Esempio n. 1
def create_module_manual(moduleName):
    sys.stdout = open(pmwDocHtmlDir + moduleName + '.html', 'w')
    print header(
	title = 'Pmw.' + moduleName + ' reference manual',
	heading = 'Pmw.' + moduleName

    print '<dl>'
    textModule = __import__(moduleName + '_text')
    print '<dt> <h3>Name</h3></dt><dd>'
    text = 'Pmw.' + moduleName + ' - ' +
    print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
    print '</dd>'
    print '<dt> <h3>Description</h3></dt><dd>'
    text = textModule.description
    print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
    print '</dd>'

    functionNames = []
    module = __import__('Pmw' + moduleName)
    for name, value in module.__dict__.items():
	if name[0] != '_' and type(value) == types.FunctionType:
	    functionNames.append((name, value))

    print '<dt> <h3>Functions</h3></dt><dd>'
    print 'The following functions are available.<p></p>'
    functions_with_text = textModule.text['functions'].keys()

    print '<dl>'
    for name, function in functionNames:
	args = getFunctionArgs(function)
	print '<dt> <strong>Pmw.' + moduleName + '.' + name + '</strong>' + args + '</dt><dd>'
	if name in textModule.text['functions']:
	    text = textModule.text['functions'][name]
	    text = StructuredText.gethtml(text)
	    if text[:3] == '<p>':
		print text[3:]
		print text
	    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no text for function ' + name + '\n')
	    print '<p></p>'
	print '</dd>'
    print '</dl>'
    print '</dd></dl>'

    if len(functions_with_text) > 0:
	sys.stderr.write('ERROR: unknown functions ' +
		str(functions_with_text) + ' for module' + moduleName + '\n')

    print blue_line()
    if textModule.reviewdate != '':
        extra = '<br>Manual page last reviewed: ' + textModule.reviewdate
        extra = ''
    print trailer(extra = extra)
Esempio n. 2
    def create_tree_Object(self, docobj):
        """Default implementation for generating doctrees."""
            "Creating tree for %s %s" % (docobj.tag(),, 2)
        oneliner, doc = docstring.split_doc(docobj.docstring())
            oneliner = eval("self.fix_oneliner_%s(oneliner)" % docobj.tag())
        except AttributeError:

        doc, hyperdef_doc = docstring.split_hyper(doc)

        st = StructuredText.StructuredText(doc)
        if oneliner:
            node = doctree.Oneliner('')
            self._create_markup_node(oneliner, node)

        marker = doctree.DocNode('', 'Marker')
        for child in docobj.subobjects():
            dtree = child.document(Markup)
            self.__doctree.add_child_sorted(dtree, after=marker)

        desc = doctree.Description()
        self.__parse_hyperdef(hyperdef_doc, docobj)
        self.__parse(st.structure, desc, docobj)
Esempio n. 3
def create_page(moduleName, pageName, title):
    sys.stdout = open(pmwDocHtmlDir + pageName, 'w')
    print header(title = title, heading = title)
    module = __import__(moduleName)
    text = StructuredText.gethtml(module.text)
    print text
    print blue_line()
    print trailer()
Esempio n. 4
def format_stx( text, level=1 ):
        Render STX to HTML.
    st = StructuredText.Basic( text )   # Creates the basic DOM
    if not st:                          # If it's an empty object
        return ""                       # return now or have errors!

    doc = CMFDocumentClass( st )
    html = CMFHtmlWithImages( doc, level )
    return html
Esempio n. 5
def create_function_manual():
    sys.stdout = open(pmwDocHtmlDir + 'PmwFunctions.html', 'w')
    print header(
	title = 'Pmw functions reference manual',
	heading = 'Pmw functions',
    functionNames = []
    import PmwBase
    for name, value in PmwBase.__dict__.items():
	if name[0] != '_' and type(value) == types.FunctionType:
	    args = getFunctionArgs(value)
	    functionNames.append((name, args))
    for name in _functions.keys():
	value = getattr(Pmw, name)
	if hasattr(value, 'func_code'):
	    args = getFunctionArgs(value)
	    functionNames.append((name, args))
	elif name not in ('OK', 'ERROR', 'PARTIAL'):
	    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: ' + name + ' is not a function\n')

    import PmwLoader
    cls = PmwLoader.PmwLoader
    for name, value in cls.__dict__.items():
	if name[0] != '_' and type(value) == types.FunctionType:
	    args = getFunctionArgs(value, 1)
	    functionNames.append((name, args))

