('output%d'%i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs)) moduleArgsTxt = '%s,%s'%(moduleOutputsTxt,moduleInputsTxt) layerTxts = ['\toutput %s;'%moduleOutputsTxt,'\tinput %s;'%moduleInputsTxt] for idx,tree in enumerate(self.trees): # self.gate -> what type of gate it is layerTxts.append(tree.toVerilog(idx)+'\n') body = '\n'.join(layerTxts) fin = open(filepath,'w') fin.write(Organism.verilogFromTemplate(moduleName,moduleArgsTxt,body)) fin.close()
def parse_study_file(self): experiment = Study.Study() self.experiment = URIRef(self.graph.reproduce['Experiment' + '_' + self.study_number]) self.g.add((self.experiment, RDF.type, URIRef(self.graph.reproduce["Experiment"]))) self.parse(self.experiment, experiment.mapping) self.imaging_study = URIRef(self.graph.reproduce['ImagingStudy' + '_' + self.study_number]) self.g.add((self.imaging_study, RDF.type, URIRef(self.graph.reproduce["ImagingStudy"]))) agent = Agent.Agent() self.parse_agent(agent.mapping) license = License.License() self.license = URIRef(self.graph.reproduce['License' + '_' + self.study_number]) self.g.add( (self.license, RDF.type, URIRef(self.graph.reproduce["License"]))) self.parse(self.license, license.mapping) publication = Publication.Publication() self.publication = URIRef(self.graph.reproduce['Publication' + '_' + self.study_number]) self.g.add((self.publication, RDF.type, URIRef(self.graph.reproduce["Publication"]))) self.parse(self.publication, publication.mapping) organism = Organism.Organism() self.organism = URIRef(self.graph.reproduce['Organism' + '_' + self.study_number]) self.g.add((self.organism, RDF.type, URIRef(self.graph.reproduce["Organism"]))) self.parse(self.organism, organism.mapping) self.parse_screen() self.parse_assay()
def toVerilog(self, filepath, moduleName): """ Writes BooleanLogicOrganism to a verilog file. """ moduleInputs = ['input%d'%i for i in xrange(self.numInputs)] moduleInputsTxt = ','.join(moduleInputs) moduleOutputsTxt = ','.join('output%d'%i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs)) moduleArgsTxt = '%s,%s'%(moduleOutputsTxt,moduleInputsTxt) layerTxts = ['\toutput %s;'%moduleOutputsTxt,'\tinput %s;'%moduleInputsTxt] layerInputs = moduleInputs lastLayerIndex = len(self.layers)-1 for layerNum,layer in enumerate(self.layers): if layerNum == lastLayerIndex: layerOutputs = ['output%d'%i for i in xrange(self.numOutputs)] layerOutputsTxt = '\twire %s;'%(','.join(layerOutputs)) else: layerOutputs = ['layer%d_output%d'%(layerNum,i) for i in xrange(len(layer.gates))] layerOutputsTxt = '\twire %s;'%(','.join(layerOutputs)) # call layer with inputs and outputs text layerTxt = layer.toVerilog(layerInputs,layerOutputs) layerTxts.append('\n%s\n\n%s'%(layerOutputsTxt,layerTxt)) # at end of loop, the outputs of the last layer are inputs # to the new layer layerInputs = layerOutputs body = '\n'.join(layerTxts) fin = open(filepath,'w') fin.write( Organism.verilogFromTemplate(moduleName,moduleArgsTxt,body) ) fin.close()
genomes_colors_map[b["DNAIdentifier"]] = (b["Color"], "Bacteria") genome_to_use = None for gen in genome_types: if gen[1] == b["Color"]: genome_to_use = gen[0] param["IndividualBacteriaParameters"][ "Basal Reproduction Probability"][b["Name"]] = b["Growth"] for b_individual in range( 0, int(param["World Size"] * param["World Size"] * b["Freq"])): if b["Color"] == None: print(b_individual, b) new_bacteria = Organism.Bacteria(b["Name"], copy(genome_to_use), b["Color"], ar_locus=[0, 0, 0], movement=1) if b["AntRes"] != "NA": for res in b["AntRes"]: for idx, gene in enumerate(new_bacteria.genome): if "AR_" + res in gene[0]: new_bacteria.genome[idx] = (gene[0], gene[1], gene[2], "Resistant") new_bacteria.resistances[gene[0].split(":")[1]] = True if b["PhageRes"][0] != "NA": new_bacteria.phage_receptor_resistances = [ int(recept) for recept in b["PhageRes"] ]
