Esempio n. 1
    def initialize(self, runInfo, oriInputFiles):
      Method to initialize the run of a new step
      @ In, runInfo, dict,  dictionary of the info in the <RunInfo> XML block
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ Out, None
        import RAVENparser
        index = self.__findInputFile(oriInputFiles)
        parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(oriInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        # get the OutStreams names
        self.outStreamsNamesAndType, self.outDatabases = parser.returnOutputs()
        # check if the linked DataObjects are among the Outstreams
        if self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
            pointSetNumber, historySetNumber = 0, 0
            for outstream, dataObj in self.outStreamsNamesAndType.items():
                if outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
                    if dataObj[1].strip() == 'PointSet':
                        pointSetNumber += 1
                        historySetNumber += 1
                    if pointSetNumber > 1 or historySetNumber > 1:
                        raise IOError(
                            self.printTag +
                            ' ERROR: Only one OutStream for PointSet and/or one for HistorySet can be linked as output export!'
            if pointSetNumber == 0 and historySetNumber == 0:
                raise IOError(
                    self.printTag +
                    ' ERROR: No one of the OutStreams linked to this interface have been found in the SLAVE RAVEN!'
                    + ' Expected: "' +
                    ' '.join(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames) +
                    '" but found "' +
                    ' '.join(self.outStreamsNamesAndType.keys()) + '"!')
        else:  # self.linkedDatabaseName
            for dbName, dbXml in self.outDatabases.items():
                if dbName == self.linkedDatabaseName:
                # the one we want wasn't found!
                raise IOError(
                    f'{self.printTag} ERROR: The Database named "{self.linkedDatabaseName}" listed '
                    'in <outputDatabase> was not found among the written Databases in active Steps in the inner RAVEN! '
                    + f'Found: {list(self.outDatabases.keys())}')

        # get variable groups
        varGroupNames = parser.returnVarGroups()
        ## store globally
        self.variableGroups = varGroupNames
        # get inner working dir
        self.innerWorkingDir = parser.workingDir
        # check operating system and define prefix if needed
        if platform.startswith("win") and utils.which("bash.exe") is not None:
            self.preCommand = 'bash.exe'
Esempio n. 2
 def initialize(self, runInfo, oriInputFiles):
   Method to initialize the run of a new step
   @ In, runInfo, dict,  dictionary of the info in the <RunInfo> XML block
   @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
   @ Out, None
     import RAVENparser
     index = self.__findInputFile(oriInputFiles)
     parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(oriInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
     # get the OutStreams names
     self.outStreamsNamesAndType = parser.returnOutstreamsNamesAnType()
     # check if the linked DataObjects are among the Outstreams
     pointSetNumber, historySetNumber = 0, 0
     for outstream, dataObj in self.outStreamsNamesAndType.items():
         if outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
             if dataObj[1].strip() == 'PointSet':
                 pointSetNumber += 1
                 historySetNumber += 1
             if pointSetNumber > 1 or historySetNumber > 1:
                 raise IOError(
                     self.printTag +
                     ' ERROR: Only one OutStream for PointSet and/or one for HistorySet can be linked as output export!'
     if pointSetNumber == 0 and historySetNumber == 0:
         raise IOError(
             self.printTag +
             ' ERROR: No one of the OutStreams linked to this interface have been found in the SLAVE RAVEN!'
             + ' Expected: "' +
             ' '.join(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames) +
             '" but found "' +
             ' '.join(self.outStreamsNamesAndType.keys()) + '"!')
     # get variable groups
     varGroupNames = parser.returnVarGroups()
     ## store globally
     self.variableGroups = varGroupNames
     # get inner working dir
     self.innerWorkingDir = parser.workingDir
Esempio n. 3
    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, oriInputFiles, samplerType,
      this generates a new input file depending on which sampler has been chosen
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
        import RAVENparser
        if 'dynamiceventtree' in str(samplerType).strip().lower():
            raise IOError(
                self.printTag +
                ' ERROR: DynamicEventTree-based sampling not supported!')
        index = self.__findInputFile(currentInputFiles)
        parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        # get sampled variables
        modifDict = Kwargs['SampledVars']

        # apply conversion scripts
        for source, convDict in self.conversionDict.items():
            module = utils.importFromPath(source)
            varVals = dict((var, np.asarray(modifDict[var]))
                           for var in convDict['variables'])
            # modify vector+ variables that need to be flattened
            if convDict['noScalar']:
                # call conversion
                newVars = module.convertNotScalarSampledVariables(varVals)
                # check type
                if type(newVars).__name__ != 'dict':
                    raise IOError(
                        self.printTag +
                        ' ERROR: convertNotScalarSampledVariables in "{}" must return a dictionary!'
                # apply new and/or updated values
            # modify scalar variables
            if convDict['scalar']:
                # call conversion, value changes happen in-place