    import PmwFunctions_text
    print '<dl>'
    for name, args in functionNames:
	print '<dt> <strong>Pmw.' + name + '</strong>' + args + '</dt><dd>'
	if hasattr(PmwFunctions_text, name):
	    text = getattr(PmwFunctions_text, name)
	    text = StructuredText.gethtml(text)
	    print text
	    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no text for function ' + name + '\n')
	    print '<p></p>'
	print '</dd>'
    print '</dl>'

    print blue_line()
    print trailer()
Esempio n. 6
def structured_text(v, name='(Unknown name)', md={}):
    global StructuredText
    if StructuredText is None: import StructuredText
    return str(StructuredText.html_with_references(str(v), 3))
Esempio n. 7
def printSection(widgetName, sectionName):
    global sectionsUsed

    info = widgetInfo[widgetName]
    fullWidgetName = 'Pmw.' + widgetName

    for name, after, relative, text in info['text'].sections:
	if not after and relative == sectionName:
	    sectionsUsed = sectionsUsed + 1
	    print '<dt> <h3>' + name + '</h3></dt><dd>'
	    print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
            print '</dd>'

    if sectionName == 'Name':
	print '<dt> <h3>Name</h3></dt><dd>'
	text = fullWidgetName + '() - ' + info['text'].name
	print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
        print '</dd>'

    elif sectionName == 'Inherits':
	if len(info['bases']) > 0:
	    print '<dt> <h3>Inherits</h3></dt><dd>'
	    for base in info['bases']:
		print link(base) + '<br>'
            print '</dd>'

    elif sectionName == 'Description':
	print '<dt> <h3>Description</h3></dt><dd>'
	text = info['text'].description
	print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
        print '</dd>'

    elif sectionName == 'Options':
	if len(info['options']) > 0:
	    print '<dt> <h3>Options</h3></dt><dd>'
	    print 'Options for this megawidget and its base'
	    print 'classes are described below.<p></p>'
	    options_with_text = info['text'].text['options'].keys()
	    for option, default, isinit in info['options']:
		print '<a name=option.' + option + '></a>'
		print '<dl><dt> <strong>' + option
		print '</strong></dt><dd>'
		text = ''
		if isinit:
		    text = 'Initialisation option. '
		    text = ''
		optionText = getPartText(widgetName, option, 'options')
		if optionText is None:
		    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no text for ' + widgetName +
			' option ' + option + '\n')
		    text = text + optionText
		if option in info['text'].text['options']:
		if option not in info['text'].no_auto_default:
                    if type(default) == type(()) and len(default) > 0:
                        text = text + ' The default is *('
                        for s in default:
                            text = text + "\\'" + default[0] + "\\', "
                        if len(default) == 1:
                            text = text[:-1]
                            text = text[:-2]
                        text = text + ")*."
                        text = text + ' The default is *' + getRepr(default) + '*.'
		text = StructuredText.gethtml(text)
		if text[:3] == '<p>':
		    print text[3:]
		    print text
		print '</dd></dl>'
            print '</dd>'

	    if len(options_with_text) > 0:
		sys.stderr.write('ERROR: unknown options ' +
			str(options_with_text) + ' for ' + fullWidgetName + '\n')

    elif sectionName == 'Components':
	global componentClass
	componentClass = {}
	if len(info['components']) > 0:
	    print '<dt> <h3>Components</h3></dt><dd>'
	    print 'Components created by this megawidget and its base'
	    print 'classes are described below.<p></p>'
	    components_with_text = info['text'].text['components'].keys()
	    for component, megawidget, cls, group in info['components']:
		componentClass[component] = cls
		print '<a name=component.' + component + '></a>'
		print '<dl><dt> <strong>' + component
		print '</strong></dt><dd>'
		componentText = getPartText(widgetName, component, 'components')
		if componentText is None:
		    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no text for ' + widgetName +
			' component ' + component + '\n')
		    text = ''
		    text = componentText
		if component in info['text'].text['components']:
		text = text + ' By default, this component is a ' + \
			link(cls, style = 'structured') + '.'
		if group is not None:
		    text = text + ' Its component group is *' + group + '*.'
		text = StructuredText.gethtml(text)
		if text[:3] == '<p>':
		    print text[3:]
		    print text
		print '</dd></dl>'
            print '</dd>'

	    if len(components_with_text) > 0:
		sys.stderr.write('ERROR: unknown components ' +
			str(components_with_text) + ' for ' + fullWidgetName + '\n')

