Esempio n. 1
def rnnrbm():

    #This function builds the RNN-RBM and returns the parameters of the model
    x = tf.placeholder(
        [None, n_visible])  #The placeholder variable that holds our data
    lr = tf.placeholder(
    )  #The learning rate. We set and change this value during training.

    size_bt = tf.shape(x)[
        0]  # Not really batch, but the longeur of time series

    #parameters to learn, we find that except W, the other four Weight matrices aren't well learned,
    #So there isn't a good evolution of RBM in time. We can train a single RBM and produce a similar result.
    W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden]), name="W")
    Wuh = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden]), name="Wuh")
    Wuv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_visible]), name="Wuv")
    Wvu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="Wvu")
    Wuu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_hidden_recurrent, n_hidden_recurrent]),
    bh = tf.Variable(
        tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="bh"
    )  # bh is altually bh_0, we consider only bh_0 as parameters for training .
    bv = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="bv")
    bu = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="bu")
    u0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden_recurrent]), name="u0")
    BH_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]), name="BH_t")
    BV_t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, n_visible]), name="BV_t")

    def recurrence(nest, v_t):
        # This function do all the procedures in one RBM.
        bv_t = tf.add(bv,
                                Wuv))  # generate current bv_t based on u_{t-1}
        bh_t = tf.add(bh,
                                Wuh))  # generate current bh_t based on u_{t-1}
        v_t_sample = RBM.gibbs_sample(
            tf.reshape(v_t, [1, n_visible]), W, bv_t, bh_t,
            k=1)  # sample v_t according generated bias
        v_t_sample = tf.reshape(v_t_sample, [1, n_visible])
        u_t = tf.sigmoid(bu + tf.matmul(v_t_sample, Wvu) +
                         tf.matmul(nest[0], Wuu))  # calculate current u_t

        return [u_t, bv_t, bh_t, v_t_sample]

    Uarr, BV_t, BH_t, V_t_sample = tf.scan(recurrence,
                                               tf.zeros([1, n_visible]),
                                               tf.zeros([1, n_hidden]),
                                               tf.zeros([1, n_visible])
    BV_t = tf.reshape(BV_t, [size_bt, n_visible])
    BH_t = tf.reshape(BH_t, [size_bt, n_hidden])
    V_t_sample = tf.reshape(V_t_sample, [size_bt, n_visible])
    #Get the free energy cost from each of the RBMs
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.subtract(RBM.F(x, W, BV_t, BH_t), RBM.F(V_t_sample, W, BV_t, BH_t)))

    def reconstruction():
        #This function handles reconstructing de trajectory. This function is one of the outputs of the rnnrbm() function
        primer = x
        Uarr, BV_t, BH_t, V_t_sample = tf.scan(
            recurrence, x, initializer=[u0, bv, bh,
                                        tf.zeros([1, n_visible])])
        traj = tf.reshape(V_t_sample, [size_bt, n_visible])
        return traj

    return x, cost, reconstruction, W, Wuh, Wuv, Wvu, Wuu, bh, bv, bu, lr, u0