Esempio n. 1
 def GetFilelist(self):
     """ Returns the list of files from the RaR archive """
     tracer.debug("WinRaRArchive - GetFilelist")
     f = RarFile(self.filename)
     for fi in f.iterfiles():
     del f
Esempio n. 2
 def Unpack(self, target=None):
     """Extract the files in the RaR Archive to the path specified in the mapping dictionary"""
     tracer.debug("WinRaRArchive - Unpack")
     global textfiles
     totalfiles = float(len(self.namelist)) # float to force non-integer division
     countfiles = 0
     rfile = RarFile(self.filename)
     for rf in rfile.iterfiles():
         # report progress
         countfiles += 1
         if totalfiles > 1:
             WurmCommon.outProgressPercent(_("Unpacking RAR file"), countfiles/totalfiles)
         n = rf.filename
         if not self.IsFileRequired(n, self.filemap):
         if n[-1:] == '/': # is a directory
                 os.makedirs(os.path.join(target, n))
                 pass # path already exists
             ext   = os.path.splitext(n)[1].replace('.', '') # leaves only the extension, no leading dot
             mode  = "wb" # default to binary
             rmode = "rb" # UnRAR needs to have read mode specified, too
             if ext.lower() in textfiles and not int(WurmCommon.getGlobalSetting(":PreserveNewline")):
                 mode  = "wt"
                 rmode = "rt"
             filename = os.path.join(target, n)
             dirpath  = os.path.dirname(filename)
             # Create additional directories - this is due to ambiguities in the file structure
             if dirpath and not os.path.exists(dirpath):
             if rf.size > 0: # must check size, since directories may appear as files in the RAR
                     f = open(os.path.join(target, n), mode)
                 except Exception, details:
                     WurmCommon.outWarning(_("Could not extract file %(filename)s") % {'filename': n}) # Accept that some files can't be extracted, in case of read-only custom files
                     WurmCommon.outDebug("^^^ - %s %s" % (str(Exception), str(details)))
                 WurmCommon.outDebug("Successfully Extracted %s to %s" % (n, dirpath))
Esempio n. 3
 def ExtractFiles(self, filelist=None, target=None):
     Extracts the specified files to target dir (if target is None, it uses the unpack dir) without preserving directory structure
     Returns a map 'filename given in filelist' -> 'filename on disk'
     tracer.debug("WinRaRArchive - ExtractFiles")
     if not filelist:
         filelist = self.namelist
     if not target:
         target = WurmCommon.directories["unpack"]
     fmap = {}
     f = RarFile(self.filename)
     for fi in f.iterfiles():
         if fl: # Ignore missing entries
             fl = fi.filename
             if fl not in filelist:
             (dirname, fname) = os.path.split(fl)
             ext   = os.path.splitext(fl)[1].replace('.', '') # leaves only the extension, no leading dot
             mode  = "wb" #default to binary
             rmode = "rb"
             if ext.lower() in textfiles and not int(WurmCommon.getGlobalSetting(":PreserveNewline")):
                mode  = "wt"
                rmode = "rt"
             tfname = os.path.join(target, fname)
             tf     = open(tfname, mode)
             fmap[fl] = tfname
             WurmCommon.outDebug("Extracted %s from %s" % (fname, os.path.split(self.filename)[1]))
     del f
     return fmap