    elif sectionName == 'Component aliases':
	if len(info['aliases']) > 0:
	    print '<dt> <h3>Component aliases</h3></dt><dd>'
	    print 'Sub-components of components of this megawidget'
	    print 'may be accessed via the following aliases.<p></p>'
	    for alias, name in info['aliases']:
		print '<dl><dt> <strong>' + alias
		print '</strong></dt><dd>'
		print 'Alias for <strong>' + name + '</strong>.'
		print '</dd></dl>'
            print '</dd>'

    elif sectionName == 'Methods':
	print '<a name=methods></a>'
	print '<dt> <h3>Methods</h3></dt><dd>'
	bases = info['bases']
	if len(bases) > 0:
	    if len(info['methods']) == 0:
		print 'This megawidget has no methods of its own.'
		print 'Only methods specific to this megawidget are ' + \
		    'described below.'
            print 'For a description of its inherited methods, see the'
            if len(bases) == 1:
                base = bases[0]
                print 'manual for its base class'
                print '<strong>' + link(base, 'methods') + '</strong>.'
                print 'manuals for its base classes '
                linkText = '<strong>' + link(base, 'methods') + '</strong>.'
                for i in len(bases):
                    base = bases[i]
                    if i == len(bases) - 1:
                        print linkText + '.'
                    elif i == len(bases) - 2:
                        print linkText + ' and '
                        print linkText + ', '

	    if len(info['forwardedcomponents']) > 0:
		if len(info['forwardedcomponents']) == 1:
		    cls = componentClass[info['forwardedcomponents'][0]]
		    component = info['forwardedcomponents'][0]
		    print 'In addition, methods from the'
		    print '<strong>' + link(cls, 'methods') + '</strong> class'
		    print 'are forwarded by this megawidget to the'
		    print '<strong>' + component + '</strong> component.'
		    print 'In addition, methods from the following classes'
		    print 'are forwarded by this megawidget.'
		    for component in info['forwardedcomponents']:
			cls = componentClass[component]
			print 'Methods from <strong>' + \
			    link(cls, 'methods') + '</strong>'
			print 'are forwarded to the'
			print '<strong>' + component + '</strong> component.'
		    print 'Forwarded methods are searched in the order given.'

	    print '<p></p>'

	methods_with_text = info['text'].text['methods'].keys()
	for method, args in info['methods']:
	    if method == 'destroy' and \
		    widgetName not in ('MegaToplevel', 'MegaArchetype'):
		# Many widgets need to override destroy() just to unset timers.
	    print '<a name=method.' + method + '></a>'
	    print '<dl><dt> <strong>' + method + '</strong>' + args + '</dt><dd>'
	    text = getPartText(widgetName, method, 'methods')
	    if text is None:
		sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no text for ' + widgetName +
		    ' method ' + method + '\n')
		print '<p></p>'
		text = StructuredText.gethtml(text)
		if text[:3] == '<p>':
		    print text[3:]
		    print text
	    if method in info['text'].text['methods']:
	    print '</dd></dl>'
        print '</dd>'

	if len(methods_with_text) > 0:
	    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: unknown methods ' +
		    str(methods_with_text) + ' for ' + fullWidgetName + '\n')

    elif sectionName == 'Example':
        demoFile = '../demos/' + widgetName + '.py'
        if os.path.isfile(demoFile):
	    print '<dt> <h3>Example</h3></dt><dd>'
            if gotImage:
                print 'The image at the top of this manual is a snapshot'
                print 'of the window (or part of the window) produced'
                print 'by the following code.<p></p>'
                print 'Example code using %s.<p></p>' % fullWidgetName
            lines = []
            for line in open(demoFile).readlines():
                if len(lines) != 0:
                    if line == ('#' * 70) + '\n':
                        # End of Demo class
                if line == 'class Demo:\n':

            while lines[-1] == '\n':
                del lines[-1]
	    print '<pre>'
            escapedText = cgi.escape(''.join(lines))
            print StructuredText.untabify(escapedText)
	    print '</pre>'
            print '</dd>'
            if widgetName not in baseClassList:
                sys.stderr.write('ERROR: no %s demo for %s\n' %
                    (demoFile, fullWidgetName))

    for name, after, relative, text in info['text'].sections:
	if after and relative == sectionName:
	    sectionsUsed = sectionsUsed + 1
	    print '<dt> <h3>' + name + '</h3></dt><dd>'
	    print StructuredText.gethtml(text)
            print '</dd>'
Esempio n. 8
def structured_text(v, name='(Unknown name)', md={}):
    global StructuredText
    if StructuredText is None:
        import StructuredText
    return str(StructuredText.html_with_references(str(v), 3))