from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab

from Space.Coordinates import Cartesian
from Space.Curve.Parametric import Helix
from Space.Pathfinder import line_between_two_points, helix_between_two_points, arc_between_two_points
import Space_visualization as Visual

coordinate_system = Cartesian()
coordinate_system.rotate_axis_angle(np.ones(3), np.deg2rad(45))

fig = mlab.figure('CS demo', bgcolor=(0, 0, 0))
Visual.draw_coordinate_system_axes(fig, coordinate_system)

right_helix = Helix(name='Right Helix', coordinate_system=coordinate_system,
                    radius=2, pitch=0.5, start=0, stop=np.pi * 4, right=True)
left_helix = Helix(name='Left Helix', coordinate_system=coordinate_system,
                   radius=2, pitch=0.5, start=0, stop=np.pi * 2, right=False)

print('Helix length:', left_helix.length())

right_helix_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=right_helix)

left_helix_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=left_helix)

point1 = np.array([1, 1, 0])
point2 = np.array([2, 2, 0])
points = np.vstack((coordinate_system.to_parent(point1), coordinate_system.to_parent(point2)))
import Space_visualization as Visual

# Create cartesian coordinate system

# if you don't pass arguments the basis coincide with 'Absolute' (mayavi) coordinate system
CS_1 = Cartesian(origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]), euler_angles_convention='Bunge')
CS_2 = Cartesian(origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]), euler_angles_convention='Bunge')
step_prec = 1.0  # in degrees
step_rot = 1.0  # in degrees
direction_prec = 1
direction_rot = 1
Phi = 30  # tilt in degrees
CS_1.euler_angles += np.array([0, np.deg2rad(Phi), 0])  # tilt the CS
# to visualise the coordinate system basis the module Visual is used

fig = mlab.figure('CS demo', bgcolor=(0, 0, 0))  # Create the mayavi figure

cs_box_1, arrows_1, labels_1 = Visual.draw_coordinate_system_box(fig, CS_1, draw_labels=True)
arrows_2, labels_2 = Visual.draw_coordinate_system_axes(fig, CS_2, scale=2, draw_labels=True)
def anim():
    while 1:
        delta_eulers = np.array([direction_prec * np.deg2rad(step_prec), 0, direction_rot * np.deg2rad(step_rot)])
        CS_1.euler_angles += delta_eulers
        Visual.update_coordinate_system_box(CS_1, cs_box_1, arrows_1, labels_1)
