def MULTI_BULLET(groupa, groupb, pos): BULLET1 = s.Bullet(pos, (6, 0), m.MEDIA['red_bullet']) BULLET2 = s.Bullet(pos, (6, -6), m.MEDIA['orange_bullet']) BULLET3 = s.Bullet(pos, (0, -6), m.MEDIA['yellow_bullet']) BULLET4 = s.Bullet(pos, (-6, -6), m.MEDIA['green_bullet']) BULLET5 = s.Bullet(pos, (-6, 0), m.MEDIA['blue_bullet']) BULLET6 = s.Bullet(pos, (-6, 6), m.MEDIA['purple_bullet']) BULLET7 = s.Bullet(pos, (0, 6), m.MEDIA['white_bullet']) BULLET8 = s.Bullet(pos, (6, 6), m.MEDIA['grey_bullet']) groupa.add(BULLET1, BULLET2, BULLET3, BULLET4, BULLET5, BULLET6, BULLET7, BULLET8) groupb.add(BULLET1, BULLET2, BULLET3, BULLET4, BULLET5, BULLET6, BULLET7, BULLET8) m.MEDIA['multi_shoot_sound'].play()
def GAME(): # Game Variables ALL_SPRITES = pygame.sprite.Group() BULLETS1 = pygame.sprite.Group() BULLETS2 = pygame.sprite.Group() CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() TEXTS1 = g.FONTSMALL.render('Player 1', True, d.GAME_DICT[g.P1CHAR.upper()]['COLOR']) TEXTS2 = g.FONTSMALL.render('Player 2', True, d.GAME_DICT[g.P2CHAR.upper()]['COLOR']) TEXTS3 = g.FONTSMALL.render('Escape to leave', True, g.WHITE) TEXTS4 = g.FONTSMALL.render('Enter to restart', True, g.WHITE) # Using the variable where mode is stored to set game conditions GAME_MUSIC = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['MUSIC'] g.TIMER = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['TIMER'] PLAYER_VELOCITY = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['PLAYER_VELOCITY'] BULLET_VELOCITY = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['BULLET_VELOCITY'] PLAYER1 = s.Player((35, 35), BULLETS2, (BULLET_VELOCITY, 0), g.P1CHAR, ALL_SPRITES) PLAYER2 = s.Player((465, 465), BULLETS1, (-BULLET_VELOCITY, 0), g.P2CHAR, ALL_SPRITES) = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['HEALTH'] = d.GAME_DICT['MODE'][g.MODE]['HEALTH'] # Bools LOOP = True TIME = True TIME1 = True TIME2 = True ON_START = True ON_END = True CONFIRM = False # Integers VELOCITY_RESET = 0 DT = CLOCK.tick(60) / 1000 TEXT_LOCAL = (222, 520) while LOOP: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: g.SUPERLOOP = False LOOP = False # Keymap elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_e and not PLAYER1.toggle: BULLET = s.Bullet(, pygame.math.Vector2(PLAYER1.fire_direction), PLAYER1.bullet_image) BULLETS1.add(BULLET) ALL_SPRITES.add(BULLET) m.MEDIA['shoot_sound'].play() if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and not PLAYER2.toggle: BULLET = s.Bullet(, pygame.math.Vector2(PLAYER2.fire_direction), PLAYER2.bullet_image) BULLETS2.add(BULLET) ALL_SPRITES.add(BULLET) m.MEDIA['shoot_sound'].play() if event.key == pygame.K_d and PLAYER1.toggle == False: PLAYER1.vel.x = PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER1.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( BULLET_VELOCITY, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_a and PLAYER1.toggle == False: PLAYER1.vel.x = -PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER1.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( -BULLET_VELOCITY, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_s and PLAYER1.toggle == False: PLAYER1.vel.y = PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER1.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( 0, BULLET_VELOCITY) if event.key == pygame.K_w and PLAYER1.toggle == False: PLAYER1.vel.y = -PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER1.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( 0, -BULLET_VELOCITY) if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and PLAYER2.toggle == False: PLAYER2.vel.x = PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER2.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( BULLET_VELOCITY, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and PLAYER2.toggle == False: PLAYER2.vel.x = -PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER2.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( -BULLET_VELOCITY, 0) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and PLAYER2.toggle == False: PLAYER2.vel.y = PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER2.