def reproduce(self, generation, population, species): poolSize = len(self.organisms) - 1 if poolSize >= 0: champion = self.organisms[0] championDone = False mutationPower = Configuration.weightMutationPower for i in range(int(self.expectedOffspring)): mom = None baby = None if champion.superChampionOffspring > 0: mom = champion newGenome = mom.genome.makeCopy(i) if champion.superChampionOffspring > 1: if randfloat() < 0.8 or Configuration.mutateAddSynapseProbability == 0.0: newGenome.mutateSynapseWeights(Mutator.GAUSSIAN, mutationPower, 1.0) else: newGenome.genesis(generation) newGenome.mutateAddSynapse(population, Configuration.synapseAddTries) baby = Organism(0.0, newGenome, generation) if champion.superChampionOffspring == 1: if champion.populationChampion: baby.populationChampionChild = True baby.maxFitness = mom.originalFitness champion.superChampionOffspring -= 1 elif not championDone and self.expectedOffspring > 5: mom = champion newGenome = mom.genome.makeCopy(i) baby = Organism(0.0, newGenome, generation) championDone = True elif poolSize == 0 or randfloat() < Configuration.mutateOnlyProbability: mom = self.organisms[random.randint(0, poolSize)] newGenome = mom.genome.makeCopy(i) if randfloat() < Configuration.mutateAddNeuronProbability: newGenome.mutateAddNeuron(population) elif randfloat() < Configuration.mutateAddSynapseProbability: newGenome.genesis(generation) newGenome.mutateAddSynapse(population, Configuration.synapseAddTries) else: newGenome.tryAllMutations(mutationPower) baby = Organism(0.0, newGenome, generation) else: mom = self.organisms[random.randint(0, poolSize)] dad = None if randfloat() > Configuration.interspeciesMateRate: dad = self.organisms[random.randint(0, poolSize)] else: otherSpecies = None for tries in range(5): randMultiplier = random.gauss(0, 1) / 4.0 if randMultiplier > 1.0: randMultiplier = 1.0 speciesIndex = int(math.floor((randMultiplier * (len(species) - 1.0)) + 0.5)) otherSpecies = species[speciesIndex] if self != otherSpecies: break else: otherSpecies = None if otherSpecies is not None: dad = otherSpecies.organisms[0] else: dad = mom if randfloat() < Configuration.mateMultipointProbability: newGenome = mom.genome.crossover(Crossover.MULTIPOINT, dad.genome, i, mom.originalFitness, dad.originalFitness) elif randfloat() < (Configuration.mateMultipointAveProbability / (Configuration.mateMultipointAveProbability + Configuration.mateSinglepointProbability)): newGenome = mom.genome.crossover(Crossover.MULTIPOINT_AVG, dad.genome, i, mom.originalFitness, dad.originalFitness) else: newGenome = mom.genome.crossover(Crossover.SINGLEPOINT, dad.genome, i) if randfloat() > Configuration.mateOnlyProbability or \ == or \ dad.genome.getCompatibility(mom.genome) == 0.0: if randfloat() < Configuration.mutateAddNeuronProbability: newGenome.mutateAddNeuron(population) elif randfloat() < Configuration.mutateAddSynapseProbability: newGenome.genesis(generation) newGenome.mutateAddSynapse(population, Configuration.synapseAddTries) else: newGenome.tryAllMutations(mutationPower) baby = Organism(0.0, newGenome, generation) # try mom's species first, then iterate through all other species # optimization proposed in the NEAT FAQ if baby.isCompatibleWith(mom): mom.species.addOrganism(baby) baby.species = mom.species else: found = False for specie in population.species: for organism in specie.organisms: if baby.isCompatibleWith(organism): specie.addOrganism(baby) baby.species = specie found = True break if found: break if not found: newSpecies = Species(len(population.species) + 1, novel=True) newSpecies.addOrganism(baby) baby.species = newSpecies population.species.append(newSpecies)
# make a jump organism.v_y = 10 def click_handler(event, organism): print "i have been saved!" organism.being_held = True def move_handler(event, organism): organism.x = event.x_root organism.y = event.y_root def release_handler(event, organism): organism.being_held = False print "oh no, out of control again!!" if __name__ == '__main__': # setup the sprite gif_names = ["gifs/bird_right.gif", "gifs/bird_left.gif"] organism = Organism.Organism(update_func, 60, 60, gif_names, click_handler, move_handler, release_handler) organism.frame_interval = 50 # setup and run the world w = World.World() w.add_organism(organism) w.start()
from Organism import * import pickle cuscuta = Organism('Plantae', 'Angiosperms-Eudicots-Asterids', 'Solanales', 'Convolvulaceae', 'Cuscuta', 'C. pentagona', 'Dodder') kingdom = cuscuta.kingdom species = cuscuta.species # Save a variable into a pickle file. file = open('C:/Users/louie/Desktop/mylist.pickle', 'wb') pickle.dump([kingdom, species], file) file.close() # Get the info back from a pickle file with open('C:/Users/louie/Desktop/mylist.pickle', 'rb') as pickle_file: content = pickle.load(pickle_file) print(content)