        # we work on batchSizes here
        newBatchSize = Kwargs['NumMPI']
        internalParallel = Kwargs.get('internalParallel', False)
        if int(Kwargs['numberNodes']) > 0:
            # we are in a distributed memory machine => we allocate a node file
            nodeFileToUse = os.path.join(Kwargs['BASE_WORKING_DIR'],
                                         "node_" + str(Kwargs['INDEX']))
            if os.path.exists(nodeFileToUse):
                modifDict['RunInfo|mode'] = 'mpi'
                modifDict['RunInfo|mode|nodefile'] = nodeFileToUse
                raise IOError(self.printTag + ' ERROR: The nodefile "' +
                              str(nodeFileToUse) + '" does not exist!')
        if internalParallel or newBatchSize > 1:
            # either we have an internal parallel or NumMPI > 1
            modifDict['RunInfo|batchSize'] = newBatchSize
        #modifDict['RunInfo|internalParallel'] = internalParallel
        # make tree
        modifiedRoot = parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict, save=True, allowAdd=True)
        # modify tree
        if self.inputManipulationModule is not None:
            module = utils.importFromPath(self.inputManipulationModule)
            modifiedRoot = module.modifyInput(modifiedRoot, modifDict)
        # write input file
        parser.printInput(modifiedRoot, currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
        # copy slave files
        return currentInputFiles
Esempio n. 4
  def createNewInput(self,currentInputFiles,oriInputFiles,samplerType,**Kwargs):
      this generates a new input file depending on which sampler has been chosen
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
    import RAVENparser
    if 'dynamiceventtree' in str(samplerType).strip().lower():
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: DynamicEventTree-based sampling not supported!')
    index = self.__findInputFile(currentInputFiles)
    parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
    # get the OutStreams names
    self.outStreamsNamesAndType = parser.returnOutstreamsNamesAnType()
    # check if the linked DataObjects are among the Outstreams
    pointSetNumber, historySetNumber = 0, 0
    for outstream, dataObj in self.outStreamsNamesAndType.items():
      if outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        if dataObj[1].strip() == 'PointSet':
        if pointSetNumber > 1 or historySetNumber > 1:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: Only one OutStream for PointSet and/or one for HistorySet can be linked as output export!')
    if pointSetNumber == 0 and historySetNumber == 0:
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: No one of the OutStreams linked to this interface have been found in the SLAVE RAVEN!'
                                 +' Expected: "'+' '.join(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames)+'" but found "'
                                 +' '.join(self.outStreamsNamesAndType.keys())+'"!')
    # get variable groups
    varGroupNames = parser.returnVarGroups()
    if len(varGroupNames) > 0:
      # check if they are not present in the linked outstreams
      for outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        inputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Input")
        outputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Output")
        inputVariables = inputNode.text.split(",") if inputNode is not None else []
        outputVariables =  outputNode.text.split(",") if outputNode is not None else []
        if any (varGroupName in inputVariables+outputVariables for varGroupName in varGroupNames):
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The VariableGroup system is not supported in the current ' +
                                      'implementation of the interface for the DataObjects specified in the '+
                                      '<outputExportOutStreams> XML node!')
    # get inner working dir
    self.innerWorkingDir = parser.workingDir
    # get sampled variables
    modifDict = Kwargs['SampledVars']

    # apply conversion scripts
    for source,convDict in self.conversionDict.items():
      module = utils.importFromPath(source)
      varVals = dict((var,np.asarray(modifDict[var])) for var in convDict['variables'])
      # modify vector+ variables that need to be flattened
      if convDict['noScalar']:
        # call conversion
        newVars = module.convertNotScalarSampledVariables(varVals)
        # check type
        if type(newVars).__name__ != 'dict':
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: convertNotScalarSampledVariables in "{}" must return a dictionary!'.format(source))
        # apply new and/or updated values
      # modify scalar variables
      if convDict['scalar']:
        # call conversion, value changes happen in-place

    # we work on batchSizes here
    newBatchSize = Kwargs['NumMPI']
    internalParallel = Kwargs.get('internalParallel',False)
    if int(Kwargs['numberNodes']) > 0:
      # we are in a distributed memory machine => we allocate a node file
      nodeFileToUse = os.path.join(Kwargs['BASE_WORKING_DIR'],"node_" +str(Kwargs['INDEX']))
      if os.path.exists(nodeFileToUse):
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode'           ] = 'mpi'
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode|nodefile'  ] = nodeFileToUse
        raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The nodefile "'+str(nodeFileToUse)+'" does not exist!')
    if internalParallel or newBatchSize > 1:
      # either we have an internal parallel or NumMPI > 1
      modifDict['RunInfo|batchSize'       ] = newBatchSize
    #modifDict['RunInfo|internalParallel'] = internalParallel
    #make tree
    modifiedRoot = parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict,save=True,allowAdd = True)
    #make input
    # copy slave files
    return currentInputFiles