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( 0, BULLET_VELOCITY) if event.key == pygame.K_UP and PLAYER2.toggle == False: PLAYER2.vel.y = -PLAYER_VELOCITY PLAYER2.fire_direction = pygame.math.Vector2( 0, -BULLET_VELOCITY) if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_d: PLAYER1.vel.x = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_a: PLAYER1.vel.x = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_s: PLAYER1.vel.y = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_w: PLAYER1.vel.y = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: PLAYER2.vel.x = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: PLAYER2.vel.x = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: PLAYER2.vel.y = VELOCITY_RESET if event.key == pygame.K_UP: PLAYER2.vel.y = VELOCITY_RESET keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # Code that runs on first iteration if ON_START: m.MEDIA['fight_sound'].play() ON_START = False # Pause Function, stops all game movement if keys[pygame.K_TAB] and not CONFIRM and ON_END: PLAYER1.toggle = True PLAYER2.toggle = True CONFIRM = True TIME = False for BULLET in BULLETS1: BULLET.toggle = True for BULLET in BULLETS2: BULLET.toggle = True pygame.mixer.pause() m.MEDIA['pause_sound'].play() # Cancel Pause elif keys[pygame.K_LSHIFT] and CONFIRM: PLAYER1.toggle = False PLAYER2.toggle = False CONFIRM = False TIME = True for BULLET in BULLETS1: BULLET.toggle = False for BULLET in BULLETS2: BULLET.toggle = False pygame.mixer.unpause() m.MEDIA['pause_sound'].play() # Exit Game elif keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and CONFIRM: g.SUPERLOOP = False LOOP = False # Restarting Game elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN] and CONFIRM: GAME_MUSIC.stop() LOOP = False # Subtracting time, setting text, checking if timer has run out, more leaving/restart functions if TIME: g.TIMER -= DT TXT = d.GAME_DICT['TIMER'][g.TIMER < 10][1].render( str(round(g.TIMER, 1)), True, d.GAME_DICT['TIMER'][g.TIMER < 10][0]) if g.TIMER <= 0: PLAYER1.toggle = True PLAYER2.toggle = True for BULLET in BULLETS1: BULLET.toggle = True for BULLET in BULLETS2: BULLET.toggle = True GAME_MUSIC.stop() TIME = False ON_END = False TEXT_LOCAL = (190, 530) TXT = g.FONTNORMAL.render('Times Up!', True, g.GREY) if not TIME and keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif not TIME and keys[pygame.K_RETURN] and not CONFIRM: pygame.mixer.pause() LOOP = False # Outcome is Player 2 Wins if == 0: TXT = g.FONTNORMAL.render('Player 2 Wins!', True, PLAYER2.color) TEXT_LOCAL = (155, 530) TIME = False ON_END = False GAME_MUSIC.stop() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not CONFIRM: g.SUPERLOOP = False LOOP = False elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN] and not CONFIRM: LOOP = False # Outcome if Player 1 Wins if == 0: TXT = g.FONTNORMAL.render('Player 1 Wins!', True, PLAYER1.color) TEXT_LOCAL = (210, 530) TIME = False ON_END = False GAME_MUSIC.stop() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not CONFIRM: g.SUPERLOOP = False LOOP = False elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN] and not CONFIRM: LOOP = False # Outcome of draw if == 0 and == 0: TXT = g.FONTNORMAL.render('Draw!', True, v.GREY) TEXT_LOCAL = (210, 530) TIME = False ON_END = False GAME_MUSIC.stop() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not CONFIRM: g.SUPERLOOP = False LOOP = False elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN] and not CONFIRM: LOOP = False ALL_SPRITES.update() # Drawing Sprites/Bullets/GUI m.SCREEN.fill(g.BLACK) m.SCREEN.blit(m.MEDIA['wall'], (0, 0)) m.SCREEN.blit( pygame.transform.flip(d.GAME_DICT['HP'][], True, False), (20, 530)) m.SCREEN.blit(d.GAME_DICT['HP'][], (380, 530)) m.SCREEN.blit(TXT, TEXT_LOCAL) m.SCREEN.blit(TEXTS1, (19, 515)) m.SCREEN.blit(TEXTS2, (429, 515)) ALL_SPRITES.draw(m.SCREEN) if not ON_END: m.SCREEN.blit(TEXTS3, (395, 10)) m.SCREEN.blit(TEXTS4, (10, 10)) if CONFIRM: m.SCREEN.blit(m.MEDIA['paused'], (154, 165)) pygame.display.flip() CLOCK.tick(60)
def TEMP_DEFAULT(groupa, groupb, pos, vel, img): BULLET = s.Bullet(pos, vel, img) groupa.add(BULLET) groupb.add(BULLET) m.MEDIA['shoot_sound'].play()