Esempio n. 1
def get1DEfields(m1d, sigma, freq, sourceAmp=1.0):
    """Function to get 1D electrical fields"""

    # Get the gradient
    G = m1d.nodalGrad
    # Mass matrices
    # Magnetic permeability
    Mmu = simpeg.Utils.sdiag(m1d.vol * (1.0 / mu_0))
    # Conductivity
    Msig = m1d.getFaceInnerProduct(sigma)
    # Set up the solution matrix
    A = G.T * Mmu * G + 1j * 2. * np.pi * freq * Msig
    # Define the inner part of the solution matrix
    Aii = A[1:-1, 1:-1]
    # Define the outer part of the solution matrix
    Aio = A[1:-1, [0, -1]]

    # Set the boundary conditions
    Ed, Eu, Hd, Hu = getEHfields(m1d, sigma, freq, m1d.vectorNx)
    Etot = (Ed + Eu)
    if sourceAmp is not None:
        Etot = ((Etot / Etot[-1]) * sourceAmp
                )  # Scale the fields to be equal to sourceAmp at the top
    ## Note: The analytic solution is derived with e^iwt
    bc = np.r_[Etot[0], Etot[-1]]
    # The right hand side
    rhs = Aio * bc
    # Solve the system
    Aii_inv = simpeg.Solver(Aii)
    eii = Aii_inv * rhs
    # Assign the boundary conditions
    e = np.r_[bc[0], eii, bc[1]]
    # Return the electrical fields
    return e