evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=[2943.06, 2957.1], t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, theta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[271.5, 272.5], y=0, z=0, t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=[491.68, 505.728], t=0.0)
## Use single particle generator from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags athenaCommonFlags.PoolEvgenInput.set_Off() athenaCommonFlags.SkipEvents.set_Off() ## Use single particle generator import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun(randomSvcName=simFlags.RandomSvc.get_Value(), randomStream="SINGLE") if not 'PID' in dir(): PID=211 if not 'E' in dir(): E=100000 pg.sampler.pid = PID pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0, y=0, z=0, t=0) pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=E, eta=[-1.8,1.8], phi=[0,6.28318]) topSeq += pg #--- Final step ----------------------------------------------- # This should only be used when evgen is run in the simulation step include('G4AtlasApps/fragment.SimCopyWeights.py') include("G4AtlasApps/G4Atlas.flat.configuration.py") #from TruthExamples.TruthExamplesConf import DumpMC #topSeq += DumpMC() from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, theta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[37.5, 38.5], y=0, z=0, t=0.0)
#! -*- python -*- # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration include("GeneratorUtils/StdEvgenSetup.py") theApp.EvtMax = 100 import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun() pg.randomSeed = 123456 pg.sampler.pid = (2112, 22, 2112, 22) pg.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=(1360000, 500000, 1360000, 500000), theta=(0, 0, PG.PI, PG.PI)) pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[-120, -100], y=[-10, 10], z=203950) topSeq += pg include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.CopyWeights.py") include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.PoolOutput.py") include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.DumpMC.py")
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=[-6.,6.]) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0,t=0.0)
## Use single particle generator from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags athenaCommonFlags.PoolEvgenInput.set_Off() athenaCommonFlags.SkipEvents.set_Off() ## Set particle gun parameters import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun(randomSvcName=simFlags.RandomSvc.get_Value(), randomStream="SINGLE") pg.sampler.pid = 11 pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=params['pg_E'], eta=params['pg_eta']) pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=params['pg_x'], y=params['pg_y'], z=params['pg_z'], t=params['pg_z']) topSeq += pg ## Dump truth information # from TruthExamples.TruthExamplesConf import DumpMC # topSeq += DumpMC() StoreGateSvc = Service("StoreGateSvc") StoreGateSvc.Dump = True include("G4AtlasApps/G4Atlas.flat.configuration.py") ## Use GeoCheckAction ## If using GeoCheckAction, make sure the particle type id is set to 999 (geantinos) # def add_GeoCheckAction():
#pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=100000, eta=0, phi=0) if not 'PID' in dir(): PID = 11 if not 'E' in dir(): E = 100000 if not 'Xbeam' in dir(): Xbeam = -27500 if not 'Ybeam' in dir(): Ybeam = [-20, 20] if not 'Zbeam' in dir(): Zbeam = [-20, 20] if not 'Tbeam' in dir(): Tbeam = [-31250, -23750] pg.sampler.pid = PID pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=Xbeam, y=Ybeam, z=Zbeam, t=Tbeam) pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=E, eta=0, phi=0) topSeq += pg try: include("G4AtlasApps/fragment.SimCopyWeights.py") except: try: from GeneratorModules.GeneratorModulesConf import CopyEventWeight topSeq += CopyEventWeight(TruthCollKey="GEN_EVENT") except: from EvgenProdTools.EvgenProdToolsConf import CopyEventWeight topSeq += CopyEventWeight() try:
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, theta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[213.5,214.5],y=0,z=0,t=0.0)
#! -*- python -*- # Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration include("GeneratorUtils/StdEvgenSetup.py") theApp.EvtMax = 100 import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun() pg.randomSeed = 123456 pg.sampler.pid = 13 pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=3140.0, y=[-154.134, 154.134], z=[4938.76, 5121.29], t=5929.7) pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=100000, eta=1.25, phi=0.0) topSeq += pg include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.CopyWeights.py") include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.PoolOutput.py") include("GeneratorUtils/postJO.DumpMC.py")
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=[2015.89,2029.94],t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, theta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[154.5, 155.5], y=0, z=0, t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=[1411.82,1425.87],t=0.0)
athenaCommonFlags.PoolHitsOutput = 'HITS.pool.root' athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax = 100000 from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence topSeq = AlgSequence() simFlags.EventFilter.set_Off() simFlags.MagneticField.set_Off() athenaCommonFlags.PoolEvgenInput.set_Off() import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob import ParticleGun as PG pg = PG.ParticleGun(randomSvcName=simFlags.RandomSvc.get_Value(), randomStream="SINGLE") pg.sampler.pid = 999 pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=[0.0, 0.0], t=0.0) import math pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=50000, eta=[-5., 5.], phi=[0., 2 * math.pi]) topSeq += pg MessageSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M" MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 500 from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr if not hasattr(ServiceMgr, 'THistSvc'): from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc ServiceMgr += THistSvc() ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output += ["xx0 DATAFILE='xx0.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, theta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[75.5, 76.5], y=0, z=0, t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=[2528.64, 2542.69], t=0.0)
# 100 GeV electrons - use for sampling faction calculation #pg.sampler.pid = 11 #pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=-27500, y=[-20,20], z=[-15,15], t=-27500) #pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=100000, eta=0, phi=0) if not 'PID' in dir(): PID = 11 if not 'E' in dir(): E = 100000 if not 'Ybeam' in dir(): Ybeam = [-20, 20] if not 'Zbeam' in dir(): Zbeam = [-15, 15] pg.sampler.pid = PID pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=-27500, y=Ybeam, z=Zbeam, t=-27500) pg.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=E, eta=0, phi=0) topSeq += pg include("G4AtlasApps/fragment.SimCopyWeights.py") from AthenaCommon.CfgGetter import getAlgorithm topSeq += getAlgorithm("BeamEffectsAlg") try: from RecAlgs.RecAlgsConf import TimingAlg topSeq += TimingAlg("SimTimerBegin", TimingObjOutputName="EVNTtoHITS_timings") except:
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=[997.408,1011.46],t=0.0)
evgenConfig.description = "Single geantino with flat eta-phi and E = 10 GeV" evgenConfig.keywords = ["singleParticle"] include("MC15JobOptions/ParticleGun_Common.py") import ParticleGun as PG genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pid = 999 genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.mom = PG.EEtaMPhiSampler(energy=10000, eta=0) genSeq.ParticleGun.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=[-7.024, 7.024], t=0.0)