Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: r-b-g-b/Lab
def export_unit(Data0):
	# number of time bins to include in the LFP array
	nlfpsamp = 0
	for tt, trial in enumerate(Data0['trial'][0][0][0]):

		thislfpsamp = trial['LFP'].shape[1]
		if thislfpsamp>nlfpsamp:
			nlfpsamp = thislfpsamp
	ntrials = Data0['trial'][0][0][0].size # find number of trials
	nstimID = Data0['trial'][0][0][0][0]['Epoch_Value'][0].size
	# initialze LFP
	lfp = np.ndarray((2, ntrials, nlfpsamp), dtype = 'float32')
	# initialize frequency and attenuation IDs
	stimID = np.ndarray((ntrials, nstimID), dtype = 'float32')

	for tt in range(ntrials):
		trial = Data0['trial'][0][0][0][tt]

		thisstimID = np.float32(trial['Epoch_Value'][0])
		# get the LFP for this trial and pad it with nans so it can fit in a matrix (since some of the trials have +/-1 data point for LFP)
		for cc in range(2):
			lfpchannel = trial['LFP'][cc]
			lfp[cc, tt, :len(lfpchannel)] = lfpchannel
		# add to Epoch_Value
		stimID[tt, :] = thisstimID

	remID = np.array([0., 0.])
	trial_mask = RF.make_trial_mask(stimID, remID)
	lfp = lfp[:, ~trial_mask, :]
	stimID = stimID[~trial_mask, :]

	return lfp, stimID