def new_organism(): return Organism()
name="") fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) history_data.plot(ax=axes[0]) axes[0].set_title("History") current_data.hist(bins=30, ax=axes[1]) axes[1].set_title("Generation {0} Distances".format(i)) species_data.plot.pie(ax=axes[2]) axes[2].set_title("Generation {0} Species".format(i)) plt.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": population_size = 200 starting_organisms = [Organism() for _ in range(population_size)] population = Generation(starting_organisms) history = [] for i in range(0, 100000000000000): population.run_tests() population.sort() best, median, worst = population.get_best(), population.get_median( ), population.get_worst() species_distribution = population.get_species_distribution() print( "Generation {0}: best = {1} median = {2} worst = {3} species = {4}" .format(i, int(, int(,
def refresh(screen): org_a = Organism() org_b = Organism() org_c = Organism() screen.fill(white) org_a.draw_on(screen, (100, -300)) org_b.draw_on(screen, (400, -300)) org_c.draw_on(screen, (700, -300)) pg.display.update()
def chooseTwoToCross(path_to_new_gen): org1 = None org2 = None #This horribly ugly blcok of code handles the selection of the orgs #To be crossed. The algorithm always looks two cross orgs in the higher #lists first (i.e. threes then twos then ones). Once an organism has been #crossed, they are put into a lower list (Threes-->twos, etc), or are #removed altogether from the lists (ones --> n/a) try: print 'fours %s' % [i.filename for i in fours] print 'threes %s' % [i.filename for i in threes] print 'twos %s' % [i.filename for i in twos] print 'ones %s' % [i.filename for i in ones] except IndexError: pass if len(fours) > 0: org1 = random.choice(fours) fours.remove(org1) threes.append(org1) elif len(threes) > 0: org1 = random.choice(threes) threes.remove(org1) twos.append(org1) elif len(twos) > 0: org1 = random.choice(twos) ones.append(org1) twos.remove(org1) elif len(ones) > 0: org1 = random.choice(ones) ones.remove(org1) if len(fours) > 0: fours_sans_org1 = filter(lambda y:y != org1, fours) org2 = random.choice(fours_sans_org1) fours.remove(org2) threes.append(org2) elif len(threes) > 0: try: threes_sans_org1 = filter(lambda y:y != org1, threes) org2 = random.choice(threes_sans_org1) threes.remove(org2) twos.append(org2) except IndexError: pass elif len(filter(lambda y:y != org1, twos)) > 0: try: twos_sans_org1 = filter(lambda y:y != org1, twos) org2 = random.choice(twos_sans_org1) ones.append(org2) twos.remove(org2) except IndexError: pass elif len(filter(lambda y:y != org1, ones)) > 0: try: ones_sans_org1 = filter(lambda y:y != org1, ones) org2 = random.choice(ones_sans_org1) ones.remove(org2) except IndexError: pass #print 'one filtered list %s' % ones_sans_org1 print 'org1 %s, org2 %s' % (org1.filename, org2.filename) if org1 is not None and org2 is not None: print 'crossing org1:%s with org2:%s\n' % (org1.filename, org2.filename, ) Organism.reproduce(org1, org2, path_to_new_gen) return True else: return False
organism[item] = organism_settings[item] mutability = { 'will mutate?': make_function(organism_settings['actions sequence']['mutability']['will mutate?'], 1), 'new value': make_function(organism_settings['actions sequence']['mutability']['new value'], 1)} print "mutability['will mutate?'] =", mutability['will mutate?'](organism) print "mutability['new value'] =", mutability['new value'](organism) if test7: from Organism import * organism_settings = { 'speed': 3.0, 'attack capacity': 5.0, 'defense capacity': 2.0, 'photosynthesis capacity': 10.0, 'age': 120, 'color': ['speed', 7, {'+': ('speed', 100)}] } all_genes = extract_genes_names(organism_settings) organism = Organism({}, {}) for gene in organism_settings: organism.add_gene(gene, organism_settings[gene], all_genes) print_dictionary( organism) color = make_function(organism_settings['color']) print color(organism) print organism['color'](organism)